Cogniq Review – 3 BIG Reasons You Shouldn’t Buy It
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 1-29-2018

Quick Note: For anyone looking for a review of Intelligex Pills please click here.
Everyone likes to have an edge. Whether it’s in the classroom, the boardroom, or the playing field, we want to be the BEST we can be. Millions of Americans turn to prescription drugs to help them achieve an altered state of clarity and focus, all of which tend to work very effectively, but have a broad range of unwanted side effects.
What if there was an all natural pill that could give you supreme focus / concentration, boost your working memory, put you in a good mood, and be free of side effects?
Would you take it?
Of course you would, and there are literally DOZENS of supplements out there right now that are making that very same promise.
One recent one I came across is called Cogniq (pronounced ‘Cog Ni Que’), which bills itself as the # rated all natural smart pill. But does it really work?Likely not, and you’re going to find out EXACTLY why in this review.
What is CogniqScams and Deception…
Are Celebrities Really Taking This?
Youtube Video Reviews
User Questions and Answers
What is Cogniq
Cogniq is a Nootropic supplement that is apparently designed to help give you intense focus, enhanced mental clarity, and improve your cognitive ability dramatically.
Nootropic supplements are essentially drugs, supplements, and functional foods that are used to help improve one or more aspects of mental function.
Drugs like Aderall and Vyvanse are considered nootropics because they essentially help you function at a much higher cognitive function then normal.
Since these drugs can be difficult to obtain and are on the expensive side, there’s been surge of supplements to the market claiming to be healthy all natural alternatives.
One thing that alarmed me right off the bat with Cogniq was when I went to their website, I got a warning message from McAfee Web Advisor telling me that it might be risky to visit.
McAfee is telling me that by visiting their site, there’s a medium risk that I might get spammed. Of course, they’re not always right, but certainly not a good sign from the start.
The official website points out the fact that we lose up to 60% of our mental focus from age 25 to 70, which is no surprise really.
They also mention that they’ve been seen on numerous news outlets, including the New York Times, NBC, CNN Health (more on this one in a bit), USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, and The Daily News.
However, I searched through practically every one of those sites and couldn’t find any mention of Cogniq.
So what’s in this supposed “revolutionary brain pill” that makes it so effective? Well, therein lies the problem…other then a broad mention of it containing a 100% pure phosphatidylserine complex, there is NO mention of any other ingredients in their formula.
That’s a bit disheartening, considering you should probably know the ingredients in any supplement you’re taking, especially anything that has to do with the brain.
On one website I was looking at, it detailed the following ingredients in Cogniq: ginkgo biloba, bacopin, vinpocetine, acetyl l-carnitine, phosphatidylserine, glutamine, st. johns wort, dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), GABA, and of course, caffeine.
If this is truly the case, then there might be a good chance that this supplement actually works to some degree. Gingko biloba has long been used to help with anxiety and mental function.
Luckily, I have a bottle of Cogniq right here, check it out below:
The primary ingredient seems to be vinpocetine (5 mg), which is found in a wide range of competing nootropic supplements like Amphetarol and AdderRx. Although it hasn’t been approved by the FDA for the treatment of cognitive impairment, Vinpocetine has been shown in limited studies to help patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
Another all natural extract that has shown promise as a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s disease is Acetyl L-Carnitine. This substance can help increase energy production in the mitochondria, the “power plants” of all cells, and thereby may generally boost physical and mental energy.
Scams and Deception…
So what probably got you to this page was you were stumbling through the internet, trying to distract yourself from the boredom of work or your home life when you came across an ad that said something like “Hawking Predicts ‘ Biggest Event in Human History”.
Intrigued, you click on the ad to see what the renowned professor of mathematics has to say, and you’re taken to a page that features Stephen Hawking being interviewed by CNN news anchor Wolf Blitzer.
In case you already closed the page out, here’s a snapshot. As you can see there’s alot of lofty claims being made here…first off, they quote Mr. Hawking as saying “we can now access 100% of our brain” and apparently it’s all through the use of this virtually “Limitless Pill” called Cogniq.
There’s plenty of celebrities using it: Denzel Washington claims he uses it to memorize his movie lines.
