Tranquilene Review – Should You Use It?
By: Rob Miller
Tranquilene Overview
If you suffer with anxiety, you know it.
We’re not talking about the kind of worry that you feel when preparing to give a presentation or wondering if you packed everything you’ll need for your 2-week trip.
We’re talking about the near constant feeling that something’s just not right, and you can’t relax because you have to figure out what it is and solve it.
Obviously, there are almost as many forms of anxiety as there are people that have it, but they all stem back to the feeling of unease that follows you through daily life.
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There are lots of ways to try to overcome it.
Some people do well with talk therapy, some respond best to cognitive behavioral methods.
Some people take SSRIs or other medications prescribed by their doctors.
Some find that none of this helps and makes them feel the way they long to feel.
For this reason, Tranquility Labs offers Tranquilene.
It’s an all natural supplement that works with your body and your brain to offer you a sense of peace and calm that you’ve been unable to sustain until now. This is what they say on their website.
But of course, it’s our job to dig in and determine if there’s any truth to it.
to jump to my personal review of Tranquilene.
Tranquilene Ingredients and How They Work
The formula contains vitamins and minerals as well as a proprietary blend of herbal ingredients, many of which have been shown to improve symptoms of anxiety:
- B-Complex Vitamins which provide the correct environment for the brain to function properly.
The B vitamins can also help the brain produce serotonin which helps you feel positive and confident.
It’s been shown that low levels of Vitamin B can cause anxiety, restlessness, and fatigue. - L-Theanine which is an amino acid that increases GABA activity to induce relaxation.
- GABA which is a calming neurotransmitter in the brain.
It helps relieve muscle tension and it stimulate the release of dopamine. Gaba is actually naturally produced in the brain, but often in small and unnoticeable quantities. - Ashwagandha which relieves anxiety and depression.
- Bocopa which is a mild sedative that relieves temporary emotional stress.
- Tryptophan which fights stress and anxiety by converting into 5-HTP and then to Serotonin, which improves mood. Yup, the same stuff that you’ll find in your thanksgiving turkey.
- Passion Flower which lowers anxiety levels and promotes a peaceful mind.
- Magnesium which has been shown to have a negative correlation with anxiety.
People with low magnesium levels tend to have more anxiety and depression. - Niacin which helps the body convert Tryptophan to 5-HTP.
Instructions are to take 1 Tranquilenecapsule in the morning and another at night to maintain even levels of the ingredients in your body throughout the day.
Some customers say they feel relieve immediately (20 to 30 minutes).
But consistent improvement is supposed to be achieved after about 2 or 3 months.
Tranquilene Pros and Cons
Advantages of Tranquilene
- The ingredients are all natural.
- There’s a money back guarantee.
- There are plenty of positive Tranquilene reviews from customers who’ve found it helpful.
Disadvantages of Tranquilene
- The primary complaint is that Tranquilene sort of works, but not as much as many would like.
Where to Buy
If you go to the Tranquilenewebsite, you can buy the product, but only by joining their monthly shipping program.
It’s not shady like those free trial programs that are all over the internet these days.
It’s a straight forward program that you join to have Tranquilene delivered each month for a discounted price of $34.95. If you don’t want to join, you can buy Tranquilene through Amazon for $42.50 for a month’s supply.
My Personal Results With Tranquilene
I’ve never been the anxious type, but like most people I do have days where things seem a bit “edgy” or “off”. I reserved taking Tranquilene for those days, and I have to say it does seem to live up to its promises. First off, I definitely do NOT recommend taking this first thing in the morning, at least if you have a decent amount of things to get done throughout the day.
It’s packed with plenty of “sleep inducing” ingredients that will essentially make you want to lay around on the couch all day.The first time I took it I followed the instructions on the label that said to take 2 capsules daily, and up the dosage by one more capsule if your feeling extra anxious. Within a couple of hours I felt very calm and relaxed, but also very sleepy. Even drinking 2 very large cups of coffee didn’t seem to have much of an effect at waking me up.
