Crazy Mass Vs. Crazy Bulk – Which One Is Legit?
By: Rob MillerHome » Consumer Watchdog » Crazy Mass Vs. Crazy Bulk – Which One Is Legit?
What is Crazy Mass
What is Crazy Bulk
So Which One Is Legit
So What Does All This Mean
I’ve had a lot of guys over the past few months asking me what’s the difference between Crazy Mass and Crazy Bulk. In fact, if you look at both of the websites, they appear strikingly similar.
They use many of the same before and after photos on each of their websites, both have Crazy in their names, and their products even look very similar.
From all appearances, one could assume that they are made by the same manufacturer or at least the same uninspired marketing wizard, but nonetheless, something appears off about them.
So what’s the difference between the 2, and more importantly, which one should you buy?
Throughout this article I’ll talk about the differences in their product lines, pricing, availability, and more.
What is Crazy Mass?
Crazy Mass is a company that supplies all natural supplements that are intended to mimic the effects of steroids, while being completely legal. They have a wide assortment of supplements that I’ve personally used with much success, including supplements like T-Bal 75, Testosterone Max, Paravar, and Anadrolone.
If you’re familiar with steroids, these names should sound familiar.
The brand carries a number of product stacks, including the Cutting Stack, Bulking Stack, and strength stack, all of which I’ve personally tested.
Related Article:Legal Steroids at GNC
What is Crazy Bulk?
Crazy Bulk, just like Crazy Mass, is a supplier of supplements that are ALSO intended to mimic the effects of steroids. The names of these supplements are practically the same as Crazy Mass, with a slight variation in the spelling.
Even the prices are relatively similar, often within a few $ of each other.
So Which One Is Legit?
There’s a bit of a backstory here, so please bear with me. About 2 years ago, Crazy Mass was brought on as a merchant by a company called More Niche, an affiliate marketing company located in the UK.
More Niche used its affiliates to help market the Crazy Mass brand, and in doing so, raked in $1,000’s every day selling their supplement.
One of the owners of More Niche (who will go unnamed here) reportedly made an offer to the owners of Crazy Mass to buy out their brand for an undisclosed sum.
The owners of Crazy Mass denied their buyout offer, claiming it was not enough.
About 3 months later, that’s when Crazy Bulk popped up. Their website was quite literally an exact replica of the Crazy Mass website, with the same color scheme, product names, and even consumer testimonials.
Here’s a snapshot of the Crazy Bulk Page in September 2014:
And Here’s the Crazy Mass website right around that time:
At around the same time, More Niche suspended its relationship with Crazy Mass, redirecting all affiliate traffic to the now alternative Crazy Bulk website.
As you can imagine, the owners of Crazy Mass were pretty furious, and demanded answers from More Niche and Crazy Bulk, who effectively severed all communications from them.
As a result, the owners of Crazy Mass have been in an intellectual property battle with More Niche and Crazy Bulk, claiming theft of their brand, trademark infringement, and a violation of federal and state laws.
However, since Crazy Bulk is a registered company in the UK, they are effectively protected by that countries laws.
So What Does All This Mean??
Essentially, Crazy Bulk copied the Crazy Mass brand and is trying to pawn it off as their own.
In July 2013, with the help of MoreNiche, CrazyBulk counterfeited, stole, and cloned CrazyMass’s website.
Unlike CrazyMass, CrazyBulk is based out of the UK and hiding behind several proxy companies. It’s unclear who the parent owner is.
They also lost their main domain URL and had to change from to Now, CrazyBulk has changed some of their content and design, so as of right now they don’t appear to be infringing on any copyrights.
I was told by the owner of Crazy Mass that the before and after photo’s of Crazy Bulk are fake, but upon further inspection this doesn’t appear to be the case.
Crazy Bulk supplements may indeed work, but I haven’t had a chance to personally test them yet so the jury is still out in my opinion.
However, I HAVE used Crazy Mass products in the past, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that they work VERY well.
Either way it is easy to understand why there is confusion and debate between the two.
Click Here to visit the official Crazy Mass website.
1 Star User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Chase's Review
I bought into the crap that crazy bulk put out. I spent a lot of money on the bulk stack and instantly regretted it when I opened the bottles. All four pills were identical and full of crap which looked like sawdust. I ate like crazy and worked out heavy and gained 2 lbs on a 4-week "cycle". It is absolute crap in my experienced opinion.
15 out of 18 people found this review helpful.
Click Here To Visit The Official Crazy Mass Website
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User Questions and Answers
Do their so called legal steroids work? -Lonnie
Well, I've taken Crazy Mass supplements and they work great. Not as good as steroids, but a pretty damn close second.- Rob
20 out of 29 people found this question helpful.
Does the bulking stack actually work or is it s load of bull? -Derek
The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack really works. I've used it myself, and I've also gotten tons of great feedback from guys who use it.- Rob
13 out of 19 people found this question helpful.
Does this legit work , cause I want to know so I can buy it . Does it take a week or month by using this to gettin bigger? Thanks. -chris
Crazy Mass works great but how much muscle you put on and how fast is a function of your diet and workout. The stack will give you an edge and help you accomplish your goals, but I can't really tell you how long it will take because that depends on your routine.- Rob
6 out of 12 people found this question helpful.
I just wanted to know if you were or are still advertising Crazy Mass, because I want to try their products but I don’t know if these products were made fake just to make money off of. I know people get paid to advertise companies products on their website to make money.
So are your results real legit or you are just advertising Crazy Mass products? Please email me back thank you.
I can understand your appreciation, it’s hard to know who to believe. First off, I am an affiliate for Crazy Mass, which means that I receive a commission should you buy their products through my link.
Despite what some people may be saying about me, I ACTUALLY use their products, and would not be recommending them if I didn’t.
My results are 100% legit.
Additionally, I use the money I make from these affiliate programs to further invest into outing new scams that come along, and research and test new supplements all the time.
Before you go ahead and order, what’s your goal?
Are you looking to lose weight / build lean muscle?
Or are you looking for something to help bulk up / gain strength?
Let me know what your goals are and I’ll recommend the best products I’ve personally used.
I was skeptical at first too. I’m not a big fan of the whole “legal steroids” marketing angle.
But they’re trying to get the point across that they work nearly like steroids, but using natural, safe, and legal ingredients. I’ve used the stacks personally and was really blown away by the results.
I’ve also gotten feedback from tons of guys saying the same thing.
Crazy Bulk is in the UK. They don’t get inspected by the FDA.
Anyhow, i’ve actually bought some of crazybulk cutting supplements (winni & clen) a few months ago and they worked quite well for me.
Their site looks nothing like what it does above (probably changed since then) so it seems like regardless of the story between them now they are just 2 similar supplement stores with decent products.Not sure about crazymass ones as i never tried them but at least crazybulk were really good and gave me the results I was looking for and I can see that they have plenty of user testimonials with similar results so I guess that’s a good sign.
Yeah, they both seem to change their websites, product names, and product packaging all the time. I’m not sure why.
And you may be right in the end, I just don’t trust the way they got started.