Crazy Mass Bulking Stack Review
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 5-5-2021

Note: This is just a review. Click Here To Visit The Official Crazy Mass Website
There’s guys that want to get ripped like Brad Pitt in fight club, and then there’s guys that are looking to pack on muscle like “The Rock”. Whatever your motivation may be, your probably looking for a supplement to help give you faster results. Well, if you are looking for a supplement that is designed to help give you massive gains in muscle mass and strength, then the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack is exactly what you need.
I’ve been reviewing alot of “steroid” alternatives recently, and came across this one after writing a review of their cutting stack. Unlike the cutting stack, which is designed to help you get shredded and lean out, the bulking stack is primarily geared towards the “serious” bodybuilder / weight lifter who’s looking to get huge. So what is it that makes this stack so effective? Well, we’re going to give you a detailed review of the Bulking Stack so that you can find out if it’s right for you.
IMPORTANT: If you’re looking to shred fat and build solid lean muscle, then I would recommend a completely different stack called the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack.
Click Here to read my review of the cutting stack.
What is the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack
T-Bal 75
Where To Buy the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack
Watch My Video Review Below Or Scroll Down To Read More
What is the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack?
Just like the name implies, the stack is a combination of 4 different supplements that are designed to help you bulk up. The 4 different supplements include Dianobal, Testosterone-MAX, Deckadrolone, and T-Bal 75.
Don’t let the names fool you, these aren’t the “real” steroids like Dianabal or Decadron, but rather they are all natural formula’s that are intended to help “mimic” the effects of steroids, without all of the nasty and harmful side effects.
I’ve been studying alot of these so called “steroid replacements”, but this is probably the first one I came across that actually is legit.
So how exactly do these supplements work? Well, let’s take a look at each one individually so we can give you a clearer picture about how they’re supposed to work in combination, as well as why you should take all of them instead of just one or two.
Dianobal is a muscle and strength agent which is designed to help guys that are “hard muscle gainers” get the size they are looking for. The real Dianabol (or D-Bol for short) has been used bodybuilders and celebrities looking for a short cut to get bigger in a very short period of time. However, D-Bol has been banned for use in bodybuilding in the US since 2001 (1), and unless you live in Mexico, you can’t get it without a prescription.
For those of you looking for something that will mimic the effects, Dianobal is the all natural alternative to this. It’s made up of clinically tested ingredients that works to increase strength and stamina, as well as rapidly increase lean muscle mass. Just to be clear, THIS IS NOT A STEROID. Rather, it is a safe and effective alternative to the real deal.
Dianobal is best taken both as a stack with the other supplements, and should be cycled on a 2 months on / 1.5 weeks off basis. Here’s the full ingredient list for Dianobal for those that are wondering: Inosine, L-Isoieucine, L-Valine, Colostrum, L-Leucine, and DHEA.
Testosterone-MAX is Crazy Mass’ formula which features the testosterone boosting power of Tribulus Terrestris. It’s geared towards helping to not only promote strength gains, but also to help reduce stored body fat. Not only that, but Tribulus has been shown to be very effective at helping men suffering from erectile dysfunction. (2) Even if you don’t have ED, it still works great at producing rock hard erections.
Just like Dianobal, it is not “real” testosterone replacement therapy (like Androgel or similar), but rather uses a complex blend of ingredients to help your body pump out more of it’s own testosterone. It actually stacks well with both the cutting AND bulking stack, but in my personal opinion it works best with the cutting stack.
It’s also recommended that you take Testosterone-MAX for at least 2 months to see the best results. Here’s the full ingredient list for Testosterone Max: DHEA, Alpha Lipoic Acid, L-Carnitine, Tribulus Terrestris Extract, and Vitamin E.
Deckadrolone, not to be confused with Deca Durabolin, is a safe and legal alternative to help you recover quicker. Unlike the other parts of this stack, it is primarily used to help you recover from very intense workouts, and help you blast past plateaus. Because of this, it is intended to be taken both on your workout days, as well as your off days.
One of the ways it helps with rest and recovery is by increasing protein synthesis, which leads to a reduced instance of Muscle Hypertrophy. It also helps to improve collagen synthesis, which leads to reduced inflammation of the joints, allowing you to get back in the gym faster.
It is recommended that you take Deckadrolone along with the other supplements in this stack for increased results. Here’s the full ingredients list for Deckadrolone: Wild Yam Root, L-Arginine AKG, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Yukka Bark Korean Ginseng, DHEA, and L-Citrulline.
T-Bal 75
T-Bal 75 elite series uses an all natural and proprietary blend of ingredients to help aid in increased nitrogen retention and release free testosterone. One of it’s key ingredients is colostrum, which contains the growth hormone IGF-1. When you are looking to cut up, you generally lower your caloric requirements. When you do this, IGF-1 levels can fall off dramatically, making you lose many of the gains you’ve made over a certain period of time.
By taking colostrum you are helping your body to retain your IGF-1 levels, and prevent yourself from losing strength and mass gains. (3) Here’s a list of the other ingredients in T-Bal 75: Samento Inner Bark, Nettle, Daucosterol, Pepsin, and Sitosterols.
Where To Buy the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack
At this time, the only place you can buy the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack is on their official website, It retails at around $185, and they offer free shipping to customers in the US.
If you’re looking to pack on some serious muscle, then the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack is right for you. All of these supplements in combination have been shown very effective at not only helping to increase muscle mass and strength, but also aid in recovery. As mentioned earlier, it can also help for me suffering from low libido, and can even help you sleep better.
Now, Crazy Mass bulking stack is not a miracle pill. You can’t expect to pop a bunch of these pills and get jacked in a few weeks, all while sitting around on your ass. But, if you put the time and effort into the gym and eat a solid diet, you WILL see results with this stack.
Click Here to sign up for my completely FREE “How To Get Larger, Stronger, and More Powerful” eBook. It has a TON of info on diet and exercise that will give you GREAT results in conjunction with the stack.
Have You Used the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack? Leave Your Review Below!
5 Star User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Took crazymass dianobol crazy gains I weighed 160 now I'm 180 went from 14" arms to 16" and 41" chest to a 45"! Highley recommend the product using dbol anadrol and DECA next! I'll let you know how that stackworks!
18 out of 20 people found this review helpful.
Just completed a one month cycle of this stuff and this has got to be hands down one of the most effective stacks I've ever come across.
Not sure how much muscle mass I've gained, but my strength and size is very noticeable. Friends have been commenting on how much bigger I got so I know it's working.
13 out of 15 people found this review helpful.
Jake's Review
I have tried the crazy mass strength stack and it works very well. I have been lifting for about 14 years I am 27 now. I use to lift about 4-5 times a week but I am a sanitation worker and I lift a total of 8-14 ton a day so determining my workout plan has been hard cuz of over training. when I tried the strength stack it worked wounders, I would ony work out 3 days a week and get a nice workout at my job and within 6 weeks I gained 15lbs while loosing fat and 40lbs on bench and 100lbs on squats and my joints felt amazing and the recovery time was great I highly recommend this product waiting till pay day to get another stack
10 out of 11 people found this review helpful.
Crazy Mass supplements for burning fat
I got fed up from being overweight then I started using the crazy mass product. I can burn fat through the product that really helped me. I will recommend it to my friends.
Click Here To Visit The Bulking Stack Site
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User Questions and Answers
What other supplements can I take with the cutting stake? For example: protein (whey, casein) L-glutamine, creatine, bcaa etc etc -Cooper
Yeah you can (and should be) taking all of the other supplements you mentioned. Creatine should be used mainly for your bulking cycles though, but yeah BCAA's and Whey Protein are a must with any stack. - Rob
12 out of 12 people found this question helpful.
I'm thinking of buying the bulking stack. How do I go about taking all of these pills? I can't find the proper way to take 4 different supps at once. -Rafi
Take 1 of each pill with breakfast, and then again at lunch. Â After you assess your tolerance, you can add a 3rd pill of each with your evening meal.- Rob
11 out of 12 people found this question helpful.
I work in construction so u know is hard work but I still go to the gym 5 days a week just wondering if I take the bulking stack I will see any changes? Also I'm 180 fit but i have a lil belly not much wondering if I shoud go with the bulkin stack or cuttin stack first thank you .. -Omar morales
As long as you eat a lot and lift heavy, you'll gain muscle mass with the Bulking Stack. Â You can bulk first then cut. Or you can do it the other way around. It's really a matter of personal preference. But it is definitely better not to try to do them at the same time. It can be done, but you have to be very precise with how much you eat.- Rob
9 out of 9 people found this question helpful.
I'm 50 and can't build muscle or gain weight! What's the best products? -Rick
Go with the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack and sign up for my free "getting strong" ebook for tips and advice on meal and workout plans to help you reach your goals.- Rob
4 out of 4 people found this question helpful.
Dose this have estrogen side effects that will make you grown woman boobs? -Eric
Ha, no you should be fine. I didn't grow boobs and I haven't heard anyone who has.- Rob
5 out of 7 people found this question helpful.
Am I right??
Please let me know and if needed which would you recommend? Thanks a bunch.
That is correct, no PCT needed with the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack (
Let me know what benefits you’re looking for, and I’ll let you know which product or products are best for your situation.
Yes, Crazy Mass Supplements are among the very best I’ve used. If you’re looking to put on real muscle weight, the Bulking Stack is the way to go.
Should I take any special precautions or PPI ?
I don’t know of any problems you’d have, but you may want to check with your doctor to be sure.
I am 5 6 and weigh about 193. I want to cut up, will this help me
Nah you actually need the Crazy Mass Cutting stack (, here’s my review:
Also, for your convenience I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quick” eBook, as well as some bonuses. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help you along with your goals.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions!
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
Do i have to take any after cycle supplements? I want to gain mass but have agility too.
Can i accomplish that with this?
Yeah based on your goals, and the fact that you’re a hard gainer, I think the bulking stack ( would definitely be a good fit. If you really want to “up the ante” you may want to consider stacking it with an HGH releaser called HyperGH 14X (
I did a cycle with the bulking stack and HyperGH just a couple months ago, and packed on like 10 pounds of muscle. Check out my review here:
Yeah you’re thinking about the Crazy Mass Ultimate Stack, here’s a link: The answer as to which one is better really depends on what your goals are.
If you’re looking to shred down and get ripped, then the cutting stack ( is your best bet. If you’re looking to bulk up and gain mass, then the Bulking Stack ( would be right for you.
If you want a good balance of both shredding down and bulking, then go with the Ultimate Stack.
Most of the muscle gains that you get would be permanent, provided you continued to lift periodically.
My recovery is great. I have some testosreronx, t-bal 75 and clentrimix I am thinking of adding it to this stack right away.
Yeah that’s actually a great idea, it’s almost their Ultimate Stack. I’ve used it in the past with great results, here’s their page on it:
Will the Clentrix prevent me from sleeping?
I am an affiliate with CrazyMass, and I totally understand your skepticism. Before I tried it, I had no expectation of success.
I thought it would be just another all hype product disappointing in reality. But I was blown away with my results, so I joined them and started sharing my results with my readers.
I suspect you’ll have a similar experience.
Yeah, I don’t know what that is either. I’ve reached out to CrazyMass for some information.
I’ll let you know what I hear back.
In you’re case I would recommend the Crazy Mass cutting stack, not the bulking stack. Here’s my review of that one:
Also, for your convenience I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quick” eBook, along with some bonuses. It’s packed with tons of info on diet and exercise to help you get the best results.
Many thanx
No problem. Let me know which ebooks you’re looking for and I’ll send them over.
Many thanx
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
I haven’t looked at those two specifically, but judging from the names, it sounds like a pre workout and a testosterone booster. If that’s the case, they would work very well together.
My suggestion would be to do a bulk first, then cut routine. I detail it pretty well in the following article, check it out:
My suggestion would be, if you can afford it, to do a 4 week cycle of the bulking stack (, take a week off, then do a 4 week cycle of the cutting stack ( This would do the trick.
If you want to jump higher, do High Intensity Interval Training. Check out this article:
Sorry they don’t sell it in stores. You can buy it at a discounted price on their official website though, here’s a link:
Please if u can help it would be nice. Thank u Anthony
I’m a little hesitant to recommend my top choice to you, based on your info. With that said, the best thing I’ve used is a substance called Phenibut. It works GREAT for helping with anxiety and insomnia, HOWEVER, can be quite addictive so you should limit use to only 1 or 2 times per week with breaks in between. If you can’t limit use then I would recommend you stay away from it.
I highly recommend the Liftmode brand, it’s the highest quality Phenibut I’ve used so far. Here’s their website: is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.
I have been doing lots of research but still am unclear on weather he’d do better with crazy bulk, crazy mass, flex lab or something else entirely! Can you recommend one ?
I read your review on crazy mass do you prefer it over the crazy bulk? Any thoughts on flex lab
Yeah I would definitely recommend the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack ( in his case. It’s comprised of everything he needs to bulk up / pack on muscle mass. For the best results I would recommend an 8 week cycle (x2 bulking stack) and take the first cycle for 4 weeks, stop for 1 week, then take for another 4 weeks.
Also, for your convenience I’m sending you my free “How To Get Larger, Stronger, and More Powerful” ebook. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help him get the most out of the stack.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
Any ideas would be a huge help.
First off, I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” eBook, along with some bonuses. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you going in the right direction.
Supplements wise, I would recommend a fat burner called Instant Knockout (, along with a testosterone booster called Prime Male ( Using this combo will help to dramatically CUT away the fat, increase energy, and build solid lean muscle.
