Phen 375 Review
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 8-20-2018

Note: This is just a review. Click Here to visit the official Phen 375 website.
Losing weight never seems to be easy. It takes a very strict diet, proper exercise, and a focused mindset to stick with any diet program, and many seem to “fall off the wagon” when they don’t start seeing results. Sometimes it takes a supplement to help you get over your plateau, and once such supplement we had a chance to review is called Phen 375.
What is Phen 375?
Phen 375 is an all natural dietary supplement that helps to increase your bodies fat burning ability and stimulate your metabolism. It also acts as a potent appetite suppressant, which we all know is key if you’re looking to lose weight. The ingredients in Phen 375 include a blend of L-Carnitine, Caffeine, Capsaicin, and Sympathomimetic Amine, which is a potent stimulant tat helps you constantly burn fat by increasing your metabolism.
How Does Phen 375 Work?
Phen 375 is essentially the legal version of Phentermine, which was a very effective but dangerous substance that used to be used to help people lose weight. Essentially what Phen375 does is “mimic” the effects of Phentermine through the use of the all natural ingredients listed above.
For example, the ingredient L-Carnitine has been shown in clinical studies to literally help to mimic the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) that transport fatty acids through you’re metabolism. This helps to burn existing fat easier, while reducing the amount of muscle that is lost during the process.
In addition, the ingredient Capsaicin has been shown to increase your body’s temperature, which allows it to burn up to 270 more calories per day.
Phen 375 also works to:
- Reduce Your Appetite Dramatically
- Decrease Your Fat Storage
- Increase Metabolism Dramatically
Here are a Few Reviews From Satisfied Customers pulled from the official Phen 375 website:
“I have tried practically every diet drug, pill, cream, and exercise routine you can possibly think of, all with very little results. I originally came across Phen 375 after talking with a physical trainer at my local gym who had recommended it to one of his clients.
After using it for about 4 months, I had dropped over 25 pounds, and felt like a million bucks. Now when I go to the gym or beach, I AM THE ONE WHO GETS THE GIRLS STARING AT ME. It’s great!.”
Bruce, Florida
“After my first pregnancy, I felt so fat and disgusting that I never wanted to show my face in public. I would spend hours in the gym, but it was practically useless because I would end up getting so hungry that I would just eat it all back.
I knew I needed something that would curb my appetite, while helping me burn the fat off and up my metabolism. My friend told me about PH.375, and after using it for 6 months, I had lost 43 pounds! I wish I had knew about this before, I would have been taking it the day after I gave birth to my son!”
Shelly, Chicago
“I, like alot of my friends, find out that I have no time to make it to the gym. I am so tired after work, after 3 hours of commuting and a 10 hour workday, the last thing I want to do is spend another 2 hours of whatever is left of my day at the gym.
Yes, I am proud to say that I was looking for an easy way out! PH.375 was great because I literally did not do anything except for follow the guide an I was losing 2 pounds of fat a week.My only gripe is the price, but for something that works this good, I would gladly pay triple!”
Todd, California
Where can I buy it?
As of this review, you can buy Phen 375 on their official website, A one month supply will run you about $70, plus shipping and handling, and includes online diet plans and training videos to help kick start your weight loss.
Of course, you can always sign up for my free “How To Lose Weight Quickly and Effectively” ebook. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help lead you on the right path.
My Recommendation
There’s no doubt about it, Phen 375 works!
I even ranked it #4 on my list of the best weight loss pills for women, and that was after evaluating dozens of them.
While I personally still think that Instant Knockout is more effective both in terms of results and quality, Phen375 is DEFINITELY one of my personal favorites. Is it a miracle pill? NO. Will you lose 20 lbs. in a week? NO.Can you eat whatever you want and still lose weight with it? NO.
However, It will definitely help kick your workouts into high gear, and help to reduce your overall calorie consumption, which is obviously VERY important while dieting. I recommend that should you decide to order Phen375 that you get AT LEAST a 2 months supply to get the best results.
Visit the official Phen 375 website here:
Have You Used Phen 375? Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure
Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.
HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested.Read our review here.
Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs.
Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.
1 Star User Reviews
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Click Here To Visit The Official Phen375 Site
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User Questions and Answers
Hi, I'm taking phen375 for a week. I lost 3-4 lb but started to have some side effects like itching/hives all over my body. Is this common? It not going away. Can I return the product (purchased for 2 months) -Irine
I haven't heard of this before, but everyone's different, and hives are generally an allergic reaction, so you could be allergic to something in it. Â Phen75 has a return policy that depends on a case by case basis, so give them a call and see.- Rob
4 out of 4 people found this question helpful.
Is this a once per day supplement? -kris
Take 2 pills once per day, before your first meal.- Rob
4 out of 4 people found this question helpful.
Can I lose men boobs with phen375? -Noshaz
No product will enable you to spot reduce fat, but Phen375 along with the right diet and workout regimen will help you lose fat all over.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Price in Pakistan? -murtaza khan
It looks like they don't ship to Pakistan.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
When I take this product it affects my vision reading up close. Has this been reported before? Maybe is one of the ingredients. Also notice it affects kidneys. -Karmen
I haven't heard of either of these side effects with Phen375. But if this is what you're experiencing, you should discontinue use and see a doctor.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Yeah typically if your looking to lose A LOT of weight like that, usually just cutting calories will shed a lot of it off. And that’s what Phen 375 is great at, helping to curb your appetite and burn fat as well. Here’s their site:
I most want something to help with weight loss. Which would you recommend?
Or is there something totally different out there that I should be looking at? Thank you!
Good questions. As a fat burner, Instant Knockout is more suited to help amp up your workouts, which in turn helps to boost your metabolism and fat loss. Phen 375, on the other hand, is more suited towards helping you keep your calorie intake at bay by being a potent appetite suppressant.
Therefore, if you’re looking for something to help boost metabolism and give your workouts a boost, go with Instant Knockout (
If you’re looking for something to help you eat less and lose weight, go with Phen 375 (
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
Yeah, if you’re in your thirties or older and trying to lose weight, adding Testofuel to your weight loss stack is a great idea.
Drinking Green Tea along with Phen375 is totally fine. Start with a 2 month supply, which is 4 bottles.
That’ll get you well on your way to your goal.
I tried Fastin a couple years ago. It wasn’t bad, but not really a top pick either. Here’s a link to my full review: Fastin Review A better bet for you would be a fat burner called Instant Knockout. Click this link for my full Instant Knockout review: Instant Knockout Review
I am not athletic but have been going to a weight lifting class at my gym 2 hours/week and walking 4 miles/wk on the incline treadmill. But the fat remains.
I don’t drink coffee, so I’m sensitive to caffeine. What product would be best for me?
Would Instant Knockout work if I took only 2-3 pills/day?
Kudos to you for working hard! First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped” ebook. It might sound like it’s geared towards bodybuilders / experienced lifters, but the information in it applies to nearly anyone looking to lose weight.
Instant Knockout would be a great choice, but like you stated be careful of the caffeine content. I would literally start with just 1 pill and assess your tolerance. It’s mainly designed to kick your workouts into high gear, and provide you with the necessary energy to push through your plateaus.
Here’s a link to their site:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Your reviews are very useful , Thanks. I bought phen375 after reading ur review..but i don’t get nice just control appetite..can i add green tea with diet says to take green tea for 4 times a day..can do this while taking phen375. thank you so much.
You can, but since it is additional caffeine, start with one cup of green tea in a day first and see how you respond. Then add 1 more cup each day, checking in with how you feel before moving on.
I recently tried both instant knockout and phen 375. I only get appetite suppression with phen but nicer energy with instant knockout. I know you shouldn’t combine the two, but what if I took 1 phen in the morning and only 1 instant knockout before working out?
Still too much caffeine? Thanks, Cecilia
If you’ve already been combining Instant Knockout and Phen375 and didn’t have any adverse effects, then I would say go for it.
The only thing I would caution against is taking them too close together, because of the caffeine content.
Phen-375 seems like it doesnt have B6 (unlike Instant Knockout) – is there a testosterone booster you can recommend? Thanks
Yeah, most testosterone boosters have Vitamin B6, but go with Testosterone Max from Crazy Mass. It’s in my top 3 picks, and doesn’t have B6.
Returned from Afghanistan where I lost 40lbs or so. Since I have been back I haven’t been hitting the gym like I was.
I moved to Florida from up north. I will be going back to the gym as things settle.
I would like to lose the weight I put on and more. What would you recommend for a fat burner and test booster that works well together?
I seen that you prefer the gold standard for the whey protein. I will probably adhere to that as well.
Go with Instant Knockout for your fat burner and Testofuel for your testosterone booster. If you haven’t already, sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook for a great meal and workout plan to help you reach your goals.
I need to lose belly fat quick
Go with Nitrocut. It’s a stimulant-free pre workout that works as a great stack with Testofuel for getting ripped.
I would recommend you get a appetite suppressant called Capsiplex, it works great to curb your hunger. Here’s my review:
My name is Sam. Im 5’11’ at 280LB.
I’m looking to lose at least a 100LB. I have just started a 3-4 hour gym session 5 days a week for about 3 weeks now.
Usually consisting of a complete body weight workout with an extra emphasis on a particular body part such as Arms, Chest, Back, or Thighs. I just ordered phen375 to speed up the process.
My biggest problem is I am a car dealer and am sitting most of the day with a very short window to eat anything. I wanted to ask is this the same formula from before because most of these posts seem older and on the website it states the formula has changed.
Also would it be okay to stack this with Liporush and/or Bullnox Andorush or C4 preworkout?
Make sure you get enough rest between workouts. Muscle actually grows during rest time, so you need to make sure you get enough. I don’t know how much weight you’re lifting, but it sounds like you may need to cut back a little to allow your muscles time to rebuild. I wrote the Phen375 review before the new formula, but the new one is good as well. They basically took out the dhea because some countries have it banned. All the other supplements you mentioned contain stimulants so you don’t want to stack Phen375 with them. Try stacking it with a non-stimulant pre workout like Nitrocut.
Sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. Along with the workout program, it’s got a great diet plan you can use. And if you find yourself with time to exercise, you’ve got a great resource for that too.
I was injured on the job and Ive been unable to work for almost 2 years…I had gotten up to 370 and hadnt even realized it…my wake up call was when my neurologist (for my work related head injury) told me i needed to check myself into the ER because my blood pressure was too high. That was in November, Ive lost 30 pounds since and my goal is to get to 260.
With the medication im on for my blood pressure im normal, do you think its okay to take Phen 375?
I wouldn’t recommend taking Phen375 unless your doctor okays it. It’s got quite a bit of stimulant and that may not mix with your high blood pressure or your meds. You’d do better with a stack of the non-stimulant pre workout Nitrocut and natural testosterone booster Testofuel. I also recommend you sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook for diet and workout plans.
Ah, I see. Yeah, that’s definitely a good addition, and the rest of what I said still stands.
Add one of the two fat burners to your stack.
I’m not familiar with FMA Pro, and I wasn’t able to find any information on it, but yes, you’ll want to use a fat burner with your stack. Phen375 or Instant Knockout are your best choices.
A penny for your thoughts. Sorry I put this on this thread but didn’t know where else to stick it.
Love the sit and am grateful for your hard work.
I really like 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition. It’s a good, quality protein and it tastes amazing.
Thanks as always for this great site! My question for this is the same as what I ask for everything: is this safe for someone with High Blood Pressure?
How does it compare to Proactol Plus?
Thank you in advance – this site is literally the most honest supplement site out there.
So glad you’re finding the site helpful. Actually, there’s quite a bit of caffeine in Phen375, so I wouldn’t recommend using it if you’ve got high blood pressure. Proactol Plus, on the other hand, is fine. As a fat binder, without stimulants, it won’t cause problems with high blood pressure.
Praoctol Plus is a fat binder. It binds to fat, preventing it from being digested by your body. Meratol is more of a typical fat burner (albeit with mainly natural ingredients). It contains caffeine, which you really don’t want more of when you’re taking Phen375 already. So, no, I wouldn’t recommend combining the two.
Can I take Phen375 with decreased dosage to 1 tablet a day? Will this affect the effectivity of the product.
I just want to lose around 10 lbs of fat.
You can try it. I often start out taking a new supplement at a low dose to test for side effects and effectiveness.
The low dose will most likely be less effective, but it may be all you need. You’ll have to test it out.
Ive just received my shipment of phen and am planning on starting to use it as soon as possible but the dosage mentioned on the bottle says 1 tablet twice a day but bottle has only 30 pills for a month so is it half a tablet at a time
Pls confirm
Actually, a bottle is only meant to last 2 weeks at a time. (I know, it’s pretty expensive for just 2 weeks!). You can try taking just half a pill at a time to see if it works for you.
If it does, you can save yourself quite a bit of money. But on the other hand, if you do try and it doesn’t work, you’ll end up having wasted a couple of pills.
I am a truck driver so me getting to a gym is very unlikely but I do have a weight set on the truck so I do use them when I can. I am 5’10 227 lbs and have had the lapband since December of 2010 and started out being 304 lbs so i have lost a good amount of weight the problem is I feel Ive lost a considerable amount of strength not just in my arms and legs but it feels like everywhere and I also want to lose at least 20 lbs in the next couple of months for an upcoming event do you think it would be a good idea to take Phen 375 to help curve cravings for sweets and also can you recommend some good workouts i could do on a 18 wheeler to build my strength back up, tone my body, and lose weight…
Phen375 can definitely help you lose more weight in conjunction with a good diet and some exercise. I don’t personally have on-the-road exercises for you, but I found this article that might help.
You sure can. Use Force Factor 2 as your pre workout supplement, and use Phen375 to burn fat.
There are no stimulants in Force Factor 2, so you don’t have to worry about overdoing it there.
I’m a 32 yr old male. I’m 6’2 and 291 pounds.
After high school I found it hard to change my appetite. I became less active and have now put on way too much weight.
I’m in need of losing weight, but I don’t really trust losing it in a fast trick way. My doctor says he would like to see me down between 215-225 in one year.
Just looking for information on reaching that goal through supplements, nutrition, and workouts.
Sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s loaded with tips and advice for eating and working out to get in great shape. I’ve also included a few bonuses for helping you stay on track. Your doctor is right. Making lifestyle changes in terms of what you eat and your level of activity is the best way to take off weight for good. As for supplements, check out Instant Knockout. It’s a great fat burner that gives you lots of energy for workouts and the whole day. It won’t do the job for you, but it can give you that motivational boost you need.
Can I take African mango and raspberry ketone diet pills alongside the phen375? I need to lose 50 pounds.
You sure can. You just want to avoid anything that contains stimulants. A good choice to use with your Phen375 is Proactol Plus. It’s a fat binder that contains fiber to make you feel more full without feeling bloated.
If you want to lose weight and get ripped without stimulants, use Proactol Plus and Nitrocut. Proactol Plus is not a fat burner, but a fat binder, so you won’t store fat from the foods you eat. Nitrocut is a great pre workout supplement that also doesn’t have stimulants. Use these two and sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook, and you’ll get there for sure.
I’m 23 years old weighing 275 and 6’0″. I’ve done A LOT of research on phen375 and have surprisingly found nothing wrong with it, no legit sites saying it’s a scam, or any of that.
After looking at their site however, I see that the makers of phen375 have changed their US formula and added a couple of ingredients as of November 13th 2013. Can you talk more about these? Thanks!
Yes, you’re right. I’ve been meaning to update my review to reflect the change, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.
Thanks for the heads up.
Walking and eating right will certainly help, but if you want to lose body fat percentage, you should consider weight training. Judging from this article from, when done properly, it comes with a very low risk of causing an asthma attack. As for whether or not the supplement would be safe for you to take, there are a lot of stimulants, so I would check with your doctor before you take anything.
I am 38 year old male, my weight is 345lbs i am working out without supplements 4 to 5 times a week.
However I work on average 50 hours in 6 days and my energy level are low when its gym time. I have been reading your suggestion and i feel that Nutrocut with Phen375 would be beneficial.
My concern is that with having high blood pressure is Phen375 beneficial to me will it spike up my BP. and if so what other phat burner would you recomend.
You’re right. I wouldn’t recommend Phen375 with your high blood pressure. Because of your condition, you should check in with your doctor before taking anything, but I would go with Nitrocut and Proactol Plus. It’s a fat binder, so it doesn’t have stimulants to mess with your blood pressure. You should also download my free “getting ripped” ebook for some meal and workout ideas and plans.
Thanks for the advice you’ve given me (as a woman) for supplements that will help me build muscle and strength with better recovery in addition to shedding a 5-10 kg of excess body fat… I’m definitely noticing faster recovery… bit early to tell on the muscle/strength gains but looking good 🙂
I’ve been taking the Phen375 for a couple of weeks and it definitely has me feeling way warmer (it’s winter here in Aus) and way less interested in food… my junk food intake has also gone from one meal 5 days a week to one day (everything in moderation and all that!)… I started exercising again a few days before the pills arrived too and will admit that surprisingly, I’ve actually put on 2-3kg rather than losing any…
As a woman I won’t be stacking on muscle in only 2 weeks and probably not that fast when it does build… and as the creatine you recommended didn’t show up until a couple of weeks in, there’s unlikely to be water retention happening (particularly with the decrease in salty junk food). Do you know of anyone else experiencing weight gain on Phen375 and maybe why?
I haven’t heard of weight gain related to beginning Phen375, and I don’t know what could be causing it. I would recommend you keep track of all the food you eat including how many calories.
Also track your basic caloric requirements before exercise and whatever you expend with exercise. I’m guessing you’ll find a calorie surplus.
If you correct that be changing your diet and/or increasing your exercise, you’ll start to lose weight. Also, don’t get too hung up on the scale if you’re looking and feeling good.
It’s a process for sure.
Took me a few days to calculate everything but you were absolutely right… my calorie intake was about 700kJ (167 calories) high for my activity level. They definitely snuck in on a few foods I wasn’t expecting them to!
Thanks for pointing that out…
Thank you for putting yourself out there and hope you are compensated fairly for your time and effort. Quick overview – I was 317 lbs just two years ago and down now 265 lbs. 6′ tall (hides well) I have a fair amount of muscle hidden. In my early 20’s I was 215 – 220 lbs lean like line backer.
I’m 40 now, single parent with less time. I’ve plateaued and need a jump start.
I’ve ordered Phen375, but wondered about your thoughts. One of my jobs requires me to do over 500 stairs, walk about 2 to 3 miles a day and lift up to 75 lbs repeatedly.
I have changed my diet to a clean diet. I would like to get down to 220 – 230, but not like a line backer, more like a swimmer (Gold medalist) =) What say you as far as stacks and Jim routine?
I will download your free get ripped too. I know food is first and am considering going back to 3 or 4 days ahead in Tupperware again!
Again thank you for letting us pick your experience and knowledge.
Great job on the changes you’ve made so far! When it comes to diet and exercise, I recommend you follow the program laid out in the book. As for supplements, I would stack your Phen375 with a pre workout called Nitrocut. It gets you pumped for working out without stimulants, which makes it perfect to stack with a fat burner. This is how I’d recommend you get through your plateau. Let me know if you have any more questions.
Honest and real?
The link is indeed to the official site.
I stumbled across your site and am really glad I did. On my own I was able to get from 270 to 195 without exercise using a low calorie healthy diet, and a really good meal replacement (Rawmeal).
I drive roughly 60,000 miles per year, so a workout routine just doesn’t work for me.
The only problem I’m having now is losing that last 20 lbs (and what’s left of my gut…It’s still there, albeit much smaller).
Would you recommend stacking the HGH release product in conjunction with Phen375?
Or would that not work due to my not working out?
Keep up the great work, and thanks in advance!!
Congratulations on losing so much weight! As you know very well by now, the way to lose weight is by consuming fewer calories than you expend. It worked for you till now without exercising, but it isn’t working so well anymore. The reason is that now that you weigh less, your needs even fewer calories to maintain, so in order to keep losing, you need to eat even less. And at some point, this becomes counterproductive because your body starts to think you’re starving and goes into conservation mode. That’s why exercise is so important. It makes your body require more calories so you can stilllose weight by eating a reasonable amount of food. So I strongly recommend that you find a way to get in as much exercise as possible. That said, Phen375 will help by increasing your fat burning and decreasing your appetite. HyperGH 14X will help by improving your sleep, mood, and energy. Your results would be better if you exercised, but you’d still get something out of the supplements even if you’re not.
So I’m 5’9, 150 pounds, and around 10% body fat. I have been working out 5 days a week for over 6 months now and feel great.
I use C4 extreme to give me a boost before workouts. Although I consider myself pretty lean, I would like my stomach to be a lot more defined than it is.
I was wondering if it would be ok to supplement C4 extreme with a belly fat burner like Phen375. Do you think it’s too much caffeine intake? In short, is it safe?
Also I was wondering what the difference was between C4 extreme and Nitrocut. Thanks.
In my opinion, it’s too much caffeine to use them both together. And that brings us to your second question. Nitrocut is a great pre workout that doesn’t contain any stimulants, so it stacks really well with something like . I recommend you switch to Nitrocut and stack in Phen375 to achieve your goal.
I am 20 years old and 6’1″ n 255lbs i am looking to loose fat fast(just like everyone) what kind of supplements and workout do you suggest to get slim fast? Please mention the dosage as well
Thank you
For a meal and diet plan that’ll get you in shape, download my free “getting ripped” ebook. I just added some bonuses to the package that can help you keep on track as well. As for supplements, stack Phen375 with Nitrocut. Just follow the dosing instructions on the package. Nitrocut calls for 2-4 pills at a time. I would usually start with one or 2 to see how I react. With your size, I’d say start with 2 or 3.
I hear you (and that’s why I started this website). Go with a stack of Nitrocut with Phen375. You’ll also want to download my free “getting ripped” ebook for tons of tips and advice about eating right and working out. Work the program and you’ll be looking and feeling great in no time.
Just curious if you had thoughts/comparisons to other weight loss/thermo products.
Specifically, the old OxyElite (when it had DMAA), Dexyfen/DIET stack, P80, and Lypo-6.
I haven’t looked it up yet for a list of ingredients, but wanted to get your direct feedback on how it has compared in all aspects: good, bad, and ugly.
We all know there’s no miracle pill (flushing, skin irritation, jittery/trouble sleeping, upset stomach), so curious about what went well and what did not.
Appreciate the read.
I’ve use the original OxyElite Pro and had great results. You can check out my review here. I’ve looked into and posted a review for Lipo 6 Black Utra Concentrate. It looks good, though I haven’t tried it myself. You can checkout my review here. I haven’t heard of P80 (and can’t find any information about it). And lastly, I’m not familiar with Dexyfen, but I’ll look into it and post a review. I’ll shoot you an email when it’s posted.
I would like to add a muscle booster. I do T25 workouts and I am looking to remove fat and add muscle as much as possible.
Please let me know what your thoughts are.
Yeah Phen375 definitely works, especially if you take it for a longer period of time. If I were you, I would stack it with a muscle builder called Crazy Mass cutting stack, check out my review here:
taking the supplements or should I just stick to cardio for awhile.
Download my free “getting ripped” ebook for great advice on workouts and what to eat for getting in great shape. I’ve also just added some bonuses to the package, including sample meal plans, a workout log, and my “Big List of Foods You Can Eat”. You don’t want to do cardio only. Gaining muscle will help you burn more fat. You can read all about it in the book! Let me know if you need anything else.
im mexican so here the problem our foot is not very healthy for the belly, so i will like to lose weight how can i star also im working in construction in the big apple some times in the city is hard to find healty food i dont know if you can guia me to star i did download yor book i will read it tonight
I was going to suggest you download my book, so it’s good you’re reading that. It will definitely help. As far as supplements go, use Phen375 as a fat burner and Nitrocut before your workouts. As far as eating healthy foods, do the best you can. Use my Big List of Foods You Can Eat that came along with the ebook, and always try to plan ahead.
The protein shakes are good. Go ahead and keep drinking them. When you run out of what you have, my favorite is 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition. Let me know if you have more questions.
Hunger is definitely not a side effect of Phen375. It’s probably due to the change in your eating habits. I would add some snacks to your diet. Nuts and seeds are a are healthy and filling. Maybe add a 100% Whey Gold Standard protein shake after you box. Hang in there, though, and make adjustments as they become necessary. That’s how you build a routine that works.
Sounds like your serious about reaching your goals! Yup, that’s actually a really good stack for losing weight and getting in shape. Use the Phen375 before your first 2 meals. Use Nitrocut before workouts. And use HyperGH 14X before bed.
I went from 190 down to 176 the first time I did it but gained 4 lbs back after 6 months. It’s not something I wanted to stop but it’s so expensive!
Anyway I’m just wondering if you could see any potentially bad side effects. There’s no added caffeine to herbalife and it could be my mind but I really enjoy the simplicity of two shakes a day.
I am also disabled with nerve damage to my left side so I don’t work out very much. Usually just walks with the kids.
Thank you for all the fantastic reviews!
I don’t know which Herbalife shakes you’re using, so I don’t know all the ingredients. I did a quick look around, and it looks like it’s mainly protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
If that’s true, then there shouldn’t be any side effects from using the program with Phen375. I can’t be 100% sure though because I haven’t seen the ingredient list. Hope this helps, and let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.
If you haven’t already, download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s loaded with workout and diet ideas that’ll help you reach your goals. I’ve also just added a few bonuses including sample meal plans, a workout log, and
my “Big List of Foods You Can Eat.” As for supplements, Nitrocut and Phen375 will definitely get you there. It doesn’t sound like you’ll need Phen375 for long, maybe a two months or so.
So my order of Phen375 finally arrived. All this while I tried doing some research into the negative side effects and I havent heard or read anything too serious.
Started my dose yesterday 20 mins after my brekky (Bummer!…forgot it was supposed to be 20 mins before the meal).
Anyways…took the second one 20 mins before lunch. Had around 3 litres of water.
Ate smaller portions thru the day.
After-effects: Nothing noticeable. No dizziness, no increased heart beat, no punching work-mates etc etc.
Went home worked out for an hour, commenced with Cardio, Ab crunches, and weights.
Usually I feel tired after my routine but yesterday I found my energy level was not depleted! I still could go on.
Felt great! Now I dont know if it was the pills acting or just my mind playing.
Regardless I feel quite energised.
So Im thinking of continuing for a month on Phen375. I started at 76 kgs. Lets see where I get to.
Can you please advise if I dont work out on weekends, can I still take the pills?
It’s great to hear your having so much early success! Make sure you let me know how things progress.
As a fat burner and appetite suppressant, you should take Phen375 every day, before breakfast and lunch, even on non-workout days. If you decide to use a pre workout supplement like Nitrocut, you could skip it on non-workout days, but the fat burners, like Phen375, should be used every day.
Continued good luck,
Yes, I would definitely recommend you do cardio while your taking Phen375 for the best results.
I read all of your reviews and find those very detail and great infor. I’m looking for some advise here!
I’m 23, 5ft6 , 115lb. I know my weight isn’t considered as fat but due to some of my health problem, I couldn’t work out at lot, normally I can only do light exercise such as jogging for 20 mins or less (3times/week). I am looking for some losing weight product and I’m considering the Phen375, do you think I can you use it to lose another 10lb or so? because seemed like Phen375 works only on a large scale like 20lb and above!
I just need to lose some fat layers that is hard for me to lose cause I cannot work out a lot!! One more question is that do you have to keep having phen375 after you achieve the weight you want?If you stop using it, will you gain weight again?
Thank you!
Thanks, and I’m glad you like the site. You can actually help us out by liking us on Facebook and telling your friends!
I really wouldn’t recommend Phen375 or any other fat burner in your case. With your stats, you’ll do fine with a good diet and getting in whatever exercise you can fit in. Download my free “get ripped” ebook for tons of great tips.
Hello, I’m currently in a tricky situation and in need of some advice. I am currently a D1 athlete (swimming) and about to enter my offseason.
I’ve decided I want to add some muscle but want it all to be NCAA legal for drug testing purposes. I’m not interested in losing any weight, purely in the opposite actually.
I have had trouble for years gaining muscle weight (currently 6 foot 155 pounds) but and very interested in hitting the gym at least 4 times a week. What supplement(s) (if any) do you recommend?!
For putting on muscle weight, you’ll have to eat a lot and lift heavy. Try to eat 6 times a day, and make sure you’re loading up on complex carbs in the a.m. and getting enough protein. As for supplements, I normally recommend Protein (Try 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition) and Creatine (Muscle Advance). I would check with your coaches on the creatine, though. I’m no expert on doping rules. I looked into it a little for you and it looks like Creatine isn’t banned, but Coaches “aren’t allowed to give it to athletes”. Seems like a fuzzy distinction to me, so I would make sure it’s okay if I were you.
Congrats on this website, tons of useful info..! Need your advise: male, 44, 5′ 7″ , 154 lbs and about 21% body fat according to my bathroom scale, doing a second round of P90X after a 4 months break. I don’t want to lose much weight, probably just keep it between 150-152 lbs, but would like to achieve 11-12% body fat.
Basically trade pounds of fat for muscle… should I use Phen375 or similar burners? I read many of them suppress appetite, and I don’t like much that idea… or would it be ok to take them and just “force myself” to eat what I need to gain muscle even if I’m not hungry?
Losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time is next to impossible, certainly to any significant extent. Think about professional bodybuilders. They are usually either in a cutting phase or a gaining phase. The reason is pretty simple. In order to lose fat, you need expend more energy (calories) than you take in. In order to gain muscle, you need to take in more energy (calories) than you use. And you can’t do both of those things at the same time. What you need to do is focus on one or the other at a time. You’ll likely get a little residual muscle gain while cutting or fat loss while gaining muscle, but your focus should be on one at a time. In your cutting phase, go with Phen375 and Nitrocut. When you’re in your gaining phase, lose the Phen375, keep the Nitrocut, and add Muscle Advance Creatine.
hoping for a little help. Im 22 5’10 195, im in decent shape, play soccer work out couple times a week but cant seem to cut down fat on my upper body. im trying to get get to about 180-175 not putting on to much size but get lean. thanks
Since it’s really all about diet and exercise more than anything else, download my free “getting ripped” ebook for loads of ideas in those areas. As for supplements, Phen375 will help you lose the weight, and it shouldn’t take very long – 2 or 3 months tops, as long as you stay active.
What products would you recommend to help?
With your stats and goals, go with Nitrocut. At your age, if you’ve got a good diet and workout routine, a good pre-workout is really the only supplement you need to tone up and lose some fat. But if you want to get quicker results, stack in HyperGH 14X. It’s a natural HGH releaser. It helps me get rid of that layer of fat that tends to creep back onto my abs when I’m not eating right. And if you haven’t signed up for my free “get ripped” ebook, make sure to do that as well.
I’ve read your review and watched your video on Phen375. I’m 37 yrs old, 4’11, 211 lbs. With no known health problems other than being overweight. I’m looking for something to give me energy to even think about starting to workout, and definitely lose weight. I haven’t worked out in over a year and a half and I’m tired of feeling lazy.
You seem to be pretty straight up….Would Phen375 help me?
I just checked the Phen375 website and had the same problem you did. I sent an email inquiry and I’ll let you know what I find out.
If you want to check into it yourself, their number is 855-281-8098. And there’s a contact form on their website.
Either way, I’ll let you know what I find out.
I never heard back from Phen375, but I just re-checked the site and everything worked!
I’m 6’1 and weigh 230. I will be starting to work out again.
It has been a couple years. Need to lose the belly and gain muscle in my upper body.
I read every one of these posts and it seems nitro cut and phen is what you recommend. How does the phen stack up to hydroxycut hardcore?
The hydroycut is less than half the price. I had good results with it a couple years ago.
And what is the nitro cut going to do that the phen doesn’t do already?
If you’ve used Hydroxycut Hardcore before and it’s worked for you, by all means, stick with it. No doubt about it – Phen375 is an expensive product, so if you can get the results you need cheaper, I’m all for it. They use different ingredients to basically achieve the same results. I’d say Phen375 is probably better at fat burning, while Hydroxycut stands out for energy and appetite suppression. As for the Nitrocut, it’s completely different. As opposed to being a fat burner, it’s a pre-workout supplement. It makes sure you and your muscles are working to their greatest effort and you get the most benefit from those efforts. It does this by increasing vasodilation so more oxygen and nutrients get delivered to your muscles during workouts.
You would also benefit from my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s full of workouts and diet plans for getting your best body.
Im 25, 6’0 feet tall and weigh 170lbs. I’ve been working out in the gym for about 4 days a week and I eat a pretty healthy diet, but I’m trying to get more endurance and strength to play basketball – with the goal of dunking. I’ve been seeing some gains with my squatting around 195lbs but I think I have a ways to go still.
Do you have any advice for which stack to use? I’ve seen your Nitrocut review to add on some lean muscle but should I use Phen 375 to cut back some fat also?
I’m generally pretty skinny but I’ve got a layer of fat around the muscles so I definitely can use some toning. Any advice?
Glad you asked. It doesn’t sound like you need Phen375. It’s pretty expensive, and from what I can tell from the stats and goals you list, a fat burner isn’t really necessary. Instead, stack Nitrocut with HyperGH 14X. You need the pre-workout power of Nitrocut to help you push through and raise your squatting weight. You need to increase your explosive power if you want to dunk, so Nitrocut can help you stretch your limits. Since you’re pretty skinny with a little layer of fat, the HyperGH 14x combined with your workouts will lean you right down.
Thanks for replying. I was taking a look at the HyperGH and it seems pretty pricey to me. $200 for 3 months.
Are there any alternatives or do you recommend that I use the HyperGH? Should I do it for a shorter period of time?
I’ve gone ahead and purchased the Nitrocut and I’ll try it for about 3 months, but do I need the HyperGH? Thanks!
Go with Muscle Advance Creatine instead. It’ll help you pack on the muscle and you can get 3 months for $99, which is a little easier on the wallet.
I’m 23, around 5’11”, at around 180lbs. Been working out and Ive dropped like 10 pounds so far. What I’m trying to do is loose some more body fat while pumping iron to gain muscle.
Would this be ideal to take with my routine? I’m only taking explode as my preworkout and protein 7 to help with my growth.
Yeah a month or two of Phen375 will help you take off the weight, but you don’t have a lot to lose and it’s expensive, so I wouldn’t take it for long. After that, you could switch it out for HyperGH 14X. It’s not specifically for weight loss, but it has fat burning and muscle building properties, so it would be a good addition to your regimen. You should also download my free “getting ripped” ebook for meal plan and exercise routines.
I am 28 years old ,5,1 & 125 pound female and would like to lose 10 pounds /tone up a little as well. I currently take “Igniter Extreme Women Only ” by HIT Supplements .
Would it be ok to take Phen 375 along with this preworkout? Thanks!
I took a look at the Igniter Extreme Women Only label and don’t see any direct conflict with Phen375, but I would be concerned about the amount of caffeine you’d be getting if you took them both simultaneously. Unfortunately, the formulas for both are proprietary as far as amounts go, so there’s no way to know how much is in each. You’d be better off just taking one or the other. Maybe you could cycle them, or switch to a non-stimulant pre-workout like Nitrocut.
I am definitely interested in the Phen 375 and will stop using the Igniter Pre-workout I am currently using.
I think that’s a great choice. That way you get the pre-workout benefits without overdoing it on the stimulants. And yes. Nitrocut is totally fine for women. In fact it works just as well for women as it does for men. Good luck
I would like to ask if you´ve tried Phen375 by yourself or your opinion is coming from the other websites. I do workout+cardio 4-5 times/week, eat healthy food but I can´t get rid of stubborn fat which I gained during a long time when I didn´t do anything.
Does Phen375 help me? Thank you
I did actually try it a couple years ago. I used it for 2 weeks and lost 9 pounds.
I was already working out regularly, but I cut out the junk food and ate healthy while I was taking Phen375. So yeah, I’d say it will help in your situation too.
I am not familiar with Elite Test 360, but I just did a little looking into it, and I have to say, it seems a little off. The website calls it a testosterone booster, but the only ingredient they mention is L-Arginine, which doesn’t have any effect on testosterone levels. It goes on to say that the increase in testosterone relaxes blood vessels. Well it’s nitric oxide that relaxes blood vessels, not testosterone. When a supplement’s own website can’t get the science right, I just can’t trust that it’s going to do what it says. If you want a testosterone booster you can count on, go with Testo Fuel.
I recently did some research on one of the ingredients in Phen375, and it turns out that Bitter Orange could possibly be unsafe for people with high blood pressure or heart conditions. It also is not recommended that you combine it with any other stimulant, including caffeine.
It’s still a great product, but as with any supplement, you should do your research and talk to your doctor if you have any questions.
I want to lose about 30 pounds of fat (drop to 135-140 or so) and then start working on building muscle/muscle tone and training my core/flexibility for martial arts/gymnastics. The last time I tried working out, my arms were sore for almost 4 days (and I don’t think that’s a good thing).
Do you have any suggestions as to how much Phen375 I should order, as well as anything else I should get? I’m more focused on building tone since it’s something I’ve never had, but I do want SOME muscle (maybe 10-15 pounds at least after I’ve lost the weight, and then add more as I see fit–pun intended).
Any suggestions as to a workout plan for strength training (upper and lower body) and for core/flexibility training would be extremely helpful.
Congratulations on your decision to get in shape. A couple months of Phen375 would definitely help you get a long way toward your goals. I know it’s expensive, but I think you need a good 2 months which means the Buy 3 Bottles Get 2 Free deal is the way to go. Stack it with Nitrocut. It’s a preworkout supplement that’ll help make sure you can workout at your best capacity, get the most benefit from it, and recovery faster so you can get right back in there.
You also ask about workout plans. I’ve got a free “get ripped” ebook full of them. It’s also got tons of meal plans to help you as well.
Best of luck to you Ray, and keep in touch to let me know how you’re doing along the way!
Im 18 and and 5’11 i weigh almost 220 and really want to change my appearance. I had been going to the gym for 5-6 months and while i had gains in strength there was little to no weight loss.
I had dieted before and went down to 190 but it was unhealthy as I was only eating 2 protein bars a day. What would you recommend for me to loose a lot of weight fast and get a little tone.
Certainly diet and exercise are the key components. To that end, pick up my free “get ripped” ebook. It’s got all sorts of tips and plans for workouts and meals that’ll get you on your way. As for supplements, stack Phen375 with Nitrocut for pre-workout. You’ll be losing weight and firming up in no time.
I just receive phen375 looking to lose about 10 15 lib.What is the best way to use the product.
Do I have to take one capsule before each meal or one time a day .
Also I start to use Advance Muscle Creatine .
Can I use them together ?
For the Phen375, you’ll want to take 1 pill before breakfast and 1 before lunch. And yes, you can use the two together.
Make sure you drink plenty of water though because they both tend to cause a little dehydration. Good luck with your new program, Boris, and let me know how it works out.
I am a 24 year old male, i am 6’1″ and weigh 310. I am looking to lose my gut and shred weight while toning my muscles at the same time.
I have a thick body frame, and some muscle mass. What would you recommend?
Since diet and exercise are the real keys here, you should sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook for tons of tips on those. As for supplements, start by stacking Phen375 with the pre-workout Nitrocut. The combination will have you dropping weight and toning up quickly. Once you drop all or most of the fat, you can drop the Phen375 and stick with Nitrocut. If your goals change by that point, come back and we’ll talk about what else to add to the regimen.
I am a 24 year old male I am 6’1″ and weigh 310lbs. I have a thick body frame and have some muscle mass but i want to shred weight and tone my muscles at the same time. What would you recommend.
I’m looking to lose body fat, get leaner, and pack on some muscles. Would the phen375 stacked with nitrocut be the best combo?
And would you recommend adding any other supplements with it, maybe something for post workout? Thanks for the great advice!
You’re right on with the Phen37/Nitrocut stack. That’s definitely what I would suggest for your situation. Once you lose most of the weight you want, switch out the Phen375 for Muscle Advance Creatine for packing on the muscle.
Glad you like the site. You can help us out by liking us on Facebook!
Looking for more energy and an appetite suppressant wouldn’t hurt either. Debating whether to get another gym membership or use P90X / Insanity which I own/have access too.
Was wondering your thoughts on those plus if phen375 is something I should use or if there is something better to fit my needs as I am not looking to lose 30+ lbs but rather the 15-20 or so range and more toning/ building muscle. Also, I see you recommend nitrocut.
Would that be better to use instead or with phen375?
I know that’s a lot to take in but your insight would be much appreciated.
Go with the Phen375 at first to jump start the weight loss. You should only need to use it for a month or two. You can stack it with Nitrocut. Then just lose the Phen375 when you’ve lost most of the weight. If you like P90X, I’d say use it to get back in shape. You can always join a gym if you decide you’ve gone as far as you can go without it. Oh, and you’ll want to check out my free “get ripped” ebook. It’s got tons of workouts and meal plans to help you on your way.
Thanks in advance! !!
Check out my free “get ripped” ebook. It’s got a bunch of ab workouts that might help. It’s also got meal plans that might add some more variety to your diet and still keep you on track. Try a stack of Phen375 and Nitrocut. The Phen375 is great for burning fat and keeping your appetite in check. The Nitrocut is a pre-workout supplement that’ll make sure your muscles are getting the best results from all your hard work.
I was looking for some advice after looking all over the web. I am currently a division 1 soccer player that has gotten back from a long term injury and I am desperate to get my physique back.
I am 5’7 and weigh around 165. Since I was out long term my body fat % has increased to 16% and I want to get back under 10% which is our benchmark. I was wondering if you could recommend a pre workout (like nitrocut) and a fat burner (like phen375 ) to help me get back where I was.
I have been lifting heavy weights with HIIT mon, wed and Friday more body weight stuff. On top of this I train every day with the team for 2 hours.
Can you recommend me anything that I can buy from GNC? Thanks!
If you’re looking for something from GNC, I would recommend Swole Pre-Wrek for pre-workout and for fat burn I would recommend Pharma Freak Ripped Freak. I think with your current workout schedule and a combo of these supplements, you should be good to go.
Be sure to check with your trainer/doctor to make sure it’s safe for you to take these supplements.
Absolutely! 100% Whey Gold Standard is my favorite protein. It tastes phenomenal!
I am a Type 1 Diabetic (Insulin Dependent). I am starting a new workout routine and was wondering if PHEN375 would be ok for me.
I have normal blood pressure and good overall health, however I am 43 years old 5’8″ 197 lbs. I need to drop about 32 lbs almost all gut and gain lean muscle. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Since diet and exercise are the most important factors for getting to and maintaining a healthy weight, I’m going to recommend that you sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook where you’ll find loads of workouts and meal plans to help you reach your goals. As for taking Phen375, the website recommends that anyone with Diabetes consult with their doctor before taking it, as you probably should do with any supplement you’re considering.
Congratulations on the great start! Of course the most important thing is diet and exercise, so I’m going to recommend that you sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook. It’s full of great meal and exercise plans to help you out. As for supplements, go with a stack of Phen375 for fat burning and NitroCut as a pre-workout supplement so your muscles get the oxygen and nutrients they need to work hard and recover quickly.
I am 45 year old male 5’9″ 173 lib.
I am working out 4 times at list a week
I would like to build some muscle , right now my body is good (average).
I am looking to get “bigger ” in muscle .
Currently I’m taking Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60 protein from GNC nothing else.
First is it good this protein and what I should start taking to build and grow my muscles ?
I like Gold Standard 100% Whey from Optimum Nutrition. It tastes great, and you can get it from GNC. Add a creatine supplement to put on muscle. Go with Muscle Advance Creatine. It works great and it comes in pill form so it’s way more convenient than having to mix another powder. You should also sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook too if you haven’t already!
Also I was thinking to start taking HyperGH14x . Can I take in combination with Muscle Advance Creatine ?
Yes, you can take HyperGH 14X with Muscle Advance Creatine. Lots of bodybuilders stack creatine with an HGH releaser. They each approach muscle building differently, so stacking them will definitely improve your results.
I am a 33 yr old male in the U.S. ARMY currently in Afghanistan.
I work out about 4-5 times a week depending on mission requirements. I am pretty healthy and in decent shape.
However, I would like to lose about 10lbs and stack on lean muscle. I already have my fair share of supplements that I use for pre and post work out (Pump HD, VEIN and Dark Matter).
I use Oxyelite Pro but it seems to not be really working. I am currently 195lbs and 5ft 11in.
In your opinion do you think this will aide me in losing weight?
First of all, thank you for your service! About the weight loss, for the 10 pounds you want to lose, OxyElite Pro should work fine.
Everyone is different of course, and if you find it’s not right for you, Phen375 works great.
I’ve seen some weight loss simply due to increased activity. I’m looking to shed more weight and increase strength/endurance.
Wondering if you can point me to some trusted products that may help me do just that. Thanks
Go with the pre-workout supplement NitroCut. It’ll get your muscles what they need so you can keep going and going. The weight loss will be a byproduct of the more efficient workout.
I am concerned by what you said about staying clear of Bitter Orange as it is one of the key ingredients in Phen375. Could you elaborate please 🙂
Thanks for bringing this up. I’ve been doing some more research into Bitter Orange because of its popularity as a substitute for ephedrine, since it’s no longer legal. Bitter Orange should not be taken by anyone with high blood pressure, glaucoma, or heart disease. Most of the evidence shows that at the 120 mg dose, it is safe for healthy adults. Of course, anyone with concerns should speak to their doctor before taking Phen375 or any other supplement. A good option for weight loss that doesn’t have Bitter Orange would be Capsiplex.
I have never ordered from any other site but but this time i ordered from phen375. Did I get scamed?
I’d call it more blue with dark spots, but it’s kind of a greenish-blue. As long as you ordered from the official website, you’re fine.
I’ve heard there is some counterfeit product circulating, but if you ordered from the official site, then you’ve got the real thing.
I will dig through my big box of supplements and see if I can find them. Any chance you can send me a picture of what you got?
Just email us at info (at)
I do cheat maybe once or twice a week though. I would like to have more definition and mass.
My daily routine of supplements consist of creatine with my protein shake before gym workout then a regular protein shake afterwards. Is there something that would help get me more mass and definition?
Or do I need a fat burner to help?
It sounds like you’re already doing a lot of the right stuff. Add an HGH releaser if you want more definition. HyperGH 14X really works for me. I was amazed at the difference it made. Also, if you haven’t already, sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook for tons of tips about workouts and what to eat.
Sure. I’d say the Phen375 is a good idea to burn some fat off the gut. And I’d stack it with NitroCut. it’s a pre-workout supplement that gets you motivated and energized for your workouts. It also increase nitric oxide for better blood flow. That’ll get more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles, so they work harder, getting the most out of every lift. You should also sign up for my free ebook. It’s full of food and workout ideas to help you get in the best shape possible.
I’m a fairly inactive guy, but I think I eat well. I walk between 1-3 miles M-F at work, and I typically eat cicken or salmon based meals.
I just downloaded your ebook and I intend to read it.
I’m 32y/o, 5’8, 230lbs. Last year I walked distances of 5mi daily outside of work, before Winter forced me inside.
This year I’ve had a hard time motivating myself, but I’ve decided I am going to join a gym to try to melt some of this fat off, and to have somewhere to go in the Winter.
Here’s my problem — I’m on a tight budget, and phen375 seems to be very expensive. I know the saying, “you get what you pay for” accurately applies to many things, that said, do you have any reccomendations that are less expensive, yet effective?
I’m sure my girl wouldn’t mind some muscle-mass, too.
Capsiplex is pretty good, and cheaper at about $62 a month. Other than that, there are a couple ways you could go here. One thing about a fat burner like Phen375 is that you don’t take it forever. The idea would be to use it for a while, reach the goal, then go off the supplement. Maybe the “Buy 3 Bottles Get 2 Free” deal would work for you. It’s a significant cash outlay, but the plan is that it would only be a one-time expense. Another option is to go with a pre-workout supplement like NitroCut. It gets you motivated for the gym and gives you the energy and endurance to get the most out of all your workouts. (The longer and harder you lift, the more lean muscle you’ll build.) Again, it costs less than Phen375, coming in at $50 a month, or less if you buy multiple bottles at once.
I’m glad you got the book. It’ll help a lot and it was free! Best of luck, Will. Make sure you come back and let me know how things are working out.
I have been looking at this product and Nitrocut. However, my blood pressure is usually 125-130 over 85-90.
I don’t take any meds yet, but I am obviously borderline and I wanted to ask you if this product is recommended for someone like me. If not, what do you suggest to burn fat?
A little bio; I do cardio 3-4 times a week for 30 min, but I have incorporated some weight lifting lately. I am 41 yo, 5’8″ and weight 155 pounds.
I am not fat by any means, but I do have a small beer gut unfortunately. I usually drink a couple of scotch drinks every other day during the week.
I drink as much beer as I like during weekends. However, I try to eat healthy to be able to drink more, lol.
Crazy I know. Do you think I can be somewhat successful with my lifestyle?
I have always thought is about the calories. Example, if I eat 1500 calories, I still have 500-1000 to drink right?
Sorry for the lengthy post.
Both Nitrocut and Phen375 recommend that anyone with high blood pressure consult their doctor before using them, so that’s what I’ll advise you to do as far as taking them or any supplements really. When it comes to weight loss, you’re right. It is about calories in versus calories burned. You should get a copy of my free “get ripped” ebook. It’s packed with meal plans and workouts you can put together for your best results.
Almost all supplements in this category caution you to check with your doctor before taking them. I don’t know of any that don’t, and I wouldn’t want to advise you to do anything less than perfectly safe.
I’m going to have to defer to your doctor’s advice on this one.
I am 6′ tall and im around 200 lbs. I want to have more energy. lose some body fat and get more muscle. I want to know which products would help me do that.
Which ones would you recommend to help me get to my goal of getting more fit?
Of course, the most important aspects of getting in shape are diet and exercise. My free “get ripped” ebook is full of great tips for you on those subjects. As far as supplementation goes, start with a stack of Phen375 for fat burning and Nitrocut for energy, motivation, and better results for the gym.
rob I wanted your opinion on what I should use. I have put on some extra weight from a knee injury that happened a little while back. but I want to lose some weight and get back in shape again.i weigh right around 195 lbs, im 5’11” – 6′. what sproducts would help me out the most?
The daily dose is 2 pills per day. Take one about 20 minutes before breakfast and another one about 20 minutes before lunch.
A couple of tips: Make sure you drink plenty of water and don’t take a pill after about mid-afternoon. You’ll have trouble sleeping.
Best of luck to you, Randy, and keep in touch!
I’m a 41 yr old male who has started working out again for about 4 months now. I have seen modest gains in strength and fat loss, but would like to up the ante.
I am looking for some good supplements to take to help the process along. I’m 5’11’, 205lbs. I am currently lifting 3-4 days a week and doing “HIIT” cardio 2 days/week.
What would you recommend to help continue gaining strength and losing fat?
There are a few different ways you could go. Phen375 will definitely kick the weight loss into gear. But if you want to build more muscle, a pre-workout supplement like Nitrocut will help you get the most out of your workouts. You’ll be able to go longer and lift more weight. Or you could go with a testosterone booster like Testo Fuel. You’ll build muscle faster, and you’ll get the added benefit of a libido boost.
Yeah I would avoid taking Phen375, not that it would mess up your kidneys/liver, but it will raise your blood pressure. I think in your case you need something all natural that is stimulant free and will reduce your appetite. Check out a product called Proactol Plus, and you may want to consider stacking it with Nitrocut for the best results. Also, sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook, this will get you started on a diet and exercise regimen.
I have not actively lifted weights or done rigorous cardio in about 2 years.
I am looking for something to increase my energy level and provide me with the vitamins or minerals that I feel I don’t get until I can maintain a better diet and increase my strength and endurance.
Would you recommend this to me at this time, and or any other supplements to help me start to work out of this unhealthy rut.
First off, sign up for my free “Get Ripped” ebook, it will lead you on the right track. As far as supplementation, I would recommend a stack of Nitrocut (for the energy/motivation), and Phen375 for appetite suppression and weight loss.
am male, 23 , 5.6 weighting about 90 Kg ..
i have extra pounds at my belly and chest , tne last one is the source of impersment .:(
i would like to lose weight and get lean shape .. so what would you advise me to use ..
p.s i red about liop 6
so in your opinion should i use lipo 6 or phen 375 ?
and what product should i use to get muscullar shape and defination ?
thank you 🙂
To get your chest in shape you obviously need to do chest exercises, I have a ton of them in my free “get ripped” ebook. I personally think Phen375 is better than Lipo 6, but the choice is yours. As far as muscular shape and definition, check out a product called HyperGH 14X, it should get you on the right track.
Great site!
I’m 42, 5’10 and have lifted weights on & off pretty much my entire life and after goign a few years without hitting the gym, (using home free weights), I have the bug to get started again.
I’m currently 208lbs and would love to lose the “spare tire” and then some in the mid and lower body.
Would this be the best thing to use or would you suggest something else?
There really is no way to target just the spare tire, it’s just that this is where most fat accumulates for men. But I think a stack of this (Phen375) and an HGH releaser like HyperGH 14X will help to give you the results you’re looking for.
p.s. Signup for my free “Get Ripped” Ebook, it will help you formulate a diet and workout program.
I’ve taken many different supplements over the years, each with varied results. One troublesome side effect I get from certain weight loss supplements is weakened erections or lack of erections in some cases.
I’m 44 years old, 6′ 2: and weigh 230 lbs. I work out moderately 3 times a week and definitely need to improve my diet. I want to drop 40 lbs and improve muscle size and definition.
Can you recommend any supplements that will help me lose the weight and gain the muscle without effecting my main muscle?
Yeah usually the weakened erections are the result of stimulants pumping blood around your vital organs, and away from your “fun” organ. I think in your case a stack of Nitrocut and Testofuel will give you the best results.
Nope, no jittery feeling, it doesn’t contain any harmful stimulants.
I see African Mango, Hydroxycut, and Oxyelite Pro. Please advise?
Well, out of the dozens of weight loss pills I have tried it was the most effective. It also doesn’t contain harmful stimulants like yohimbe or ephedrine, something some of the ones you mention contain.
I did order Nitrocut, though, but I was wondering if you knew of another supplement that works like Phen375 you could recommend?
I’ve been working out for about a month and have maybe seen a few results. I’m 27, 5′ 6″ & 180lbs I would like to get down to 160.
The only thing that I’m taking is a post protein work shake. My diet is fairly good.
What would you recommend? Phen 375 & Nitrocut?
I just want to lose my gut haha.
Yup, I know the feeling 🙂 I think in your case a stack of phen375 and nitrocut would be great for you. Be sure to combine with healthy diet and high intensity interval training to get the best results.
Not sure what you’re implying, but yes Phen375 worked for me and countless other people I have recommended it to.
I have across your site by accident, but I think it was not so accidental. I have always been somewhat confused and had some trepidation about taking supplements.
Whenever I sought answers, I was always left with more questions. I have read some of your reviews on your site and I have found them quite helpful.
My question is regarding fat burning supplements.
I am a 45 year old man and weigh about 360lbs. I do not suffer from diabetes nor high blood pressure. Back in January 2012, my weight was at 397.
I began a weight loss regimen by watching what I eat and exercising (some free weights, but mostly cardio workouts). The first 30lbs came off rather quickly, but in the past 12 months or so, I have been stuck on this weight.
I have been fluctuating between 350 and 365. I have tried changing up my routines, but I can’t seem to get past this plateau. It has been frustrating, and I find myself going back to old habits (fast food, large meals, etc…).
Will Phen375 help someone like me breach this plateau, or this more suited for someone who only needs to lose less weight. My doctor keeps recommending bariatric surgery, but I do not want to take that option.
I believe I can do this. I will be forever grateful for any suggestions or advice.
Thank You
Yeah plateaus can be very frustrating, and everyone hits them at one point or another. I think what you need to do is change up your workout routine to include lifting weights more often (preferably heavy, with 8 – 10 reps as your max), and include high intensity interval training. I wont go into it too much here, as I have great tips for this in my “Get Ripped” ebook, but it involves getting your heart rate up and down throughout the course of your exercise.
Remember, you also need to limit your calories as you lose weight. I think as an alternative to bariatric surgery you need an appetite suppressant supplement, and Phen375 will help you with that. Keep me posted and let me know if you have any other questions.
Do you know or have you heard of phen375 causing heart problems in people? And also do you have any information on bitter orange extract and what it does?
I would really appreciate your help. Thankyou very much.
Linda 🙂
I have not personally heard of anyone having heart problems from Phen375, but to be absolutely sure I would recommend you speak with your doctor concerning the ingredients. I have heard of bitter orange extract, and would recommend you STAY AWAY from it!
Its use has been linked to serious side effects and in some rare cases death.
I just stumbled on your site, which is super helpful btw, and I was wondering if you could give me some advice. I’m 20 yrs old and I only weigh 145 lbs. I am pretty skinny and don’t have really any muscles developed.
What should I be doing in order to gain muscle which will help my overall weight? Also, I have a little bit of stomach fat that I’m wanting to get rid of.
Thanks in advance!
If your looking to gain muscle you need to eat alot and lift heavy. But, be sure to eat alot of the right things…so that means lean meats (grilled chicken), fish, almonds, peanut butter, protein shakes, etc. In order to get rid of that stubborn layer of stomach fat you should do High Intensity Interval Training. Check out my ebook to get the best options for both this and for diet. You should also be taking a creatine supplement, check out Muscle Advance Creatine. When your ready to tone down and get ripped, you should also use Nitrocut.
No problem, glad I could help. Lifting heavily essentially means you should be lifting, with good form, 8 – 10 reps of the max weight you can handle.
So, for instance, if you were bench pressing, lets say that the maximum amount of times you can lift 135 pounds is 10 times (at or near failure). Any less weight and you can lift 12 or more reps until failure, and any more weight you cannot reach 8 reps.
Does that make sense?
I’m currently in the gym regularly and would like some advice on how to get my body fat down to 10-15%. I’m currently at 23% carrying fat in my lower abdomen, glutes, and love handles.
For the most part I lift heavy and I just started my cardio today, walking first thing in the morning for 30 mins, and 20 mins after my workout. I also eat clean, always have, but cold beer is my friend, lol… Please help with a recommendation, thanks.
