Virectin Review – 3 Reasons It’s NOT Worth It
By: Rob Miller
Note: This is just a review. We are not affiliated with Virectin in any way.
If you’ve spent any time looking into taking a daily supplement for male enhancement, chances are you’ve come across Virectin.
The official Virectin website claims that by adding in this simple supplement to your daily diet, you will find yourself with an array of sexual performance-based benefits including:
- Harder, longer-lasting erections.
- Increased energy and endurance.
- Improved sexual desire.
- Greater control over when you ejaculate.
- More explosive and intense orgasms.
Bold claims, I know, and really they are not unlike any number of similar male enhancement supplements boasting insane results.
If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

It’s an effective male enhancement supplement that is by FAR the best over the counter ED remedy on the market.
Click Here to read my full review.
For men, performance in the bedroom is one area that cannot be left to chance.
The research team at Virectin has provided you with a sure fire list of libido boosting ingredients, or at least that’s the impression that is given. Let’s review the ingredients of this product to see if it’s the real deal and worth your time and money.
Ingredients and How It WorksPotential Side Effects
Pros and Cons
Customer Reviews
My Results
Will Virectin Make Me Bigger?
Virectin Vs. Vigrx Plus
Where To Buy
Virectin Ingredients and How They Work
One of the great features about the Virectin website is that it allows instant access to the list of ingredients used within the product.
You’ll immediately notice the long list of ingredients within the supplement and the reasonable dosage available within each serving.
This is a great initial impression of the product as I’ve run into trouble plenty of times attempting to know what is in a performance enhancing supplement.
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Virectin is made up of a supposedly safe proprietary blend of many herbal remedies.
All of which have been used in a number of supplements due to their libido boosting properties.
One of the great things about the product is that it contains no chemically generated compounds, fillers or artificial additives.
Here is the breakdown of what is in Virectin:
- Otherwise known as Vitamin B3, Niacin plays an important role in a number of human processes including: enhancing the healing process, increasing energy, and dilating the blood vessels. Opening up the blood vessels is important for nutrient delivery and better erections. (Source)
- Zinc is one of the most important nutrients out there.
Regardless of your reason, you should be taking Zinc on the day-to-day.
When it comes to male performance, Zinc plays a proven role in testosterone production.
Testosterone is a sex hormone, crucial for libido and performance. (Source)
- A powerful antioxidant that has been suggested to improve sperm quality and quantity. (Source)
Tribulus Terrestris
- Although no clinical study has proven the claims of its testosterone boosting effects, Tribulus Terrestris has been shown to improve your libido. (Source) You’ll find Tribulus terrestris in literally 1,000’s of over the counter testosterone boosters and male enhancement products, including Alpha King and Nugenix.
Avena Sativa
- Just a fancy name for wild oats, this breakfast classic has been shown in several clinical studies to free up testosterone, allowing your body to utilize more of it. (Source) Again, testosterone plays a very important role in sexual function, performance, and libido.
- Found in many pre-workout supplements, L-Arginine has been shown to increase nitric oxide production to improve blood flow and support your erection. (Source)
Tongkat Ali
- One of the few proven testosterone boosters on the market, Tongkat Ali helps to release bound up testosterone, making it available for use by the body. (Source)
Mucuna Pruriens
- A tropical legume, Mucuna Pruriens is a natural aphrodisiac and supposed Human Growth Hormone booster. (Source) While the latter is still awaiting clinical trials, the former has been shown to be true.
Fenugreek Extract
- One of the most debated supplements on the market, Fenugreek has been reported to provide a number of health benefits for men and women alike.
For men, it is a supposed testosterone booster.
For women, it can apparently increase your breast size.
Obviously, these two benefits do not mix.
You cannot have one while having the other.
No clinical trials exist to prove either of these claims.
The more you look into Fenugreek, the more you realize many of the benefits are aimed towards women such as improving lactation. While it may be a libido booster, as a man, this is one supplement that I would not be so quick to start taking.
Ginkgo Biloba
- A traditional herbal remedy in many Eastern countries, Ginkgo Biloba has been shown to provide energy, increase mental clarity, and a relief from tension. (Source)
- Just another name for Horny Goat Weed, Epimedium is taken as a libido booster as it is suggested to increase blood flow to the penis and improve sexual function. (Source)
Saw Palmetto
- Saw Palmetto has been used by thousands of men as a natural remedy to relive pressure on the prostate and boost prostate health.
(Source) The problem with Saw Palmetto is that a potential side effect is decreased libido and erectile dysfunction, which are two things you are trying to avoid.
It has also been reported to decrease testosterone production.
Another ingredient that I would not recommend taking unless specifically directed by your doctor.