Here’s my reviews of both:
Instant Knockout –
Prime Male Testosterone Booster –
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
Yeah the Crazy Mass bulking stack ( would be perfect for you. It’s designed for hard-gainers like yourself that struggle to pack on mass / strength.
Let me know a little bit more about your current situation and your goals, and I’ll recommend something to help.
The real D-Bol is. Crazy Mass uses similar names to give you an idea of what to expect from the supplement.
Another thing Crazy Mass does a lot is change the names of their products. What used to be called Dianobal is now called D-Anaoxn.
You don’t. Because they’re natural supplements and not steroids, they don’t mess with your body’s natural hormone production.
In fact, Testosterone Max actually boosts your natural testosterone production.
I haven’t used it or reviewed it myself, but I just took a quick look at the ingredient profile. It might be a little heavy on the stimulants, between the caffeine, the dendrobium, and the bitter orange.
When you start taking the bulking stack, maybe halve your SuperNova dose at first to see how they interact.
If I listen to my body what should I look for. As far as pain or tightness.
What do you think.
Follow the workout plan in the ebook.
No, not at all. It’s completely natural, with no liver toxicity.
No, not at all. It’s completely natural, with no liver toxicity.
Or do you think I should wait till I am trying to get cut up. THANKS FOR YOUR INPUT, IT’S NICE TO HAVE SOMEONE TO BOUNCE QUESTIONS OFF.
That was weird, haha. Obviously I meant for that answer to go to someone else.
Sorry about that. You want to be careful adding more cardio when you want to put on weight.
If you do start swimming, go easy and make sure you eat a lot and take care or your lifting workout as your first priority.
On the next page in the ebook, there’s a chart for what constitutes a serving for different foods. For example, 3 oz of chicken is one protein serving and a half cup of brown rice is one carb serving.
That’s almost correct. The idea is that you start with the heaviest weight you can lift for 6 reps.
Then you increase to 8 reps, then 10, then 12, decreasing the weight as you go. Lifting this way first preserves the muscle you have, then builds upon that.
Thanks for your help.
In your experience what have you noticed on the reason why most people stick with twice a day instead of recommended dosage of 3 times a day?
In the end it’s personal preference. You certainly can take the 3rd dose each day.
For some guys, it ends up being too much dhea, which can sometimes cause side effects like nausea or dizziness. Other guys have no problem.
Since the pills all work synergistically, a lot of us have found that 2 of each a day gives us the results we’re looking for without side effects. Of course, the real results come from the work you put in.
The supplements just help you put in that work, and help push along the benefits of the work. If you want to start with 3 a day, that’s fine.
If you like the way it’s working for you, stick with it.
Go with the same dosage of the stack supplements. Take 1 of each 2 times a day with your first 2 meals.
Twice a day seems to be enough for most guys in my experience, but if you feel like you need more, add a third dose with your third meal. Take 2 HGH pills at night before bed.
Make sure you take it on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours after eating and 2 hours before eating again.
Thanks for the awesome e-book,
So…. I purchased the bulking stack and following the instruction 1 each 3 times a day, ( not easy but manageable)..
I’ve been taking Nitrocut for Pre-workout and testofuel for post workout and they are really good, gave me some boost in the gym. Now, I’m taking bulking stack, do I continue to take Nitrocut and Testofuel together with bulking stack ?
I do need Pre workout supplement for extra strength while I’m at the gym.
Your advices will be greatly appreciated.
Great to hear everything’s working out so well for you! You can continue to use Nitrocut for that pre workout energy, but you don’t need the Testofule.
The stack has its own testosterone booster (Testosteroxn). Save the Testofuel for when you’re off the stack, but still want the T Boost.
My body is Hard gainer type, in my 40s. Just starting to go to the gym, I am currently taking Nitrocut and Testofuel.
I want to gain more muscle weight so my question is.
Can I take Bulking Tack package together with Nitrocut and Testofuel.?
Please advise
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Larger, Stronger, and More Powerful” ebook. It’s loaded with tips on diet and exercise to help you bulk up quickly.
Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass bulking stack. It works great for guys like yourself looking to bulk up / add on serious muscle mass.
Here's my review:
SupplementCritique.comclick here
Your best option is to use the entire Bulking Stack. Just make sure you eat enough, though, if you want to put on weight.
Not at all. I’ve never heard of that before.
My guess is that it’s unrelated, but if it happens again, discontinue use and see if it stops.
So it caught me off guard. Thanks
I am 27 y.o. trying to build more muscles. I’ve been working out pretty consistently for the past year and a half (4-5x/week) mostly taking only whey and BCAA. My goal is to build more muscles, get leaner and ripped but with the pretty busy work schedule (irregular eating etc.) it’s tough so I was thinking of adding extra supplements for additional kick.
Between testofuel, hyper GH 14 and crazy mass bulking, which one do you recommend? And in which combo?
Also how should I combine creatine with these?
My worry with the crazy mass cutting stack is that I will lose weight. I am currently 177/5.8′. It says that cutting stack decreases body fat and I have very little body fat.
I am more athletic to muscular built – just want to get more muscles and put on a little bit of weight.
It’s not technically necessary, but if you want to use an estrogen blocker, go with DIM by Source Naturals. Here’s a link where you can buy some: Since these are not actual steroids, you don’t really need cycle support or PCT.
He is a senior in high school so this is his last opportunity to get to state and get the attention of coaches at the next level. We are thinking the bulking stack might make him gain too much muscle mass too fast before state.
So after he gets to state and places then he plans on going on the bulking stack and go from his current statue of around 122 to 145 or so so he is at a strong weight heading into his college career
Yeah, go with 2 a day, breakfast and lunch. A lot of guys find 3 a day to be too much.
That’s strange…I’ve never heard of anyone getting tired off the stack at all. Have you noticed any change in your sleep patterns?
Yeah I think you should go with the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack based on your numbers. Also, I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped” ebook. Use it in conjunction with the supplements to get the best results.
Testosterone MAX and t-bal75.
I work out consistently 6 days out of the week and I push my self very hard, my goal is to gain weight as long as strength but I seem to be loosing weight when on my stack, I am getting stronger I am seeing results but am not gaining weight so I do not get it and it’s really frustrating, I know it’s a process but I seemed to be gaining more without the pills.
So what do you think and suggest I do?
Thank you.
You’re right. 9 days isn’t much time, but you’re also right to be vigilant about tweaking your program when necessary. Since you’re not gaining weight, make sure you eat enough calories to put on weight. Use our Calorie Calculator tool to figure out what you need. Also, lift heavy and limit your cardio. Those tweaks should have you gaining weight soon.
Give 3x a day a try for about 3 days. Lots of guys do fine with 2, but since you’re not seeing what you want in terms of results yet, see what upping the dose does. 3x is actually the recommended dose, so it could make a difference.
If not, go back to 2 so it does last longer, like you say.
So I finished my crazy mass bottles of test and t-bal. I recently got injured so I was out for a week but I’m back now,
So I plan on cycling off and taking more test in about a week or two.
I didn’t gain much weight I jump back in forth from 158-161
I saw results, I got stronger but haven’t gained weight.
Probably because I’m in track and am working for speed as well as strength and power. Before my crazy mass stack I took 1XD alone, and I feel like both did the same result wise.
So my question is which do you think was or is more effective,
1XD, or the crazy mass stack for my next cycle?
Thank you.
I haven’t tried 1XD but I would say the Crazy Mass stack is probably better since it covers both testosterone boosting and muscle building. I agree that it’s your cardio that’s keeping you from putting on weight.
The stack and your workout has made you stronger, but you can’t get bigger unless you both lift hard AND eat a surplus of calories. With your running, you’re probably not meeting that calorie surplus.
I purchased the bulking stack which included a bottle of HGH, my question when and how much of all 5 bottles I should take a day?
Thanks -Nate
For the 4 supplements in the stack, take one pill of each twice a day, the first one with breakfast and the second one with lunch. Then take 2 HGH Elite pills at night on an empty stomach before bed.
Would it allow you to get big while maintaining a shredded look? Thanks!
I would actually do it the other way around, i.e. the bulking stack first then take the cutting stack. The rationale behind this is that it’s easier to bulk first, then cut. You could do it either way, the effects are more noticeable this way.
I actually wrote a big article on this, check it out here:
With that said I had a question about the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack! I am 16 years old and I play football but have found myself not making near as much gains than most of my teammates.
I am just trying to get stronger, but I don’t mind if I put on some weight! I would actually like to put on a little weight since I do play on the line!
Because of your age, I recommend you stick with protein and creatine for now. The rest just haven’t been tested for their potential effect on your natural growth and development, and you don’t want to mess with that. Sign up for my free “getting stong” ebook. It’s got a great meal plan and workout to get you both bigger and stronger. Make sure you’re eating a lot of food – good food. For creatine and protein recommendations, go with Muscle Advance Creatine and 100% Whey Gold Standard.
Starting hammer and chisel after new year.
Check out the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s primed to help shed the lbs. and is suitable for women. Here’s my review:
Are these pills timed released? I drink 9.5 pH Kangen water with my workouts and powdered supplements for a quick absorption rate.
I just ordered the bulking stack and ready to get started.
Should I continue my powdered supplements along with this stack?
Thank you,
They’re not time released, but they are slower releasing than your powdered supplements. Whether or not you continue to take them depends of course on what they are.
If you’re talking about vitamins or protein, yes, you should continue to take them. Other supplements, I’m not sure of.
You don’t want to overlap.
2 weeks should be good. Just long enough to ensure a fresh start.
It’s fine occasionally, but it’s best to drink water more than anything else. Caffeinated drinks can make you dehydrated and too much aspartame isn’t good for you.
It took less than a week for me to get my order, so it shouldn’t take long.
You’ll take them as instructed on the bottles, basically each pill, three times a day, with meals.
I’m wondering if I’ll gain muscle while taking these supps. And a great diet?
I train 4-5 tines a week.
Glad you like the ebook. Muay Thai will get you in great shape and the Bulking Stack will help, but unless you lift heavy weights, you probably won’t put on an awful lot of muscle.
Try to fit in the workout from the ebook as much as you can.
I know diet and exercise is key but I’m not really worried about that. Do you think its possible to use this product, eat well, but only use body weight and gain muscle mass?
Using just body weight exercises alone would be tough to bulk up, you really need to be lifting heavy. There’s no doubt in my mind that using the bulking stack along with upping your caloric intake will give you results, it would just be quicker if you could lift heavy.
One last tip, click here to sign up for my “Get Strong” ebook. It outlines many tips to help you bulk up effectively.
If you need an extra kick for pre workout, you should be fine doing that. Do it like this though, take the bulking stack by itself for a few days to assess your tolerance.
You might find that you don’t even need a pre workout, because you might get plenty of energy from the stack.
I just wanna say how what an awesome website this is! I’ve already supplemented with the Dianabol with the Deckadroline and having experienced super results but was curious about purchasing the ‘Ultimate Stack, what are your suggested recommendations for doing a complete rounded cycle like that one as well as trying to do a very clean bulking cycle while supplementing them?
I’d really love to hear what your thoughts are about it, thanks.
Glad I could help! Personally speaking, I saw the best results by doing a 4 week bulking cycle with the bulking stack, took a week off, then did a 4 week cutting cycle with the cutting stack. The ultimate stack is good, but the regiment I suggested above gave me the best results.
Awesome programs and for sure most excellent advice!!!
The guy who has been stucked at 225 for over two years ? . I’m following your workout .
No clean diet . Eating whatever I want .
I gained 4 pounds already but my bench has gone up 20
Pounds in less than a moth doing your workout plan . My squat is 335×8 also has crazily gone up .
I don’t do the deadlift part or the lunges . But your workout plan is amazing. thanks rod .
One question . If I’m going to this pace .
Where do you think I can get with my bench press in one more month ? Realistically?
I appreciate your help
Great to hear you’re doing so well. Here’s my advice.
Take a recovery week. One you get back at it, you’ll feel stronger and you’ll be able to increase your strength.
I’d say realistically you could probably up it 20 pounds, potentially even more. Keep up the great work!
Do you have another program with the same base but slightly different exercises . Or should I continue this one ?
If your goals are still the same, keep the same workout. Just increase the weight you lift. Of course it’s always a good idea to mix things up a bit as well.
Can i take one pill each 4 total .morning/ lunch/dinner/ before bed?. Or what is the most effective way to take them?
Tha Thank you.
The recommended dosing is 1 of each pill with meals, 3 times a day. So that would be with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I’ve found that you may only need to take 2 of each per day. If that’s the case, take them with breakfast and lunch. I’d continue to take 3 of the Testosterone Max, though. Take the 3rd one with dinner.
Any side effect? I am 21 years old and weight is 53kg..
It is safe to use. It’s not steroids, just a supplement stack that gives you results similar to steroids.
But with that said, any supplement has the potential to cause side effects. For instance, some guys need to cut back their dose because the total amount of dhea over all the supplements can cause some jitters.
The solution is to cut back the dose, take with food, or spread the dose out throughout the day.
Looking at buying bulking stack. Buy 2 get 3rd free.
Thatd be 12 weeks correct. How should i take this cycle? 12 weeks straight or off cycles.
And how long off for before continue. Also the reason i ordered the buy 2 get 1 free was i see where most people say an 8-12week stack is considered for best results.
I just dont know how to take the cycles. Last?
Lol .. Can i take weight gainer/protein or creatine with this.
Thanks so much.
Go with an 8 week cycle, two weeks off, then another 4 week cycle. Make sure you eat a lot and lift hard. Sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for guidance on that. Adding protein and creatine will definitely help. I highly recommend you do both.
