Purple Rhino Review – The Real Reason Purple Rhino Is A Scam
By: Rob Miller
With male enhancement supplement Purple Rhino, it’s all about the blood flow, and truthfully, that’s a good thing.
Emphasis on increased blood flow is indeed the path to erectile greatness.
So in that regard, Purple Rhino is starting out on the right foot. They’ve got the right idea.
But because it takes more than just an idea to make a great product, we took a closer look at all the available information on the product, so we could determine whether or not this stuff has what it takes to be the one you want.
What Is Purple Rhino?
Purple Rhino is a sexual performance enhancement supplement that tells you right up front that it will work best if you use it in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle.
I’ve got to say, this goes in the plus column for Purple Rhino.
A lot of products promise to do it all for you, without any effort on your part.
But the fact is, even when it comes to erectile health, you’ve got to do your part.
If you’re out of shape, overweight, overtired, low energy, or fatigued, this pill won’t solve all those problems and give you hard erections.
You’ve got to put in your work to be in relatively good shape.
Purple Rhino promises to improve your situation from wherever you start, but best results will come if you’re in shape as well.
The list of benefits from using Purple Rhino include:
- Bigger, harder erections.
- Greater stamina and passion.
- An end to premature ejaculation.
- Increased intensity of orgasms.
- Assured mutual satisfaction for both partners.
How Purple Rhino Works
The focus of Purple Rhino is increased blood flow for better erections.
After all, that’s what an erection is – blood rushing into the penile chambers, filling them to capacity and beyond.
But increasing that blood flow can be accomplished from several different angles.
There are libido boosting herbs that increase sexual excitement, working on the mental side of things.
And there are physiological changes that you can affect as well, mainly by increasing the amount of nitric oxide flowing through your body.
Nitric oxide is a gas found naturally in your body.
It’s formed in part from L-Arginine.
One way to increase nitric oxide in your body is to increase your intake of L-Arginine, which acts as a precursor to nitric oxide.
The theory is that keeping l-arginine levels up keeps nitric oxide levels up in turn, and you’re more prepped and ready to perform when the time comes.
Next, we’ll take a look at the total ingredient list to see what other benefits are provided.
Purple Rhino doesn’t provide a total ingredient list complete with amounts, but they do list the primary actives and the benefits you can expect from each:
- Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract serves dual purposes by increasing natural testosterone production as well as supporting nitric oxide levels for improved blood flow.
It’s provides a third benefit as well, and that’s increased acetylcholine for boosted libido as well. - L-Argninine HCL which is the primary force behind increasing blood flow.
Ingesting more L-Arginine leads to increased nitric oxide production, which causes the penile blood vessels to expand and increase their capacity.
Increased capacity means more blood flows in, giving you harder, more sustainable erections. - Saw Palmetto Berry Extract which boosts libido and confidence while also provide support for the health of your prostate.
- Muira Puama Bark Extract which has been used for centuries to boost libido as well as improve erections.
- Asian Red Ginseng Root Extract which can help reduce stress and improve mood, factors which are often overlooked in performance enhancers.
But mood stabilization and calming are important contributors to the confidence you need ot perform at your best. - Horny Goat Weed Leaf Extract which is both an aphrodisiac and an erectile enhancer.
It improves libido while it also provides increased blood flow to support the action of the L-Arginine that area.
It’s difficult to know how well a supplement will work when we don’t know the ingredient amounts, which we don’t in this case.But going with what we know, it could be a good formula – perhaps not great, but good.
So that leaves us turning to other factors to determine whether or not we should spend time and/or money on Purple Rhino.
How To Take Purple Rhino
The recommended dose is 2 tablets per day.
The time of day is not specified, but there are generally two things to consider when dosing a daily male enhancement supplement: First, you want to try to take it around the same time each day to keep ingredient levels somewhat steady in your system.
Second, consider taking it at night before bed – that way you may be more likely to get the post dose boost at the right time, an hour or so before sex.
Purple Rhino Reviews
One of the ways you can buy Purple Rhino (which we’ll talk more about later) is through Amazon.com.
What that means is that we can check out potentially real feedback from customer who’ve actually used it.
I say “potentially real” because it’s true that sometimes you’ll find fake reviews on Amazon.com.
But the small number and varied nature of the Purple Rhino reviews on Amazon give us no reason to be suspicious in this case.
What we found for Purple Rhino is that while there are more positive reviews than negative ones, the range is really quite wide, with several customers just panning it.
First here are a couple favorable viewpoints:
And here are basically the opposite views from other customers:
What this means to me is that Purple Rhino truly does work for some guys, and it truly doesn’t for some others.
When you think about it, that’s true for most products, but it doesn’t really help us in our decision about whether or not to try the stuff.
Where to Buy
Purple Rhino is only available online. You won’t find it in stores.
The primary way to purchase it is through its official website by signing up for the “free trial”.
Now, we’ve talked about these free trials before – a lot actually – and this one is no different.
