Test Stack NO 17 Review and Results
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-31-2020

Note: This is just a review. Click Here To visit the official Test Stack No.17 website
As you know the core of our site is to test a wide variety of supplements, including Testosterone Boosters. One such supplement we’ve come across recently is called Test Stack No. 17, which is the focus of this review. We were contacted by the company directly to see if we would be interested in trying it out, and we happily obliged. This review is based on my personal results from taking it for a period of one month, but first I’m going to talk a little bit about the product including how it works, the ingredients, potential side effects, and more.
If you want to skip all of that, you can always click here to jump to my personal review.
What is Test Stack NO. 17?
Formulated as an all natural testosterone booster, Test Stack NO 17 is a pharmaceutical grade supplement designed to help build lean muscle and strength. The ingredients include cnidium monnier, avencosides A&B, Catuaba bark extract, and Xanthoparmelia Scarbosa, and are all designed to help men achieve higher testosterone levels naturally.
There’s alot of controversy surrounding the use of testosterone boosting supplements like this one. Most of the bodybuilding community is divided on their effectiveness, with some saying it’s crap in a bottle, and others saying they are getting great results from using them. It doesn’t help that there is alot of misinformation out their about how they work, with ton’s of competing products promising overnight results.
FAQ’s About Test Stack #17
Is it safe?
Since the ingredients in Test Stack NO 17 are all natural, there is a very low chance for side effects. I’ve poured over most of the consumer reviews, and I haven’t found a single complaint as far as the safety of it. That said, any supplement has the potential to present a health risk, so it’s best to check with your doctor on that one.
What are the ingredients?
The full list of ingredients in Test Stack NO. 17 include the following: Cnidium Monnieri, Avencosides A&B, Shilajit, Catuaba Mark Extract, 3 4 divanillyltetrahydrofuran, Prolensis, Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa, Desmodium Gangeticum, Ligusticum, Chlorophytum Boriviliamum, Fadogia Agrestis, and Peonia Lactiflora. All of these ingredients are sourced in the US and the product is bottled in a cGMP regulated facility, which basically means its produced in the same factories that undergo rigorous compliance tests by the FDA.
Click Here to see a photo of the label.
Will any of these ingredients trigger a false positive on a blood test?
From the research I’ve done, it doesn’t appear that any of these ingredients will trigger a false positive on a drug test. Of course if you are really concerned about it you can always bring a bottle in with you to the lab test site and show them the label so they can record it.
Can I buy it in stores?
From the research I’ve done, I could not find it available in any local retailers like GNC, Vitamin World, Walmart, or Walgreens. The reason behind that I would imagine is that it costs alot of money for companies like Test Stack No 17 to put it on the shelves of those stores, often costing them more money than it does to produce the supplement.
Where Can I Buy Test Stack NO. 17?
You CAN and SHOULD, however, buy it from their official website. They offer a 110% money back guarantee, so if your not completely satisfied you will actually MAKE money on the deal, the only thing they ask is that you give it a try for at least a month. The primary reason to buy your Test Stack No.17 right on the TestStackRx.com site instead of on the Amazon.com site is because on TestStackRx.com, you get free Next Day shipping on all orders, and that’s where you can use the coupon codes that we send you from time to time.
The only real downside here is the cost. Coming in at $197, it is BY FAR the most expensive testosterone boosting supplement I have ever come across, which is one of the reasons why I don’t have it as my number 1 choice. However, based on my results and the results of others, it is WELL worth it in my opinion.
How do I take it?
Test Stack NO. 17 is designed to be taken daily for the best results. The dose calls for 3 capsule a day, and I believe you can break open the capsules and dump them in water to get the ingredients to absorb faster.
Should I take it with anything else?
That answer depends on alot of things. If you are looking to strictly lose weight, then I would recommend that you stack Test Stack No.17 with a fat burner like Instant Knockout. If your focus is gaining strength and size, then I would recommend you stack it with a creatine supplement like Muscle Advanced Creatine. For guys looking to get ripped/shredded, then taking it with a pre workout nitric oxide booster like Nitrocut would be the way to go.
One thing I will say is you should definitely NOT pair it with another testosterone booster, that would just be overkill. If you want some specific suggestions you can always contact me and I can lead you in the right direction.
What’s The Difference Between Testofuel and This Supplement
I’ve had a chance to personally test out both Test Stack NO. 17 AND Testofuel (as well as about 2 dozen other t boosters), and I can tell you with certainty that Testofuel works better by far.
With that said, everyone will get different results with different supplements, that’s just a FACT.
What works for one guy might not work for another, and vice versa.
The biggest difference between the 2 supplements are the ingredients.