Maca Root Powder
- Known for its energy boosting properties, Maca Root Powder is also an ancient Peruvian aphrodisiac.
Ashwagandha Root
- A few studies have reported that Ashwagandha Root has been successful in helpingwith fertility problems in men and women, and helping to increase sexual desire. (Source)
- A reported aphrodisiac, Damiana is a natural remedy used to cure a number of sexual dysfunctions such as low libido and erectile dysfunction. (Source)
Cnidium Monnieri
- This supplement has been shown to enhance the release of nitric oxide.
As we mentioned above, nitric oxide is important for dilating the blood vessels for a better erection. (Source)
The recommended dose is 3 capsules per day on an empty stomach. Click Here to see a photo of the label.
Does Virectin Have Any Side Effects?
Although the official website claims that there are no side effects due to the natural make-up of the supplement, everyone responds differently when it comes to supplements.
Virectin could cause the following side effects:
- Facial flushing
- Upset stomach
- Diarrhea
- Dizziness
- Abdominal Discomfort
- Anxiety
Other Warnings
Many people cannot take Niacin due to the famous “flush feeling” associated with it.
As powerful as Zinc is, it can also be quite tricky to digest on an empty stomach.
Many people complain of nausea when taking Zinc without food.
Again, although these ingredients are all natural, be sure to thoroughly evaluate the label for any possible complications.
It goes without saying that if you are currently taking any type of prescription medication, it is strongly recommended that you contact your primary care physician to discuss taking Virectin.
This is extremely important if you are on any type of blood pressure medication as Virectin may influence this condition.
While not a side effect, it should be noted that you should not drink alcohol when taking this supplement.
Alcohol may counteract the benefits of Virectin, leaving you right back where you started.
Typically this is caused by a reduction in testosterone levels, which is often associated with chronic alcohol consumption.
Virectin Pros and Cons
- Virectin offers an all-natural line-up of ingredients, many of which have been proven to boost libido, increase testosterone, and amplify sexual desire.
- No need to take right before sex.
Take it any time of day. - There’s a money back guarantee as I explain below.
- May interact with certain medications
- May require the use of Vazogel to optimize effects (According to the Virectin website)
- May interact with alcohol, making it useless
Product Reviews and Complaints
There are many extreme reviews when it comes to Virectin.
On one hand, you have the obviously sponsored testimonials that rave about the product.
For example, this site ranks it 5 out of 5 stars.
Suspiciously enough, if you take a look at the Terms and Conditions of use page for that site, you’ll see that it’s located in India.
Not necessarily a big deal, until you look at another site that rates Virectin as 5 out of 5 stars that looks virtually identical to the one above.
And wouldn’t you know it, they are located in exactly the same city in India.
I see a direct correlation between these 2 sites in various places other than the fact they’re located in the same city and country.
For example, at the very bottom of the page where it says “Where To Find It?”, for both sites you will see the same Virectin coupon code, free pulsating penis ring, and a free ebook titled “Putting A Boost Back In The Bedroom”.
It’s no surprise that each of these reviews look exactly the same.
Even if you look on Amazon, you’ll see that the positive reviews are not verified purchases, causing you to instantly dismiss them.
Then you have the opposite side of the reviews.
The ones claiming extreme side effects to the point that one has to raise an eyebrow.
As you sift through the few middle ground reviews, Virectin suddenly looks to be an average, run of the mill male enhancement supplement.
Not great but not terrible either.
Related: How to spot a fake review on Amazon
If you are sensitive to herbal remedies, or if you are currently using a prescription medication, you may want to take caution with Virectin.
The following is a review that was common during the search for true testimonials:
My Personal Results
I’ve had a bottle of Virectin sitting in my closet for the last year or so, and to be honest, I completely forgot about it. I was rummaging through my many boxes of supplements about 2 weeks ago, and sort of stumbled across it.
Since it was within the expiration date range, I decided to give it a go for about a week and I have to say I am a bit UN-impressed.
There were no directions on the label saying how I should take it, but it does say that a starting dose is 3 capsules.
As usual, I started with the lowest possible dose (in this case 1 capsule) to assess my tolerance and limit any side effects (which thankfully there weren’t any).
The first thing I noticed was it took a few days for it to “kick in”, albeit not in a good way.
What were the results?
Well, not much to say the least. I didn’t feel hornier, didn’t notice any effect on size or performance, and certainly didn’t have any effect on premature ejaculation issues.
The official Virectin site calls it the “#1 rated male performance product”, but when I put it to the test, I didn’t see any change in my performance whatsoever.
The only thing I did notice was I had this weird, slight urge like I had to pee all of the time.
I’m not sure if it was the Virectin that was causing it, but frankly it was kind of annoying.
