5 Dangerous Weight Loss Pills and Supplements
Fact Checked On: 4-5-2018 By: Rob MillerHome » Consumer Watchdog » 5 Dangerous Weight Loss Pills and Supplements
As you go about your weight loss goals, if you’re going to consider using a supplement of any sort, you need to be very careful to check on its safety. Using an unsafe supplement can not only lead to significant side effects but in some cases it can be downright dangerous as well. Let’s go over some of the main pills that you need to be aware of so that you can be sure to avoid them at all costs.
1.) Craze Performance Fuel
Craze is made by a company called Driven Sports, and was actually a highly rated pre-workout supplement. However, after some recent testing by researchers in a lab in sweden, it was found that Craze Performance Fuel contains an “amphetamine like compound” in samples of their product. This would explain all of the reviews we were getting from guys saying how “amped up” it was making them feel.
While the manufacturer of Craze has adamantly denied this, the proof is in the pudding so to speak.
Pre workout supplements that have been found to have compounds like this is actually nothing new. There are tons of other supplements that have also been doing this, in an obvious effort to make them work better.
Amphetamines (or amphetamine like stimulants) can cause a wide variety of side effects, which is one of the reasons why you need a prescription to obtain the. As of this review, Craze was recently pulled off the shelves of most major retailers, but there are some still selling it out there so be careful!
As an alternative, check out an effective, non-stimulant based pre workout supplement called Nitrocut.
2.) OxyElite Pro
As you can probably tell from the photo, I actually got a chance to try out Oxyelite Pro myself, with some pretty decent results. This weight loss supplement actually was sold in a number of popular retailers including Walmart, GNC, and others. However, after several reported cases of liver problems and even reports of it being linked to Acute Hepatitis, the makers agreed with the FDA to issue a mandatory recall.
It has also been pulled off the shelves of most major retailers, but there are still some reports that it is being sold on Ebay and other outlets, so avoid it at all costs if you come across it.
Check out my top choice for fat burners, Instant Knockout
3.) Fen-Phen
There was a bit of a frenzy when this pill first came out. Developed by the pharmaceutical company known as Wyeth, It was being touted as a “revolutionary fat burner”, and had the data to back it up. Users reported weight loss of as much as 15 lbs. per month, with little to no changes in diet or exercise.
However, over time the adverse effects of this drug started pouring in. Researchers began investigating reports of potentially fatal pulmonary hypertension and heart valve problems, with over 40 documented cases. As a result, a highly publicized recall involving Wyeth and the distributor of Fen-Phen was initiated immediately. There was also a wave of fen-phen litigation, and Wyeth actually announced that it set aside $21.1 billion to cover the costs of lawsuits.
It’s now been completely pulled off the shelves and is no longer available for use.
4.) VPX White Heat
While White Heat is used primarily as a pre workout supplement, there are alot of individuals that use it as a fat burner / weight loss supplement. I’ve actually tried it out myself, and can attest to it’s effectiveness. However, like many of the other weight loss products on this page, it has a range of side effects.
For one, it contains 3 different types of Yohimbe, as well as 400 mg of Caffeine. I started off with just half a scoop, and could feel the energy boost kick in within 15 minutes. However, this energy boost was quickly followed by a number of side effects, including nausea, heart palpitations, fever like symptoms, and body aches.
This is no doubt due to the Yohimbe, which I have take on several different occasions. It’s important to note that not everyone will experience side effects like this, and if you do decide to try it out I recommend you use the lowest possible dose to assess your tolerance.
5.) Clen Fat Burner
Finally, the last of the fat loss pills to avoid if you ever come across it is Clenbuterol.This pill is actually originally produced to help treat symptoms of asthma, and has been found to have high thermogenic properties. It’s because of this reason that it’s become VERY popular with bodybuilders and celebrities who are looking to lose a dramatic amount of weight in a very short time frame.
However, there is a downside to Clenbuterol…there are numerous side effects that can result from its consumption, including: muscle cramps, hypertension, increase heart rate, dry mouth, and vomiting. Even if you were to use it, it’s highly recommended that you cycle it on a 2 week on, 2 week off basis. It works, but in my opinion is not worth the side effects and should be avoided at all costs.
