Testovox Review – Does It Work?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 5-2-2021

I recently came across a supplement called Testovox on Amazon.com.
It didn’t take much to find out that it has its own website and is also available through other online retailers, so I decided to go ahead and take a closer look.
Because of the name Testovox, I immediately thought it was a testosterone booster.
But it turns out that’s not really the main focus.
It’s an all around formula made for bodybuilders – professional and recreational alike – that helps to burn fat as well as build muscle so you not only get great gains, but also have the lean, cut physique to show it off.
That’s what they say, and there are actually quite a lot of positive Testovox reviews from customers saying it works, so we decided to take a look into the formula to see how likely it is to work.
Testovox Ingredients and How They Work
The Testovox formula does indeed contain a combination of ingredients focused on a few different aspects of getting you lean and strong.
It stars off with a big dose of Vitamin B12 which facilitates communication between the brain and the muscles along with helping the body to better absorb and use the food and nutrients you take in.
The rest of the formula includes:
Chromim Picolinate which works with insulin to transport glucose throughout the body to produce energy.
It speeds up fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass.- Tribulus Terrestris which contains saponins that increase the body’s own natural production of testosterone.
- DHEA which is a hormone naturally produced by the adrenal glands.
It promotes weight loss and bone and muscle strength while improving cardiovascular health and sexual performance. - Alpha Ketoglutarate helps maximize the use of creatine in your muscles while reducing the chances of ammonia toxicity.
The result is the ability to push through lifting plateaus so you gain more muscle. - L-Arginine which is a pre cursor to nitric oxide which is a vasodilator that increases the flow of blood to the muscles while you work out.
This provides more oxygen and nutrients when and where you need them. L-Arginine is actually more commonly found in other testosterone boosters like Diesel Test and Andro 400, but you’ll also find it in a wide variety of other supplements like male enhancers and pre workout supplements.
The recommended dose is 2 Testovox capsules taken twice a day, once with breakfast and once with lunch.
They recommend that you use Testovox for 2 month cycle, which comes out to 4 bottles. (Click Here for a picture of the label)
Testovox Pros and Cons
Advantages of Testovox
- The formula is simple but comprehensive, including ingredients to burn fat, increase energy, and improve your muscle building capacity.
- Testovox contains no central nervous system stimulants.
- There are tons of favorable Testovox reviews on Amazon.
Disadvantages of Testovox
- There’s no money back guarantee.
- A significant number of reviewers found it to not work at all.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Testovox through the official website or a few other online retailers.
A 60-count bottle costs about $22 and lasts for half a month when used as directed.The recommendation is that you use it for 2 months.
That means 4 bottles for a total cost of about $100.
Looking at the formula and the reviews, I would say Testovox is a good product with a solid chance of helping you achieve your goals.
Of course as with many similar products, the results will vary from person to person with some people getting little to no effects and others raving about their gains.
Remember though that it is still a supplement, and you’ll need to eat well and work out hard to get the best possible results.
It is low risk and has a good chance of helping you yield some noticeable results if you are sticking to a good workout regiment.
Have You Used Testovox?Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure
Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.
Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.
Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
At 59yo, I wanted to look my best ever as I turned 60 and was looking for something to give me the edge I needed to look my best ever in amateur bodybuilding. After careful research of supplements, I came across Testovox and decided to try it. After 1 month of taking just 2 bottles, I look and feel my best ever.
I am getting a lot of notice at the gym by the babes, trainers and even people on the street. Im blown away at the weight loss and added muscle leaness in my body that I am going for round 2 of this product. I workout 4 days a week hard at 2 hours each session cause I am also taking a preworkout which gives me a load of energy to take my workout beyond my limit. I would recommend this to any amateur bodybuilder who is serious about putting in the "Hardtime" at the gym to get the results you want.
I haven't seen my 6pack since highschool and am close to success in this area as I bust my chops to get the results I want. And anybody can to if your serious to do what it takes along with a good diet.
Good luck to all who want to look their best because they do what it takes as I have and are serious about change to do the same. Thankyou Testovox. You have given me the best birthday present at 60 I could ever wish for.
8 out of 10 people found this review helpful.
Great stuff
Got more energy, and feel way more powerful since I used Testovox.
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Real results
I was skeptical when I ordered Testovox, as most people probably are. After using it for only a month I've noticed more definition, density, and strength in my muscles. I also have more energy from the time I wake up until I go to bed. It is a great product! I will continue to use it for sure. I'm looking forward to results in the next 30 days.
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Check Out My Top Choice For T Boosters - Testofuel Click Here To Read My Review
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
Can women take testovox? -Margarita
You can. There are no ingredients in the formula that aren't safe for women.- Rob
6 out of 6 people found this question helpful.
Do I need to PCT after Testovox? -Tyler
PCT is not necessary after using Testovox because it doesn't suppress your body's natural testosterone production.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
if i cycle dbol with testovox does it have strong enough estrogen blocker
You'd want to take an estrogen blocker as well. Go with DIM by Source Naturals. Here's a link: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/source-naturals/dim.html- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Are There Any negative side effects using this product? -Harry
I haven't tried it myself, but no side effects have been reported to me. Some of the ingredients have the potential to cause side effects (ie DHEA can cause oily skin and hair loss), but I suspect the doses are too small to have any negative effect.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Should I take testo fuel or testovox? Or which testosterone booster to lose body fat. I do crossfit as well as try to eat well but still feel like I need a combo of a testosterone booster and a HGH or fat burner any suggestions? -Anthony
Testofuel and HyperGH 14X is a great stack for losing fat while keeping and improving lean muscle mass.- Rob
if it's ok for women to take, based on answer to a question below, why does it say not the bottle not to take if you're a woman? -marlys
There's nothing in the ingredient list that's unsafe for women, so my guess is they want to give the impression that it's too strong for women. I suggest you contact them directly and see what they say.- Rob
Nah I wouldn’t mess with it. At 17 he’s still growing, and taking something like Testovox might start screwing with his hormones.
Give it a couple of years.