Unlike most other testosterone boosters which tend to share an ingredient or 2, there are quite literally NO common ingredients between Test Stack NO. 17 and Testofuel.
Testofuel uses D-Aspartic Acid as one of the primary ingredients, which just so happens to be found in numerous other testosterone boosters like Nugenix, Prime Male, and Cellucor P6 Black.
The other big difference is, you guessed it…
The price.
Testofuel comes in at an average price of just $60 a bottle, based on large order sizes of 2 bottles or more.
Contrast this with the nearly $200 that you’ll have to shell out for Test Stack NO. 17, and it’s pretty clear who’s cheaper.
Whether the price tag is reflected in the quality or not is not something that I can attest to, but I will say that it is the most noticeable difference right off the bat.
Natural Things You Can Do To Boost Your Testosterone Naturally While Taking This
There are a few things you can do to enhance your testosterone levels while your taking Test Stack No. 17 that most people don’t know about. In order of importance, they are:
- Heavy lifting: There is a direct correlation between heavy lifting and elevated testosterone levels. Specifically, you should be doing slow movement exercises like squats and dead lifts, with increased weight and lower reps.
- High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): This involves rapid and short bursts of activity like sprinting as hard as you can for 30 seconds, then “recovering” at a mild to moderate level (walk) for 90 seconds. Repeat this process over a period of 8 or 9 more times to get the full benefit.
My Results With Test Stack NO. 17
I got a few bottles of it from the owner of the company, which by the way is called BioNutraceuticals LLC, located in Miami Beach, FL.
Energy: For the first few days I didn’t notice any difference in my energy. My sex drive was up (see below), but I wasn’t feeling psyched for the gym or pushing out anything heavier on the weight sets. Slowly though I started to feel more invigorated and stronger, and this was definitely reflected even more over a period of 2 weeks.I think this was due to me getting better quality sleep, usually around 8 solid hours a night without waking up once. After a few weeks I noticed I didn’t even need to take any naps to get my energy levels up, which was a big plus.
Strength/Size: By the end of week 3 I had increased my max bench to 280 lbs. up from my previous max of 240 lbs. What was even better was I noticed I was starting to trim down a bit as well. When I first started taking it I weighed in at around 195 lbs., give or take a few pounds depending on the day. At the end of week 4 I had dropped down to 188 lbs., and it appeared to be mostly fat deposits. Mind you I wasn’t changing up my diet or anything, which is something I highly recommend you do when you take a supplement like this for the best results.
Libido: I definitely noticed an increase in libido almost right away. I attribute that to the fact that it contains a few all natural aphrodisiacs like cnidium monnieri and xanthoparmelia scarbosa, both of which are used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. For the first time in a long time I was waking up with a raging hardon, which my fiance was pleasantly surprised about 🙂
Focus: Since Test Stack No 17 doesn’t contain any strong stimulants, I didn’t really notice a difference in focus/concentration. However, if you are looking for something to stack this with to get an increase in focus that I would recommend you take it with a Nootropic supplement called Addieup. It contains 1,3 dimethylamylamine, which is a very powerful yet controversial ingredient that has been found to increase focus and concentration.
Test Stack No. 17 Savings Tip
Order Test Stack No. 17 from the official
site and use coupon code ACTNOW30 to save
30% on your order!
Click Here to visit the official site
My Recommendation
Even though it is one of the most expensive testosterone boosters on the market, I would fully recommend Test Stack NO. 17 to any guy looking for a solid quality product that really does work. Based on my own personal results and the reviews I’ve been reading on independent sites like Amazon, I can’t see any reason to steer clear of it.
That is, with the exception of the price tag that Test Stack NO .17 comes with which is sure to be intimidating to really just about anyone that comes across it, unless you are Mr. Moneybags himself, but maybe the good effects it has to offer is worth the cost.
Have You Used Test Stack No. 17? Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure
Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.
Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.
Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.
All User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Works But Expensive
I think that this Test stack works aweome but its sooo expensive lol. I feel like i need to take a 2nd mortgage out to buy it, but ive def noticed an increase in libido and energy lebels.
4 out of 4 people found this review helpful.
Joe. melnick's Review
I had low testosterone from pain meds..I got bloodwork & my testosterone was 211. Took test stack No.17 for 2 months & my testosterone went up to 536.felt great & libido through the roof..orgasms so intence.had to go on trt cause of testosterone low for 5 yrs.need to gain muscle back a bit faster.still taking No.17 while on trt..stopped for 8 months .financial problems of not working.started taking No.17 the past 2 months & libido is better than just trt.I'm 48.Married just 1 year. & my wife calls me a horny 17 year old... she can't handel me..wants me to stop taking it...on my 4th bottle. .just bought 3 more.. 5, ????? .. I rate it..Excellent Product.. I tried them all..
