Red Fortera Review – ONE Big Reason For Doubt
By: Rob Miller
Update (8-31-2018):We’re looking for one health volunteer to test out Red Fortera!
The product will be provided free of charge, all we ask for is a detailed review of your personal results.
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Red Fortera Review Contents
Red Fortera BenefitsWhat Are The Ingredients?
Red Fortera Clinical Study
Potential Side Effects
Red Fortera Reviews
Will Red Fortera Increase Penis Size?
Where To Buy
Who Makes Red Fortera?
Pros and Cons
When you think of a pill to improve your sex life, you probably think of Viagra – the little blue pill that changed everything back in the 1990s.

But since its introduction over 20 years ago, a lot has changed.
Once improving your sexual performance became an actual possibility as opposed to pure fantasy, supplement companies got to work trying to create natural formulas to mimic the Viagra effect.
I’ve tested a HUGE amount of over the counter viagra alternatives over the years, too many to count.
To some extent, many of them actually do work.
There are plenty of natural supplements on today’s market for improving your sex life.
They can boost your libido, help you get a stronger erections, help you last longer, and help you ready to go again sooner.
Obviously, these are all great benefits, but there’s one thing often missing in the natural supplement world – speed of action.
Many effective sexual performance supplements like Vigrx Plus, Vydox, and Extenze are designed to be taken every day.

The ingredients build up in your system, and work gradually over time.
After a few weeks or so, you’re feeling more sexual, your erections come more easily, and you regain some of the confidence you may have lost over the years.
And that’s great, but a lot of guys don’t want to wait a few weeks, and they don’t want to have to remember to take a pill every day.
These guys have had a much more difficult time being served by the natural supplement market.
But according to Red Fortera, those days are over.
Guys who want the take-only-as-needed, works in under an hour, solution, but want it to be natural, can use Red Fortera.
How I Learned About The “I Take Red” Pill
I came across it when I got a random phone call from a 1-800 number I didn’t recognize.
If you want to listen to it, here it is:
The voicemail went like this:
Hey it’s me.
I totally have to tell you about my weekend with John.
You have to call me on Friday we left and we got that was really great really romantic and everything else and you know he says and I’m gonna take Red. And I’m like, ‘your gonna take red?’ and he’s like ‘yeah I’m gonna take red’. I had no idea what he was talking about.
So he takes this, you know where we’re having a couple drinks and he takes this little red pill and you know we’re talking a little bit because in a little bit.
Things are getting that you know we got to it and when I tell you it was amazing!
I could not believe that he took the pill but I could totally feel the difference it made. I mean it made a big difference huge. It was huge!
It just felt really crazy so I have to tell you all about it.
And the best part about it is that we were away the whole weekend he only took that one pill.
It lasted the whole time and needless to say we never made it out the bedroom. So give me a call when you can. We have to talk about this.
It’s crazy so just tell him that you want him to take red and I actually have a phone number that you can call to get it.
It’s 1-800-711-4987. Give a phone number tell him to call he has got to take Red. It is amazing.
Okay, bye.
Interesting, but something seemed fishy about it.
First off, I ran a google search for the phone number, and it seems there’s been a few other guys that have gotten this ‘accidental voicemail’.
I tried calling the number and an operator answered “Thanks for calling Next Gen Health solutions”.
I googled that name, and sure enough they’re the company behind Red Fortera.
Then I was watching TV late one night and this infomercial popped up:
Ok, now I REALLY gotta check this thing out.
Of course, we’ve seen this claim lots of times before, and more times than not, it turns out to be little more than wishful thinking.
So we dug deep into the claims, benefits, ingredients, customer feedback, customer service, and company reputation of Red Fortera.
What is Red Fortera?
Taking its cue from Viagra’s nickname of “the little blue pill,” Red Fortera calls itself the “little red pill”.
They make alot of the same claims that you see with other fast acting male enhancement supplements, including:
- Bigger, Longer-lasting erections on demand
- Surge in sex drive and energy
- Increased sexual confidence
According to them, one pill will start working in 30 minutes on the nose.
I mean, it says that right on the front of the package.
If it works, this is potentially the biggest draw for Red Fortera.
In addition to the quick results, there are two benefits Red Fortera is particularly proud of:
You can use it with alcohol.
According to the official website, Red Fortera can be used with alcohol, but the wording of this claim is strange and a bit confusing.
On one hand, it states not to drink alcohol within 30 minutes of taking the pill.
On the other hand, they say you don’t have to worry about such things anymore.
It seems they want you to feel comfortable drinking while using Red Fortera, but they also want to cover themselves legally in case anything goes wrong.
Related Article: 4 BEST Male Enhancement Pills You Can Take With Alcohol
It’s a pretty clear example of hedging, as far as I can tell.