This lasted for a few days, and by the end of the week after not seeing any results I decided to discontinue testing.
As far as comparing Virectin to prescription meds like Viagra / Cialis, unfortunately (but not surprisingly) it came up a bit short in that area.
Virectin Vs. Vigrx Plus
A lot of guys have been asking me what the similarities and differences are between my top choice, Vigrx Plus, and Virectin, so I figured I’d write this quick blurb.
For one, I personally prefer Vigrx Plus for a few reasons:
- It doesn’t contain any Niacin, which for me causes redness in my face.
- Vigrx Plus took longer to kick in, but the effects were MUCH better.
- It contains one KEY ingredient that Virectin doesn’t (more on that later)
Now, Now Vigrx Plus is a bit more expensive than Virectin is, coming in at $77 for a one month supply. That’s obviously not cheap, but the effects in my opinion are worth the price.
They both contain a very similar ingredients profile, but Virectin is missing one ABSOLUTELY key ingredient.
That ingredient is called Bioperine.
If you’ve never heard of bioperine, it’s an ingredient derived from black pepper, AND has been shown to increase the absorption of ingredients.
Basically what this means is you get more out of the supplement than you would have otherwise.
This is what sets Vigrx Plus apart in a BIG way.
Click Here to read my full review of Vigrx Plus.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Virectin through the official website, or Amazon.A single 90-count bottle will last for 30 days and costs $44.95. Discounts are available when you buy multiple bottles at once. Virectin has a 100% guarantee.If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with Virectin, simply return the package within 60 days from the date of your order and receive a full refund.
Simply request a return authorization number and send back your bottles.
3 Reasons It’s NOT Worth Trying
- I got virtually no results from it, aside from some minor side effects.
- There are literally 100’s of other negative reviews and complaints from TRUSTED 3rd party resources, and the positive Virectin reviews are suspect.
- The marketing behind this product is VERY shady.
At first glance, Virectin appears to be a decent, comprehensive daily male enhancement supplement.
However, after voluntarily testing it out myself, I’m a bit disappointed to say the least.
I’ve tested probably close to 70 different male enhancement supplements over the years, and I don’t even think I would rank this in my Top 50, if I even had a top 50.
Sure, it’s got all the necessary ingredients that can help with libido, sexual performance, and even premature ejaculation.
But they must be filling had of these capsules up with sugar or other fillers, because I literally didn’t feel anything.
Sometimes, the right ingredients do not necessarily mean the right results as many times manufacturers will load their capsules and tablets with filler that negates any possible good effects.
The price is a little outrageous as well, considering the lack of results.
When you look at Vigrx Plus, you see an insane price tag, especially when stacked up against Virectin.
BUT, at least it works…
This is not the case with Virectin.
Couple this with the fact that there are a TON of piss poor reviews out there, and the lack of CREDIBLE, 3rd party websites that have actually tested the stuff successfully, and we say take a PASS.
Have you used Virectin?
Leave your review below!
Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure
Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.
The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.
Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.
Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings
Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.
Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.
All User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
It simply does not work. I used up the entire bottle as directed and nothing. I am beginning to believe there is nothing on the market short of prescription drugs that will help with ED.
92 out of 103 people found this review helpful.
I tried Virectin for six weeks with no results!
58 out of 66 people found this review helpful.
I followed the directions. I took three pills daily on an empty stomach. After one bottle nothing got harder, but my wallet did get softer.
38 out of 41 people found this review helpful.
Virectin doesn't work. Don't waste your money. They do have a 60-day money back guarantee but, if you buy more than one bottle the rest have to be unopened to get your refund on them. ( You buy two bottles the second bottle can't be opened to a refund on it.) Also, they require that you send it back by certified, insured mail.
28 out of 30 people found this review helpful.
Austin's Review
Don't waste your money. They do have 60-day money back guarantee but, if you buy more than one bottle the rest have to be unopened to get your refund on them. You buy two bottles the second bottle can't be opened to a refund on it. Also, they require that you send it back by certified, insured mail.
23 out of 25 people found this review helpful.
I took Virectin for 6 months. It worked very well, and with no side effects. I switched to Nugenix but I am thinking about going back to Virectin.
It worked for me
In Short: I would recommend this to a friend.
Honestly, I don't have E.D. I wanted a supplement to wow my partners. It made my erection harder and my member looked thicker with veins popping out the ladies loved it but it did nothing for desire also it made me a little lethargic so good and bad I guess
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
please don't buy this garbage. the adds sounded to good. every comment 4 star to 5 star nothings that good I repeat don't believe the hipe.
Not As Epected
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
Ordered two bottles which was a mistake. Took as directed (after looking up on Google as no directions were listed on bottle or paper work that came with) for 3 weeks. Results were, nothing different. Stopped taking it. Through it all in the garbage.
