Fat Burn X Review – Miracle Fat Burner Or Dud?

By: Rob Miller
5 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 1-29-2018

Home » Fat Burners » Fat Burn X Review – Miracle Fat Burner Or Dud?

I’m getting alot of requests from readers to review a supplement called Fat Burn X. I have to be honest, up until this point I had never even heard of it, which is sort of embarrassing for a guy who runs a huge supplement review website. 🙂 This fat burner claims to be the “new supplement you need to try”, but is it really that effective? We ordered a bottle to test out ourselves, but first let’s talk a bit about how it works, the ingredients, and then we’ll get to the nitty gritty details of our results.


What Is Fat Burn X
How Do I Take It
Stacking With Other Supplements
Where To Buy
Our Results

What is Fat Burn X

Finding info on Fat Burn X was not easy. There’s ton’s of other so called “review sites” that talk the product up, but not one of them has seemed to use it. The official site says that their product is a industry leading fat burner that contains an exciting new formula that was created after years of trials. Unfortunately, other then noting that it contains caffeine, green tea, and grapefruit extract, they leave us to guess what else might be in the formula.

fat burn x reviewFortunately, I ordered a bottle, and the ingredients on the label indicate that it also contains psyllium husks, garcinia cambogia extract, citrus aurantium, green tea, apple cider vinegar, and juniper berry. It doesn’t say how much caffeine it contains, so use caution when taking it for the first time.

How do I take it

The directions on the bottle state that you should take 2 capsules daily in the morning. Since this product contains caffeine, I would recommend you start off with just one capsule on a full stomach to assess your tolerance.

Stacking Fat Burn X With Other Supplements

There’s some talk around the internet that stacking fat burn x along with other supplements like ripped muscle x, elite test 360, and alpha rush pro is supposed to have an amazing effect. These Flogs as I like to call them (Fake Blogs = Flogs) usually involve some story about a celebrity using the stack and losing some insane amount of weight while building an extraordinary amount of muscle.

fat burn x mel gibson

fat burn x gerard butler

I talk about this in detail in my free trial article on scams. Basically, they put up a fake news story that looks like it’s on news type website. It comes complete with a story about how major celebs like Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler, Mel Gibson, or The Rock used Fat Burn X along with some other supplement to get insane results.

Then the author of the story runs an “experiment” with the combo and also see’s a drastic reduction in weight and muscle gain. The article is complete with comments from other guys saying they’re also getting insane results to help give it social proof.

fat burn x fake comments

These comments are clearly fake, because if you notice there’s nowhere to even leave a comment, should you choose to do so.

The other thing that is very revealing on this page is that they literally spell it out that it’s an advertisement, and not an actual news article, blog, or consumer protection update.

fat burn x disclaimer

They are not affiliated with CNN, Men’s Health, CNBC, etc., and the whole page is a complete fabrication.

Where Can I Buy It

From what I could gather, Fat Burn X is only available on it’s official website. I spoke with some of the reps at my local GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, and Walgreens/CVS, and none of them had even heard of the product.

This supplement is EXPENSIVE, coming in at $89.99 for just a one month supply. When stacked up against other weight loss supplements, this is on average about $45 more expensive. They do offer discounts for larger orders, for instance offering 2 free bottles when you buy 3.

They also offer a free “trial” of their product, but this is not to be confused with a free “sample”. When you order the trial, you simply pay a small shipping fee, typically around $4 – $5. However, if you read the terms and conditions you’ll see the following:

“*You will have 10 days from the date you receive your bottle to decide if Fat Burn X is right for you.By clicking the button to the right and submitting this order, you agree that your card will be charged $4.95 for shipping & handling, you agree to pay $87.63 for your first bottle of Fat Burn X unless you cancel your order within 10 days of receipt and return the bottle to us postmarked within 10th days of receipt, and you agree to pay $87.63 each month for a new bottle of Fat Burn X that will be automatically shipped to you each month unless you cancel.

You can cancel at anytime by calling their customer support phone number, but I can’t tell you how many guys aren’t aware of this when they’re ordering the trial. Best thing to do is to mark your calendar the day you order it and be sure to call and cancel if you’re not satisfied with it.