Cold beer (and cheeseburgers) are probably my worst enemy too 🙂 Stick with the lightest stuff possible, and drink a glass of water between every couple of beers. Same advice I gave Chris below, both the supplements and workout schedule, would be the right thing in your case.
My goal is to lose about 30 more pounds and gain some muscle. I currently only take muscletech anabolic halo.
Would you recommend phen375 and nitro cut? If so, when do you recommend taking them?
Thank you for your time.
Yeah I think Phen375 and Nitrocut would work for you. As far as the schedule for taking them, just follow the directions on the label, and I would cycle them on and off on a 6 weeks on / 1 week off schedule. When you’re doing your workouts, be sure to lift first (preferably heavy weights), then do fast cardio sessions. This will help improve your results dramatically, as you’ll be burning off stored glucose from the lifting.
I am 19 years old, 5’9 195 pounds and I have two repaired ACL ligaments. I just got cleared to run (not sprint) so I can now hit the gym.
I would love to lose weight in my gut and love handle area and gain a god damn six pack for once. Thank you!
As far as working out, it would be better if you could do High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), which would involve sprints and the like. Unfortunately, you can’t do that so you’ll have to make do with lifting and supplementation. Nitrocut will def help with the toning, and I recommend Phen375 to help with the fat burn and appetite suppression.
My main problem is I need to lose some fat, but I would also like to increase muscle, if I could find an effective way to do it in a hotel room with no exercise equipment. What would you recommend to someone like me?
I see your a pilot. I am a commercial pilot too, never had a job with the airlines though (I’m assuming you’re regional/mainline based on your post). I know exactly how you feel, having very little access to good/healthy food, combined with sitting on your ass for 12 hours a day can play a huge toll on your energy and your waistline.
Have you ever considered P90X or a related version of that program? You can do it from anywhere, and as far as I know doesn’t require too much (if any) equipment. I’m guessing you probably eat alot of airport food, which we all know is probably the worst for you. Consider carrying around snacks like almonds, fruit, and peanut butter on your flights, as they help to stimulate your metabolism, and make you feel full at the same time. Stick with grilled chicken salad or protein drinks for your meals.
As far as supplementation I would recommend a stack of Phen375 and Nitrocut to get you going.
Did you ever have any problems ordering from these guys, or know of anyone who did? Started to worry me a little bit at this point, since they claim to be in the US, but process payments internationally, and my bank keeps declining them, even though there is no reason it should decline.
Yeah I have been getting alot of people saying the same thing, I’m gonna send them an email and see what the issue is. By the way, the company that makes Phen375 is in the UK, they have fulfillment centers in the US, that’s where the international charge is coming from.
Would you recommend the same stack you pointed AJ to on the Muscle Factor X exposé?
Cool job, my question is do any of those kegs/cases “fall out of the truck” and accidentally land in the trunk of your car? 🙂 Just kidding…In your case, I think a stack of Testofuel and Nitrocut would suit your needs.
I do have another question, though. Do they have any side effects?
I would like to lose the weight an what exercise can I do for my upper body without killing my lower back. I am most concerned about my chest an arms which I would like to build up quick as possible.
Thank You for all the advice an help ahead of time.
Sorry to hear about your misfortunes, I have a friend that was in the marines that just had surgery in his back so I can imagine the pain your going through. Back issues are tough, because your back is essentially your core and you use it for everything (as you probably already know).
Are you ok to work out? That is, have you been cleared medically to do so?
I don’t want to recommend anything that could potentially harm you.
Ive been doing push ups an light resistance training, I use the elliptical twice a week. An its not too bad on my body.
I pretty much keep it light but I am determined to get back in shape little by little if necessary. Im pretty sure whatever you can recommend will be good start in the right direction thats all anyone could ask. if not ill tap out I promise lol.
Thanks again for showing concern that means a lot bro.
I’m 6’2, 276 lbs and I’m wanting to lose weight and build muscle. I workout 7 days a week following the P90X plan.
What would help me do so?
P90X is a great program, how long have you been doing it? In order to augment your results from the program, I would suggest taking Phen375 along with a pre-workout supplement called Nitrocut. Phen375 will help with the diet and fat burning, while Nitrocut will give you a boost for the gym.
I just started working out to the ‘body beast’ DVDs to build muscle. I’m eating clean (balance low carb meals).
What supplements should I be taking to help reach my goals?
I think a combo of Phen375 and Proactol Plus should do the job for you. The phen375 will help with fat burning, and the Proactol Plus would help with appetite suppression.
But my Metabolism is really bad and it seems that all the work I do just keeps me from gaining more weight but I haven’t been able to lose any… Do you think this can help?
It sounds like you may be forgetting another key part of losing weight, and that is diet. I think a supplement like Phen375 combined with a healthy diet will definitely help you in your case.
Stack it with Nitrocut to gain lean muscle mass.
It could def help, but to get rid of your boobs do chest exercises (push ups, cable crossovers, etc)
I mention Nitrocut so often because it is the best product I have taken for pre-workout, no other reason. For sexual stamina and lasting power, I would recommend a product called Vigrx Plus. Signup for my free guide on this page, it will help you out tremendously.
It really depends on what your goals are. Phen 375 will definitely help you drop the pounds, but are you looking to get ripped/lean, or just to lose body fat?
Thanks for all your help.
No, Phen375 will not trigger an amphetamine in a drug test, as it does not contain any illegal substances.
That may work, you may also want to look into a supplement called Testofuel. At 44, you may be suffering from decreased Testosterone levels, and Testofuel should help with that.
Do you know if its ok to take CLA and resveratrol and a multi vitamin in conjuction with the phen375? Thankyou
for you helo 🙂
You know, I am really not sure on that one, but I would imagine it would be ok. Check with your doctor to be absolutely sure.
Sure, they are:
1,3-Dimethypentylamine Hydrochloride
LongJack Tongkate ALI
Sympathomimetic Amine
My pill bottle and label were the same as advertised on the website but the pills were a different color
Yes, you should be fine, I heard they recently changed the color of the pills to green.
I don’t know why it wouldn’t go through cause the money is in my account.
I dont want to stop using VigRx
Shouldn’t be an issue, but you may want to check with a doctor to be sure.
I am a 27 year old male in pretty good shape. I’d like a supplement to help burn fat and cut up a little bit but I am by no means overweight.
I DO NOT want to limit my appetite because I eat a well-balanced diet. I take Protein, aminos, and creatine mono and want to add a fat-burner to my supplements to cut up a little bit more.
I lift 3 days a week and do 30 mins of cardio 3 days a week. Would you recommend this product for someone like me?
Thanks for your message. In your case I would actually not recommend a fat burner, but instead a pre workout supplement. Check out a product called Nitrocut, got me relatively ripped in a pretty short period of time and I DIDN’T lose any muscle.
I suffer from depression and have been advised by my Dr. not to take meds that affect the nervous system, do you know if this is the case ? usually drugs that suppress your apetite do. Please help me clear out this doubs for Im quiet excited to take the pilss.
Thanks !!!
That is a great question, and I think the most prudent thing to do is run the ingredients list by your doctor and ask them personally. I would hate to tell you one thing and it turns out to be another!
My pill bottle and label were the same as advertised on the website but the pills were a different color
Or can you cut the pill in half? Is the medicine equally distributed throughout the pill?
I want to start taking these, but I am nervous to start at full dose.
I am a man who loves his food and half a tablet (pink one) is enough to stop me eating all day. If phen 375 is Anything like the phentermine I am taking then go for it, it’s the best supplement I’ve ever taken.
I would like to try phen375 but I have heard it can cause heart problems. I understand that it might work totally fine now but how do you know that it wont give you heart problems later on??
That’s a question that I would refer to either your doctor, or the company that makes Phen375, as I do not know of any long term side effects associated with the ingredients. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.
please help
That’s great to hear, I’m so happy for you! I think the best thing for you to do is stop taking it for 2 weeks and then start taking it again.
Your body may have developed a slight immunity to the ingredients, and cleaning out your system may help to get it revved up again. Let me know if you have any other questions, and glad to hear it worked!
I just wanted to ask you a question…
I got my package from PHEN375 from
and I just noticed that the labels are not the same
as the one from your critique…
Mine is grey color and it says…
Do you think its normal????
The one that I got has a blue label, but I have heard of others getting it with a grey label. What color are the pills?
Also, I would email the company to be sure, but I would NOT be worried if you ordered it off of the official site. Hope this helps.