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
How long does it usually take to see results from Virectin? -Derrell
Generally speaking you should start feeling the initial effects in about 30 - 45 minutes.- Rob
48 out of 55 people found this question helpful.
What's the dosage for Virectin? How many am I supposed to take to feel something? -Ted
The recommended dose is 3 capsules per day on an empty stomach.- Rob
42 out of 47 people found this question helpful.
Do you think Virectin will work if you are in your mid-20s? -Derrell
Yeah theoretically it should work for men of all ages. It's not really intended for older men specifically.- Rob
29 out of 35 people found this question helpful.
Where can I buy Virectin? -Victor
Their official website is You can also buy it on Amazon.- Rob
24 out of 28 people found this question helpful.
Are there any side effects of Virectin? -John
As with any supplement (including Virectin), side effects are always possible. Although if it helps I didn't experience any when I tested it.- Rob
18 out of 18 people found this question helpful.
I took it for 6 months at 3 caps per day, then I double it to 6 per day and it did nothing!. Don’t waste your money or your time.
In fact, any capsule claiming to be capable of increasing your testosterone (thus sex drive or libido) is a scam. The only medication taken orally that does work is viagra, Cialis or various other PDE5 inhibitors, but these do nothing to increase libido.
They only ‘artificially’ cause an erection to occur. These drugs do nothing for your sexual ‘desire’ (which is born in the brain, not your penis).
The problem is anything you take orally, has to pass through your digestive tract then before being passed into the bloodstream (where sufficient testosterone needs to be present), it has to be ‘filtered’ by your liver.
The liver eliminates almost everything that might increase testosterone production.
Hormone supplements such as actual testosterone hormones must, therefore, be passed directly to the bloodstream, intravenously (via injections), or by osmosis through the skin as in gels and patches.
If you want to really increase your libido because your testosterone is low, ask your Doctor to refer you to an Endocrinologist who will most likely prescribe TRT (Testosterone Replacement Treatment). That could be injections or with testosterone gels or patches.
Gels are the easiest to administer but are not cheap and they do take time to start working.
Thanks for the honest review. I have a question.
Have you ever heard of or tried Yong Gang or Yu Nan. I picked up a small package of Yunan in Kuwait Intl. airport while passing through.
I have to admit, it made me feel 19 again. Haven’t been able to locate it since.
Any assistance in this would be greatly appreciated.
Yong Gang can be bought from Chinese markets only. The quality is a gamble.
First order was awesome then the next 3 were “Meh”. I got one more good order and then no orders since 2016 have been worth the shipping cost.
Just wondering if you’ve come across these. I would love to find a Yunan supplier
Thanks again
I haven’t checked either of them out, but I did a quick search and couldn’t find any information for Yunan.
auriez-vous la gentillesse de me dire quelle est
le meilleur produit sur le marcher concernant “la prostate”
merci de répondre
Sorry for the late reply, your comment slipped through the cracks! Check out a supplement called Testofuel. It’s by far the best T booster I’ve ever tested, and I’ve tested literally dozens of these products. Here’s my review:
Also, for your convenience, I’m sending you my free “How To Boost Testosterone Naturally” eBook, as well as some bonuses. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help encourage your body to produce more of its own testosterone and give you great results.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
The recommended daily dose is 3 pills all at once on an empty stomach.
Just wondering.
Thanks, John
There’s really no best time, just try to take them around the same time each day. As for the empty stomach, either take them an hour before eating or wait till two hours after.
Is there anything for someone in my situation, who could benefit from a sexual enhancement product? There are a lot of us guys out there.
Of course, it should be under a doctor’s advice. Chris
Check out this post:
It’s loaded with info on products that will give you size gains, as well as help increase sexual stamina and desire.
After 3 months I was able to have intercourse 1 time. I then tried Vigrz plus was able to have intercourse two times in six months.
I have then since stopped taking Vigrz plus. Is there anything that can help me sustain an erection?
Check out a supplement called Extenze. It works great as an alternative to pills like Rhino 7, here’s my review:
You mentioned niacin and zinc. The daily value for zinc is 15 mg. Remember this is the recommended minimum, not a maximum. The recommended maximum upper limit (UL) (as shown on is 40mg. Taking these 3 pills is nowhere near the maximum. I have seen other upper limit amounts of 200mg for zinc.
The amount of niacin in 3 pills is 25mg which is 125% of the RD amount of 20. The recommended UL for niacin is 35mg which again is lower than the UL for this vitamin.
That being said, don’t throw out the pills if they might work for you.
I found these numbers in a table at the end of an article on Webmd. Here is the address: