Mind Lab Pro Review and Results

By: Rob Miller
5 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 8-22-2018
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Home » Nootropics » Mind Lab Pro Review and Results

Note: This is just a review. Click Here To Visit the Official Mind Lab PRO web site.

New research shows that the better your brain works, the better your life will be.

A study conducted at Ohio State University found that smart people make more money than their less-bright counterparts – as much as an extra $616 for each one point increase in IQ. (1) Another study, this one published in the journal Psychological Medicine, reports that people with IQs of 120 or more are happier than those with IQs below 100.

To have a better mind and a better life, men, women, and even teenagers worldwide are turning to dietary supplements to give their brains essential vitamins, amino acids, and herbals they are not getting – or not getting enough of – in their diets.

When I was searching for a brain supplement, one that really stood out was Mind Lab PRO.OptiNutra, the manufacturer, has taken a research-based approach to their product formula with impressive results reported by users.

Mind Lab PRO benefits:

  • Improves memory.
  • Accelerates learning.
  • Enhances problem solving ability.
  • Achieves optimal brain health.
  • Avoids age-related cognitive decline.

How Does Mind Lab PRO Work?

mind lab pro reviewOne of the primary functions of Mind Lab Pro is to replenish depleted levels of neurotransmitters, the molecules that transit signals in the brain.

It also protects neurons against damage and can help regenerate new neurons.

Mind Lab Pro contains 11 key ingredients that are proven to improve brain health and performance:

Citicoline — Supports mitochondria which generate power for all brain cells to increase brain energy 13.6%.

Phosphatidylserine (PS) — By helping to grow new neurons, PS is a powerful agent for slowing, halting, or even reversing age-related brain deterioration.

Lions mane mushroom — Used in traditional Chinese medicine, Lion’s Mane triggers neurogenesis, the creation of new brain cells.

L-Theanine — Significantly enhances brain function in the Alpha-1 frequency band—those brain waves responsible for imagination, visualization, memory, learning, and concentration


  • Rhodiola rosea root
  • N-Acetyl Tyrosine
  • Vitamin B6
  • Bacopa Monnieri
  • Ptersostilbene
  • Vinpocetine
  • Huperzine A

Click here for a photo of the Mind Lab Pro label.

It’s also important to note that this supplement is allergen free, non-GMO, and vegan friendly.

My Personal Results

I’ve been testing a ton of Nootropic supplements lately, everything from the downright awful to the possibly effective.

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2015/10/nootropics weve
Just a small sample of the Nootropics I’ve tested

Most of them contain a number of stimulants that, while work very well for the first few hours, tend to give me a harsh comedown.

When I originally came across Mind Lab Pro, the first thing I noticed was the lack of stimulants in it. This is what distinguishes it from my top nootropic supplement, Optimind.

I can tell this one is a winner. The first 3 weeks, I literally felt no effects. Nothing. I was beginning to think this was another one in a long list of nootropic supplements that simply don’t work.

One thing I do want to note is that, as time went on, I started to notice I was sleeping better.

It wasn’t anything crazy, but instead of my usual 6 – 7 hours of sleep I was getting like 7 – 8 hours per night.

By the end of the first month, I could finally start to feel it kicking in.

Apart from the noticeable increase in sleep quality,I started to notice a couple of minor things:

  1. I seemed to be remembering things better.

Normally I’m terrible with names.

I’ll meet someone for the first time, be introduced and told their name, and literally within 5 min. will forget their name. 🙂

https://www.supplementcritique.com/wp content/uploads/2015/09/bad with
Source: imgflip.com

All of a sudden, at the end of month 1, I was remembering the little things.

I was remembering things like:

  • What I had for breakfast the day before.
  • The things I needed to pick up at Publix, without having to walk around with a list.
  • Peoples names!!

2. I started processing information faster.

Part of my job involves researching and writing, and it can get VERY boring sometimes.

I read through a lot of studies when I’m writing many of these reviews, and sometimes I have to read them over 2 – 3 times before I start to get it.

By the end of the month, I seemed to have developed a much easier time piecing together abstract thoughts and information.

It’s like I can read something that would normally be a very boring topic, and I find it interesting and motivated to research it further.