So all in all, stay away from all of these fat loss pills.
Make sure you always do your research before starting up any fat burner to ensure it’s something that is safe for you to use.
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User Questions and Answers
Have you looked at GNC "VolcaNO" supplement and its advertized "incredible benefits" ? You are also required to join GNC's VolcaNO VIP Membership program after the 14 day trial.
Thanks -Gerald
We had one of our testers try it out and he had pretty good results. You can see our review here. I would recommend you buy it outright from the start instead of using the free trial. Lot's of guys complain of having been ripped off by the trial.- Rob
13 out of 15 people found this question helpful.
What is the best supplement to reduce cortisol and aid in belly fat reduction?. -John
There's really no science supporting the theory that reducing cortisol helps you lose weight. You'd be better off going with a stimulant based fat burner like Instant Knockout that can help you eat less and have more energy to work out.- Rob
8 out of 9 people found this question helpful.
How safe is Primal Force Ultra Primal Lean ? -Ashan
I haven't tried it myself or looked at it too closely, but a quick look at the ingredients list says it's probably pretty safe to use.- Rob
5 out of 5 people found this question helpful.
Have u done any research/testing or heard anything about Crevalor and Megatropin stack and its effectiveness or lack there of? Thanks! -Steve
I haven't looked at them specifically, but they're one of those free trial scams that I warn about. You can read my article about that general situation here.- Rob
7 out of 9 people found this question helpful.
is man power x testosterone capsule totaly safe? -jeet
It should be, but there's no guarantee that you won't experience any kind of minor side effects at all.- Rob
6 out of 8 people found this question helpful.
Have you ever review any of the old school Labs products -Juan
We have an informational review on Vintage Burn. It looks pretty decent, but I haven't tried it myself so I don't know for sure.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Do you have a review on this product -Keto os
If you mean Keto OS, yes we do. You can find it here:Â https://www.supplementcritique.com/keto-os-review-instant-ketosis-for-fat-burning/- Rob
What is your critique of Resetigen-D - Frank
I haven't done a full review of it, but check out our review of Regenify. They're very similar.- Rob
Hi Rob,
Did u hear about Garcinia pure combined with another supplement called vimax detox ? And their effect on fat burning and whether they are safe or not?
Many thanx -Mohammaf
I haven't heard of them yet. We don't usually look at cleanses. Â We have reviewed several Garcinia products, and I'd say it probably has some effect on fat burning.- Rob
What's your take on Black Core Edge Max? -Josue
I wouldn't recommend it. Check out our full review here: Â https://www.supplementcritique.com/blackcore-edge-review/- Rob
Hey, is there any credible research on Nugenix Testosterone booster I've been taking? Â It has put the "pep back in my step" but I wonder if there are any dangers since it is ingested orally and has to go through liver, instead of injections which don't,just curious. My levels were tested, and Doc said they were normal but I''m not sure hes right, because when I started supplementing with Nugenix I could tell a difference after about a week of being on it. Appreciate what you do. Thanx again! -c.j
I don't know of any clinical research on Nugenix itself, but it shouldn't affect your liver. It's not actual testosterone, and the ingredients in it do not damage your liver.- Rob
What is your view of Anabolic Rx24 testerone booster. -altonmark
Not a big fan. You can check out our full review here:Â https://www.supplementcritique.com/anabolic-rx24-review/- Rob
What supplements could cause tingling hands and feet! -Nancy
Anything with beta alanine can make your skin tingle.- Rob
check BIO.X4 4 DIET PILL IS IT OK -mary
Read our full review here:Â https://www.supplementcritique.com/bio-x4-nucific-review-is-it-worth-1000-a-year/- Rob
What's your opinion of Nugenics? -William
Check out my review and personal results here:Â https://www.supplementcritique.com/nugenix-review-is-it-a-reliable-testosterone-booster/- Rob
It’s not my first choice, but I think it’s a good, quality performance enhancement supplement. Check out my full review here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/virectin-review/
Check out my review here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/ostarine-mk-2866-review-dosage-side-effects-and-more/
I haven’t checked it out. It’s not really within the scope of supplements I usually research.