Reviews of Fat Burn X

When I originally wrote this, finding reviews on fat burn X was a bit of a mystery.It wasn’t available on Amazon at the time, and from the limited info I could gather, there were a few sites that talk broadly about the supplement, but no one seems to have really used it.

However, this has changed. It is now available on Amazon, and if you read the reviews, they are not very good…statements like “this product is garbage” and “I think it is a waste of money” are common.

In fact, out of the 5 reviews on there, there’s only a few that are positive, and even they look like they might be fake.

Speaking of fake reviews, check out this youtube video I found as well:

He talks up the combo of Fat Burn X along with Alpha Rush Pro, but what you probably didn’t realize is that he’s ACTUALLY a paid actor! How do I know this?? Well, check out the image below…

alpha rush pro fake review

You can hire this guy for as low as $5 to be a PAID spokesman for your supplement.I have seen him do this before, most notably with another competing supplement called Elite Test 360.

Our Results With Fat Burn X

While I don’t really need to lose any weight, I have a few friends that are on the “heavy” side that are always interested in trying out a fat burner. One of my friends, Chris, was immediately interested in taking it, and here’s his results:

“When I first started taking fat burn x I weighed in at around 220 lbs. Since my ideal weight is about 190, obviously I had alot of work to do. The first thing I noticed when taking this was a bit of an increase in energy. This was most likely from the caffeine in it, but it wasn’t some HUGE increase in energy (maybe 1 – 2 cups of coffee).

After about 2 weeks I noticed I had lost about 5 lbs., but I’m not sure if it was a result of taking the Fat Burn X or if I was just eating healthier and working out more. It didn’t seem to act like an appetite suppressant or anything, and even the energy effect started to wear off leading into weeks 3 and 4.

All in all I think it’s a decent weight loss supplement, but nothing to brag about.”


Fat Burn X in my opinion is just an OK weight loss supplement. While it obviously does give you a boost in energy, there’s no way of telling that a simple caffeine pill from your local Walmart couldn’t do the same thing. If you’re willing to fork over the $89.99 for a one month supply it might be worth it. If you’re looking for something more effective, both in terms of price and results, then I would suggest you look elsewhere.

Have You Used Fat Burn X? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

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#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

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User Questions and Answers

I ordered the free trial today but I want to cancel my order after reading this! I went to their website to look for the customer service number but couldn't find it, so I filled out my information in the contact us fields. Is there a faster way to get a hold of customer service? I don't want them to respond once the 10 days is up and my order can no longer be cancelled -Jessica

The contact information I found is:  Phone 1-855-894-4436.  Email support@fatburnx.com.  I agree with you. Definitely get in touch as soon as you can.- Rob

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14 out of 15 people found this question helpful.

Is this supplement safe for kidney transplant patients -Ron

That would be considered a medical condition that would require a consultation with your doctor before using any supplement.- Rob

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3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.

Can you take this while breastfeeding? -Monika

No, the label contains a caution not to use while breastfeeding.- Rob

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2 out of 3 people found this question helpful.

Does this product really affect people? -Jennifer Robinson

Judging by the feedback I've seen, I wouldn't recommend it. Check out Instant Knockout instead. It is very effective.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

21 comments on “Fat Burn X Review – Miracle Fat Burner Or Dud?”

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  1. Yea I didn’t see fine print either to try free trial and that I’d have to. Cancel if I didn’t want to get any more.

    Now the other day I got a letter from collectors that I owe $87.63. Never used any of them after I read all the bad reviews..the bottles I got are still closed but I threw away packaging. Is there anyway I can return and get money back?

    1. Hey Justin,

      Give them a call and check. They may work with you, but you’d have to call to find out.

      The number I found on the website is 1-855-894-4436.

  2. This is crap, and like another review, I didn’t read the fine print and they started taking 87.63 from my acct.As it turns out the 14 day trial means you have 14 days to return product and cancel the orders. They also ran the promotion with another product called Alpha Rush, Both a scam!

  3. fat burn and alpha rush are straight up trash .and zo is the scam…heres how it works..the free trial .sample is neither..they send u a bottle of each and somewhere it says if.u dont cancel in 9 or.10.or14. days then they just keep chargeing ur credit card .Customer service sucks as much as there trash product..they dont let u cancel..Call ur credit card co ..and tell them what happened to u..let them dispute it for u…they calledit FRAUD in my case and refunded my $ and said they will go aftrer these 2 piece’s of garbage..it is FRAUD lies and deception..and then the shit doesnt do a thing….please dont deal with these subhumans
  4. I totally agree with Matt (posted 23 June). I felt misled by their ad as well.