Here’s how it works:
1. You sign up for the 14-day free trial and pay $4.95 for shipping and handling, and they send you a full, one month supply bottle of Purple Rhino.
2. You have 14 days from that day to decide whether or not you’d like to continue to use (and pay for) the product.
3. If you don’t call and cancel within 14 days from the day you placed your order, you will be charged the full price of $89.99 for the “free” bottle.
4. You’ll continue to receive and pay for a full price bottle every month from then on until you cancel.
You can find this information in the Terms and Conditions document that you can link to from the Purple Rhino website, but they don’t mention it anywhere on the order page.
They don’ t even suggest that you read the Terms and Conditions.Honestly, this is one of the worst offenders of the free trial scam because they really give you almost no opportunity to know what you’re getting into.
Most products, scammy as they are, mention somewhere, if you look hard enough, that you will be billed, or at least make you check a box indicating that you’ve read the terms.
Purple Rhino does neither of those things.
As we mentioned above, you can get it at Amazon (the 60-count bottle – one month supply – costs $29.25).Truthfully, if I were planning to buy it, this is the way I’d go.
Purple Rhino’s Reputation
Online companies tend to get online reputations, and the one for Purple Rhino isn’t very good.
They’ve got an F rating with the Better Business Bureau, and they’ve got some complaints at The Ripoff Report.
In both cases, it’s related to their deceptive billing practices.
One customer took issue with the fact that the terms of the trial are not stated anywhere visible while ordering, while another customer called to cancel within the specified time and was told he could not cancel.
After several attempts to speak to a manager, this customer was hung up on and given a credit for all but an inexplicable amount of $28. Why Purple Rhino chose $28 is anybody’s guess.
Purple Rhino Pros and Cons
Advantages of Purple Rhino
- The ingredients are all natural.
- The website explains how the ingredients work.
- There are positive Purple Rhino reviews from happy customers posted at Amazon.com
Disadvantages of Purple Rhino
- They sell it using the free trial scam so popular among online supplements of this kind, only it’s worse than usual because they’re even more secretive about it than most.
- There are no ingredient amounts listed.
- There are quite a few negative reviews saying Purple Rhino did nothing.
- Purple Rhino has a negative presence with the Better Business Bureau.
The Bottom Line
Purple Rhino may be an okay product.That’s where I’d rank it if I were just looking at the formula and the customer reviews – potentially effective for some, but nothing particular spectacular for anyone.
But you can’t ignore the company issues and their billing practices.
The big reason Purple Rhino is a scam is because they try to sneakily get you to pay $90 for something you never intended to pay more than $4.95 for.Autoshipping is a common practice, but it should be something you actively sign up for once you know you want it – not something you get by default without even knowing it.
And when customers finally realize – too late – that they’re being charged this money, they have to fight to get it back, and in the end , they usually lose at least some of it.
If you have a burning desire to try Purple Rhino, spent the $30 at Amazon.It’s cheaper than a bottle from the website, and you won’t have to deal with ongoing payments you never should have had to deal with in the first place.
But in my opinion, any company that would go so far out of their way to make sure their customers were kept in the dark about what they’re signing up for can’t be trusted to make a good product.
If it was truly any good, they’d sell it on its merits, and not have to come up with schemes like this one.
For that reason, Purple Rhino is just a scam and I wouldn’t recommend you bother with it.
Have You Tried Purple Rhino?
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Tim's Review
What a total rip off! They will send you s trial for $4.95 but 15 days later they will charge your card for $90 and when you call and cancel it they will burn you out of your money. Thats right! No money back and no worthless product!!! I'm so mad I could scream!!! When I called and asked for their address they wouldn't give me anything... What a total rip off!!! Dont try it! Its not even worth the thought of giving them your $5!
4 out of 4 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
How do i contact Purple Rhino ? I Would like to cancel. -Donald
Here's the phone number I found on their website: 800-391-8794- Rob
9 out of 10 people found this question helpful.
How long after taking purple it start working 10 or more pill -W James
You take 2 pills a day. You should feel some results right away, but you'll have to wait a few weeks for the full effect.- Rob
4 out of 5 people found this question helpful.
How can I stop delivery? -steve
Give their customer service number a call and tell them you want to cancel your subscription. The number from their website is 800-391-8794.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Can you take purple rhino if you have moderate high blood pressure -Staley Trefry
It may be okay, but you should check with your doctor before taking any supplement. It contains L-Arginine, which can affect blood pressure.- Rob
Check out a supplement called Vigrx Plus. It doesn’t contain any harmful stimulants, and happens to be the best all around male enhancer I’ve ever tested. Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/vigrx-plus-review
Definitely check with your doctor first to see if there would be any interactions with your medications.
Disease, Doesn’t change anything.Quit auto pay from
My bank. Cancel next shipment.
Will contact bank to stop next
SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.
Thank you for your help!
Call the number I found on their website. It’s 800-391-8794.