ManPower X Review – Should You Use It?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 5-9-2018

ManPower X Overview

If your energy level has dropped, you find yourself exhausted half way through the day or a workout,
you’ve got fat where you never had it before, and your libido isn’t what it used to be, low
testosterone levels are likely to be the culprit. As you age, it’s a normal part of life, but that
doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it.

More and more guys are turning to natural
testosterone boosters to stem the tide and get things back closer to where they used to be. I recently
got wind of a product called ManPower X, so that’s the one we’re looking into today.

When you use ManPower X to naturally boost testosterone levels, you’ll find yourself with less body
fat, better workout function, increased lean muscle mass, greater energy, and improved mood. And it
works for both younger men looking to improve upon what they already have and older men, looking to
get back what they once had.

ManPower X Ingredients and How They Work

manpowerx reviewThe formula for ManPower X is not exactly your typical testosterone booster formula. There are some
familiar components, but also some not so familiar ones. The list includes:

  • LeuZea Carthanmoides which is known to increase work capacity and has anabolic properties.
  • Rhodiola Rosea which strengthens the immune system.
  • Eleuthera Senticus (aka Siberian Ginseng) for increased energy and improved mood.
  • Schisandra Chinensis which increases energy and improves the immune system
  • Tribulus Terrestris which encourages your body to naturally produce more testosterone.
  • Cordyceps Extract for a libido boost.
  • Panax Ginseng for increased energy.
  • Eurycoma Longifolia which increases free testosterone levels by attaching itself to the molecules that
    try to attach themselves to testosterone, rendering it useless.

Instructions are to take 1 or 2 ManPower X capsules with water about 30 minutes prior to a meal or a
workout.  Click here to see a picture of the label.

ManPower X Pros and Cons

Advantages of ManPower X

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • There are discounts available when you purchase multiple bottles.
  • The ManPower X reviews I’ve seen are very favorable.

Disadvantages of ManPower X

  • The formula looks a bit week.
  • The reviews on Amazon are all 5 stars, which tends to raise a bit of suspicion that they are not all
  • It appears to only be available in India at this point.

Where to Buy

You can purchase ManPower X online at their official website or at Amazon in India. A single bottle
sells for about $50, but there’s a buy 3 get 3 free deal, so you’ll get a 6 month’s supply for just
under $130.


ManPower X is a decent product, but there’s nothing that makes it stand out above the rest. If you
live in India and have few other options, by all means give it a try. If you live somewhere with more
choices, I would recommend you look around of some of them.

Have You Used ManPower X? Leave Your Review Below!

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User Questions and Answers

I Have ordered manpowerx, My age is 36 years, Please instruct me,How to take this capsule. -Jakir

Instructions are to take 1 or 2 ManPower X capsules with water about 30 minutes prior to a meal or workout.- Rob

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I want do dialy 5 time sex so how many times I have to take tablet..and I have to do daily sex can I have to take tablet daily? -Chinnu

Take a 1 or 2 pill dose once a day, and you should be ready for anything.- Rob

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it is safe to use manpower x ? -ashish

The ingredients are safe and natural. Unless you have an allergy to a specific ingredient, you should be fine.- Rob

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Does Manpower X helps to increasing weight or build muscular build ? -Saif

It can, a long as you use it along with a good muscle building diet and exercise program like the one in my free "getting strong" ebook.- Rob

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I am 15 year old, so can I use Manpower X for build muscular body -Saif

It's not recommended for anyone under the age of 18.- Rob

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Have any side effects? And it can helps to grow facial hairs or not? -Nikhil

There are no listed side effects, but I've heard of some users getting headaches. It probably won't have much if any effect on facial hair.- Rob

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Why i can't cancel my order of menspowertest i need a phone number -Cesar

I'm not sure what supplement you're looking for, but you should be able to find a phone number for the seller on your credit card or bank statement.- Rob

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Does manpower X helps in increasing penile size and girth? -Nilay

It may increase the size of your erections, but you're not going to get permanent size increases from a pill. For that, check into an extender device like SizeGenetics or a water pump like Hydromax Xtreme.- Rob

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i read somwhere that manpower x is helpful for increase panis size also is it true -sam