That said, let me know what kind of benefits you’re looking for and I’ll recommend something I know to work.
Yeah, I’ve tried it, and got some pretty good results. Check out my full review here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/blue-star-status-review/
They are natural, over the counter supplements, so yes, generally they’re safe. Of course, it’s possible someone could have a negative reaction if they are allergic or intolerant of something.
I’m not sure which supplement you’re referring to. Do you have a link to a website I can check out?
And has two unresolved complaints. Any info
I haven’t really looked into USN products. Let me know which one or one you’re thinking about using, and I’ll take a look and let you know what I think.
My recommendation for a man at your age is Prime Male. It’s very similar to Testo Fuel, but geared toward guys over 50 or so. Here’s my full review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/prime-male-testosterone-booster-review/ and it’s got a link to their website if you choose to place an order.
I haven’t checked out any of these, but if you let me know what kind of results you’re looking for, I’ll see if I can recommend something for you.
To help in this respect I try to walk 3 to 5 miles a day. I am looking for the best supplement available to help me achieve my goal.
Any good advice from you will be very much appreciated
There is a substance called Kratom that I’ve been recommending to some people. I won’t get into a big technical discussion on it, but it’s basically a tea that you drink that can help mitigate pain and improve your mood.
It sounds like this might be right up your alley, and here’s a site where you can get some good quality Kratom: http://www.KratomCrazy.com
I would recommend you try their Maeng Da version (http://www.KratomCrazy.com/Maeng-Da), it seems like it would be a good fit considering your issues.
It DOES have the small potential for addiction, so try to use it sparingly. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
I am currently using a product called “4Him X” containing:
Epimedium x 10
Muira Puama10 x
Tribulus x 90
Velvet Bean 20x
Is it safe? Is it effective as a libido booster/Ed supplement?
It’s likely safe, but there’s really no way to tell until you actually use the product yourself. I’ve never actually used it, so I can’t say with certainty that it’s an effective libido booster.
It’s likely a scam, check this out: https://www.supplementcritique.com/1-weird-tip-to-build-muscle-i-think-not/
I just want to get some gains and stay natural.
The Bulking Stack along with the Creatine should be helping you get the results you want. You may have to fine tune your diet and workouts.
Make sure you’re eating enough calories, limiting your cardio, lifting heavy, and getting enough rest.
Thanks Sean
I hadn’t yet, but I’ll put in on my list of supplements to get to. Check back in a few weeks and I’ll have a review posted.
Check out Instant Knockout. It’s my top fat burner/weight loss pick, and it’s great for energy too. For diet and workout tips, sign up for my free weight loss ebook too.
Yes it does, a lot in fact. It’s tough to find a fat burner without caffeine that works. Try Quadralean from RSP Nutrition. I haven’t tried it myself but I’ve heard good things.
I have not seen this company or products listed on your website.
We actually have reviews for Metabo397, Belly Trim XP, and Leptiburn. Follow the links to see the reviews. I haven’t personally used the products, but I do think the company is reputable. They have an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, so they can’t be too bad.
Wanted to give you an update on the Addium pill. I have taken this for three days – 1 pill per day.
I could not take as it made me feel real jittery and very nauseated. I called the customer services number that was provided in my package.
And they provided me with an RMA # for me to return my bottle for a full refund. I have to pay for S&H to send it back.
They said it would be 7 – 15 business days for my card to be credited. The Rep did not give me any hassle and was very nice.
I cannot tell you if these pills are suppose to enhance memory or not…as I cannot continue taking them.
Thank you, Sharon
Too bad the pill wasn’t what you’d hoped, but at least the service was okay.
First of all Thank You for this website. Appreciate all the reviews on products that we don’t know are on the legit or are scams.
Glad you are looking out for the people.
I have a question regarding the pill called Addium.