Bill Gates says his results were “unbelievable”, and says every aspect of his mental performance accelerated from day 1.
Even Ashton Kutcher is jumping on the bandwagon and having all his employees take it.
They even detail Anderson Coopers day-to-day experiences taking Cogniq, outlining how it gave him an intense, yet focused / calm surge of energy. They even quote him as saying “I felt like a different person.
I didn’t notice any side effects at all either.
I need to order a box of these before they are released into stores.”
If you scroll further down the page, you’ll read countless comments by seemingly various individuals talking about how Cogniq “changed their life”.
Anyone reading this article would be MORE then intrigued at the thought of an all natural supplement outperforming prescription ADD medications by 300%. But what’s the unfortunate and sad truth about this entire article???It’s completely FAKE…
How do I know this?
Well for starters, what you’re looking at is NOT actually the REAL CNN website.
Don’t believe me?? Take a look at the URL bar, and you’ll see the website that is being used is called, NOT
This is further proven by attempting to click around on links on this “CNN website”. Check out the screencast below:
As you can see, no matter WHAT link you click on, it always redirects to the Cogniq website. The real CNN website would not do this, you would actually be taken to the real article on the page.
What About All Those Celebrities Taking It
Also, remember that ad we talked about in the beginning?? The one where Stephen Hawking ‘predicts the biggest event in human history’. Well, he certainly wasn’t talking about Cogniq…rather, his “prediction” involved the notion that Artificial Intelligence (AI) could end humanity as we know it. Here’s a link to the article:
I did a bit of research to see if the celebs mentioned above were actually taking the product, but not surprisingly came up short.
All B.S. aside, does Cogniq really work? Well, I would say NO…not a chance in hell. However, in the interest of due diligence I decided to comb the desert of the internet to see if anyone was reporting good results with it.
Not surprisingly, for lack of a better term “we didn’t find shit”…Sure, there’s plenty of websites like “X4 facts dot com” and “supplements 4 help dot com” that have supposedly posted a “review” of Cogniq.
But if you ACTUALLY read these supposed reviews, you’ll find that they are nothing more then a jumbled mess of words that in many cases don’t even make sense.
What about Youtube
With over 4 hours of video being uploaded to youtube every minute, surely there MUST be someone who decided to take the time out of their hectic life to give us a brief overview of their experience with Cogniq.
Well, there are a few vids that I found:
As you can see, pretty useless. Maybe if the employees in the “quality control” department over at Youtube spent less banning accounts with REAL reviews on it (like ours) and spent more time banning the literally MILLIONS of garbage reviews sprinkled on their site, perhaps it would be a better user experience for everyone.
Lastly, remember all the comments in social media at the bottom of the CNN advertisement? All those people saying how Cogniq was a game changer for them…well, they’re all fake comments. If you even attempt to leave a comment yourself, once again, you’re redirected yet again to the official website for Cogniq.
My Personal Results
I ordered one bottle of Cogniq for $69.95, making it one of the more expensive nootropic supplements I’ve tested.
The directions on the label state that you should take 1 capsule daily with food, so I took one with breakfast.
Personally speaking, I didn’t feel any effects from this whatsoever. There was no mind blowing sense of clarity or focus, no improved motivation, and no improvement in short or long term memory.
I expected it to work at the very least like a caffeine pill, but when I looked at the ingredients list I noted it only contains 25 mg of caffeine. To give you a baseline, a typical cup of coffee contains about 75 mg more than this.
Hardly enough to make an effect, at least in someone who uses caffeine on a regular basis.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What are people saying about it?
At this point, because Cogniq is so new to the market there are practically no reviews posted about it. I searched through eBay, erowid, yahoo answers, and reddit to see if anyone was talking about it but came up short.I also looked through some of the more popular forums for these types of nootropics, including bluelight and drugs forum, and there’s no talk on there either.
It looks like it’s not for sale on Amazon yet as well, but I will keep an eye on it to see if they start selling it and any testimonials start to pop up.
Are there any interactions with other medicines?
Because Cogniq contains all natural ingredients there shouldn’t be any interactions with any medications you might be taking. With that said, it’s best to check with your doctor to be completely sure.
Will it cause me to flag a blood / urine drug screening test?
Unless they’re injecting some sort of illegal amphetamine into it, I seriously doubt it.
Did Anderson Cooper really use this?
What do you think? 🙂 First of all, if he did use it and he ended up posting his experience with it, you would most likely see it mentioned SOMEWHERE on the CNN website, right?
Well, I just ran a quick search and turned up nothing. So the simple answer is NO, Anderson Cooper probably didn’t use it. There are a few people that mentioned to me as well that apparently it has been seen on the popular TV show “The Doctors”, but if you run a search there you’ll get EXACTLY the same result.
It would be safe to assume that all of the other media outlets they mention, including MSNBC, The New York Times, Fox News, etc. have all never ever heard of Cogniq as well.
Is Cogniq Addictive
Well, they make it sound like a prescription medication like Aderall or Vyvanse, which we all know can become habit forming. But this is an all natural supplement, so the risk of becoming “addictive” or “dependent” on it is quite low.
Can I take it with anything else
I’ve heard from more then one person that people are being told that they should combine Cogniq with another nootropic supplement called Synagen IQ, but I am not sure if it will actually make it work better.
Can I take it if I’m pregnant
Like any supplement, it’s likely not a good idea to take it if you’re pregnant or nursing. Only you’re doctor would know if it’s 100% safe for you to take it.
Who makes Cogniq
According to their official website, Cogniq is a registered LLC in the state of Colorado. However, when we did a search for it there were no records indicating that it has been registered with the state of Colorado.
What I did find out is that all orders are manufactured and distributed by a company called EyeFive, a company located in Centennial, Colorado.
Upon digging a little further, we noticed that Cogniq is owned by a company called Deep Sea Nutrition, an LLC based out of the same town in Colorado with numerous complaints on the Better Business Bureau website.
How much does it cost
A one month supply will run you about $70, which includes free shipping. They do offer discounts if you buy larger quantities, with a 2 bottle deal working out to around $60 a bottle, and a 4 bottle deal coming in at around $50 per bottle.
It looks like they sell worldwide, so if you’re in the UK, Australia, or Canada, you should be able to buy it.
Can I get a refund if I already ordered?
According to their terms and conditions page, you are entitled to a refund within 90 days of purchasing Cogniq, provided you call their customer support phone number and request a refund. You will then be issued an “return merchandise authorization” (RMA) #, and you are responsible for sending back the product AND covering the cost of shipping.
Additionally, they charge a $10 “restocking fee” for all returned bottles, plus the bottles need to be unopened, with the seal still around the label.
Is Cogniq REALLY the real limitless pill?
You’ve probably seen the movie with Bradley Cooper called Limitless. If not, the plot basically involves him using a clear pill called NZT, which makes him a genius overnight.
Some of the marketing behind this supplement will lead you to believe that it’s the “real life limitless pill” but I find it VERY hard to believe that claim.
As you can see, Cogniq is likely NOT the miracle brain pill they tout it to be. I’ve seen this deceptive marketing time and time again…with products like this one, this one, and this one. It’s nothing more then a clever ploy to get you to THINK that everyone’s using it, and you NEED it to perform at a higher level.
If a pill like Cogniq REALLY existed, don’t you think you’d be hearing all about it on the News, social media, and from friends?? Well, that’s exactly what they’re trying to sell you on with this marketing. With plenty of other QUALITY nootropic supplements available on the market, save your money and your sanity…take a pass on this one.
Have You Tried Cogniq? Leave Your Review Below!
1.) Nootropics –
2.) Ginkgo Biloba –
3.) Vinpocetine for cognitive impairment and dementia –
4.) Acetyl-l-carnitine –
Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure
Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.
The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.
The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.
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User Questions and Answers
Does this really work better than adderall? -John
Well according to their marketing, yes. However, based on our research there's nothing to indicate this would work any better than a standard ADD / ADHD medication.- Rob
16 out of 17 people found this question helpful.
Do they sell this in stores? -Marshall
As far as I can tell, no. I checked with GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens / CVS / Riteaid, and none of them even heard about Cogniq.- Rob
15 out of 18 people found this question helpful.
Does it have any side effects? -Jennifer
Unclear, but most likely. Because they don't disclose their ingredients list, it's nearly impossible to know if there's any adverse effects.- Rob
10 out of 13 people found this question helpful.
Is this available without a prescription? Also, do they sell it overseas? I'm in Australia right now. -Kerry
No prescription is necessary because it's an herbal supplement. According to their website they do not sell outside of the US, including the UK, Australia, and Canada.- Rob
9 out of 11 people found this question helpful.
Is this FDA approved? -Darren
No, and it doesn't need to be. Because it's an all natural supplement, it does not require testing or authorization by the FDA to be legally sold in the US.- Rob
7 out of 8 people found this question helpful.
My choice of B E was good; I wanted to go back and get my masters. Which B E should I use.
I’ll leave your request for reviews here for people to see. But when it comes to this product, it’s more about the scammy marketing than anything else.
These sites have the same or nearly identical ads and I found an article from a Forbes staff writer, Matthew Herper, that proved false the claims of yet another supplement called BrainStorm Elite again using virtually the same ad.
I’m not sure if all of these supplements are made by the same company, but something tells me it probably is. I have reviews written for practically all of these (Brain Plus IQ and Brainstorm Elite), and as you’ll see they use IDENTICAL marketing for all of them.
In fact, if you look at the Forbes article you sent me, you’ll see that they actually point a link to my site showing that I put two and two together and outed the scam.
I’ve never heard of Nootrocell Focus, but my guess is it’s a scam as well.
It’s not really a Forbes site. In fact, as far as I can tell, the link you provided is already inactive.
These companies are trying to make it look like they’re being reported on by CNN or Forbes, but those outlets have no knowledge of it at all.
Are you sure you just weren’t feeling the effects from the Adderall? Or were the effects more prominent?
Seeing such websites I’m pondering – isn’t that crime?
I mean telling lies to say a product to make the sell?
I assume, the product still may work, but the package of fake information surrounding it makes one to ponder: isn’t what is written on the bottle fake too?
I’m no expert in what companies are allowed to say about their products, but the way I understand it is that they know just how far they can go without “technically” breaking the law. And then somewhere on the packaging and on the website they have to place a disclaimer stating that the product doesn’t “cure” any disease or condition.
Basically, they know where to draw the line so that they can be deceptive without actually breaking the law.
You said “Because Cogniq contains all natural ingredients there shouldn’t be any interactions with any medications you might be taking." An ingredient being “all natural” has no bearing on whether it will interact with medications; e.g., I believe St. Johns Wort is known to have many drug interactions, even Vitamin C does.
Great scientific skepticism in the rest of your writing, please don’t fall into the pseudo-science hole of thinking “all natural” means much of anything. Otherwise, keep up the great work.
Thanks for the critique. You’re right.
Usually I refer people to their doctor about potential interactions. I’ll be more diligent about it going forward.
Dont go near this it is a TOTAL SCAM!
What were the results and likely influence to the human body.
I’m in my 60s so, I don’t know all of the smoke and mirrow technical tricks that can be used.
Saved me alot of time and money.
Thanks again.
Your review has no actual conclusion. Were you paid by someone to review this product ?
Who? Your not even a real review site since your review was paid for. Why hasnt ttuth in advertising laws, stephen and the other celebs shut them down?
Its obvious they are a scam so how are they still showing up on line?
It’s true that I have an affiliate relationship with some of the products I recommend, but I never get paid to write a review. I’ll make it very clear.
Nobody paid me to write a this review, or any review. It’s very clear that Cogniq is a scam.
They lie about who their customers are, and they don’t even tell you what ingredients are in it. I wish I could answer how they get away it.
Having seen a lot of these supplement scams come and go, I think they get away with it mainly by getting in and out quickly. If you look for Cogniq 6 months or a year from now, it’s likely you won’t be able to find it.
The company that makes it will have put Cogniq to bed and moved on to another name with new packaging.
Sure thing. I just sent a copy over to your email address. Here’s a link to anyone else that’s interested: