Belly Trim XP Review – Does It Work?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 5-2-2018

Belly Trim XP Overview
Belly Trim XP works on the principle that you can use fat to fight fat – two “super fats” in particular.
In fact, Belly Trim XP doesn’t even contain stimulants, which is highly unusual for a weight loss supplement.
So if you’re someone who’s been looking for a different kind of weight loss product, keep reading and we’ll let you know what we found out about whether or not Belly Trim XP is effective.
Belly Trim XPis made by BioTrust, a supplement company created by two nutritionists based on the principle that quality ingredients used in state of the art facilities to create quality controlled supplements will yield the most successful results.
They make a big point of letting customers know that they personally use the supplements, and that they recommend them to their friends and family consistently.
Belly Trim XP Ingredients and How They Work
The Belly Trim XP formula is very short and to the point.
Indeed it only contains the two “super fats”: CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) and Cold Pressed Virgin Pomegranate Seed Oil. (There’s a third ingredient, Bioperine, but the purpose of this is to enhance proper absorption of the primary components by 60%).
- CLA is the most studied non-stimulant fat burner we know.
It’s been shown to be connected with a decrease in body fat as well as an increase in lean muscle mass.
Though its relationship to actual weight loss is uncertains. - Pomegranate Oil contains Punicic Acid which is a relative of CLA, and has in fact been called “Super CLA”.
Belly Trim XP Pros and Cons
Advantages of Belly Trim XP
- The ingredients are all natural.
- There’s a one-year money back guarantee.
- It’s made by a fairly reputable company that makes solid attempts at full disclosure of philosophy and process.
- Studies on CLA for fat burning are still unclear.
It seems that it does reduce body fat, but not necessarily body weight.
Disadvantages of Belly Trim XP
- There are no independent Belly Trim XP reviews from customers that have used it.
There are review websites that link you back to the BioTrust website, but those are affiliates of the company, so they may not be completely unbiased.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Belly Trim XP through the BioTrust website.
A single bottle costs $49, and is recommended for anyone with fewer than 10 pounds to lose.If you’ve got between 10 and 30 pounds you want to shed, the recommendation is for 3 bottles at $44 per bottle.For more than 30 pounds, it’s 6 bottles at $39 each.BioTrust offers a full 1 year money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied.
I like the full disclosure offered by the BioTrust company.
I’m just not sure that Belly Trim XP uses a powerful enough formula to get the kind of results you’re looking for.
I would feel much more comfortable recommending it if there was some positive Belly Trim XP customer feedback.
In the absence of that, I’d say look for a cheaper CLA supplement if you’re interested in trying that approach.
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Does Bellytrim zip work
I have been taking Bellytrim xp for about 3 weeks. I am taking as directed and trying to watch what I eat. Unfortunately I have not lost anything weight or seen. Difference in my appearing or how I feel internally. I bought 3 bottles so I will finish what I purchase.
62 out of 67 people found this review helpful.
Pana's Review
my comment is the product, belly trim does not work, false advertising , just money making for the vulnerable like me. Wouldn't recommend as I've wasted my money.
46 out of 47 people found this review helpful.
Pana's Review
My question, rather my comment is the product does not work, false advertising , just money making for the vulnerable like me. Wouldn't recommend as I've wasted my money.
39 out of 40 people found this review helpful.
Rosemary's Review
Blly Trim XP a total and utter waste of money. On third bottle, not taking that, so I did give it a good go. Made no difference AT ALL except give me
stomach aches. Would send all back for refund if could remember where i got it from
8 out of 8 people found this review helpful.
Diane's Review
I took BellyTrim XP as directed for the past 60 days and it totally changed the way my body metabolized fat. I finally lost that stubborn 10 pounds (without exercise) and am finishing up my last 30 days now. Great product!
3 out of 3 people found this review helpful.
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
How many capesules in each bottle? -Geoff
There are 120 soft gels per bottle.- Rob
9 out of 9 people found this question helpful.
Are there any risks when taking this supplement? -Candace
There shouldn't be, but if you're concerned, you should check in with your doctor.- Rob
9 out of 11 people found this question helpful.
If I want to lose 8 lbs, do I need just 1 bottle in total or 1 bottle per month? Also how long will it take to see the results ? -BG
For 8 pounds, you'll want just one bottle in total. If you follow a good diet and workout routine, you should get the results you want in about a month.- Rob
7 out of 8 people found this question helpful.
How long does it take to work and if you stop using it what happens. -Michael
It starts working right away, but how long it takes to lose weight is more a function of your diet and exercise program. If you keep yourself at a reasonable caloric deficit, you can lose about 2 pounds a week. Sign up for my free weight loss ebook for guidance about meals and workouts.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
I bought IC-5, LeptiBurn & Belly Trim XP.
IC-5 for 2 big Carb meal
LeptiBurn - Breakfast & Lunch
BellyTrim XP - Breakfast & dinner
Do I take them xx minutes or immediately before meal? or takem them after meal. -Nicole
The instructions all say to take them with your meals. I take that to mean immediately before or immediately after.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Is BioTrust available in South Africa? -Mogie
I checked their website, and it looks like they do not ship to South Africa, which is the case for a lot of brands as well. You might want to check out this site for some options.- Rob
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s loaded with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you on track for your weight loss goals. Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s made up of 4 high quality supplements that will help boost your energy levels, improve libido, and shred belly fat.
Use it in conjunction with the ebook for the best results, here’s my review:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.