I also seem to be able to read it, and get it, the first time around.

3. I started feeling less anxious and more focused.

I felt an overwhelming sense of calm, but a focused approach to every task I was working on. It was actually a really nice feeling, because at the end of the day I didn’t feel that hard crash you get from some of the other nootropics I’ve tried in the past.

Mind Lab PRO Pro’s and Con’s


  • Works great as a long term cognition enhancer.
  • Works for adult users of all ages, 18 and above.
  • Contains 11 potent brain nutrients vetted by clinical research in peer-reviewed medical journals.


  • Only available on the product’s web site, not other sites or in stores

FAQ About Mind Lab PRO

Is Mind Lab PRO safe?

All the ingredients are nootropic – natural vitamins, amino acids, herbals, and other nutrients.

So Mind Lab PRO is safe to take and has no side effects.

That being said, it’s always prudent to speak with your doctor to see if any of the ingredients may cause an adverse reaction.

Will Mind Lab PRO raise my IQ?

Mind Lab PRO raises the level at which your brain performs its key functions including memory and information retention, problem-solving, learning, and cognition.

It can lift mental fog while helping you think faster and more clearly.

Does Mind Lab PRO actually make you smarter or raise your IQ?

The maker, OptiNutra, has not tested users’ IQs to see whether they increased after taking Mind Lab PRO.

They say the supplement is not designed to make you smarter per se, but rather, to help your brain operate at maximum effectiveness.

Can I buy it in stores?

At this time I have not seen any of the major retailers like GNC or Vitamin Shoppe with Mind Lab PRO on the shelves, and it is not yet for sale on Amazon or Ebay from what we could tell.

Where can I buy Mind Lab PRO?

The only place you can order Mind Lab PRO is on the product web site www.mindlabpro.com.

They have a number of discounts available for a wide variety of orders, and the best option in my opinion is the 3 box deal, where you get 3 boxes and 1 free box, along with free shipping.

There are no discounts or coupon codes or free trials or samples available as far as I can see.

How do I take Mind Lab PRO?

OptiNutra suggests taking 2 capsules daily, but up to 4 capsules can be taken in a 24-hour period.

It can take a month or two to get the full effect, but you may experience some improvement in mental function in just a few days.


Bottom line, this stuff works! If you’re looking for a supplement that works right away, don’t waste your time. It doesn’t seem to work that way. But if you’re looking for a supplement that will give you positive results over time, than I would definetly recommend you give Mind Lab Pro a try.











Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

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Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

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L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

3 Star User Reviews

Have you used this supplement?

I liked it - found something better

By Chloe,  Aug 3, 2017

I took Mind Lab Pro for a month and while it's always tough to tell in hindsight I never really noticed a difference. To be honest, though a lot of the formula for Mind Lab Pro had long-term benefits so maybe my brain is actually super healthy now and I just don't know.

I recently tried taking just the lions mane on its own when I saw these 'Four Sigmatic' packets popping up at the health food store and dang they had the effect I was hoping for from Mind Lab Pro.  I tried one packet and immediately ordered 50 more, I don't know whether they extract it differently - or use more but it really feels like it works in my opinion.

It's not an intense effect, and none of these things ever make what you're working on more interesting like Adderall seems to do. However, I was noticeably more focused.  I could follow trains of thought better and stay on task longer. For people seeking the nootropic effects and looking for reviews like I was I give it a ten out of ten recommendation.

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User Questions and Answers

Which supplement has the better memory component, Mind boost or Mind lab pro? Also exactly would you say is the difference between the two? -John

Personally speaking, I think Mind Boost produces better long-term memory effects. The differences for me were that Mind Lab Pro produced more of a relaxed, yet stimulated feeling.  Mind Boost on the other hand seemed to help me more with short / long term memory.- Rob

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Is is dangerous to take Mind Lab pro at an age of 16? -Ben

Like most supplements, Mind Lab Pro is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18.- Rob

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What do you think about combining mind lab pro's product with optimind while you let mind lab build up in your system to really start working? Would it alter the performance at all? -paul

I recommend you start by using them on alternating days. If you don't experience any negative side effects, try using them both on the same day.- Rob

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What is the difference between Mind boost benefits and Mind lab pro benefits? -John

For me, Mind Lab Pro seemed to produce better focus, kept me more alert, and felt more motivated to get things done. With Mind Boost, it seemed to help more with helping me relax, felt "calm", and helped with better quality sleep, which made me more productive the next day. They're both great products, but they do have their differences.- Rob

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Mind Lab Pro told me via email this product is not recommended for anyone under 18 but your web site states "Works for users of all ages – from adolescents to the elderly". Why do you state this? -Ron

You're right. I must be getting old, considering 18 to be adolescent.  Thanks for the feedback. I'll update it now.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

56 comments on “Mind Lab Pro Review and Results”

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  1. Good Day Rob Sir
    I was involved in a Road Traffic Accident (RTA) back in July 1985 and suffered a Brain Injury. I was a Navigation Officer in the Merchant Navy and after three years convalescence I returned to the Office side of this profession and retired from this to care 24/7 for a lady friend of mine whom was also in a RTA in 1985. She passed away some years ago and since then I have been looking seriously at my medication with my Doctors input. Reduction in painkillers made a significant difference in cognitive function, my thinking & speech improved noticeably but am still frustrated I still feel there’s more to come!

    Could Mind Pro Lab be the answer ????
  2. I’m 55 yes old and have recently returned to school, taking a nursing courses. I’m having trouble with memory and concentration, the courses are very intense and I need a 80% average to pass…what do you suggest for memory retention

  3. Hi Rob I have 2 senarios. 1. I am a 38 year old male and abused Cannibas for 15 years. I use to have a very sharp memory and fast cognitave thinking.

    Now my memory is terrible and I do not have an edge anymore. I have a very dull constant head ache and feels like medium brain fog.

    I have been clean for a few months now. Would Mind Lab Pro help me get back to or at least close to what I was before the abuse?

    2. My mother 68 years old was just diagnosed with alzheimer’s. She has declined drascticly already, She is on a prescription that only slows it down.

    Would Mind Lab pro help her at all?
  4. Hi, I am 43 years old, male, and suffering from lack of concentration. I never feel calm and relaxed.

    Difficulty in recalling names and correct words.Lack motivation. Can’t focus and read.

    Is mind lab pro a good solution for me?
  5. Hi Rob,
    I am 19 years old and recently got diagnosed with severe ADHD; inattentive, impulsive, hypoactive. I have been drinking an energy drink every morning for the past week and it helps but works very slowly and not so effectively.

    I am not interested in prescription drugs. I’ve been reading about nootropics and I am intrigued. which nootropic would you recommend for me?

    Would you think optimind along with mind lab pro would be a good option?
    1. Hey Ahmad,
      Are you in the UK? Judging by your email address I think you are. If that’s the case they don’t actually sell Optimind in the UK. However, they do sell Mind Lab Pro (http://www.MindLabPro.com) to the UK.

      What I would recommend is you stack Mind Lab pro with Phenibut. Phenibut works EXTREMELY well at helping to keep you calm and focused, and the Mind Lab Pro will help you concentrate and improve short and long-term memory.

      I prefer the Liftmode brand of Phenibut, check out their site here: http://www.LiftMode.com/Phenibut
      1. I actually don’t reside in the UK anymore. I now live in Bahrain and come from Egypt. they don’t deliver it to any of these states?

        Also, your recommended in your reviews a rather limited use of phenibut. Would You recommend differently for my case?

        1. Hey Ahmad,
          Yeah they do sell Mind Lab Pro and Phenibut to Bahrain, so you should be good to go. I would not recommend you use Phenibut any differently.

          It’s a very powerful supplement that can build a tolerance quite rapidly, that’s why I only recommend limited use.
          On your Phenibut “off-days” I would recommend you supplement with 200 mg of L-Theanine.

  6. Hi Rob,
    I’m 57 and have not been anywhere near as mentally focused as I would like, not sharp, not being able to recall names or words I want to use in conversation. Probably have some type of ADHD but have not been diagnosed or gone to a psychiatrist.