2. The effects are long lasting
According to them, the effects can last up to 72 hours.
This is a good thing because, as we’ll get into a little more later, Red Fortera is expensive.
But first, let’s take a hard look at the formula as a first step toward determining whether or not it can fulfill its promise.
Red Fortera Ingredients
The website lists and explains each of the ingredients in the formula, and provides an image of the label as well.
However, what it says on the label and what they list on their official site are a bit confusing and contradictory.
For example, you see the ingredients listed on the label above, right?
No, take a look at the ingredients listed on their official website.
They’re missing several of the ones they are showing on the label, including:
- Kre-Celazine
- Theobromine
- Cayenne Pepper
- Theophylline
Given these ingredients are not as important as some of the ones missing on the website, but it would be helpful if they listed ALL of them.
The Exact Breakdown of Red Fortera
Unfortunately, the exact information regarding ingredient amounts is only available for 2 of the formula components.
The rest are lumped together into a proprietary blend, hiding those important individual amounts.
Here’s what we know:
- Niacin (80mg) (aka Vitamin B3, aka Nicotonic Acid).
Niacin provides what’s known in the business as the “niacin flush”.
It triggers a quick release of histamine in the body, which opens up blood vessels, sending blood rushing through your body, including to just beneath the surface of your skin.
Some find it slightly uncomfortable – especially if they’re taken off-guard by it – while others find it exhilarating.
It mimics the rush of histamine that occurs during arousal and climax, so it supports sexual excitement in that way as well. 80 mg, however, is a low dose compared to what’s been studied to improve erectile dysfunction. - Zinc (25mg).Zinc is commonly used in both sexual performance enhancers and natural testosterone boosters.
It’s been found to be crucial to the chemical reaction in the body that produces testosterone. (Source)
The 545 mg Proprietary Blend containing:
- Korean Ginseng which is believed to boost several aspects of sexual performance, including libido and erectile function.
- Tribulus Terrestris which is thought to improve erections due to its ability to increase natural testosterone. (Source)
- L-Arginine which, as a pre cursor to nitric oxide, can widen blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow toward your genitals for better erections.
- Maca Root Powder which is known to be a very powerful natural aphrodisiac.
- L-Tyrosene which is used in stress reduction supplements and has been shown in mice to improve erectile function.
- Octacosanol which is chemically similar to Vitamin E, the “sex vitamin”.
- Cinnamon which may lower blood sugar levels, which can increase libido in women, and may improve blood low for better erections.
- Gingko Biloba which supports circulation for better blood flow and better erections.
- Yohimbe Bark which is known to be both an aphrodisiac and an erectile dysfunction aid.
It works most similarly to the way Viagra works, in addition to opening up blood vessels and working as a central nervous system stimulant.
It’s not a bad formula on the face of it, but I have a couple comments to note.
1. The Arginine Dose is TOO SMALL
L-Arginine can be a very effective supplement to improve erections. However, in order to be effective, WebMD recommends doses in the 3-5 gram range.
In Red Fortera, it’s the third ingredient in the 545 mg proprietary blend.
This means there’s probably not more than a 100 or so milligrams.
This isn’t going to get you very far.
2. Yohimbe Works, But Has MAJOR Side Effects
Yohimbe Bark can be a very effective aid, but it can also come with side effects, including:
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Drooling
- Increased blood pressure

This is probably not much of an issue in this case, again because of the low dosage.
It’s the last ingredient in a small proprietary blend, so you’re likely to be safe, but you’re also likely not to gain much benefit.
Clinical Study
One unique factor in Red Fortera’s favor is that the company that manufactures it has commissioned an independent clinical study of the formula.
Lots of supplements point to clinical studies of a couple of their primary ingredients, but most do not have studies of their actual complete formulas conducted.
Let’s take a look at the findings.
Study Details Summary
It was a 7 week randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial using healthy adult males, though they do not specify how many.
Results were as follows:
- 18% improvement in partners’ self reported sexual satisfaction rating, which is 26% higher than those who’s partners were taking the placebo.
- 13% improvement in the subjects’ own self reported arousal rating.
- 12% improvement in erectile quality and performance.
Additionally, no safety issues or adverse events were reported by the participants.
As with the formula, I have a few comments of note on this clinical trial:
1. They don’t mention how many subjects participated in the trial.
This is important to know as a trial of 10 participants is a lot less illuminating than a trial with 1000 participants.
2. The numbers don’t reflect very significant improvements.
3. They don’t provide detailed information on the study or a link to view the study results directly.
Instead, they provide basically the bullet points they want to highlight.
This is understandable from a marketing point of view, but not so much from the standpoint of providing results of a clinical trial.
Red Fortera Side Effects
We’ve already talked about the “niacin flush” that you might experience when taking Red Fortera, but beyond that, I wouldn’t expect there to be any adverse effects.
Like we mentioned earlier, Yohimbe has the potential to cause side effects, the amount present would appear to be low enough as to not be an issue.
Red Fortera Reviews
Red Fortera is sold on, which means Amazon reviews. In fact, there’s 109 of them at last count.
The first thing we noticed about these is that the bulk of the reviews are either 5-Stars or 1-Star:
Most of the 5-Star reviews are short and sweet, simply stating in so many words that Red Fortera works:
Though one spelled it out very clearly and precisely:
The same is true of the 1-Star reviews, where most of them are very succinct:
The sharp divide makes it tough to know what to believe, although I have this nagging suspicion that many of the 5 star reviews are fabricated.
One of the classic signs of fake Amazon reviews are BIG disparities in the ratio of good and bad reviews.
With that said, the website (which analyzes Amazon reviews for authenticity), grades the Red Fortera listing on Amazon a B.
Of course this doesn’t mean that the rating couldn’t be “gamed”, but it certainly lends some credibility in Red Forteras’ favor.
Where to Buy Red Fortera
Red Fortera is primarily available through its official website, and there are several packages to choose from.
The one at the top of the list is the “Free Trial”.
If you sign up for this package, they’ll send you 1 capsule for the price of shipping, but there’s a catch.
Trying Red Fortera for free automatically signs you up for monthly autoshipping of 6 capsules at a price of $79.99 per month.This is also true if your original order is 3 capsules for $39.99.
How do I cancel my order?
They don’t lay out the procedure for canceling your monthly shipments, but the website does list their customer service number as 1-800-908-6213, and they profess to have a 30 day money back guarantee as long as you’re willing to ship the product back to them at your own cost.
If you don’t want to sign up for ongoing shipments, you have two ordering options.You can order one capsule straight up for $15, or you can order 6 capsules straight up for $89.99 (this package comes with free shipping).
If you want, you can order Red Fortera from as well.They sell a box of 4 capsules for $39.99.
This all adds up to being a pretty expensive male enhancement supplement no matter which way you slice it.
Red Fortera is NOT sold in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS, so don’t bother looking there.
Who Makes Red Fortera?
The company behind the product is called Next Gen Health Solutions, headquartered in New Rochelle, NY.
There’s not much information available about them online. According to the Better Business Bureau, they’ve been in business since spring 2015. They currently have an “F” rating, apparently due to 3 unaddressed customer complaints.
Unfortunately, the complaint details are not available.
Consequently, we’d share them here if they were.
It seems to me that some customers were caught off guard by the monthly charges, and had difficulty getting them stopped.
Of course, this is just a guess.
With that said, we get similar complaints about similar setups from our readers all the time.
Red Fortera Pros and Cons
Advantages of Red Fortera
- The ingredients are all natural.
- They have performed a clinical study on the product.
- There’s a money back guarantee.
- It contains ingredients that have been known to be effective.
Red Fortera Disadvantages
- The ingredient amounts are likely too low to be very effective.
- Some customers may get caught up in the free trial/monthly auto-shipment trap.
- Customer feedback on Red Fortera is very hot and cold, which makes it tough to get any guidance there.
- The company has an F rating with the Better Business Bureau.
- It’s expensive.
In conclusion, the Red Fortera formula doesn’t stand out as particularly good or bad.It’s very much like dozens of others we’ve tested.That means there’s a decent chance that you’ll derive some small benefit from using it.
That said, this product claims to work almost instantly.
You may get the “Niacin Flush” we discussed earlier, but that is probably the only immediate result you’ll notice.
Of course you should do your homework and make sure that you are not allergic to anything inside Red Fortera, but its low risk for side effects and interactions makes it seem like a safe bet to add to your supplement regiment.
In fact, the Red Fortera formula is much more like that of a daily pill, one that can produce its best results over time.
But at a cost of $15 a pill, the cost of taking this stuff every day is prohibitive.
Bottom line, does it work?
In a nutshell, this product will likely NOT give you the immediate results they claim.
Furthermore, it’s too expensive to use every day, which would be your best shot at any real results.Those two factors taken together form the one big reason Red Fortera does not get our recommendation.
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User Questions and Answers
Why was the formula changed? -
I wasn't aware that it had changed. Get in touch with Next Gen Health Solutions, the makers of Red Fortera. They would be able to tell you.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
I am sick of hearing that actor discuss private matters and then I have to find a way to explain his comments. to youngsters. HATE IT! is a review website. We don’t make, sell, distribute, or advertise products.
It used too till july of 2017. Don’t know what they did to it but they ruined a great great thing.