Epiq Rush Review – Does It Work?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 7-4-2014

Epiq Rush Overview
There may be almost as many pre workout supplements as there are people who work out.
Okay, that’s an exaggeration, but you get the idea. There are tons of pre workouts.
And while they all serve the same basic function of getting you prepped and pumped for your workout so you can work harder and perform better, lots of them have additional focuses, so you’ll want to make sure you choose one that’s aligned with your goals and needs.
Epiq Rush is a pre workout from the Epiq line of products.
It’s a pre workout so it provides you with energy and pumps, but its hook is that it’s also a fat burner.
So if you’re looking to do some serious shredding, this Fruit Punch flavored powder says it can deliver.
Let’s take a look at the formula and see if we agree.
Epiq Rush Ingredients and How They Work
The Epiq Rush formula is divided up into proprietary blends, so we’ll take them one at a time.
We’ll explain how some of the components work.
Others are somewhat self explanatory.
The Peak Performance Blend
- L-Aspartic Acid which helps increase testosterone levels.
- Taurine
- Citrulline Nitrate to help increase the flow of blood to muscle for better oxygen and nutrient delivery and better pumps.
- Cordyceps Sinensis to help reduce fatigue
The Epiq Rush Blend
- Raspberry Ketones which are believed to help burn fat.
- Green Tea Leaf Extract which contains catechins which have been shown to increase fat loss more than caffeine alone.
- Green Coffee Extract which contains chlorogenic acid which slows the absorption of glucose
The Energy Boosting Blend
- L-Theanine which promotes alert relaxation and possibly counters some of the negative effects of caffeine (ie jitters)
- Caffeine provides energy and possible a fat burning effect as well.
- Coconut Water Powder which provide electrolytes that may be lost during prolonged periods of exercise.
- Alpha GPC which may boost HGH levels naturally, helping to maintain and increase lean muscle mass.
Instructions are to take 1 to 2 scoops of Epiq Rushdaily before your workout.
They (and I) recommend that you start off with the small dose to assess your tolerance, then work your way up if necessary.
Epiq Rush Pros and Cons
Advantages of Epiq Rush
- By most accounts, Epiq Rush is great tasting.
- It’s a fat burning pre workout, so if you’re looking for the effects of both, this could kill 2 birds with one stone.
- There are lots of positive Epiq Rush reviews from customers.
- It’s available at your local GNC.
- If you only need 1 scoop, a single tub can last you 2 months.
Disadvantages of Epiq Rush
- Pretty universally, customers say it doesn’t mix very well.
- There are a significant number of customers saying they’re not having success with it.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Epiq Rush online, but you can also get it at your local GNC.
The Amazon price for a 60 scoop tub is $35 on Amazon and $45 at GNC, so shop around.
It seems like there are lots of customers who walked into GNC planning to get something else, and were convinced by the salesperson to buy Epiq Rush.A lot of these people were disappointed when they used it.
Mainly for that reason, I’d say it’s probably not the direction you want to go.
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Top 3 Pre WorkoutAffiliate Disclosure
4 Gauge is a brand new pre workout that kicks in FAST and will rev up your workouts.
Nitrocut is a VERY effective pre workout supplement for a variety of reasons, see why here.
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4 Star User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Epiq Rush
The Epiq Rush is a great product and makes u sweat like crazy I was taking it for like 2 yrs till the stop carrying it at gnc it's hard now to find the product
2 out of 3 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
Where can I purchase this product from since they stopped selling it at gnc -
They sell online at the EPIQ Results website.- Rob
I also have a lactose intolerance. What supplements would you suggest that could aid me with my weight loss and muscle gains?
It’s really tough to lose fat and gain mass at the same time. What you really should be doing is a bulk and cut strategy, which I outline how to do here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/should-i-bulk-first-then-cut-or-the-other-way-around/
Supplements wise, your absolute best bet would be to do a 4 week cycle of the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack, take a week off, then do a 4 week cycle of the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack.
It will give you INSANE results by the end of 9 weeks, check out my reviews of each below:
Crazy Mass Bulking Stack – https://www.supplementcritique.com/crazy-mass-bulking-stack-review/
Crazy Mass Cutting Stack – https://www.supplementcritique.com/crazy-mass-cutting-stack-review/