    Also find myself impulsive, easily agitated, and again, difficulty focusing and forgetfulness. I have read your reviews on Mind Boost, Optimind, and LabPro and was wondering which or which combination of these would best fit my situation?

    Also was wondering if you have tried Active Mind by Nature’s Bounty?

  7. Do you think Phenibut and Mind Lab Pro would make a good stack? If so, can you give me a recommended dosage?

  8. Hello Rob. I’ve been taking two capsules a day of optimind for the past 3 months and it’s been great.

    I ordered mindlab and I only have 3 days using it. Was thinking if I could take 1 capsule of optimind and one of mindlab pro together would it be a good IDea?

    1. Hey Alan,

      That’s the thing about nootropic supplements. They work very differently for different people, and the best way to figure out what works best for you is trial and error, and reasonable experimentation.

      I haven’t used these two together yet, but it may be a great combination. Let me know how it works out for you.

  9. Hi rob really great work
    I just got my mind pro lab and Im wondering if its cool to use it with Exos Multivitamins + omega 3 or other nootropics such as noopept aniracetam etc ..
    1. Hey Saod,

      A multivitamin and Omega-3 is fine to take as usual. Stacking the Aniracetam with Mind Lab Pro can work too, but start off with a low dose, see how it goes, then experiment a little to find the best dose in the end.

  10. Hey rob.. After seeing your picks i have decided to try the nootropics, i tried ordering optimind but somehow it seems to order only in America, i am in Canada so i decided to try mind lab pro, i have seen review elsewhere but they basically end saying you gave good rating, but what i read from the ingredients i hope this is the safe bet, ordered the 3 month pack with 1 box free, on dec 4/2015 their shipment takes time but its tracked and no cost at all, so rob i hope it works for me….i will let you know my updates

      1. Hey rob i am in mind lab pro… On the sixth day.. So far no improvement in my concentration and memory or other things the product claims..

        In fact i am feeling i am getting lazier.. Is it too early to say it has no effect?

        Let me know your thoughts
        1. Hey Shahid,

          Yeah, it’s too soon to conclude it doesn’t work. With Mind Lab Pro, it takes a few weeks to start really noticing a difference.

          It’s not like some that work instantly. Take it for another 2 weeks and let me know how it’s going then.


  11. I know exactly what you mean when you say Mind boost gave you a calm and relaxed feeling, good sleep as well. I took it for months and was thinking about trying Mind Lab Pro because of the reviews and it’s cheaper.

    My question is, do Mind Lab Pro provide any change in mood like Mind boost does? Also which product do you think has the better memory enhancement.

    Lastly, can stack mind boost night formula with Mind Lab Pro for better results. I would prefer to have a good calm mood combined with better focus and memory.

  12. I am looking for an energy and focus drug that contains the following ingredients or similar. They are the old Addium ingredients before they changed the ingredients to generic placebo like contents!

    Tried Optimind amd Cogni-Q! They don’t work for me!

    Help! I need to old Addium recipe – which they don’t make anymore!

    1. Hey Toni,
      From what I understand, all they did was lower the Niacin content from 30 mg to 10 mg, so you just might need more Niacin in your diet. As an alternative, you might want to look into stacking various types of nootropics.

      I’ve been testing a lot of these lately, and found that stacking Alpha GPC, Aniracetam, and Noopept works VERY well for clarity, focus, and memory related issues. Check out PeakNootropics.com, they are a good quality source of Nootropics, the best I’ve used thus far.


    1. Hey John,
      Yeah Piracetam alone is great, I’ve recently had a chance to test it out and it works wonders. It might be synergistic with Mind Lab Pro as well, I just haven’t had a chance to test that out yet.

      I’ll let you know if / when I do.

        1. Hey Michael,

          I would start with just the Piracetam on its own first. Start with a dose of around 1200-2000 mg a day, then work your way up to a larger dose, up to 4000 mg a day if needed.

          Once you get a sense of how you respond, you can think about adding Mind Lab Pro into the mix.

  13. This Mind Lab Pro looks awesome, the best nootropics stack supplement I have seen. Ever. Just ordered and excited to try it.