A pill can't permanently increase your penis size. You need a pump or extender device for that.- Rob

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Every sex time inhancement medicine have a side effect.....espically of heart problem...does this medicine have or not? -Saqlain

ManPower X is a supplement, not a medicine. The ingredients are herbal and not likely to cause side effects. That said, nothing is guaranteed to be side effect free.- Rob

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I just want to use for all night sex,can one tablet do the majic? long will it take to start work from the time you took it?i wouldn't like to be taking it regularly but once in a while when I need to have good sex,will it be effective?how many tabs can you take once? -Berth

ManPower X is a daily supplement meant to boost testosterone levels. Generally, fast acting male enhancement pills don't work, or if they do it's because they have illegal ingredients in them.  Try VigRx Plus. It's daily, but it's the best.- Rob

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will manpower x incresses sex time? -sunjaiy

It could, but you'd be better off with ProSolution Plus. It's been clinically proven to help fight against premature ejaculation.- Rob

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can it cause kidney trouble? -jeet

There's nothing in it that's known to cause Kidney problems.- Rob

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Should it help in gain muscles without strength warkout -aditya

No supplement can hep you put on muscle without proper diet and exercise.- Rob

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Effects of manpowerx suppliments on liver -Rahul

There shouldn't be any effect at all.- Rob

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hi i am in new zealand how can i order it here? thanks -manoj

You can order it through Amazon. You'd have to check with the seller to see if they'll ship to New Zealand.- Rob

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The expiry date is July 2017. I have 3 cans left. Should I use it or through it...?? -Sidhant

It's your call, but I don't think it would cause a problem. It may be starting to lose effectiveness, but it's not unsafe.- Rob

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I'am 17, is it safe for a teenager like me -aditya

Taking supplements like these is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18.- Rob

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Who are the manufacturers of Manpower X. Do they guarente that there are no hormones like Testosterone or any other steroids. Is there some responsible person I can speak with. I do not want to take any chances hence the question. -sathya

It's mainly sold on Amazon in India.  You can try to contact the seller there. I don't know if there's an actual guarantee, but this is the statement they make: "We never use fillers, binders or artificial ingredients in our formula ever manpower x testosterone booster is 100 percent natural, pure and made at certified manufacturers top quality of consistently safe and effective products for our customers."- Rob

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How manpower X workes what are the banifits -Isaq routher

Instructions are to take 1 or 2 capsules with water about 30 minutes prior to a meal or a workout.- Rob

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Is it work in a week? -Kumar

It probably takes closer to a month before you'll see optimal results.- Rob

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is it works??? -raghunandan

It may improve your sex drive and stamina, but it won't increase the size of your penis.- Rob

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hello Rob, i'm a singer and i like to workout as well, I've ordered 'manpower x' testosterone booster. I read somewhere that taking testosterone can decrease vocal range and can cause lack of singing ability. It would be a great help if you provide me some info about this. so my question is "will there be any side effect on my singing voice using this product?" -yash

I'm not an expert on the relationship between testosterone and vocal quality, but from what I've read, testosterone replacement therapy can indeed have an effect.  But a natural supplement won't cause these kinds of effects. Instead of adding synthetic testosterone to your system, these natural supplement stimulate your body's natural production. This way, you don't end up with the kind of excess you get with synthetic testosterone.- Rob

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Can it be taken on a empty stomach -Aryan

It's recommended you take it on an empty stomach, about 30 minutes before a meal or workout.- Rob

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can diabetic people use this product??. will have any side effect?? -anandh

It's generally fine for diabetics, but you'll want to check with your physician, especially if you're taking medication. Though there are no reported side effects, you may see some minor ones, like headaches and nausea.- Rob

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Is ManpowerX is really work & Boost our sexual life -Kapil Dev Joshi

By boosting testosterone levels, it should improve both libido and sexual performance.- Rob

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I have kidney stone & angioplasty has been done.can I take manpower x pill or capsule. -yogee

Because of your medical conditions, you should consult with your doctor before taking any supplement.- Rob

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What is the highest age to take this medicine. Is it effective at the age of 75 years and how long one has to take this medicine to be effective -Harjeet singh

It's safe at any age over 18. It doesn't say how long it will take to see results, but these kinds of supplements generally take about 3-4 weeks to start showing results.- Rob

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can manpower pills permantaly increase my ejaculation time longer after finishing one bottle of it? -jigar

Supplements only work as long as you're taking them. Shortly after you stop, the effects will wear off.- Rob

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How to eat them -razak

Take 1 or 2 capsules about 30 minutes before a meal or workout.- Rob

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Has this any side effect & how much results are? Is this product help in quick erection long last intercourse -Dayanand singh

It's really meant to be a natural testosterone booster, so it should help with erections. I would give it about a month to start showing results.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

24 comments on “ManPower X Review – Should You Use It?”

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  1. Hey bro… how can i make my body is perfact? I meant i am a 25 years old boy,, so can you tell me about it?? And i am a very thin guy…i’ve only 12″ warm, 35 chest… so i want a perfact body n i need 6 pack abs so plz….im not gud in speak english… i need 18/20″ warm muscle

    1. Hey Kahid,
      Check out the Crazy Mass bulking stack, it’s perfect for guys like yourself looking to bulk up but keep fat storage at a minimum. Here’s my review:

      Also, for your convenience I’m sending you my free “How To Get Larger, Stronger, and More Powerful” eBook. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help you gate the most out of the supplements.

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
  2. I’m a 24 yo male.I’ve read all the reviews about this product and all are positive which creates a doubt in my mind.. will it help me shed some fat if i use it i don’t work out much because of my tight schedule but work out 2-3 time a week ? Please help.

    1. Hey Ajay,
      Personally speaking, no I don’t think it works as well as they say it does. First off, what’s your goal?

      Are you looking to lose weight / get ripped? Or are you looking to bulk up?

      Let me know what your goal is and I’ll recommend the best products for you.

  3. Body buildo is the best or man power x ? .,and,i am very weak and my teston level is also very low .who is the best for me? Body buildo or man power x ..please tell me my age is 18yr

    1. Hey Ali, Well I definitely would not recommend Man Power X. If you read the review above, I don't recommend it for a number of reasons. First off, I'm sending you my "How To Boost Your Testosterone Levels Naturally" ebook. It's packed with tons of tips on boosting your t levels, which in turn will increase your energy. Supplements wise, check out a stack called the Crazy Mass cutting Stack. It's packed with 4 powerful supplements that will boost energy, build lean muscle, and reduce fat deposits. y Check out my review here: Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions. Rob
    2. Hey ali ,

      Just sent you an email.

      For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.

  4. how,biologically does this manhood pill work?.iam just 20 years and iam wondering if its advisable for me to use this .. where in uganda can one get it fromQ.Q..thnx
    1. Hey Brian,

      It basically uses herbal ingredients to boost energy and libido, and yes it is safe for 20 year olds to use. It’s only available online.

      You can find it on their website or on You’d have to check with them to see if they deliver to Uganda.

  5. i am 27 yrs old
    I have nice muscle and i work out whole day even i can do heavy work and lift heavy weight more than any other person near me but during sex within 2-3 Min games gets over
    Is this because of masturbation which i used to do from long time since 12 yrs
    Plz help me how i can get maximum benefit from this product so that i could satisfy my partner .i ordered it because i read that min 1 hours it can help me to have sex ,is it true ?
    1. Hey Ravi,

      It’s a pretty common problem. ManPower X should help with hard erections and confidence, and it may help with staying power. If not, try ProSolution Plus. This one’s been clinically proven to help with premature ejaculation.

    1. Hey Sam,
      I would recommend you either pick up an extender device like Size Genetics, or a water based vacuum pump called the Bathmate. Personally speaking, I like the Bathmate. It’s easier to use, you only need to use it for 10 – 15 min. a day (as opposed to 4 – 6 hours a day with the extender), and it’s cheaper. Here’s links to both below:

      Bathmate –

      Size Genetics –

      To help with blood flow, sexual stamina, etc. I would recommend you check out a supplement called VigRX Plus. It’s the most effective one I’ve used to date, and I’ve used A LOT of these supplements. Here’s my review of that one:

  6. This is the wors product sold on internet . No change , nothing is happen and even money back will not work for this item.

    I tried to return this but nobody entertain and what i can say this is wort WORST and WORST . total watste of money.

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