This is suppose the enhance your memory and increase your IQ. Also makes you to be more focused. Apparently the reviews are stating that this has been used by many celebs and has contributed to their millions and success.
Can you provide any feedback on this pill and let us know if it is legit or a scam? Thank you!
We have an Addium Review you should check out. Basically, those ads are our biggest problem with it. When I tried it, my results were decent, but nothing very special. You’d be better going with Optimind instead.
Natural male enhancements like VigRx Plus are safer for some guys than Viagra, but they’re not generally stronger. Prescription medications like Viagra are the strongest pills available.
I haven’t checked it out, but if you give me a few weeks, I’ll write up a review and let you know when it’s posted to the website.
I have a review of that supplement here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/procera-avh-review/
I have been using Virectin to boost my libido. I am 73 years old and believe it has helped.
Comments please?
That’s great to hear. I’m glad you found something that works for you.
Do you have any input on the BioTrust product Metabo379, which is listed as a Non-stimulant Fat Metabolism Booster?
I haven’t had a look yet, but if you give me a few weeks, I’ll write up a review and let you know when it’s posted to the website.
Thank you!
Sure thing. I just put up a review of iSatori Bio-Gro the other day. We didn’t use it ourselves, and it’s a tough one to figure. If you try it, you’ll have to let us know how it goes.
Any thoughts rob?
Steroids aren’t really my area of expertise. I stick to natural otc supplements.
How does Testo Fuel compare with a combo of
Test X 180 ignite and Aspan Test D-Aspartic Acid
If you’re focused on straight up boosting testosterone, go with Testofuel. But if you’re more interested in losing weight (with an added testosterone boost on the side), you’d be better off with the stack.
I just had to tell you what a wonderful site this is and thank you for providing your free Ebook along with the bonuses. Very informative and to the point.
Could you advice me as to how much cardio i should be doing per week as I have had a foot injury in 2009 due to which I completely stopped working out and gained a lot of weight. I still cannot run but I can cycle and walk at a normal pace.
The doctors have recommended me to lose weight since its putting a lot of pressure on my feet. I weigh 242 lbs and am 5’11. Should I just follow whats in the workout log that I have downloaded from your website??
Kindly do reply.
Thanks & Regards
If your main goal is losing weight, you’re right that you should do more cardio. Since you need low impact because of your foot, hit the bicycle, the elliptical, or walk on the treadmill about 5 days a week.
Try for 30-45 minutes per day.
Go with a testosterone booster called Testofuel. It can help you with each of your goals.
I’ve observed that these guys aren’t exactly conscious when they’re under effect of Clenbuterol. They’re only focussed towards their workout and probably wouldn’t care if the guy standing next to them would be on fire.
Thanks a lot for your advice, Rob!
Check out Clentrimix by Crazy Mass, it’s a great ephedrine-free (and all natural) supplement that can also give you great results similar to that of Clenbuterol.
My question is where can one find a list of supplements that will not give a false positive result.
I have in the past tried to contact the makers of some of these supplements but the only one that answered back was Cellucor for their thermo product who stated that it would not produce a false positive.
Unfortunately I don’t know of any such list, mainly because supplements come and go very quickly in this industry. If you have a specific supplement you were looking to test you can run it by me and I’ll let you know if anything will flag a test.
it was originally designed produced and used for asthma and was found to be very thermogenic, hence a lot of bodybuilders are using it for fat burning properties.
But it is in no way a steroid. I hope this can help some of you realize even though this man seems to have a credible website there’s information is severely misleading.
Best of luck to all of you, and just for the record I am NOT one of those crazy muscle head bodybuilders, I just hate to see the wrong information in the so-called right spot. ciao
I’m not sure what you’re referring to, but this article doesn’t claim that Clen is a steroid or that it was meant for horses. Just that, as you mention in your comment, it was originally used to treat asthma and was found to be very thermogenic, so people began using it as a fat burner.
It seems like you may have meant to attach your comment to a different website.
This is a credible web site.
Keep up the good work
Wow heart and valve malfunctions.
Many thanks to you!!!