    Thanks for the recommendation, Rob!
    1. Hey David,

      You take it daily. Any time of day will be fine.

      Just try to keep it consistent.

    1. Hey Elaine,

      I haven’t yet, but I’ll put it on our list and shoot you an email when the review is posted to the website.

    1. Hey Wesley,

      I haven’t tried it yet but it’s on my list for the near future. I’ll shoot you an email when the review goes up on the website.

      1. Hi Rob,

        I would also love to hear about your review on Lumonol. I ordered their product, but when I started researching the actual company (which I should have done prior to ordering) I could not find any information and I am a bit concerned about its genuineness.

        I searched in a variety of ways and I could not find anything out about Avanse Laboratories/Nuraceuticals and their domain information is actually hidden and the actual domain’s current expiry date is in January 2016.

        Also, their website has contradicting information on the 90-day money-back guarantee/returns: one page says you can open one bottle (60 pills) and send back the opened and unopened ones together (I assume they refer to the 3-pack bundle here, but it’s not clear) for a full refund, and another page on the same website states you can only claim full refund if all bottles are unopened…I emailed them to get a confirmation on their actual policy.

        Please let me know when you’ve tested this product.

        Thanks ever so much!
        1. Hey Brigitta,

          I do have a Lumonol review posted, but I haven’t tried it personally. From my understanding, the guarantee applies to one opened bottle and all unopened bottles, but please let me know what you find out. I agree with your concern about the company. A lot of companies that sell one or two online supplements can be pretty shady. I haven’t heard bad things about these guys, but on the other hand, I haven’t really heard much at all.

          1. Hi Rob!
            I just wanted to get back on Lumonol (regarding my previous comment below).

            They got back to me and confirmed I can send back the packs within 60days (they should either be unopened or no more than 60 pills used).
            However, I tried the pills and although I usually don’t believe in miracles, these pills are just incredible!I have been going through a terribly rough time (stressful work and a a lot of other negative things), I felt that everything I do in my life is just useless and I am worth nothing.

            These pills gave me back my motivation, my enthusiasm, my energy, my focus and most importantly: my confidence. I feel like I was reborn into my own self (looking a few years back when I had no such pressures in my life as I do now).

            And perhaps I could say, they gave me more: I used to stress about tiny things, and now I just don’t care – I smile and look at solving any problem instead of being upset about them!
            So Lumonol worked for me so far.

            I also considered that I might not order more of this expensive pill anymore, but perhaps just get pure noopept (in powder form) on Amazon. I am not sure which component in the pill provides these great results, I just assume it’s the noopept.

            Please let me know your thoughts. Have you had the chance to try Lumonol at all?

            Thanks and have a great day,
          2. Hey Brigitta,
            Yeah I ordered a bottle of Lumonol and will be testing it soon. Something tells me (based on your review) that it’s likely the Noopept and possibly it’s combo with Citicoline and guarana that’s giving you all those benefits.

            Bookmark my review here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/lumonol-review/ I should have it updated sometime next week.

  14. Just wanted to see if you have had a change to try Mind Lab Pro? I am very interested in this product and was wondering if its worth the price tag.

    1. Hey Donald,

      I’m in the process of testing it right now. So far so good, but I’ll get my results posted for you soon.

  15. Hi Rob, I started taking MLP about 2 weeks ago but I was ill for the first week (unrelated), so I didn’t count that week although I did still take them. I’ve been taking them for a full two weeks now and NOTHING.

    Absolutely NOTHING. I am a healthy 53 and don’t smoke or drink and I’m always on the go.

    Is it common for this expensive nootropic not to work on everyone? Also, could I take another stimulating nootropic with MLP, like Noopept or something similar?

    I’d be grateful for any advice really. Thank you so much for your time.

    1. Hey Mary,

      Yeah that’s a REAL problem with Nootropics. What works great for some, does nothing for others, and it works the other way around as well. Much more so than with any other supplement category I’ve tried. In your case, go with Lumonol. It’s got Noopept, Citicholine, and a ton of other stronger nootropics that should almost certainly work.

      Here’s my full Lumonol Review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/lumonol-review/

      And here’s a link to the Lumonol website: http://www.lumonol.com


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