As far as side effects, I didn’t seem to have any. I woke up the next morning feeling relatively refreshed, and didn’t have any sort of afterglow or rebound anxiety.
Of course, that does not mean that you won’t have the possibility of some form of side effects, so always pay attention to your body when taking a new supplement that you are not used to.
Now, when compared to other stress relievers like Phenibut XT, I don’t think it’s nearly as effective. For one, while it does contain GABA, it is unable to pass through the blood brain barrier, while Phenibut does. Second, while it does contain L-Theanine, my guess is it doesn’t contain more then 200 mg of the stuff. For me, I need about 400mg of L-Theanine to start “feeling it”, so upping the dosage was necessary for me in this case.
I would actually recommend something like this to someone experiencing Phenibut withdrawals.
There are different levels of anxiety and tons of underlying causes.
I believe Tranquilene can help people with mild symptoms feel a bit better.
That seems to be the impression given by most reviews I’ve read, and was confirmed by my own personal test results.
Now, is it a miracle anxiety relief supplement? In my opinion, no. But, if you’re looking for a great substitute to your nightly cocktail or whatever else you use to take the edge off, then I think Tranquilene would be a great fit. Just be sure to start off with only one capsule to assess your tolerance, and I only recommend you take it a few hours before bedtime.
Have You Used Tranquilene?
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Top 3 Stress ReliefAffiliate Disclosure
Phenibut is by FAR the most effective stress relief product Ive ever come across.
Kratom acts as an effective pain reliever AND can also help with anxiety dramatically.
This particular brand of Kava is EXTREMELY effective at helping you calm down.
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User Questions and Answers
My daughter is already on prescriptions for anxiety. Can she also take this because she still needs some help -Sylvia
It's always advisable to check with your doctor before taking supplements if you're taking prescription meds. Your doctor can tell you if there are any contraindications.- Rob
5 out of 6 people found this question helpful.
Hi i only suffer from anxiety attacks when iam under alot of stress can i take it everyday and does it get you sleepy i also have insomnia -Nancy
The instructions are to take it every day, but you can take it only as needed if you prefer. It definitely does make you sleepy.- Rob
4 out of 4 people found this question helpful.
I was on prescription Zoloft for aniexty. I went off it. I want something natural for my panic attacks. What do you recommend? Saw tranquilene. The attacks come with rapid heart best. Shortness if breath,choking feeling, etc. Been having them since age 14. Over time meds don't have same affect. -Bethann
The nice thing about OTC supplements as opposed to prescription medications is that you can try different options fairly easily without having to go to your doctor to get a new prescription every time. Tranquilene is definitely a good one to try, but a better choice would be Lumiday. Check out my full review here: Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
Puedo tomarla en ayunas,no tendré problemas si estoy tomando medicamentos para la alta presión y el colesterol -Roberto Gómez
Cuando usted tiene una condición médica y toma medicamentos, es necesario consultar con su médico acerca de cualquier suplemento que desea tomar.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
I take Zoloft with is a SSRI a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor 50mg & still have some anxiety & I purchased tranquilene. I see it has L-tryptophan which produces serotonin. So my question is it safe to take with Zoloft -Michelle
Since Zoloft is a prescription medication, you'll need to check with your prescribing doctor if it's safe to take any particular supplement.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
I've been on celexa for a year now and want to tapper off , can I take start taking tranquline while with drawing to not get side effects from with draw ? -Breanna
You can try, I haven't used it that way so I'm not sure whether or not it will be effective.- Rob
Can this be took if on Zoloft? -MelittaG
Because you take a prescription medication, you should talk to your doctor about any supplement you're thinking about taking.- Rob
I just started driving and I can’t drive alone at all because I’m to anxious. I have been searching for answers for so long I need help.
I have suffered from ADHD and took medicine for a very long time but recently stoped if that helps
Given your situation, it sounds like you’d be best off seeing a doctor or therapist who may advise you to participate in talk therapy, and maybe medications or supplements as well.