Zantrex Black Review – The Best Zantrex Yet?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-18-2021

Side Effects
Pros and Cons
Where to Buy
User Reviews
Zantrex Black Overview
Zantrex is a very popular, yet controversial weight loss supplement made by Zoller Labs.
First there was the original Zantrex 3 in the red bottle, which we’ve actually tested.
The side effects of the red bottle were just too much for some, and here’s just a sample of some of them that were left on our site back in 2015.
Then there was Zantrex 3 Blue which was the company’s answer to complaints of side effects caused by original.
The blue bottle is a GREAT fat burner, and is actually one of the best fat burners for women we’ve ever tested.
Now there’s Zantrex Black, the Accelerated Rapid Release Formula.
All three of the products in the line have the same stated goals, which are to:
- Burn fat
- Decrease appetite
- Give you energy
- Help you lose weight
But they each approach it in a different way.
We’ve reviewed Red and Blue in the past.We’ve even compared them.
So this time, we’re primarily dealing with Zantrex Black.
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Zantrex Black, as stated above, is the option for people who want a fast acting weight loss supplement that they can use in conjunction with any sensible weight loss product.
The focus is on the quickness of both the initial energy boost, and the weight loss.
So if you’re looking for instant gratification, Zantrex Black is the one to choose.
Zantrex Black Ingredients and How They Work
Of course, the most important factor in whether or not a supplement works is the formula, so let’s get right to it.
Here’s a quick look at the label:
TheZantrex Blackformula includes:
- Niacinwhich increases blood flow.
It’s actually known to sometimes cause a warm “niacin fliush” where your skin gets a little red and tingly from the blood rushing through the blood vessels. - Protein: I’m not even sure why they included this as an ingredient in Zantrex Black, mainly because it only contains 0.5 grams. This dose is nowhere close to making any sort of reasonable difference.
The Zantrex Black Proprietary Blend which provides several sources of caffeine including:
- Green Tea which also provides fat burning, antioxidant ECGCs which have been shown to burn fat.
- Guarana Seed Extract: Commonly found in many other fat burners like Slim Trim and 1 M.R., Guarana is basically a stimulant that contains chemicals similar to caffeine.
- Yerba Mate Leaf Extract: Another stimulant which is actually rich in antioxidants due to its high concentration of polyphenols.
- Black Tea Leaf Extract
- Kola Seed Extract
- Trimethylxanthine (which is the chemical name for pure caffeine).
And other ingredients including:
- Maca Root Extractwhich increases the release of dopamine from the brain.
This improves mood and motivation to curb emotional eating. - Asian Ginseng Root which also improves blood flow to supply more nutrients and oxygen to your muscles while working out.
- Damiana Leaf Extract which elevates mood and suppresses appetite.
It may also inhibit the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. - Schizonepeta Flower Extract which is commonly used for colds and sore throats, but doesn’t seem to have a connection with weight loss that I’ve been able to find.
- Black Pepperwhich helps increase thermogenic activity in the body.
- Rhodiola Crenulata Root Extract which relieves anxiety and helps burn fat.
- Cacao Seed Extract which can reduce the production of fat cells.
Clearly, the formula is very caffeine heavy, but because it’s all couched within a proprietary blend, we don’t know any real numbers or actual amounts.
The whole blend totals 1,160 mg, and about half the ingredients are basically caffeine, but since they don’t reveal the amounts, we don’t know how much caffeine they’re putting in Zantrex Black.
Given that this is a Zantrex product, famous for being pretty speedy, my guess is it’s a lot.
How To Take Zantrex Black
The recommended dose is 2 softgels taken about 15 minutes before main meals.
You can take 1 or 2 as needed for energy, but it is not recommended that you take more than 6 in one day.
There is also a recommendation that you avoid additional caffeine when taking Zantrex Black.
I would also add another caution against taking Zantrex Blacktoo close to bedtime.
I would imagine it would interfere with a good night’s sleep.
Zantrex Black Reviews
Next to the formula, which we now know is extremely stimulant-heavy, the second most important factor in determining whether or not Zantrex Black is any good is what kind of feedback it gets from actual customers.
We’ve actually had about 40 people leave reviews of Zantrex Black on our site.
On the one had you have the positive experiences, like this one:
And this one:
And on the other hand, you have the NEGATIVE experiences that some have encountered:
And this one:
The positive Zantrex Black reviews outweigh the negative ones at about a 10:1 ratio, but I mean come on…
We’re not talking about people just saying things like:
- It didn’t work for me
- I didn’t feel any effects
- Doesn’t work
Instead we’re seeing things about blood pressure skyrocketing and near death experiences.
Since Zantrex Black is sold at, there are dozens of reviews to look at, and the opinions are widely varied when compared to the reviews on our site.
There are almost as many 1-star reviews as there are 5-star ones.
First here are a couple of the raves, all from verified purchases:
And here’s some of the feedback from unhappy customers:
As mentioned earlier, we actually have about40 customer reviews posted below, and the vast majority reflect those on Amazon.
Something important to make note of in the reviews is that even people that like Zantrex Black mention the side effects.
It’s mainly a matter of degree of tolerability that determines whether or not the reviews are good or bad.
There seems to be little question that Zantrex Black can increase your energy, and that’s the primary benefit users talk about.
But for some, the side effects are too much.
Zantrex Black Side Effects
There’s a lot of caffeine in Zantrex Black, so anyone who’s sensitive to the stuff should beware.
If you want to avoid jitters, a racing heartbeat, and sleeplessness, you may want to start out with just one pill at first.
That way, any side effects you do face will be mild and hopefully won’t last as long.
You’ll also want to stay away from additional sources of caffeine, such as coffee and soda.
The other common side effect is known as “The Niacin Flush”, which we talked about earlier.
The Zantrex Black formula has 30 mg, which is 150% of the daily recommended amount.
This much niacin often makes your skin red and makes you feel like your skin is burning up.
The feeling should only last a few minutes, but it can be very unpleasant, and even a little scary for some people.
Some users expect it, and just let it happen, knowing it will pass. For others, it’s too uncomfortable and turns them away from the product altogether.
Zantrex Black Pros and Cons
Advantages of Zantrex Black
- It’s affordable.
- Just about every Zantrex Blackreview from a customer that I’ve seen says it works as a great appetite suppressant.
Most people say it practically eliminates their appetites.
Disadvantages of Zantrex Black
- It’s got a boatload of caffeine, though we don’t know exactly how much because each of its caffeine sources are included in the proprietary blend that doesn’t offer amounts.
- Lots of people get side effects like stomach aches, headaches, and dizziness.
- You need to eliminate other sources of caffeine while you’re taking it.
Zantrex Black Compared With Zantrex Red and Zantrex Blue
Almost nobody questions whether or not each of these products woks for energy and appetite suppression. They all work. So we move on to side effects.
People who are sensitive to stimulants will have about an equal (and not pleasant) reaction to the Red and the Black. And they both work very well.
Zantrex Blue works as well, but seems to come with fewer problems.
Where to Buy
You can buy Zantrex Black in stores like Walmart, Target, and CVS or online directly through the product site or through sites like
A bottle of 84 softgels sells for about $25 or less depending on where you go.
This is pretty low compared to similar products, but if that deters you, it shouldn’t necessarily because it is pretty effective in the short term.
Prices don’t vary too much so where you choose will come down to a matter of convenience.
Zantrex Black works.But anyone who doesn’t react well to caffeine or isn’t fond of the jittery feeling that certain stimulants cause will not feel good takingZantrex Black.
Even for people who don’t mind the feeling, I would recommend you treat Zantrex Black as a short term supplement to boost your efforts or push you through a stubborn plateau.
It’s not the kind of supplement you want to be taking month after month.
The heavy stimulant effects will probably keep you from wanting to take it month after month anyway, that is.
And if you do decide to try it, do so with caution.
Start with just one pill so you can experience any side effects more mildly. Be prepared for the Niacin Flush.
Drink a good amount of water and wait it out.
It shouldn’t be long, then you’ll be left with the energy and appetite suppression you’re looking for.
Have You Used Zantrex Black?
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
The best!
I have been taking this product for about a month. I take one when I wake up around 8am,and another at aaround 3pm. It decreases my appetite,gives me energy,and with alot of water and walking have successfully lost 21 pounds. I have had no side effects so far. Bit I do HIGHLY recommend this to people who want to lose weight.
137 out of 142 people found this review helpful.
No snacking, no jitters, lots of energy
89 out of 90 people found this review helpful.
The worst
I took zantrex black for 2 days and it was going great. The 3rd day..... not so much. I took my 2nd dose of 2 caps. With in 10 minutes my face, neck, and cheat was on fire. Followed by the shakes, light headed, chest pains, and trouble breathing. My wife called 911. The firefighters took my BP and heart rate. My BP was 191/189 PULSE of 180.
Went to the er and given many meds for high BP and heart rate. After 2 hours it was back to normal. In my opinion it is not worth your life! This was a very scary moment for me. Note... i am a 25 year old male and weight 215 with NO health problems. Some people do just fine on these pills while others do not. Just be careful and pay attention to your symptoms if you begin to get "flush" or start burning.
71 out of 88 people found this review helpful.
Drew's Review
Today is the second day I'm taking this product. I haven't really taken anything before and I usually don't I take a lot of caffeine except for the occasional coffe or energy drink, so it's hitting me pretty hard. I've limited myself to two soft gels in the morning and then done for the day. Even so, I am taking this while on the paleo diet and it controls my appetite pretty well. The only thing I'd complain about is the jitteriness right after taking and the stomach ache that lasts for about a half hour. Other than that, this gives me lots of energy to work with considering I tend to get unmotivated.
56 out of 63 people found this review helpful.
I have taken Zantrex Black for 3 days and have seen a significant change! I did have the Niacin Flush the first day but it didn't bother me. I probably would only use this to get over a plateau and not all the time due to the caffiene. Worked amazing for right after Thanksgiving!
53 out of 57 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
i took the first dose of Zantrex black which is 2 pills 15min before breakfast. I experienced the flushing, but that went away. Now I'm feeling terrible nausea. When will that feeling stop? And what should I do about it? Please help. -Ashley
Zantrex pills are very strong. Try taking one pill at a time instead of two, and make sure you drink plenty of water. If you still feel nauseous, you should discontinue use.- Rob
15 out of 17 people found this question helpful.
What stores sell Zantrex Black? -Jennifer
You can find this supplement on the shelves of many brick and mortar stores like GNC, Walgreens, Walmart, and many others.- Rob
11 out of 17 people found this question helpful.
I am celiac, is zantrex black gluten free? -ben
All of the ingredients within Zantrex Black are gluten free; however the manufacturer does not claim to be a gluten free facility.- Rob
8 out of 12 people found this question helpful.
Cut your dose in half, take it with a meal, and make sure you continue to drink plenty of water. If that doesn't change things, you may have to switch to something with fewer stimulants.- Rob
6 out of 9 people found this question helpful.
I made the mistakYe of taking 2 around noon then another 2 at 6pm. It's now the next morning and I feel like I'm tripping out. My pupils are super small, I'm dizzy, nauseous, spacey, almost a hangover/very drunk like feeling making even water difficult to swallow without it trying to come back up. I slept almost not at all and had the worst heartburn last night. I've had niacin before and most all of these other ingredients. When does this drugged sick feeling go away? I only took 1 this morning thinking it might help balance what I'm feeling. -Jennifer
When you're feeling like this, discontinue use, drink plenty of water (as much as you can) and get as much rest as you can. Once you're feeling better, after a couple days, try just one pill and see how you handle it. If that works for you, stick with the one pill at a time. If not, I don't know what ingredient is causing it, but I'd say Zantrex Black isn't for you.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
I have been taking Zantrex black for about 3 days, how fast will I see results? -Cynthia
It starts working right away, but how quickly you see weight loss depends on your diet and workout more than the pill. Zantrex doesn't do it on its own.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
I am a 47 year old man, I just bought the black zantrex. not even start it to take. After reading all the reviews I feel a little nervous and worried that my body has the same reactions of other persons. should I take two pills or just one to start? -Jimmy
It's always a good idea to start with a smaller dose when starting a new supplement, especially when you known it has caused side effects for other people.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Is zantrex3 red testosterone booster? -Daniel
It's a fat burner/weight loss supplement.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Can you take zantrex black if your 15? -Cody
Like most supplements, it's not recommended for anyone under the age of 18.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
What source of the gelatin in the soft capsule? Is it made of pork or beef source? -Hala
They don't list that information online. Contact them directly at 1-800-392-3689. They should be able to tell you.- Rob
How long dose it stay in your blood stream -Carolyn
I'm not sure if you're asking how long the effects last or how long its presence could be detected. As far as the effects, it's several hours. As far as being able to detect it, you'd have to check with the company itself.- Rob
I take blood pressure med to keep mine in normal range. Is Zantrex dangerous for me? -ROCK
You should definitely check with your doctor on this one. Zantrex uses a lot of stimulant ingredients.- Rob
On average, how much weight do most people loose within a week? -Myah
I really can't answer that because it depends more on your diet and exercise plan. That said, if you're just getting started, you can probably lose about 5 pounds in the first week. You wouldn't want to lose any more than that so quickly.- Rob
Can I take two for breakfast then two for before dinner? -Jonathan
The recommended dose is 2 softgels taken about 15 minutes before main meals, so yes, this would be fine. If you feel uncomfortable with the flushing, lower your dose to 1 at a time and see if that helps.
- Rob
Is it good for you if you are a diabetic? -Deathrice
Any time you have a medical condition, you need to check with your doctor before starting a new supplement.- Rob
What age can you take those? Is it 12 and up? -Emily
It's not recommended for anyone under the age of 18.- Rob
It is my 2nd day taking Zantrex Black - 2 in morning and 2 in afternoon. My left kidney is hurting. Is this normal? -Jessica
No, it is not. Try taking only one at a time to see if that helps. If not, you should discontinue use. Some supplements don't sit well with certain people.- Rob
Is it safe to smoke cigarettes while taking Zantrex Black? -Nisha
I'm not aware of a conflict there.- Rob
is zantrex black good for a recovering drug addict. -samantha
I don't see any problem, but I'm not an addiction counselor or specialist, so I would recommend you talk to someone who has knowledge or expertise in this area.- Rob
had to only take 1 instead of 2 due to flushing and tingling too uncomfortable. Will 1/2 dosage still be effective -donna
Since you experienced the side effects at the full dose, it will probably work at the half dose. If not, continue experimenting until you find the happy medium.- Rob
Can men use zantrex black -greg
Yes, it's for both men and women.- Rob
What's better, Zantrex Red or black? -Todd
Personally speaking, I would say it's a tie.- Rob
Does zantrex black cause your bowel to move after every meal -Daniel
Not for everyone, but we don't all respond the same to all supplements. With the stimulants, I wouldn't be surprised if Zantrex Black is the cause.- Rob
I have low thyroids my thyroid don't work write will zantrex black help me loose weight -Carol
Because of your condition, you'll have to talk to your doctor about whether or not this or any diet pill will be safe and effective for you to use.- Rob
Is it normal to feel that jittery flush feeling every morning when I take the two pills. Every morning I take two before breakfast and every time I get that flush burning in my face and hands. -jesica
It is actually. It's from the niacin, known as "the niacin flush." You may want to cut the dose in half if you're uncomfortable with it. Also, it tends to go away after you've been using the Zantrex Black for a while.
- Rob
1 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Can you take the Zantrex Black with the Zantrex Red Fat Burners? -Rob
No. It would be far too heavy on the stimulants.- Rob
Will Zantrex Black cause me to have false positives on a urine, hair, or blood drug screen? I am subjected to these regularly and do not want to got through the process of having to explain myself or have a MRO review my results. I am not suppose to take anything that could test positive. I have gained a lot of weight and am dying to try something to control my appetite and give me energy, but I do not want to fail a drug screen. -sandy
There's nothing in it that I know of that should pop on a test, but different organizations test for different things. Show your testing agency the bottle and they'll let you know.- Rob
Will zantrex black show up on a urine Labrador test -misty
Probably not, but it's difficult to know for certain because different agencies test for different substances. Bring a label to the testing site just to be on the safe side.- Rob
Can you take the Zantrex Black with the Zantrex Red Fat Burners? -Renae
I would not recommend it. They're both loaded with stimulants.- Rob
4 out of 9 people found this question helpful.
Don’t take this too late in the day!!
Yeah, I’m not surprised. There’s a lot of caffeine.
I wouldn’t take it after early to mid afternoon if I were you. Let me know how it works out.
I eat 2 small meals a day and work out atleast 5 days a week for over an hour each day.
I think what’s happening is your stalling your weight loss by eating so little and only eating 2 times a day. I know the traditional weight loss advice is eat less calories then you burn, but what ends up happening is your body goes into starvation mode when you feed it less calories then it is used to.
The end result is your body shuts down your metabolism, and starts storing those calories as fat.
I would suggest you eat more meals (like 4 – 5 a day) and space them out about 2 – 3 hours apart. This will keep your body fueled and will keep your metabolism up.
Supplements wise, you may want to check out a fat burner called Phen 375. Phen 375 works well to burn that stubborn body fat that just won’t go away, here’s my review:
Lastly, for your convenience I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quick” eBook, as well as some bonuses. It’s packed with tips on diet and exercise that will help you along the way.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions!
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
But my question is, does anyone know that when taking time released product like this, follow directions. When taking a fat burner like this?
I mean come on! The guy who took this product who gave it 1 star, probably didn’t build a tolarance for the product.
Rule of thumb,build a tolerance for it. Like Hydroxycut Black.
For 1-3 day take 1pill 2-3X’s a day, on day 4 take 2pills twice a day with meal or when you need energy. Do not exceed. 6pills in a 24hr period.
I use the same method taking Zantrex Black. And I’m reciting this off the top of my head.
As long as you build a tolerance to the fat burner you’ll be fine. And if you’re used to drinking caffeine.
But Zantrex should put in detail how to use it to build a tolerance for their product. So nobody won’t go to the ER for not following directions!
I am struggling with the last 10 so going to switch it up!
Will update in about a week!!
Black pill! Hope this black “magic” works for me, I’m only starting out this pm with 1 pill.
Will stay with 1 pill 3x a day and let’s hope I can repost later with my results!!
Skin flushing is a known side effect from Zantrex Black. It’s caused by niacin, and it’s characterized by red, hot skin.
Other than that, I haven’t heard of it causing a rash.
So how long do i have to wait to start these because im actually still taking the blue ones, my friend told me thari need to stop for a few days to get everything out my system.
How strong are these as free as caffeine people were telling me that i will be bouncing off the walls.
Will these help burn fat and help me lose weight
There’s no set time frame, but giving it a week in between should start you off with a clean slate. It’s got a whole lot of caffeine, but they don’t reveal how much.
Definitely don’t take them if you want to go to sleep any time soon, and watch your additional caffeine intake. These will burn fat, give you energy, and suppress your appetite.
WATER is what you need to not have got flashes rashes and shakes
I hope you’re feeling better by now. Zantrex Black has a lot of caffeine as well as niacin.
You could be reacting to either or both.
If you dont, it will cramp you up and you wont feel good.
How do I do this?
Sounds like you inadvertently signed up for a monthly subcription when ordering a free trial. They mention the subscriptin in the terms and conditions, but you usually have to work pretty hard to find it.
What you have to do now is call the company you ordered from and tell them to cancel your subscription. Otherwise, you’ll continue to be charged each month.
The doctor said it was too much caffeine in my body. My question is if i followed directions why was i feeling like i was about to die…
Sorry to hear about what happened. You may be overly sensitive to caffeine.
Whenever I start a new supplement, I start with a low dose, often half, for that exact reason.
I would like to let people know these pills are huge so if you have hard time swallowing pills this may not be for you. It’s the biggest pill I gave ever taken. The next biggest would be 800mg Ibuprofen and it’s not as big as Zantrex
There’s nothing on the label to indicate that you can’t.
I’m not sure what’s causing it, but stop taking it and see if it goes away. If you want to try again after a few days, lower the dose and make sure you take it with food.
I have a 4 month old and I want to get rid of this extra weight I’ve gained during pregnancy and I also desperately need energy. Hope this works !!!
Good luck. Can’t wait to hear how it works. Also, sign up for my free weight loss ebook for help with diet and exercise.
I have found tjat as long as u eat something shortly after takun, u wont get stomach cramps
i have toddler twins, and the boost of energy ive gotten from them, has made it easier to maintain with them. My appetite has become more and more controlled by the day.
I feel lighter on my feet. Im going to continue this for 25 days.. will rerate after..
Let us know how it works out.
That’s strange that it didn’t happen until 6 weeks in. I wonder if there was an interaction with something else you took.
I asked him about it and this is what he told me. Take a children’s aspirin about 20-30 mins before taking the niacin and I shouldn’t experience the side effects of taking so much vitamin B.
Sure enough, I had taken a low dose children’s aspirin beforehand and didn’t break out with the rash associated with taking “no flush” vitamin B. Like I said before, my doc is the one that gave me this little tidbit so try it on your own if you want.
Thx! Frank White, Albuquerque
Weight loss supplements are tough to quantify. One will work well for some people, while not at all for others. It sounds like this one may actually be working. Have you checked your calories intake vs output. It’s very important that you use diet and exercise to strike the right balance. You can use our calorie calculator to help figure out how much you should be eating.
Well if you’re eating 600 calories more than you’re using, you’ll gain weight. Though your body should be using more than 600 calories just living life. I suggest you sign up for my free “weight loss” ebook. It lays out a great plan you can use to lose the weight you want.
It really depends on a lot of things, but probably when you wake up tomorrow, you’ll be fine. Stick with just the one pill, and if you still don’t feel right, you should discontinue use.
Any suggestions?
It’s unusual to have absolutely no effect, so it sounds like Zantrex Black just isn’t for you. It happens. Sometimes, a supplement that works well for almost everybody just doesn’t work for you. Sounds like it’s time for a change. Try Instant Knockout instead.
I haven’t been able to go to the gym for almost two months! I had personal stuff going on where I had to eat out a lot and gained weight.
I am hoping I can take this pill until I can get to my goal weight and get my body back on track. I’ll keep you posted on results within the week and month.
With fat burning and weight loss; what does the Zantrex black do to your body? Will it burn the fat and tighten/tone those areas?
I really want to loose the fat in my stomach, thighs, and bottom; I didn’t know if this will help shrink those areas as it burns the fat and looses the weight.
Thank you, Ill keep you posted how it goes.
As a fat burner, it increases your metabolism, encouraging your body to use stored fat for energy. It also decreases your appetite.
But it doesn’t do anything to tighten or tone your body. You’ll have to do some exercise for that.
Looking forward to hearing how it goes.
I have a question for you, I tried the red bottle at first at the end of 2011 which was effective but a bit crazy so I switched the blue bottle and have been taking it for the last 3.5 years, had excellent results – within the first year I had lost 10/12 pounds, I went from 142 to 129 and kept it off for over two years. I started getting a little bigger last summer so I switched to the black bottle briefly when it came out but found it made me hungrier – I might give it another go and see if I have a better time with it
Basically I’ve gained all the weight I lost back in the last 8 months!!
Can you recommend something for me that is similar or more effective than zantrex?
I think the blue bottle has run its course and has stopped working for me as my body has become used to it. It used to be so effective for me and I would lose weight or maintain just by eating healthy and taking the blue bottle.
I didn’t need to do extra exercise.
Can you suggest a zantrex product or even another product that it going to make a difference when I am so accustomed to supplements now?
Developing a tolerance is pretty typical with supplements. Sometimes all you need is a short break, but you could need more. Go with Instant Knockout. It’s a great fat burner/appetite suppressant. It also provides energy, which is good because you probably should add some exercise to your routine for better results. If it works for you, stick with it a while, then try the Blue Bottle again and see if it works again.
No, not at all. It’s a fat burner, so it’s for weight loss.
It doesn’t have any ingredients that will bulk you up.
Btw im takong 4 a day with my meals
What I’ve found with fat burners is that if they don’t work by the first few days, they probably won’t. I wouldn’t worry, it happens. Not every supplement works for everybody. Check out Instant Knockout. It’s my number one pick.
How long does this last? I’ve taken the red pill b4 and I liked that much better.
Black pill is horrible
The effects probably shouldn’t last as long as they have. If you don’t feel better by tomorrow, you might want to consult your doctor.
Yeah, I adjust my dosing and timing pretty often. It’s good to pay attention to how your body responds and to be wiling to make changes when necessary.
I have noticed the weight lose already so it is working. And I am not nauseated.
Glad to hear it!
That screams screams sponsored to me. Also, how can you give a good review to a product that doesn’t give the exact amount of any ingredients especially caffeine also Ilst 75 pounds with NO fat burners or pre workout crap.
I’m at a lower weight now and, being this industry is so dirty I am testing stuff out on my own. BSN I will be doing.
This product that u claim is great is filled with crud. Let’s keep it real here.
There are different names but they equal one word caffeine. Also when u stop it u will gain all what little weight you lost.
It doesn’t sound like you’ve read this review or many of the hundreds of reviews on this website. I don’t claim that Zantrex Black is great.
I rated it as average and recommend that because of the large dose of caffeine, it should only be used short terms.
However I have seen a both positive and negative effect I do not know which way to go. I bought the black.
Yeah, niacin will make you flushed, but it shouldn’t last very long. The blue is definitely the one with the least side effects.
My husband got this for me and i can now after one month of taking them get back into jeans my thighs wouldnt let me in before. Im loving them and will continue until i reach my desired size.
I will keep you posted.
In all ive lost 48 lbs and am looking forward to dropping another 40 or 50 lbs. This is a great product when used correctly.
Still don’t know if I will be able to handle it !!!!!!
So I must be different from everyone else, I do get the upset stomach but it keeps me from eating, so its ok .
I’ve been taking Blue off and on as I work nights and it’s amazing at keeping the energy up and munching on food down.
So far, the Black has been great as I love the quick energy hit that i get from it. I take it at 6pm when I get up and then again at 12:30am when I take a quick lunch.
This burst of energy helps me stay focused and awake until I’m done at 6am. I still have enough energy for a quick run or bike ride in the morning and then I sleep great when I head to bed around 10am.
The downside is the occasional jitters.
I love my coffee and I’ve switched over to Decaf so that I don’t overload my heart.
I would consider switching back to Blue when I’m done with this bottle of Black, but I haven’t quite decided yet. About 40 pills left to go.
When I finished the red I started the blue pill. My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!! I call it my mega super happy pill!! If u want sunshine and rainbows laces with unicorns: blue bottle is for u!
Lots of high energy, little to no jitter, no headaches, still suppresses appetite and no hard crashes. This is my go to pill for long days at work.
Even with just under 5 hours if sleep still makes happy!! Love the blue pill. Now zantrex black is a little different.
It gives me energy but it’s a mellow energy. I don’t feel like I wanna blow up the world nor do I feel like I’ve been swimming in glitter while in a tutu.
It’s just mellow. Lots of jitters tho IF u take it with caffeine like I do.
I like it but the blue bottle is by far my favorite and after the black i will definitely go back to the blue bottle!! LOVE the blue bottle!!!!!