4 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
Check Out My Top Choice For T Boosters - Testofuel Click Here To Read My Review
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User Questions and Answers
Is it ok if I stacked Instant Knockout with Nitrocut and Test Stack no.17? Or would that be too much? -John
It's a great stack. Â Combining a testosterone booster, a fat burner, and a pre workout is a great way to get ripped.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
Is it safe to take Test Stack No.17 together at the same time with Vigrx Plus? -Spencer
No problem at all. There's very little overlap.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
Does this really work? -Rob
yes it does- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
Is n 17 test stack and clomid a good pct for test ,tren and bodolone? -Millard Sonnier
The Clomid would probably be enough on its own, but if you want to add a natty test booster, go with Testofuel for the DAA.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Can i stack, test stack NO. 17 with hyper gh14x. Wondering if there would be any added benefit's or not. Thanks Ryan -Ryan
Yeah. Actually using a testosterone booster with an HGH releaser is a great stack for getting in shape and feeling great. I personally like using Testofuel with HyperGH 14X, but Test Stack No. 17 works too.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
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Just by looking at the ingredients in test stack 17, would you still need to take a pre-workout supplement like nitrocut? Since some of the ingredients in stack 17 already provide you with natural rising test, ingredients increasing NO levels and recovery time.
Would you be overdosing or wasting money if you combine stack 17 with nitrocut ? Does nitrocut has any amino acids?
What other pre-workout supplement would you recommend that has a good blend of aminos….
Please correct if I am wrong I was or I am thinking of taking stack 17 but since reading the ingredients it seems like I may be able to cut out a pre-workout supplement like nitrocut and instead use a protein with amino as kind of a pre-workout supplement.
Or is nitrocut mainly stack to burn fat. Any ideas will be appreciated.
No, it’s not really intended as a pre workout supplement like Nitrocut is. Nitrocut has 3 types of L-Arginine, as well as L-Citrulline, that all help to facilitate NO production.
Yet in this review you say it’s #1. Please clarify. I’ve seen a lot of reviews about this product, but honestly they ALL look like they were made by the company.
Most of the 5-star reviews on Amazon are by people who were in their infomercial, and were on it for less than a month. So nothing about the long-term results.
Personally I don’t care about getting immediate effects, but long-term amazing results.
That’s basically the case. It’s a great product, but it does cost a lot more than other products that work just as well (like Testofuel). The only thing is I can’t personally speak to long term effects. I only took it for a month. I would cycle it off for a week after every four weeks, just to make sure you don’t build up a tolerance. That’ll help with long term results.
Boosting natural test in the body, so you could say that this would work well as PCT?
That’s right. A natural testosterone booster works great for PCT.
I have tried over the counter pills and noticed small temporary gains but nothing that really does the trick. I want to try a regular cycle with a high quality test booster.
I know you said effects of testofuel and no 17 are similar but price is different. My question to you if money is not to be taken into effect which would you recommend are there time differences ie one will start working quicker , one may have better long term effects , does one burn fat better and does one have better effects on libido ?
I want to get back in shape and have better long term spontaneous libido cost aside which product would you recommend for me to go with and why?
If price isn’t an issue than I would DEFINITELY recommend you go with Test Stack NO. 17. Really the only reason I rank it #2 out of testosterone boosters is because of the price. But as far as effectiveness Test Stack NO 17 is hands down the better supplement.
My doc said if you want testosterone I have to give you testosterone, that there is no magic pill
No, I haven’t gotten the bloodwork to prove that these supplements boost testosterone. I agree with your doctor. There is no magic pill. But a good testosterone boosting supplement, along with a healthy lifestyle, can increase the amount of testosterone your body makes. The difference won’t be as great as if you were taking actual testosterone, but you’ll feel more energetic and stronger. Sign up for my free ebook to learn how to naturally and safely boost your testosterone levels.
I was wondering if any type of post cycle supplement should be taken after using this product. Also what are the chances of getting gyno?
What about a liver support supplement while taking it? Or am I just asking questions that only pertain to pro-hormones?
That’s right. Test Stack NO 17 isn’t testosterone or a prohormone.
It boosts your body’s natural testosterone production. No need to worry about any of the effects that come from testosterone injections or even prohormones.
This is an awesome site by the way.
TestoFuel is has been my number one choice for a long time. When I used No 17, I had a hard time deciding whether or not to bump Testofuel. I find the results very similar, but yes, Testofuel is a lot cheaper, so it stays in the number one spot. Hope that helps.