So I ordered tbal75 and testosterone max is that a good combination and can I take all pills at once
Tbal75 is actually best stacked with Winnidrol, Clentrimix, of D-Anaoxn. What I would do is pick up one of those (Clentrimix would be my first choice), and hang on to the Testosterone Max. Once you finish your cycle, wait 2 weeks, then start the Testosterone Max.
I downloaded your ebook but what are realistic goals to my bench press with tbal 75 doing your workout ? Also I’m 19 years old
Keep in mind that pushing out your body weight (especially a tall dude like yourself) is actually VERY impressive to begin with, so don’t get too caught up in all of this.
You sure can. If you have to choose between the two, at your age go with the creatine. You’ll get more bang for your buck.
So im looking at buying some of these supps but dont wanna spend for the whole stack, they have buy 2 get 1 free. So if i was to buy a smaller stack for bulking lean mass, you think i could still get great results if i bought 2 tbal75 bottles and one of dbal?
Or even just 1 tbal to see how it works? I feel like tbal would be the best one to take if not doing the whole stack?
A smaller stack for adding lean mass and strength is Tbal, Anadrolone, and Testosterone Max. Take them each as directed and use the workout and meal plan in my “getting strong” ebook.
Also.. Is it posible to increase 40 pounds ? .
I mean it’s not realistic but if it’s posible ?
Is it possible to increase 40 lbs.? Absolutely. However, it would likely take more than 1 or 2 months because your muscles need time to repair themselves.
Glad I could help, if you have other questions don’t hesitate to ask away.
Hopefully, I can get to 250-260 pounds in a two month frame . I will let you know
I squat 435 pounds wich I am comfortable with . My question is can tbal alone give me results in my bench press and can my arms get also bigger .
Because I do not have more money to spend in the bulcking stack for now and I buy two tbal and got the 3rd free . Also what workout should I follow to increase my bench and arm size ?
My goal is to increase my bench to atleast 250 pounds I will be happy . what do I do rob ? Any workout recommendations ..
The reps?
You’ll get results with just the TBal. They won’t be as pronounced as you’d get with the whole stack, but you’ll see it. Next time you can afford some, go with Testosterone Max to stack with it. For your workouts, download my free “get strong” ebook. It’s got the whole workout laid out for you. Basically, your first set, you push as much wait as you can for 6 reps. Basically lift to failure. Then lower the weight and increase the reps for your next sets. You’ll see how it works in the ebook. Let me know if you have any questions.
Any good testosterone booster would be fine. I like Testofuel. As for your bench press, add as small a weight as possible (like 5 lbs. on each side) and use a spotter to push out as hard as you can. That’s the best way to break through a plateau.
Is it best to supplement the stack with Testosterone-Max?
Also what are your thoughts on HGH?
Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge!
Actually, Testosterone Max is part of the stack, so you’ll get your testosterone boost. I like the HGH supplement too. I haven’t seen proof that they raise HGH levels, but they do increase lean mass, decrease fat, and give you more energy.
I have been working out for 5 months straight taking protein, NO boosters, and Creatine. I seem to be getting bigger but very very slowly.
I understand that you have to be patient but seeing my friends getting bigger in a month really makes me want to try something new. I am probably going to take Dianobal alone and let you know how i do.
I hope it does’t mess me up. Thank you
At your age, I wouldn’t recommend you take Dianobal. At the same time, I understand your frustration at your slow progress. Sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for great advice and plans for eating right and working out to put on that muscle weight.
I know this might sound arrogant but I’m just looking for an explanation. isn’t it “all natural substances”? thank you for understabding my curiousity.
No problem. The biggest reason is that none of the natural ingredients have been tested on kids, so there’s no way of knowing what kind of effects they might have on natural growth or development.
Also, you don’t want to make the mistake of confusing “all natural” with “safe." There are plenty of dangerous all natural ingredients.
Is there any other thing that I could be doing to gain weight and mass? I eat a ton and it’s working slowly.
Is there anything that will help me that works like Dianobal?
Yeah, the main things are to eat a ton and lift heavy. Check out the ebook for details.
I’m a very nervous person when it comes to supplements and what I put into my body. Reviews of Crazy Mass sounded really good so I picked up the bulking stack to try and pack on some extra muscle.
I took my first dose the night they arrived with dinner, one tablet of each during the meal. And then the HGH two hours after eating with 8 oz of water.
Unfortunately, almost 5 hours have passed since I took the four tablets and I have been feeling pretty bad the whole time. I feel like I’m on a caffeine high, which is causing me to feel very lightheaded and like my heart is racing.
Also a bit nauseous. I assume this is something specific to certain people.
I would love to try again and get the results people are talking about, but this seems like a pretty rough side effect to endure twice a day. Any recommendations?
It’s probably the DHEA, which is in all 4 supplements. The doses are low, but they add up when you stack.
That’s normally a good thing, but not if you’re getting uncomfortable side effects. Try lowering the dose.
Take one Decka and One TBal in the morning, then one DBol and one Testosterone Max in the mid-late afternoon. If that helps alleviate the side effects, after about a week, try going back to the normal dosing schedule to see if you’ve built a tolerance.
I had one reader use this schedule because of side effects, and he said it worked great:
Tbal and Decka at 6 am
Dbal and Test at 9:30 am
Tbal and Decka at 3:00 pm
Dbal and Test at 5:30 pm
Test at 9pm
You could try something like that to spread out the doses. You could also switch out that last Testosterone Max for the HGH Elite.
Experiment with what you think is best for the next few days, and let me know how you make out.
I emailed you previously.. I have looked at tons of reviews on multiple sites and for some reason all these sites seem based soley towards crazy mass, like as if tbey made these websites themselves, because of lack of other reviewed products, also they dont have a phone number.
Also looked up on scam adviser and it had. %50 rating, meaning i know you guys seem legit, reviewing alot, i am just worried about getting ripped off. You saod you have personally tried crazy mass?
Does it actually work?! If so, you can personally recommend it?
I totally understand, and don’t blame you at all for being skeptical. I had the same reservations before I tried it.
But once I did, I knew. It really does work, and I do personally recommend it.
Give it a try and let me know how it works. Make sure you lift heavy and eat a lot to get your best results.
Not being a doctor, I can’t tell you what your medications could react with. You’ll have to check with your doctor with the ingredient list.
He or she can tell you if there are any contraindications.
Just wondering about the DHEA content, when stacking 4 products at 3 times a day, even 2, can that be harmful? DHEA is a hormone, can that not have negative effects?
Would you be going over the reccommended dosage of max 200mg a day? And woild this not mess with your hormones if going on an 8 week cycle?
You won’t go over the recommended max daily dosage. One daily serving (3 capsules) of each supplement contains 25 mg.
So you’re still well under. That said, I’ve seen feedback from users saying they had to cut back due to the dhea side effects – mainly an uncomfortable racy feeling.
Start with 2 capsules of each per day. That usually does the trick and keeps you gaining.
Also, would you suggest running the bulking stack for 4 weeks, then take a week and cut for 4 weeks? Or just bulk for 8 weeks?
And see how im responding?
I think given the fact that you’re a hard gainer, you’ll want to bulk for an 8 week cycle.
So currently Im at about 185lbs , 6″2, weight lift 4 times a week, consistently for almost 2 years. I have been very activie my entire life, always had an athletic toned body.
Definitely a hardgainer, but hard work got me up to 185 from 170 in the first year, while still managing to stay ripped and lean, i dont hold
Much body fat, i am the kinda person that can eat almost anything, carbs and respond well. Ive always been defined, and was wondering if taking the bulking stack , il still be able to put on lean mass, still maintaining my toned physique.
I still am not happy as i still am alot thinner than i want to be, mainly in my forearms calves, and i do work them couple times a week.I dont want to put on alot of excess fat and end up losing my definition. I wanna put on another 10-15 lbs of mass, but want to kkeep my lean body?
Again i have a well defined chest midsection and shoulders (delts) (traps) Would the bulking stack be beneficial? And if not .
What stack would be best? Thanks!!
Go with the Bulking Stack and Creatine. Neither will make you put on fat. They’ll help you push more weight to get you stronger. And if you combine that with the right diet, you’ll put on muscle weight. Being a hard gainer, you’ll need to eat a lot. Try to eat 6 times a day, lots of complex carbs and lots of protein, but ultimately, you need the calories. That, along with moving heavy weight is what will make you bigger. Sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for a diet and meal plan that will help out a lot.
So I have just started the Ultimate Stack, i haven’t found any resources on how to properly come off of the supplements. I was hoping you could give some guidance on how to do so and switch over to another stack properly.
If you’re doing a 4 week cycle, take a week off when you’re done before taking anything else. If you’re doing an 8 week stack, take 2 weeks off before starting something else.
Since the formulas are all natural, without steroids or prohormones, you don’t need post cycle therapy.
With your stated goals, it sounds like you may have been better off with the Cutting Stack in conjunction with the meal and workout plans in my free “getting ripped” ebook.
1.) Lift Heavy at first
In order to increase speed, you need to maximize your strength. Essentially speed is a product of power X force…the more power you have that transforms into force, the faster you will run and the higher you will jump.
You need a solid foundation of strength before you can build speed. So I recommend you lift heavy for at least 1 – 2 months for this, and use the strength stack during this time. Keep in mind that during this time you will actually get a bit slower. But don’t worry, in the long run the benefits will be TREMENDOUS.
2.) HIIT
Once you’ve achieved a significant increase in strength, you need to transform the slow twitch muscle fibers into fast twitch muscle fibers. To do this, you need to perform High Intensity Interval Training. You can get tips on how to do this in my free ebook, or in this article.
During this time I would recommend the use of the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It will help you slim down, making you even faster while still retaining your power.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
You can, but you may not need to. What’s your goal?
And yes, absolutely, HIIT is a perfect fit for this.
Do you think this would be safe to take at my age? I understand that test boosters are bad for me because my T is already very high.
Thank you for reading this man
It’s not recommended for guys under 18, mainly because it hasn’t been tested for its effect on natural growth. There are a couple things you can take though. Creatine is great for putting on mass, and a protein shake like 100% Whey Gold Standard is great for added protein and calories as well as post workout recovery. If you haven’t already, you should sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It’s loaded with tips and advice for meals and workouts that’ll help you put on mass.
If I take either for 4 or 8 weeks, I’m off 2 weeks and then can start another bulking stack? Can I repeat this process over and over?
If they aren’t actual steroids, why the 2 weeks off? I’m 5″11 195 lbs, 33yrs old.
Right now benching 225lbs about 15 times if im well rested and it’s the beginning of my workout. Would you say that is above average for someone my size and age?
Another thing is I do l9ve to run, but I seen u say already to watch how much cardio when bulking. I’m at about 3000-3500 calories a day and sometimes more.
I do construction 5 days a week n I sometimes do not have much energy when lifting. I mean I’m drained man.
I know you recommend mostly crazymass products, but what can I do for energy? And do any of these products help with producing a euphoria, or just feeling good n happy all the time?
I used to be bad on opiates and even heroin but have been clean for almost a year. I’ve always been athletic and strong, but I’m wondering if these products can actually help me get stronger, faster, etc, especially being I’m at the point where my natural test levels could be dropping.
Sorry so long, but please help
It’s a good idea to take a break between cycles even with natural supplements. It gives your body a reset so you avoid developing tolerances. Yeah your bench is great, being able to bench 100% of your weight at age 33 by just 3 reps is excellent, and you’re obviously breaking that barrier. For the energy try Instant Knockout about 30 – 45 min. before your workout. It should give you a good, clean boost of energy. You can still run while trying to gain mass, but you should be doing HIIT, and limit it to about 15 minutes after your lifting regimen. For the mood elevation, check out Lumiday. It won’t give you a high, exactly, but I’ve found it can enhance my mood on gloomy days.
Yeah, that would be fine. Take them both together, 2 to 3 times a day with meals.
Taking Dbol will help, but you’ll have to work out hard, lift heavy, and eat a lot. Sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It’s got a workout and meal plan set up for guys who want to gain muscle weight. As for supplements, it would be better if you could use the whole stack, and add a post workout protein shake and some creatine.
That’s right, but you can experiment with taking fewer. I usually start out at a lower dose than recommended.
I have used A-drol, test, and clenn together and never had a side effect. What do I need to do different.
Ya have a good product and believe in it. Joe
I’m not sure what it is. It could be the Yohimbe, but you’ve taken it before so I don’t know.
Try taking only the Testosterone Max and the Paravar for your first dose. Then wait till lunch time to take Clentrimix and Winnidrol.
Let me know if that changes anything.
You take one of each pill three times a day with meals. None are specifically formulated as pre or post workouts. The important thing is keeping them in your system consistently, even on your off days. For meal and workout plans, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook.
It’s pretty common to get a little nauseous when taking a lot of pills at once. Try spacing your dose out a little and see if it helps.
I’m taking all 4 pills at once with meal and i think the reason why my heart starts beating fast is because of DHEA and actually every time my heart is faster i start to workout even when i’m at work with simple workouts like pushups, crunches untill i get tired and crazy part is i smoked like 6 years and even walking makes me tired and sweat fast but these pills making me more like active and i don’t get tired its like inside my body something is pushing me to do something or if i sit my heartbeat increases for no reason also get sweaty. So work myself out to match with my heart rate.
I will update with news as i’m getting these pills also protein shakes and from tomorrow hitting gym again
Thanks for the update. If you’re worried about your heart rate, you can space your doses out a little and see if that changes anything.
It looks good, but you can use our Calorie and Protein/Fat/Carb calculators to fine tune it and make sure you’ve got the right balance.
I’m looking into other stacks and I want to know what you think would be best in your opinion. I’m looking for a stack that could hopefully include protein bcaa’s creatine and possibly a pre workout but I have no problem motivating myself.
I feel like the crazy mass bulking stack without the test is just bottles full of bcaa’s haha because I do recover super fast. For example I saw the muscle pharm get swole stack and it has everything I was looking for except for the creatine I believe which I would want for strength gain.
Any input would be appreciated whether you think that’s a good stack or if I should check a different one out. Thanks
How long have you been using the Crazy Mass stack? I would stick it out, using the Testosterone Max for the reasons you say – more testosterone equals increased strength. You’re right that at your age, you’re not hurting for testosterone, but more will give you that added power. Add creatine to the mix as well. This way, you’re still getting all the recovery help you want, and your increases in strength as well. If you’ve done that and it still doesn’t work, then it would be time to move on to something else.
I started the bulking stack today and I didn’t expect to feel anything but I almost feel like I’ve had way too much caffeine. Did you have anything like this when you used it?
I didn’t have that effect, but everyone is different. Sometimes you need to experiment with your dosing to find what works for you.
Try halving your dose of each supplement and making sure to take them with a meal and plenty of water to see how that changes things.
I was wondering how much I have to workout to see any results while using the stack ?
Sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It’s got a great workout and meal plan to help you get the best possible results.
I just wanted to ask something, why there are so few reviews from people who bought it and tried ? I found very very little reviews and some of them like a advertising not an actual review.
I wanted know if you know people who took Bulking Stack and got changes within 30 days as the website claims. I appreciate your responce in advance
I agree there should be more. There are a few glowing bits of customer feedback attached to this review, and a few more sprinkled throughout the comments section.
I don’t know why more people don’t write in. There is a tendency for people to be more likely to write bad reviews because they feel “taken in” by the company and want to exact a little revenge.
But I haven’t received any negative feedback about Crazy Mass. I hope it works out for you.
Make sure you eat a lot and lift heavy to make the most gains. And make sure you come back after your cycle and leave your review.
Go with the Cutting Stack and make sure you eat enough calories so you’re not losing weight. Use our Calorie and Protein/Carb/Fat Calculators to fine tune your intake. Also, if you haven’t yet, sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook for great workout and meal plans.
Can you take magnesium powder before bed just to relax you for sleep when you’re on crazy mass cutting stack? Cause it sounds like it makes you pretty wired up.
You could. The only supplement in the stack that should really keep you up is Clentrimix, so make sure you don’t take it within 6 or so hours of bedtime.
When you get on the crazy mass website it states at the top that it’s a pharmaceutical steroid. Is that referring to the cutting stack or what are they referring to?
I think you’re referring to where it says, “Legal Steroids: #1 Source for Pharmaceutical Grade Anabolics”. Don’t worry, it’s not steroids.
It’s just the words they use to associate their products with the same kind of results you get from steroids. The phrase “legal steroids” doesn’t have a technical meaning, just a marketing one.
And lots of companies use the term “pharmaceutical grade” to indicate that their ingredients are 99% pure.
Would like to know your outline on taking the cutting stack as I’m currently doing it but my heart rate is through the roof and I’ve been following the instructions? Maybe one of the pills is making me have this elevated heart rate.
Mainly when I exercise, usually my heart is below 170 but on this stuff it’s right up at 180. Little bit worried.
It’s probably the Yohimbe in the Clentrimix. Cut your dose to just one pill as a pre workout, about an hour before working out, with lots of water and a little food.
You’ll want to target your max heart rate at 220 minus your age.
I got the cutting stack and started today. I had an issue with elevated heart rate for most of the day and when I started to workout it elevated ridicously high.
Not sure what part of the stack would cause it?
It’s probably the Yohimbe in the Clentrimix. Tomorrow, try taking just one pill, early in the day, with a meal and plenty of water.
See if that changes anything.
I don’t really get involved with steroids much. I’d say give the Bulking Stack a try on its own.
Similar results without side effects.
Go with the instructions on the bottles. The key is to keep levels consistent throughout the day.
You’ll want to take it as directed, even on workout days. The trick is to keep the ingredients at a consistent level in your bloodstream, so you don’t need to change things on workout days.
Those products are from Crazy Bulk, not Crazy Mass. They’re similar, but I don’t have specific knowledge of the products, but you’ll want to take each of them as directed.
Crazy Bulk is actually a different company than Crazy Mass, though their stacks are designed to be very similar. I don’t have the exact specs, but you’d take them each as directed, all at the same time.
I totally understand, and nope, you don’t have to worry about any of that.
And if I’m taking 3 doses a day of to dianobal t bal and deka that’s 225 MG of dhea. Is that too much?
I can’t promise that there won’t be any side effects (like the headaches you mentioned), but they are safe and they’re definitely not steroids. You’re right, it’s a significant amount of dhea, but according to standard dosages listed by The Mayo Clinic, it’s perfectly safe to take this much for your 4 or 8 week cycle. If you’re still concerned, try cutting back to 2 a day. You may get the results you’re looking for with less.
Just like to say your site is awesome.
I also have a question, I’m on a push pull legs routine 6 days a week. Taking supplements such as whey isolate, casein, creatine, d-aspartic acid and Acetylcarnitine.
If I start the crazy mass cutting stack? Which supps should I take out?
Keep taking everything except the Acetyl L-Cartinine. If it seems like too much, you can also let the DAA go.
The Testosterone Max in the stack doesn’t use DAA, but it does boost testosterone levels with other ingredients, so that would be the one to go next.
As far as I know they do ship to Lebanon, yes.
I just purchased the bulking stack and was wondering if I am going to take all the pills twice a day or how should I take them? I started out at 100lbs last September and now I’m at 140lbs, but have been stuck at this weight for awhile.
I’m 5’7 and 20 years old.
Just take them exactly as described on the bottle and you should be good to go.
I’m 18 and pretty skinny, so I’ve been looking into trying to put on some muscle. I found your reviews of the CrazyMass Cutting and Bulking stacks and now I’m pretty interested in trying them; I’m gonna do the bulking stack first because, like I said, I’m already pretty skinny so building muscle is my priority right now.
But I looked them up and found a notice on their site saying they don’t recommend using their products if you have an autoimmune disorder (which I have). That’s basically when your immune system is hyperactive to the point that it attacks your own body, in case you didn’t know.
So I was wondering which products/ingredients from CrazyMass affect the immune system and how? Do they specifically BOOST it or just keep everything in-check?
Of course, I’ll still talk to my doctor before starting but I just wanted to know before I brought it up to him. Thanks in advance.
I wasn’t sure, so I reached out to Crazy Mass. They said you should be fine, and if anything it will help your immune system because of the extra energy.
Definitely check in with your doctor though, to be sure.
I take creatine and protein, and follow a pretty good diet while working out 5-6 times a week. I have been working out for around 3 years but I am trying to focus on just working out right now.
If I take the bulking stack for 8 weeks, and then take a 1-2 week break and start taking the cutting stack, what should my dosages be? If it says to take 3 tablets, is taking 2 tablets more than enough?
Personally, when I’m doing the stacks, I find 2 of each per day to be enough except I’ve always gone with 3 Testosterone Max a day. Give it a try at first, it should be good.
It really depends on the supplement, but it’s usually worth trying the lower dose so you can save yourself some money if it works. But none of the Crazy Mass supplements recommend 2 a day.
They recommend at least 2-3.
I weight 230lb but going to start getting back into the gym after 1 year layoff due to medical issues. I’m carrying a lot of fat with being 26% body fat.
Can I do the Bulk Stack with out getting heavier? I do want to gain muscle but want to lose the Body Fat.
I don’t want to get heavier at the end of the day, Thanks for any help or guidance you can give.
Go with the Cutting Stack for now. It’s extremely difficult to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, so it’s best to separate the two goals and work on them one at a time. Focus for now on losing fat with a good clean diet and workout program.(Sign up to download my free “getting ripped” ebook) You’ll be lifting and getting stronger, but your supplement focus should be on cutting to support this process, not bulking. When you drop the fat you want to drop, then think about switching to the bulking stack. At that point, you’ll also want to increase your food intake and lift heavier.
I was wondering if you could tell me how to take the pills as I was interested in the product. I did not order yet so I’m not sure if it tells you on the product (when to take, how many to take.) Also before I ordered I wanted to know if this is really legal.
I ask because I am a police officer and want to take this, but want to make sure I can before I purchase.
Thank you for your help. Look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Thanks again.
Totally legal. They’re not steroids at all.
Mostly amino acids, herbals, and other natural ingredients that mimic the effect of steroids. Instruction are on the bottles, but basically you take 2 or 3 of each pill each day, depending on what works for you.
I’m 20 years old, 5’9″, and weight in around 120. I am a pretty skinny guy and I came across this stack review and also the stack review for the cutting stack.
I do have some ab definition but would like some more. Which one would be more beneficial for putting on weight.
Would using the bulking stack bring out things like a six pack abs and define or is that only while using the cutting stack? Thanks in advance.
Go with the Bulking Stack when your primary goal is putting on muscle weight. As for your abs, there are two things involved. You need to strengthen and to some extent build up the muscle, and you need to eliminate the fat that covers it. It doesn’t sound like you’ve got much if any fat covering your abs, so again, the Bulking Stack would be the way to go. For meal and workout guidance, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook.
How much will I gain if I exercise 5 times a week and consume 3000+ cals a day?
You’ll get noticeable results in 4 weeks. I can’t really tell you how many pounds, but work out hard, eat right, and you’ll notice. Sign up for my free “Getting Strong” ebook for help with the meal and workout side of things.
It’s true that steroids can do damage to your liver, especially with long term use. But Crazy Mass supplements are not actual steroids, and don’t damage the liver at all.
With this list of parameters, what two supplements would you suggest? I already bought Dianabol.
It’s usually best to work on your cutting efforts and bulking efforts separately. Since you’ve already got the Dianabol, get Anadrolone and work on building mass first. To help with those efforts, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for the great meal and workout plans it offers. When you’re ready to cut, pick up some Clentrimix and Winnidrol.
I want the honest side effects because something like lowered natural testosterone levels will not fly. I read that they do not cause side effects like that but i want to make sure.
Speed will be a benefit of your increased strength, so yeah, they’ll help with performance. And no, they won’t cause a drop in natural testosterone levels.
The ingredients actually work to boost your natural processes, so no worries there. Some people get headaches or dizziness from the dhea in the Crazy Mass bulking supplements, but generally the levels are low enough not to cause this.
And what say you on HGH?
There are so many factors, the most important of which are what you eat and how hard you lift. But it should take about 3 weeks for noticeable results if you do everything right. Here’s the link to my “getting strong” ebook for a great program. I’m not sure the science is in on HGH supplements, but I’ve personally had great experience with HyperGH 14X.
Hardness, yes. Not so much definition.
That’ll come during the cutting phase.
You definitely want to take the pills on your off days. I would go with 2 of each per day though.
Thank you.
Yes, go with an 8 week cycle. Take one of each pill twice a day with meals, except for the Testosterone Max which you’ll take 3 times a day, also with meals.
Keep the same schedule for the 8 weeks to complete the cycle.
I am a football player who will be playing for my local JUCO this coming fall. I am trying to lose weight and cut my bf%.
I am looking at doing the Cutting Stack for 8 weeks. Then, for the final month run a cycle of crazy mass HGH Or Dball.
I haven’t decided yet on which. I have two questions.
First, would these products make me test positive on an NCAA Drug test? Two, would you take Dball or HGH or another product?
I’m looking to add strength not really looking to bulk up.
Testosterone Max (part of the Cutting Stack) and Dianabol both contain DHEA, which may be tested for so I wouldn’t take either of those near your potential testing date. Use the Cutting Stack for the first 8 weeks, then cycle off of everything for the last month. Also, if you haven’t already, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for meal and workout plans.
Like I said, I’m not looking for mass but more strength. Which of the CrazyMass products would you recommend?
I would go with Deckadrolone.
It lasts 4 weeks.
One order lasts 4 weeks.
I’m not sure what could be causing this. First, I recommend you cut back your dose, take it on a full stomach, and make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
Also, contact Crazy Mass at (888) 850-0260 M-F 9am-3pm EST and ask them why you could be getting this kind of reaction. If it continues, I would stop using it altogether.
Let me know how it’s been going for the last day or so.
I was wondering… If I were to take the DBOL cycle would I lose the results I were to gain like I would with normal steroids after finishing the cycle? Or are these gains permanent and easy to keep with good diet and training?
It works with your body naturally, so gains are much easier to keep after you cycle off… assuming you keep up with your strict diet and workout routine.
I am 19 years old 6′ 3″ 195 lbs but am starting to reach genetic potential within the next 2-3 years from the research I’ve done. I would just like too see results come faster but don’t want to become dependent on steroids, so do you think this is a better route to take?
I technically want to remain a natural lifter and I am under the impression these are not actually steroids rather a alternative is this true?
You’ve got it exactly right. You won’t get the same kind of results you’d get from steroids, but for something natural, Crazy Mass gets great results.
You can do a 4 week cycle with a week off, or an 8 week cycle with 2 weeks off. It really depends on your specific goals and program.
Thanks for getting back to me. I’m glad you worked things out with Crazy Mass moneywise, but it’s too bad it didn’t work out for you.
Yeah, my first thought was dhea, but i think if that as sometimes causing dizziness and rapid heartbeat, which is a little different from what you explained. It’s probably best that you stopped taking it.
Let me know if you want help choosing something else.
That sound about right when starting the stack? I’m currently taking all 4 at once in morning then all 4 again at dinner…any advice?
Will hit the clen after i bulk up.
Yeah, actually anxiety and increased heart rate are symptoms associated with DHEA, which is in all 4 supplements. The doses are low, but they add up when you stack. That’s normally a good thing, but not if you’re getting uncomfortable side effects. Try lowering the dose. Take one Decka and One TBal in the morning, then one DBol and one Testosterone Max in the mid-late afternoon. If that helps alleviate the side effects, after about a week, try going back to the normal dosing schedule to see if you’ve built a tolerance.
I’ll give what you suggested a shot though and post back results incase anyone else here/stumbles in having similar symptoms. Thanks again brother and keep up the good work.
I’m curious to know how it works out for you. Definitely let me know.
Dbal and Test at 9:30 am
Tbal and Decka at 3:00 pm
Dbal and Test at 5:30 pm
Test at 9pm
Works great no anxiety, jitters or anything. Been hitting it for a week now and since day one of splitting the doses like you suggested… it’s been perfect.
Thanks again for the tip.
Awesome to hear!
And how should i take these pills? are there any specific times to take each one like before or after my workout? thanks
A dose of 2 a day is fine for most of the stack. But you’ll want to take 3 a day of the Testosterone Max.
Take them with your first two meals of the day.
I just Got 3 bottles of Anadrol can i double the dose and take 2 bottles at the same time
Start with the recommended dose. If you don’t get the results you want, up it from there.
Otherwise, just stick with the recommended dose.
Is it true that crazy bulk is just an imitation of crazy mass and that there products are no good.
I haven’t tried the products, so I can’t say they’re no good, but the company is definitely an imitation of Crazy Mass, and they used some pretty shady tactics when they rolled out their line. I would stay away.
I didn’t realy feel jittery but I did feel like nervous a little and was a little hard to focus on something. I don’t maybe is just me.
Hope u can answer my question thanks .
No. None of the supplements has stimulants.
I’m not sure what it could be… possibly the DHEA, but what you’re describing doesn’t sound like a side effect of DHEA. Did you feel the same way on the second day? If so, lower your dose from 3 times a day to twice, or from twice a day to once, and see if that changes anything.
Trying to eat as much as possible and lift big to put on a few extra pounds before starting the winni next month and strip away some fat. So far so good.
Sounds great! Thanks for the update!
I am only 4 days in on using the stack. I am optimistic about the results I plan on waiting to see if there are real results by day 21 to order another month supply and I will come and share my results for everyone after either a month and or 2 months depending on if I choose to oder ontoher months supply.
My question is this. There seems to be a lot of people on your site that comment in planning on odering stacks or gave just received stacks but I only saw one comment from one person who said that they had results from the bulking stack.
Why do you think it is that with so many people ordering stacks that almost none of them come back with a fallow-up comment with a review of their results?
It’s a good question. I’m not sure why it is.
You see it a lot on other websites too. People say they’ll update with results but never do. (Heck, I’ve even forgotten to update a couple of my reviews!) There could be a lot of reasons.
Sometimes people don’t follow through with their workouts or diets and they don’t want to give feedback on a supplement when they didn’t really follow protocol. Another thing to remember is that the majority of feedback is negative, and that’s just basically human nature.
When you’re pissed off, you want to rant about it and spread the word. So in that respect, no news is good news 🙂 In any event, I look forward to hearing how it goes for you.
results is because. you don’t let them post negative results because these products r total .bs they couldn’t possibly work because the amount of the ingredients is so minuscule they couldn’t possibly work its a total scam!
I’ve never blocked a customer review. They’re simply not sending them in. Furthermore, you can see tons of REAL reviews on the Crazy Mass website and Youtube, see for yourself:
On top of this I provide all the necessary tools in the form of free ebooks, meal plans, workout logs, nutrition calculators, and FREE vital information to help go along with supplements like this one.
What do you recommend for me, the cutting or bulking products?
It sounds like you want to lose the fat you’ve gained over the past couple years, so go with the Cutting Stack and sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook for the diet and workout components you need to get the job done.
I want to get bigger still all around with definition, and get a 6 pack for the summer. will the cutting put on muscle as well when when losing the weight? Im already small so I cant see the weight being hard to get off.
The Cutting Stack is great for definition, and if you follow the diet and workout in the ebook, you’ll lose the fat while getting in great shape. After that, you can switch to the bulking stack, lift heavy, and consume more calories (protein and complex carbs) to pack on the muscle. Or you could do it in reverse order – start by bulking and build as much muscle weight as possible, then switch to cutting to get that 6 pack. But if you want it by the summer, I’d go with cutting first.
Sure. It’s
As long as you keep up with your workouts and meals, you won’t lose your gains. That’s because Crazy Mass supplements are use natural ingredients that work with your body, not synthetics that alter your systems.
So when you’re done, there’s no big shock to your system.
They’re not prohormones. They’re mainly herbs and amino acids, and you’re right, some of the doses are low, but that’s because they’re meant to be taken as stacks so they build on each other. I haven’t used the bulking stack myself, but I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews from guys who have. Take some Muscle Advance Creatine along with the stack, and trust me, you’ll gain your muscle back
You take 2-3 of each supplement each day, one tablet at a time with meals. The stack will last a month.
How would I formulate this,should I take tbal,dbal and anadrolone for a month then winnidrol for a month. I’ve noticed that the adrol has 50mg dhea per cap is this not quite high?
Also I’ve heard that dhea consumed orally will mostly convert to estrogen,is this true as I don’t wanna risk gyno from this stack and crazy mass haven’t mentioned to take an estrogen blocker.
Great to hear! Go with the Dbal and Anadrol first for bulking, then switch to the Winnidrol and TBal when it’s time to lean down.
It’s true that dhea preferentially converts to estrogen, but the recommended amounts are 25 – 200 mgs per day, so you’re not in the danger zone there.
It’s not necessary. It only contains 25 mg of DHEA, which isn’t going to require an estrogen blocker.
Any suggestions for me?
Not sure what could have caused that. Perhaps you have an allergy to one of the ingredients. Try a Nitrocut/Testofuel/Muscle Advance Creatine stack. You can check out my reviews for all three here:
Also, if you haven’t already, sign up for my free “getting strong” eboook. It’s got great meal and workout plans for putting on muscle weight.
Crazy Mass is a legitimate company, and their stacks are great.
I ordered the Bulking stack(Dbal,Tbal, Duro, Testerone) i also hoy Anadrole as my free bottle and Gynectrol for mens breast. I am going to start going to the gym again once my supply comes but i wanted to know how do i take all of these pills like in what order?
I usually go to the gym 3times a week and i can go more days if needed. So any advice and eating plans for all this?
I am really hyped to working out again.
I wouldn’t recommend Crazy Bulk products (I recommend Crazy Mass products), so I don’t know much about how to take them. But since you’ve already ordered them, I’d say just take them as directed on the bottles. For advice on workouts and meals, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It’s got everything you need.
Great choice. For CrazyMass, take them as directed as well.
That’s 1 pill twice a day with meals for everything except the Testosterone Max and the HGH Elite. For Testosterone Max, take 1 pill 3 times a day with meals, and for the HGH, take 2 pills on an empty stomach, preferably in the evening.
Let me know how things work out.
For pure bulking, go with the Anadrol, and if you haven’t already, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for tips and plans for meals and workouts.
Should I take all for a month or use tbal and dbal for a month to bulk followed by the winni for a month on it’s own to cut a bit? Should the combo I chose yield decent results?
Glad to hear it, finally!! Yeah, I’d do exactly as you plan. Bulk with Tbal and DBal for the first 4 weeks.
Then use the Winstrol to cut down. When you get the “mystery bottle”, slot it into whichever stack makes sense.
If you have questions about it when you get it, let me know.
Do you think that is what caused it? If not, do any of these supplemtents have side effects?
I’m 6’1 and about 174 pounds. Is taking a pill from all 4 bottles at the same time a little to much?
Should I limit myself by only taking a certain one or just a pair? I don’t want to over do it by taking to many a day.
I know you and the bottle said to take with a meal so I’m hoping it was just because I didn’t eat a lot with it. Also I got a free bottle with my stack called No2 or something like that and I wanted to know how should I take that?
It could definitely be about the food. 4 supplements can be a lot to take for some people. The first thing you should try is taking the directed doses with meals.
If you still don’t feel better, you can try taking it the way I did when I used the stack. I took 1 tablet of Clenn about 45 min prior to my workout (that’s the pre workout formula), and 1 tablet of Paravar and Winstral each post workout.
The Testosterone max I took as directed, which called for 1 tablet 3 times a day with meals, even on non workout days. That might work.
The instructions for the NO2 Force say to take 3 tablets once a day with a meal. It’s for increasing Nitric Oxide in your blood, which helps with pumps and helps provide energy.
I would hold off on using it until you get settled in with a good routine for the stack.
You’ll want to take one tablet of each three times a day with meals. On workout days, switch one of the doses to pre workout. Make sure you maintain a good clean diet with plenty of protein and carbs, and work out hard. If you haven’t already, sign up for my “getting strong” ebook for tips and guidance for that.
I’ve finally received my bulking stack (with a-drol replacing test-max) and I’ve decided to try the stack without any testosterone booster and see how I get on.
On the bottles it says take the tablets 2-3 times a day.
Firstly will I see much improvement only taking 2 tablets ( of each supplement) a day as opposed to 3?
And secondly it says to take the tablets with meals and if going to the gym to take 30 mins before exercise. Can u get away with eating a piece of fruit with the tablets before exercise as eating a full meal 30 mins before exercise won’t be possible for me?
Thanks in advance for the reply and ill keep you updated with my progress.
Glad it finally arrived! As long as you’re not too huge, 2 pills of each should do the trick.
If you find it’s not, up it to 3, or add that third dose only on workout days. Yeah, something light is fine.
They mostly say that because some people get nauseous taking supplements on an empty stomach. Good luck with your program.
Looking forward to hearing how it goes!
Glad to hear they did get in touch with you. And the free bottle is nice.
Hopefully, they won’t let this happen again.
Great to hear! Thanks for letting me know.
If I’m taking the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack, how long will it stay in my system and show up on a drug test?
There’s nothing in the Bulking Stack that will show up on a blood test. They’re not steroids, they’re natural supplements designed to work like steroids without the drugs or side effects.
No problem at all using a different testosterone booster. Go with Testofuel. It’s my top pick.
In your case, I’d wait for the Testosterone Max. I think it may even be back in stock at this point.
I am 39 yrs old now. Time to get healthy lifestyle.
You’re right, when you’re just starting out, you’ll want to lean down some before you start bulking up, but if you’re working out consistently, you’ll be putting on muscle too. The Cutting Stack is the way to go for this part of the process. It’s actually been the bulking stack that’s been on back order, so you should be good with the Cutting Stack.
Can you give me the link again. So i can be ready this week when my orders is arrive here for cutting stacks.
No problem. I sent a copy over to your email address.
I purchased 2 dbal and got a free t bal 75 bottle with it. I’m looking to gain muscle mass and then she’d off the fat in next cycle.
I would have done the bulking stack but didn see it until after I ordered the buy two get one free. How many of each should I take for the 2 month cycle since I only have one bottle of the T bal.
Yeah, definitely look into the bulking stack for next time, but you’ll do fine withe the dbal and tbal this month. Take 3 Dbal and one Tbal each day. On heavy workout days, take an extra Tbal since you’ll have an extra 30 for the 2 months.
Yeah, they’ve actually been back ordered on some of the products in the bulking stack. They’ve assured me they’re back at full stock and they’re sending our all orders.
One more question about the cutting stack….The testosterone is safe for women to take? I was always advised against taking it as a women.
In this case it’s okay because there’s no actual testosterone in it. It’s herbs and other natural ingredients that may help mildly stimulate your body’s own natural testosterone production process.
It may also help by mimicking the effects of higher testosterone without actually raising levels.
I’m about to buy the bulking stack and was wondering if you think it would be better taking 3 or 2 pills a day.
I always like to start off with the lowest dose possible to assess how I’ll react. Two is probably enough unless you weigh more than 250 pounds or so.
Start out with 2 a day, and if you feel you need more, up it to 3.
What should I take and how much each day..Thank you in advance.
Yeah, absolutely. Go with the Cutting Stack. Take two of each pill twice a day. And since diet and exercise are the most important factors, download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got meal and workout plans all laid out for you.
That was last week
They basically created an almost exact imitation of the Crazy Mass products and marketing, then tried to put them out of business by claiming to be the original. Pretty shady bunch!
You should be fine, but if you’re taking medication, you should check in with your doctor to be sure. You may be better of looking into a stack of Nitrocut and Testofuel. Nitrocut is a non-stimulant pre workout to help you work hard and get great pumps. Testofuel is a natural testosterone booster to help with muscle building, fat loss, and all day energy. Neither of these should interfere with your issues. Add in some Muscle Advance Creatine as well, so you can push harder in your workouts.
And with such an already physical lifestyle would you adapt your get stronger fitness plan? Thanks in advance.
I would keep the workout the same, just make sure you get enough daily calories to keep up with what you’re burning.
Is there a single supplement in this stack that you would recommend at all?
The thing is, you can’t gain size (muscle) and lose size (fat) at the same time. So really, you’d have to wait till you finish working your cutting routine before you switch to your bulking routine. When you’re ready to dive into bulking, use the Crazy Mass Bulking stack and add in some protein and creatine as well.
I want to know if should i focus on reduce body fat and make better body shape before start to work on muscle gain ?
It’s true that you can’t do both at the same time. You can either bulk up with muscle first, then cut down to get ripped, or you can slim down first then put on muscle.
It’s really a matter of personal preference.
Yep, that’s the way I’d go. Do the Cutting Stack for 4 or 8 weeks, depending on how much you have to lose. Then take a two week rest, and do the Bulking Stack.
Im 19 years old and 115 pounds. I’m skinny, but don’t have a six pack (kind of just lean).
I’m looking to add mass but still trying to define my abs a to get a six pack. I haven’t been able to find anything bad on crazymass products, do these actually work?
And which ones should I take? I was looking at the androlone, but should I add that with something else?
And what type of work out should I be doing on these pills? Cardio or just weights?
Thanks so much!
The best thing would be the Bulking Stack, but if you want to only take one or two, go with Anadrolone with or without Testosterone Max. As for your workout, you’ll want to minimize your cardio as much as possible. I’ve got a great meal and workout plan laid out for you in my free “getting strong” ebook. You should definitely sign up for it. It really walks you through all that’s necessary to put on muscle weight.
Yes, you want the ingredients to build up and remain relatively steady in your system.
are these products not just fake , where are the ingredients ? i just cant see how these products are as good as they say they are. i cant find one single bad review ?
Yeah, I totally understand your skepticism. I haven’t used the Bulking Stack myself, but I have used the Cutting Stack, and I was completely impressed, blown away in fact. I wouldn’t have expected it to work anywhere near as well as it did. I think the key is in the fact that they’re stacks, so there’s enough room to provide all the different components necessary for great results. Nearly everyone I’ve recommended it to raves about it. You can find the ingredients all listed in the review above.
And wat about my protein. I Just Drink it after i work out.
And i dont Drink it on my days off. How should i Drink the protein.
Thank You for You time And The book is great i am Almost done Finishing it.
It’s best to not do any or much cardio at all while you’re bulking up. As for the protein, use as many shakes as it takes to supplement your protein intake up to appropriate levels.
You want about 1.5 grams per day per pound of your body weight. Try to get one in after workouts.
Other than that, any time during the day is fine (including non-workout days).
i was wondering if it is okay to stack Instant Knockout with Crazy Mass Bulking Stack??
also is CM bulking stack actually a steroid and or harmful or is it all natural??
should i wait to be done with IK before starting the bulking stack??
Thank you for your time.
Crazy Mass products are not actual steroids, so you won’t get any of the negative effects you would if they were. They’re natural supplements put together to give you similar results to steroids, but no, they’re not harmful in any way. You could take Instant Knockout with the Bulking Stack, but they would work counter to each other. Instant Knockout is a fat burner and appetite suppressant. You don’t want to suppress your appetite while you’re bulking.
I am a skinny Guy with a little bit of stomach. Do You recommended doing cardio while trying to bulk up?
IF yes, how often. Because From what I heard if u do cardio while trying to bulk up is not too good because it will slow down ur process. But I want to hear u opinion Because I am trying to do something else other than just Exercises for AB.S. I am trying to get that Stomach down since I am already seeing result with the bulking stack.
Thank you. I really need ur opinion.
Any suggestion
Yeah, it’s really difficult to lose that belly fat and bulk up at the same time. To lose the fat, you need a calorie deficit.
Cardio and a limited caloric intake is what gets you there. To bulk up, you need to lift heavy and eat more calories (preferably protein and complex carbs) than you burn.
So your best bet is to concentrate on one, then the other… not to do them both at the same time.
My friends tell me like “oh damn you’re getting big bro when’d you start lifting” & they call me “Ocky” now instead of skinny, but I still see myself pretty small lol. Strength wise, I don’t really notice anything, I mean yes the Universal Creatine I use helped me with weight gain & some what strength in various exercises than before when I was 135!
But I want to get that Big look, that “omg Jason got big man” & just walk around like a beast. So I’m interested to use this product to help me get that, but I obviously want to hear what you want to say, & also I was looking into Iso Mass Xtreme Gainer what do you think of it?
Also my friend Mikey is small like 5’5 he used to be chubby, but he started lifting & he got huge I think in 6 months or a year, he recommened me to use Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass, because that’s what he used to get big but idk lol I just want to hear from you to hear what you say.
There are a few things I’d recommend for you. The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack will definitely help you work out harder and build more muscle. Keep using the creatine, and I like Mass Xtreme Gainer a lot. I haven’t looked into Serious Mass specifically, but I do like Optimum Nutrition so my guess is it will do fine as well. When it comes to diet and exercise, you’ll find a lot of help in my “getting strong” ebook. I wrote it specifically for guys with your goals.
I would like to gain 15-20 lbs of muscle and lose 15-20 lbs of fat. I’ve been eating clean on and off for about 6 years now.
And I also cycle on and off creatine and pre workout products. I have consistently taken protein products and always hit the gym, just seems like I’ve hit a wall recently.
By going a just a little over your budget, I recommend you go with Anadrolone and Testosterone Max. It’s the right 2 supp stack from Crazy Mass when bulking is your goal. Also, for workout and eating advice and plans, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. You probably already know a lot of the stuff in there, but I’m sure you’ll find something new as well. As for hitting the wall, it happens. The best thing to do is change things up a bit and keep working hard.
Can you please explain why you suggested a different stack ?
Jake was looking for something that fit within his budget. The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack didn’t fit that criteria, so I suggested a stack of 2 supplements instead of 4. The Bulking Stack is still your best bet if you have the money for it.
You Think it Will work Good drinking it twice at day instead of 3. I am just concern about The DHEA it has since I been reading a lot of crazy stuff about it. i just need something to reduce my stomach. Is nothing crazy just a little bit of stomach.
I been doing abs but idk. If there is something else I can try.
Thank u
Taking 2 of each instead of 3 is not a problem at all. In fact, it’s what I recommend.
I wouldn’t worry too much about the DHEA though. The amounts are pretty low.
Since the most important aspects are diet and exercise, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It’s got advice and plans for eating and working out to put on lean muscle mass. As for supplements, it’s really not a good idea for you to take most of them at this point. There are a couple of exceptions, and they both work toward helping you put on muscle. Take creatine from Muscle Advance to give your muscle the power and energy to lift hard, and take a good protein shake for recovery and to help build muscle. I like 100% Whey Gold Standard a lot.
It’s possible that the DHEA in Dianobal could cause a headache, but it’s pretty rare and pretty mild. It’s recommended that you take it 2-3 times a day with meals.
Great to hear! Keep in touch!
I am a Crossfitter. I an 45 years old, weigh 145 and am about 5’8″.
I have always been a hard-gainer. I am very lean, pretty muscular and fairly strong for my size and age, but looking to break the plateaus I have hit in certain lifts and other strength movements.
I am considering the CrazyMass products. Any recommendations.
Yeah definitely the Bulking Stack. And make sure to supplement it with extra protein from, say Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey and maybe even some creatine to really kick it to the next level. Also, sign up for my “getting strong” ebook. It’s got advice and plans for eating and working out to put on muscle weight. I’m sure you’ll find some useful information there.
Should i keep doing This while using The bulking stack? Thank You again for your time.
The Bulking Stack will take care of your pre workout and BCAA needs, but you should still take your protein. (I like 100% Whey Gold Standard!)
Nice information out there , i would really love to try them but i’m not sure if they ship it to kuwait.
because i’m a resident of kuwait and i don’t think i can find them here.
even if i ship to kuwait , i’m not sure if the customs will release them..
One more thing Dear , i’m wondering how do you stack them all together ? like.. should i take a tablet of each bottle before workout ? and a tablet from each bottle after every meal ??
Thanks and best regards
They list Kuwait as a country they ship to, but I can’t really be sure what would happen in customs. As far as how to take them, you would take each pill 2 or 3 times a day with meals.
I can’t afford stacks, but I am assuming for PURE size/mass alone……. a-drol is the best? If so, do I buy two and get one free?
So all three bottles will be adrol, or do u recommened three different bulking products? Which combo would be better, keeping in mind the buy two, get three option?
Thanks so much for your time.
You’re right about Anadrolone for size. Pair it with the testosterone booster Testosterone Max.
For your free third choice, go with Dianobal. You’ll get better results with this stack than you would with just Anadrolone alone.
Also in bulking stack they’ve ignored a-drol even though that’s supposed to give the most gains in terms of size… isn’t that a little odd … including t-bal whiuch is for cutting but not adrol which is for bulking??
Sure thing. The Anadrolone, as you know is the big bulking product. It increases red blood cell production for better oxygen delivery to muscles during and after workouts. The Testosterone Max increases your body’s natural testosterone production, putting you in a more anabolic state which of course gets you in the best mode for hard and heavy workouts. And the Dianobal also creates a more anabolic environment and increases nitrogen retention. I don’t know for certain, but my guess is that the folks at Crazy Mass consider Anadrolone as more of a product that can stand on its own so they didn’t include it in the stack.
I’m 19 years old and just got my dianobal and deckadrolone in the mail today. I felt as if I got much more power when working out after I took the deckadrolone but I did experience a headache and increased heart beat.
I took one pill after having a breakfast burrito. I don’t know if I should continue to take them or the dianobal (which I hear is very strong) due to the reaction I felt on the deckadrolone.
Is this common or somewhat what you experienced? And do you think I should continue taking it?
Thanks for the help!
I haven’t heard of anyone having these side effects, but if I had to guess what’s causing it, I would say it might be the DHEA, as it does have the potential to increase blood pressure (which would explain the headache and increased heart rate). I would stop taking it, and talk to your doctor to rule out any real issues.
Unfortunately, the Dianobal also has DHEA. All the bulking supplements from these guys have it. In your situation, you may be better off with a good non-stimulant pre-workout like Nitrocut along with some Muscle Advance Creatine and 100% Whey Gold Standard Protein. If you truly do have a problem with DHEA, this may be your best bet.
Who are these people ?
They seem to be selling the same stuff.
CrazyBulk came in and copied the Crazy Mass products. The supplements are very similar, but I wouldn’t trust the company.
I already downloaded your ebook.
No, there’s a lot of overlap between the two. Instead, use the Bulking Stack with a good protein like 100% Whey Gold Standard and creatine from Muscle Advance. Use these with the programs in the book, and you’ll put on muscle for sure.
I am thinking about ordering the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack. What would be the best diet to go on and what would be the best workout while on this stack?
Also when do I take the pills throughout the day?
Thanks, Robert
I have a free “getting strong” ebook that’s got the perfect workout and meal plan to help you put on muscle weight. Sign up for that, and you’ll be all set. The stack comes with 4 different pills. Take 2 or 3 of each per day, depending on the instructions on the bottle. You’ll mostly take them with meals and before working out.
I have recently started working out again after about 7 years due to injuries from the Army. I’m 6′ and currently 260 after 15 pounds of weight loss.
I want to remain big but get rid of excess body fat but I feel like it’s hard for the weight to go. I eat right and I lift 4 to 5 times a week with 30 mins of cardio each day.
What do you recommend to cut and stay bulky?
Go with the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack instead of the bulking stack. Since your goal isn’t to get bigger, but to keep your muscle and lose weight (fat), it’s the better way to go. Keep lifting hard to keep your strength, make sure you use a protein shake like 100% Whey Gold Standard, and up your cardio 15 or 30 more minutes a day until you lose the fat.
I found out about this product from your reviews and decided to try 1 bottle of Anadrolone as a stand-alone supplement. I’m an 18 year old wrestler so I don’t have much to spend at the moment.
I’m lifting little to none during season right now so I intend on saving it until after so I can bulk up while doing my routine later. How effective would this be, considering my I’m at my peak age for test release?
What would be a good dosage for me and how long (do I need to go off and on?) Also the highest dosage I’ve seen from the studies is 100 g of DHEA daily for 6 months…with the stack if you take 2 tablets daily for each (that’s what it says for Anadrolone at least) then that’s about 400 g daily…I’m concerned s to whether this will suppress my DHEA or testosterone production later and the safety of doing so.
Also here are supplements I’m taking daily right now in case they might have an effect: 5g of creatine, 750 g calcium, 2 g fish oil, 50 mg zinc gluconate, multivitamin, occassional protein powder
Thanks for the advice!
It’s good to see you doing your research. You’ve made a great choice for bulking. It’ll be effective as long as you work a good program, ie. eat a lot (protein and complex carbs) and lift heavy. Sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for meal and workout plans. Don’t worry about too much DHEA. The dose in Anadrolone is 50 milligrams (mg) not 50 grams (g) per 2 capsules, not enough to cause any suppression or require any PCT. Sounds like if you stick with your current supplement regimen, take Anadrolone as directed for either a 4 or 8 week cycle, eat a lot, and work out hard, you’ll get to where you want to be.
Will 1 capsule a day be sufficient like when you used the cutting stack, or should I use 2 for the month cycle?
Take a look at this dosing guide from The Mayo Clinic. Going higher than 100mg a day is fine. In your case, since you’re taking the Anadrolone on its own, you’ll want to take the full dose. I lowered it since I was using the full stack and found I got enough benefit from the lower dose.
Thanks, Sam.
Drinking in moderation on the weekend is fine with the bulking stack. Just don’t overdo it and you’ll be fine. I’m not sure why your email didn’t get answered. Make sure you send it to
I appreciate the response on the vitamins. 1 other thing its said to take 1 of each pill for the bulking stack 3 times a day with a meal. Should they be taken before ingesting food or after and also stated to take 1 of each pill 30 – 45 minutes before working out which would be 1 of the 3 times, Should those also be taken with food of any sort.
I usually take them shortly after eating, but it’s really just a matter of convenience for you whether you want to take them before or after. For the dose before workouts, as long as you don’t get queasy taking pills on an empty stomach, you don’t need food.
That’s great to hear! Keep up the good work!
While I don’t know what vitamins you’re planning to take, there shouldn’t be a problem other than taking all those pills. You might want to spread them out throughout the day as best you can.
Go with the Bulking Stack and make sure you work out hard and eat enough complex carbs, protein, and calories to support your efforts. Sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for great eating and workout plans to help you reach your goal.
Many Thanks.
Sounds like you’ve hit a plateau, which is very normal after losing the weight you’ve lost. For supplements, I recommend you go with the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It will really kick your progress back into gear. For more guidance on working out and eating right, sign up for my “getting ripped” ebook.
There are of course alternatives, but you’re right. You do get what you pay for. If you take a look at my Crazy Mass Cutting Stack review, you’ll see I took it using a somewhat different protocol than the 2-3 pills a day each. This way, it will last longer, you’ll be spending less, and you’ll still get great results. Give it a look and see what you think.
I have trouble talking to women in person and since we’re going into the new year soon, I want to dramatically change my body and the way I feel about myself. I’m always on the move since I work at Sam’s Club running around to different departments throughout my 8 hour shift. I’m thinking of getting the Crazy Mass bulking stack but I’m wondering how big the pills are since I’ve had a hard time swallowing bigger pills in the past.
Am I able to just chew these pills up with water or some other drink 2-3 times a day with a meal? Also, since I do cardio almost daily, walking fast paced to different areas, should I still do it 1 day a week besides working out?
I downloaded your ebook. Is there anything else I should add to that?
Thank you. –Phillip
I wouldn’t recommend chewing the pills. I’m not sure if it’s the case with these, but some pills lose their effectiveness that way.
They’re tablets, and I find them really pretty easy to swallow. Since you want to gain muscle, you’ll definitely want to follow the eating and working out plans in the book.
It’s designed to help hard gainers like yourself gain muscle and strength through eating right and working out. But you’re right, you should limit your cardio by not adding on to what you already do at work.
If you were looking to lose weight, you’d do more, but since that’s not your goal, there’s no need for the extra cardio.
I’ve been working out consistently and I’ve had some progress but I feel like I just need that extra oomph to start getting good gains. I’m pretty skinny so if I eat A LOT along with the supplements and the protein shake I feel like I can gain fast.
Just wanted your opinion.
The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack will definitely help you with your gains, especially if you combine it with eating a lot and working out hard. To that end, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It’s got a great plan for hard gainers.
Sorry to repeat a question that a lot of people have asked, but is it really not a steroid? I have used a number of supplements in the past that seem to have common ingredients.
Is this just a refined combination of those?
I am keen to start them but my wife is very worried about side effects (especially having just watched a documentary about steroid use and the man who had the biggest biceps on the world and he ended up very badly).
Yeah I saw that documentary too, his biceps didn’t even look normal haha. By all accounts, Crazy Mass is NOT a steroid.
I’ve used it in the past as well as have friends who have used steroids, and I did not experience any of the routine side effects you would get with steroids.
This may all be a moot point, as when I try to order it, it seems that they don’t deliver to New Zealand?
I am waiting for a reply from them to see if I can get it…
In my experience, yes. I was truly impressed with my results.
I’m not sure about New Zealand. They list it as a country they ship to, but you’re right, when you choose it, they indicate that they don’t ship there.
It would be great if you could let me know what you find out.
Dear Branaby,
That is correct we have stopped shipping to New Zealand due to their customs seizing our products.
Support Staff
CrazyMass, LLC
Thanks for letting me know. That’s too bad. I just did a little research and it seems that Yohimbine and DHEA are not allowed to be imported into New Zealand. Unfortunately, both can be found in Crazy Mass supplements. Since that’s the case, go with a stack of Instant Knockout and Testofuel instead.
How would I use the two as a stack? Also, would it be beneficial to use it before doing my Insanity training, as well as in the gym?
I intend to use your training schedule in the book I got from you.
I left you an answer over in email as well. As for using the two as a stack, just take them both daily as directed. Make sure to use the Instant Knockout as a pre workout on days you hit the gym or do Insanity.
As long as you continue to eat right and work out hard, you’ll keep your gains.
It’s tough to say because there are so many variables, but you could probably gain 15-20 pounds of muscle. You’ll gain more if you skip the cardio, and if you eat right and workout hard, you’ll gain muscle, not fat. Sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for tips and plans for eating well and working out with the goal of gaining muscle.
You’ll be gaining muscle. The stack doesn’t put on the weight for you.
It helps you push harder in your workouts and speeds up recovery so you can go hard again tomorrow. The actual weight comes from the extra calories you’ll eat, and it’ll be muscle as long as you workout hard.
Whenever I wake up the next day however I am never sore. Could this be the supplements I’m taking just giving me a faster recovery?
Absolutely. You’re taking lots of BCAAs which are great for easy recovery.
You won’t have any of those issues with Crazy Mass. They’re not steroids.
They’re natural supplements that get you close to the kind of results you get with actual steroids. So, no.
No side effects and no need to worry about estrogen.
Anyway I also put on a lot of fat and want to retain all of my muscle so would the cutting stack do the job and retain my muscle?
Glad the Bulking Stack worked out so well for you! They really are great products. Yes, the Cutting Stack is exactly what you need to lean down without losing muscle.
Not at all. The ingredients are all safe, legal, and effective.
Just spent some decent cash on the bulking stack as well as Adrol because i got it for free, and anyways i was just wondering what you think the best way to take all these would be to maximize results. FYI I work out five times a week for roughly an hour each day.
You’ll want to take them each as directed – which is basically one tablet of each 2 or 3 times a day with meals. On workout days, take one of each about 30 minutes before heading to the gym.
So if you want, you can take them each 3 times on your 5 workout days per week, and 2 times on your 2 days off.
I already downloaded your ebook and great stuff man.
The risks you hear about with DHEA are normally associated with much higher doses than what you’re going to get in the Crazy Mass products. At low doses, it’s very effective.
I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you.
Are the honestly completely safe and natural if used a directed? Are they good for all ages cause I’m 18?
And also are all the reviews and testimonies on the website real? Thx so much I just have a lot of question cause I wanna make sure it’s legit thx man
You’re not going to get results as dramatic as you would with steroids, but I can’t really give you a number, like a percentage of effectiveness. But yes, they are completely safe when used as directed, and all the reviews on my site are real.
They’re not recommended for guys under 18, but you should be fine.
Like in other words are they one of the strongest supplaments that aren’t illegal, cause it seem ppl are getting sick results if the reviews on crazy mass website is real. Thx again
I can’t vouch for the reviews on the Crazy Mass website, but I can tell you it’s great stuff. I was really impressed when I used their stack.
And yes, it’s my number one choice in safe, legal supplements.
Which one you suggest me combining with those two, anadrol or t Bol?? I’m 21 turning 22 soon and I’m trying to bulk. I’m currently using 100% Gold standard Whey.
The Anadrolone will be a great addition to the Decka dn Dianabol, but your best bet would be the Stack.
Stacking will get you better and quicker results, but Dianobal will help you bulk up if you use it alone. And yes, if you had 2 bottles, that would last you 2 months.
Two questions, if you dont mind.
Suppose I take D-Bal …. let’s say it works and I build muscle in 2 months. If I stop taking it, then will muscles disappear?
Also is weight training a must, or can one do bodyweight exercises to get results?
Is 4 days a week enough, or must we do more?
D-Bal will help, but the main factor in building muscle is the working out. Supplements help you push harder during workouts and help you muscles respond by growing and building. If you stop taking supplements, but keep working out and eating right, you’ll keep your gains. You’ll do fine with bodyweight exercises, but you’d gain more if you used weights. I recommend you sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for a great workout and meal plan to help get you where you want to be.
Also one other doubt. I understand working out is the key, but for that extra boost which supplement would be better – crazymass has lots of products, so hard to say.
My objective is muscle gain but I dont want a big belly in the process. So pls. give me suggestions from crazymass, if you have time.
The meal plan in the ebook is very flexible. You’ll just have to use vegetarian protein sources instead of meat.
Just make sure you get enough. As for supplements.
Since your goal is muscle gain, the Bulking Stack is definitely the way to go. There’s nothing there that’ll make you put on belly fat.
If I pay online and stuff gets lost, I’ll be damned. I contacted crazymass but they arent replying.
Do they normally reply?
Also, If I buy three bottles, and I take one tablet from each bottle 2 or 3 times a day … is this stacking … combining two or three supplements each day?
They do ship to India, and I don’t think you should have problems with customs, but you never know for sure with customs. As for answering emails, they do as far as I know, but I’ll reach out to them and try to find out for sure.
And you got it. Taking 2 or more supplements simultaneously is what’s known as stacking.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
i just got the Tbal 75. I work overnights and was wondering how I should take this supplement? will it keep me awake? also how well do you think this supplement will work as a stand alone? I drink about 2-3 shakes a day and take CLA and fish oil, should i continue to take these?
Stacking the TBal 75 with your protein and CLA will definitely help you put on muscle, as long as you follow a good workout program and meal plan. Sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for those. When you’re ready to bulk up even more, go with the whole Bulking Stack. In the meantime, take the TBal twice a day (during your waking hours) and on your workout days, take a dose about 30-45 minutes before you hit the gym.
Thx man
Here you go.
Wild Yam Root for balancing hormones.
L-Arginine Alpha Keto Gluterate for increasing nitric oxide, leading to greater vasodilation and better pumps.
Acetyl L-Carnitine for muscle energy.
L-Citrulline for supporting the optimization of blood flow to your muscles during workouts.
Yucca Bark for relief of inflammation and increasing muscle growth.
Korean Ginseng for increasing protein synthesis.
DHEA for increasing testosterone, providing energy, and building muscle strength.
Samento which is an anti-inflammatory.
Nettle which increases testosterone.
Daucosterol which boosts GABA levels which then leads to higher levels of HGH and fights the creation of fat cells.
Colostrum which has growth factors and encourages lean muscle mass.
Pepsin which helps protein to be more easily absorbed.
Sitosterols which boost your immune system and help stimulate sex hormones.
DHEA which increases testosterone, provides energy, and builds muscle strength.
Soy Protein Isolate which builds muscle
Whey Protein Concentrate which also builds muscle.
DHEA which increases testosterone, provides energy, and builds muscle strength.
Shilajit for building muscle as well as boosting metabolism.
Acetyl l-Carnitine which provides muscle energy.
Tribulus Extract (10:1) which increases your body’s natural production of testosterone.
Hope that helps!
Nope, it’s actually the Alpha Lipoic acid and the Acetyl L-Carnitine.
Do you think an increase in testosterone or dhea could cause hair loss? These ingredients help in building muscle but what about hair loss as a consequence?
Is that possible?
Not at all. The kind of increases you’ll get from this level of dhea and testosterone increase won’t cause any negative side effects.
It should work, but it can be VERY difficult to maintain such a low carb intake for several days like that. Why don’t you give it a try and let me know how it goes.
I would love to have you do a feature article on it letting us know how it worked for you. I’ve sent you an email with a little more detail.
Ive try so many things and 27 6’3 290 pounds. Can you help me????
Sign up for my free weight loss ebook. It’s loaded with tips and a great plan for meals and working out to help you take off the weight. As for supplements, check out a fat burner called Instant Knockout.
Nope, you’re fine on both counts. Crazy Mass products are not steroids or prohormones, so you don’t need estrogen blockers or pct.
There’s also no conflict with taking the deer antler velvet.
Like. A liver support is this prohormones? ?
No, not at all. These aren’t prohormones.
They’re natural supplements that mimic the effects of steroids. They don’t suppress any of your natural hormone producing processes or put a strain on any of your organs.
How much muscle mass or pounds of muscle do you think I can pack on. Because according to crazy mass you can gain 20-30 lbs in a cycle with stacking.
thx man
Nice site you’ve got here. If these are not steroids, are they prohormones?
Or are they just natural supplements that use the name steroids as a marketing gimmick?
That’s right. They’re not steroids or prohormones, but natural supplements designed to mimic the effects of steroids. I was skeptical at first, but had great results with the Cutting Stack.
I Finish my 2nd week on Crazys. I am Using Adrol, Deca and Tbol from crazy mass stacking that with kre alkalyn, mms for joint and soy protein thats all I am using and let me tell you Rob and guys that this sh*@& Really Really Works the recovery time is almost nothing I am very pump in the worlk Out I am Stronger the different is a lot.
This next week i will start my 3rd week and I am going to re order the products because definetly I am going to do my 8 weeks in crazys. If you see the old comments I was 213 ,3 months ago then 203 I am now in 192 lbs in the old post I was 15 inches in arms now I am in crazy mass 2 weeks now I am 15 and a half in arms.
Just to let you know and the other guys crazys really works!!!!
Sorry for my Bad English , Thanks!!!!!!!!!!
Take the Bulking Stack along with 100% Whey Gold Standard protein and Muscle Advance Creatine. But for a hard gainer like yourself, you’ll need a great plan for eating and workouts as well. For help with those components, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It’ll help get you there.
Sounds like the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack would be a better choice for your needs.
The supplements on their own won’t make you put on fat or muscle. It’s all in the diet and workout plan, with the supplements supporting your efforts. Make sure you sign up for my free Getting Strong ebook, follow the diet and workout plans there, and you’ll put on muscle weight for sure.
I Receive my crazys 4 days after submit the order wowwww that was fast and I am from Puerto Rico. I saw was mike said there is a low amount of each ingredients also I have bought ADrol .Trenbo and Deca and some Ingredients that are in one are in the other.
We are suppose to take it 3 times a day so’ the mg at the end are not so so low but still low. I really not going to think about that and I am going to finish my month see the result and if is good continue with the other month.
Took me 3 weeks to deice to buy this I search in Google for Bad reviews for people talking trash about this Crazy mass and found nothing Bad soooo This have to be Good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am Stacking this with Cla.
Mms. Kre-Alkalyn if someone know If I have to stop using kre alkalyn or cla please let me know .
Sounds like a good plan. Let me know how it works out for you after the first month.
thanks man
I’ve reached out to Crazy Mass. I’ll get back to you here when I hear back.
I am currently 6′ 3″ around 240. I have lost around 30 pounds over the past 3-4 months and i got a little ways to go before i reach my goal.
Which would you recommend for shredding a little bit more weight and putting on muscle? The Crazymass bulking stack or the Crazymass cutting stack?
I’ve been leaving towards the bulking stack but i want an experts opinion
If you’re still hoping to lose weight, go with the Cutting Stack and use it in conjunction with my free “getting ripped” ebook with its great meal and workout plans. After you reach your lower weight goal, you can switch to the Bulking Stack and tailor your eating and working out to put on muscle mass. You can’t really lose fat and gain muscle at the same time to any degree, so it’s best to take it one step at a time.
I’m a bit nervous about taking the clen seeing how it speeds up your heart rate. I’m also stacking it with the crazy mass test.
I know the site says it’s not a steriod but at the same time, will my heart come out my freaking chest wile doing clen and complexes?
You’re right, they’re not steroids, but there are quite a few stimulants in the Clenn. If you’re concerned, start slow. Use half a pill, or take it once or twice without working out to see how your body reacts. Once you feel comfortable with it in your system, start with a modified workout. At each step, assess your body’s reaction and go from there. If you’re just not into the way stimulants affect you, check out a great stimulant-free pre workout called Nitrocut.
So it means, all 4 pills on the stack should be taken 45minutes before i hit the gym? or are there any different dosing recommendations for each bottle? Another thing is that, i’m on my 3rd month for Testofuel. do i still need to take that TestoesteroneMaxElite on the stack or just skip it since i’m already on TestoFuel?
Thanx for your ideas on this…
You’ll want to use the products according to the instructions on the bottle. Basically take 1 tablet of each, 2 or 3 times a day each day.
On workout days, take one dose (of each) about 30-45 minutes before you work out. As long as you’re taking Testofuel, you won’t need the Testosterone Max, so you can hold on to that for the next stack or as a standalone product when you’re not on cycle.
That’s right. A cycle is just how long you use a supplement or stack before taking a break or moving on to something else.
If you order one Bulking Stack, you’ll get a 4 week cycle. Depending on how much weight you want to gain, that could be enough, or you may want to extend it to an 8 week cycle.
Crazy Mass talks about using an 8 week cycle if you want to gain 20-30 lbs. So you’d buy 2 orders of the Bulking Stack. When you’re done with a cycle, you’ll want to take a break to clean out your system and get a fresh start.
Depending on my goals, needs, and schedule, I like to make that at a week or two. After that week or two, you would be ready to go with your next stack.
There’s DHEA in all 4.
Do I have to stop using kre alkalyn and Cla while Using deca.Anad and Tbol from Crazy Mass???
Thanks !!
Not at all. They’ll all work really well together for putting on muscle weight. If you haven’t already, you should sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for the meal and workout parts of the program.
Of love to gain 20 pounds or so. What would you recommend?
BTW, I’m 35 yes old. Thanks
You probably already know this, but the most important thing you can do is take in more calories than you work off. And obviously, that’s hard for you with your fast metabolism. Make sure you get plenty of complex carbs in the morning and lots of protein throughout the day. Also, when you lift, lift heavy, and eliminate cardio. The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack is a great choice, and you should add Muscle Advance Creatine to your stack as well.
I will use it at least for a month and if I see result I will use it another one. I will post the result.
Right now I am 6’2″ 22.2 bf 194lbs Arms 15 little inches lets see how it’s works on me. I will let you guys know.
PD .
I look on forums any page looking for a bad feedback or review and never found nothing thats what make me believe and buy the products.
Sounds great! Looking forward to hearing from you.
It’s actually just a one month supply. They do recommend two, but that means buying two stacks.
It’s designed to take them all together, 1 capsule of each 2 or 3 times a day with meals, but a lot of guys split it up so they can get 2 4-week cycles out of the 6 supps. A good split is Deckadrolone, Dianobal, and Anadrolone for the first 4 weeks, then follow up with Testosterone Max, T-Bal 75, and Clentrimix for the second cycle.
This site is weird because it has info on there supps but it’s all stuff from crazy mass websites and nobody has even taken the stuff that’s in this post at least not there bulking stuff.
Yeah, I have used the Cutting Stack and had really great results. I plan to test the Bulking Stack as well, and will update my review after I do.
I’m just skeptical that there gonna work I’ve been working out for four years and have gained a lot of muscle and use pre workout shakes. Wanted to try something direct but don’t want to waste money on cap.
Do you really think this stuff works can’t find any reviews on thus stuff only on there websites with is weird. Wanted to try the anadrole any input would be great.
I don’t blame you for being skeptical. When I first heard that they call their products “legal steroids,” I was too. I haven’t tried the bulking stack yet (though I plan to), but I did use the Cutting Stack, and I couldn’t believe the results. I had lots of energy, great pumps, real focus, and I really saw the difference in my abs.
I was hoping it would come with instructions on how many to take and what time of the day to take each tablet but it didn’t seem to come with any advise at all. cheers for any info.
For the Cutting Stack, I got great results taking it like this: Take 1 Clentrimix before your workout. Take 1 each Paravar and Winstral post workout, and take 3 Testosterone Max spread throughout the day.
For the bulking stack, take them as you would individually, which is: Take one of each 2 to 3 times a day with meals. That means you’d be taking each of them together at the same times, which keeps it pretty simply.
I am 16 is the bulking stack safe for me to take?
Almost all bodybuilding supplements caution against using them under age 18. The biggest reason for this is that the ingredients don’t get tested on young people who are still growing. So nobody knows what effects they might have. At your age, if you’re trying to put on muscle weight, use 100% Whey Gold Standard Protein and Muscle Advance Creatine. Both protein and creatine are safe and effective.
I was wondering if I went with the Bulking Stack for 8 weeks, if I would be able to start a Cutting Stack for the following 8 weeks or if I would need to cycle off for some time and if so how long would I have to cycle off and what supplement/supplements I should use ,if any, during my cycle off time.
Thanks in advance for your time.
It’s a good idea to take a short break between the two. You really only need about a week. You won’t need to take anything during that week, giving you a clean slate for starting the Cutting Stack.
I just received this Bulking stack and i was wondering what is your recommended intake of each pill and how often? each 3 times a day? only on workout days? etc.
My order is coming soon. I’ll find out the protocol and let you know. With the CrazyMass Cutting Stack, I use much less than the full dose of each.
I just received my Cutting Stack. Are there any workout routines/diets you would recommend?
Im 23, 6’4″, 240lbs, and 22percent body fat. How can i get the most out of this product weight-loss wise?
Glad you asked! Sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got exactly what you’re looking for – great workout and eating plans for you to follow and use along with your supplement stack to help you reach your goals.
But I noticed in the cutting there is dhea and I know its in the bulking do i need to take estrogen blockers?
Not a problem at all. The amount of DHEA in the stacks is low enough that you won’t need to worry about suppressing estrogen.
Thanks for all the work you do here on this site. I have a question about the Crazy Mass Bulking stack.
While taking this Bulking Stack, should I stop taking my usual Creatine, N.O., and Glutamine supplements? Or continue taking them with the Bulking Stack?
Thanks in advance.
You definitely don’t need any additional NO boosters. There are plenty of those in the stack.
But continue your Glutamine and Creatine along with the bulking stack, and you’ll get big for sure!
I’ll go about 4 days without access to my workout equipment. Is this going to totally screw up the 2 month bulking cycle?
Do I need to wait till after the vacation to start the bulking stack?
P.S. Yes, I have downloaded both your e-books. Thanks for the great information.
I realized I wasn’t consuming enough calories/protein. Thank you for that.
So take for the whole month, and then take a week off, then resume.
I am interested in trying the bulking stack. Any advice on how I am to cycle it?
I’ve read about going 8 weeks on and 1.5 weeks off.
Yes, that’s exactly what they recommend.
I recently came across this supplement and am interested in it. However I’m a little skeptical that it has no side effects like normal steroidal supplements do.
Does this supplement have no side effects?
I’m currently looking to bulk up but am finding it a hard time even with mass gainer and even with mass gainer it’s more fat then lean muscle. I also use creatine and L leucine and train 4-5 times a week and weigh 80kg.
Hope to hear from you soon.
That’s right. There are no side effects, and that’s because CrazyMass products aren’t actually steroids. They’re supplements that use safe and legal ingredients to mimic the effects of steroids without causing any of the side effects. As for bulking, I’ve just completed a new “getting strong” ebook that’s perfect for you. You can sign up for it here for free.
I’m 37, 5’10” and weigh around 265#. I’m looking to gain lean muscle, but Allyson looking to drop the excess weight I have.
What’s your thoughts?
It’s hard to both lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. You’re best bet is to take the two goals separately. For both phases, you’ll want to use my free “getting ripped” ebook as a guide to eating and working out. In your cutting phase, make sure you get a calorie deficit and get a good amount of cardio in. As for supplements, go with Nitrocut as your pre workout and Phen375 to burn fat. For your bulking phase, up your caloric intake, limit your cardio, and lift heavier weights. You’ll want to keep the Nitrocut, and switch out the Phen375 for some Musle Advance Creatine. During both phases, it’s a good idea to use a protein supplement like 100% Whey Gold Standard. This should all help a ton. Let me know if you have any further questions.
I was initially looking into Blackline Elite and Refuel Extreme, but your review (and I thank you for it) shot those down in an instant. I was wondering what you would recommend for me.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Taking supplements at your age is tricky. The vast majority have never been clinically tested, but a lot of the individual ingredients have. The problem is that they’ve never been tested on guys under 18, guys who are still growing. So taking most of these supplements while you’re still under 18 is basically like being their guinea pig, which I wouldn’t recommend that you do. Your best options is to stick with the protein, and add Muscle Advance Creatine. Creatine has been proven safe for people of all ages, and it really helps pack on the muscle. I’ll also recommend that you cut back on your running if you want to gain weight, and sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It’s full of great advice for putting on muscle mass.
Almost all bodybuilding supplements (almost all supplements period) are recommended for adults over the age of 18. There are two main reasons for this. The first is that the ingredients, when they are tested, are only tested on adult participants. The second is that it is unknown what effect these supplements may have on you natural growth. At your age, it’s best to stick with a good clean diet and a solid workout, and use a protein powder and maybe some creatine, which actually has been tested and proven safe for teenagers. Sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook for some strong advice on meals and workouts.
I would use protein now, but wait a while on the rest of the supplements. So skip the CrazyMass stacks for now, and just focus on diet and workouts. One supplement that has been proven safe for guys your age is Creatine. Go with Muscle Advance Creatine. It works great and the convenience of taking it in a pill is awesome. So for now, go with protein and creatine, and put off thinking about the CrazyMass for a year or so.
Your best strategy is to both cut and bulk alternately, so you get the benefits of both. First cut and shred by lowering your caloric intake, lifting with more reps, and doing HIIT cardio. Then when you’re as lean as you want to be, up your caloric intake, drop your cardio, and lift heavy. Make sure you get plenty of protein in both phases, but at your age, you really shouldn’t be getting involved with other supplements yet. They may affect your growth, and they haven’t really been tested on guys your age.
I am just having a real hard time bulking up so I am interested in this product very much.
It’s not an actual steroid, but there may be some ingredients that might affect you. Dianobal Deckadrolone contains DHEA, which is banned from use in the NCAA and other athletic competition, so this may not be right for you. Instead, I would recommend you check out a stack of a testosterone booster called Testofuel, and a pre workout supplement called Nitrocut. Neither one contain banned ingredients, and will get you very similar results. Check out my reviews below:
Testofuel –
Nitrocut –
Thanks for the review I’ve just ordered the bulking stack to try hope it works well for me. just a few questions though.
– I am currently going to the gym 2 times a week what is the recommended amount of sessions per week to go for the best results using this stack?
– Also if i am taking this stack is there any need for pre, during and post workout supplement shakes and will they disrupt the effectiveness of the stack if i have them?
Thanks for your help!
I would try to get 2 more sessions in per week, 2 is not enough. I’m going to email you a copy of my free “Get Strong” ebook, it outlines several exercises, as well as how often, you should be doing in conjunction with the supplements to get the best results. As far as taking other supplements, the only other thing I would recommend is a good protein, like Gold Standard Whey.
Keep me posted on your results!
That’s right. You take each pill 2 or 3 times a day with meals, every day.
I recommend you take 2 at first, then if you think you need more, up it to 3 a day.
There isn’t a preworkout in the stack, so there’s room to add one. I’d recommend something without stimulants, like Nitrocut.
I am around 190, height 175cm, Waist-36inch, Have love handles. I look bulky in mid reign and I want bigger arm, chest, and defiantly to work for abs.
I am new to the gym so I want you to recommend a stack so I work hard in gym and can see results in span of 3 months. I am bit tight on budget and I live in Kuwait so I need international shipping.
I live alone & long working hours make difficult for me to cook special meals for myself.
In your situation, I recommend the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’ll help you lose weight, as well as gain strength and definition. Here’s my full review. For diet and workout plans, sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook here.