    I saw the $4.95 for a trial offer, which is all I wanted. Suddenly a second bottle showed up and my card was charged $90.

    These people are rip-off artists. I cancelled my subscription immediately.

    Hopefully others will read these reviews and not be taken by these scam artists.
      1. Hey Zoe,

        The contact information on their website is listed as: Phone Support: 1-855-894-4436 / Email Support: support@fatburnx.com. Get in touch with them and let them know you want to cancel.

  5. Hi I’m type 2 diabetic lift and cardio 3 to 5 times a week. Looking for a safe supliment for fat burn and build muscle.



  6. Hi im big lou and looking to be lil lou lol. I am looking for a supplement that is actually going to help me burn fat and build muscle.

    I am 43 yrs old and 6 ft 335 lbs now i was at 360 lbs but for the last 3 weeks i have been walking 3 to 4 miles a day and swimming at least 3 times a week plus doing weight work outs as well at the Y.M.C.A. I have completely changed my eating habits no more fried foods or fast foods i eat lots of fruits n veggies, brown rice ect. now i also take a once a day for men and 500 mg of vitamin c. i keep seeing all these fat burner and muscle builder supplements so my question is what do you recommend for me to use that will be safe for me to take that will help me on my goal of losing all this weight and build my muscles back up
    1. Hey Lou,

      Great job so far! You’re on your way and one of the key factors in long term success is staying motivated. That’s where a fat burning supplement like Instant Knockout can help. It burns fat, helps suppress your appetite, and provides energy for workouts. It does contain quite a bit of caffeine so you’ll want to make sure you limit your intake from other sources, but at this point, Instant Knockout is what I recommend to help you along.

  7. Please I need an explanations on how about $200 was debited from my master card I use to order for a free sample on the 15th of may,which the free sample was sent to my address in NY. I spoke to mike personally my self.

    I told him I was a visitor from Nigeria. Pls I need my money back or else am going to have to take fat burn to court.

    1. Hey Tracy,

      We are a review website and don’t sell products. We also recommend against buying through these “free trial” schemes because this is usually what happens. You’ll need to get in touch with Fat Burn X. I’ve looked up their contact information for you. Their phone number is: 1-855-894-4436, with hours of 8am-4pm Pacific Time. Their email address is support@fatburnx.com. And their address is Fat Burn X, 8895 Towne Centre Drive #105-429
      San Diego, CA 92122 USA. Start by canceling the monthly shipping that they seem to have signed you up for, then see about the possibility of getting a refund. Best of luck.

  8. Hi josh and Dylan. I’ve seen the ads of alpharushpro and fatburn x and I really want to hear if any of this is true.

    I could work out hard for about a month and loose all the fat I need but I’m looking into this to see if I could do this faster and more efficiently. Interested to hear about your results.

    Hoping this isn’t just a load of crap
  9. I just Ordered a bottle of Alpha Rush pro & fat burner x I hope it does work the way people are bragging about it but I’ll be back to leave another comment after my free trial…
  10. I can’t even give this company a star. They are a scam.

    They hook you in the trail. I didn’t realize you had to cancel with in 10 days.

    Which is not even long enough to see if it works. and they charged my credit card $87.43 without any notice and never sent any product. When I tried to work with the company they refuse to work with me.

    This is a scam do not try it .
    1. I am having the same problem with these guys. They claim to have sent me a 30-day supply, but that simply is not true.

      On top of that, they charged me for something that I never received!!!

      This company sends you a 14-Day supply. Now, if you take 2 capsules a day, for 14 days, that equates to 28 capsules.

      Not 60. I don’t give a damn what the bottle says, its not 60 capsules, and these clowns refuse to work with you as a customer.

      This was the worst customer service experience I’ve ever had.
  11. A lot of people are saying it’s a scam because of the free trial not being a free sample. So I thought of cancelling my credit card AFTER I received the product to prevent them from charging me again.

    I knew it was too good to be true. So I started taking it today and all I can do is hope that it would work out like the other review.

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