When you decided it was time to start taking a supplement or two to help you improve your sex life and get in shape, you probably took to the internet to start the process of researching products. If so, you’re not alone.
The online supplement industry is huge and growing, and there are good and bad aspects to that.
On the one hand, there’s lots of good solid information to be had.
On the other hand, you’ve got to weed through a lot of crap to find it.
I was recently made aware of a product called Anabolic Rx24, and was asked to share my opinion about which category this testosterone booster belongs in.
One of the first things your eye is drawn to when you open the Anabolic Rx24 website is the Men’s Health right up at the top of the page.
It’s put there for a reason – to make you think it’s a well-known legitimate product.
If you’re reading this review right now, you probably saw an article online talking about how stacking Anabolic Rx24 with another product called Nitric Max Muscle is the latest secret bodybuilding tool to take Hollywood by storm.
Look, I’m gonna give it to you straight.
This article is straight up bull shit, and I’ve seen the exact same one being used to push dozens of other stacks.
I’m not talking about a similar article.
I mean the exact same article – the only difference being that they swap out the supplement names depending on what they’re trying to scam you with on any given day.
If you don’t believe me, allow me to break it down for you.
Starting with the headline right at the top of the page:
Notice how they want you to think it’s Men’s Health Magazine.
They use their font and color scheme and everything, but notice the word “Life” in muted gray. It’s not Men’s Health folks.
If you look at the sections across the top of the page: “Fitness”, “Sex & Love”, etc, none of them go anywhere when you click on them.
And don’t forget to note that word, “Advertorial” at the top of the page.
It’s a made up word, but it means that this is an advertisement made to look like an editorial.
The scam article continues on by trying to make you think actual celebrities use the Anabolic Rx24 stack.
Sullivan Stapleton did not use Anabolic Rx24 to prepare for 300: Rise of an Empire. What he did do was work his ass off and followed a very strict diet.
The article doesn’t actually even say he did.
They just imply it and hope you fall for it.
Here’s a great example of the bullshit this article tries to peddle. Anabolic Rx24 is a testosterone booster.
Its goal is to boost your natural testosterone levels which will result in better muscle building and fat loss, as well as increased sex drive and improved performance.
But the article doesn’t even mention that Anabolic Rx24 is a testosterone booster.
This is what it says about the benefits you can expect:
These are the benefits of a nitric oxide boosting supplement, not a testosterone boosting one.
But this is exactly what happens when you just plug supplement names into an existing article.
It doesn’t appear that they even care if what they say is true.
They just figure if you say it, believe will believe it and buy it.
They are not only attacking your wallet and betraying your trust, but they are insulting your intelligence by not even trying that hard; I mean who are they trying to scam, newborns?
You’re probably convinced by now that this article is a scam.
But just in case, I’ll leave you with one more glaring example:
Any supplement that tries to say you can lose fat or gain muscle without changing your diet or workout program is lying to you. It’s simply not possible.
The writer did not gain 16 pounds of muscle in 4 weeks without working out extremely hard and eating a very specific diet. How do I know? Because it’s impossible. That’s just not how biology works.
Losing fat requires expending more calories (energy) than you consume.
Building muscle requires a surplus of calories combined with heavy weight training.
No supplement can take the place of either of these.
The funny part isif you do a little digging, you’ll find an article from the actual Men’sHealth magazine warning you about Anabolic Rx24 and other products like it that claim a relationship with them.
I’ve even written about some of these other products, including Testostrong and Nitric Muscle Max, but there are SO many others out there that seem to fly under the radar.
These products have nothing to do with the magazine and the magazine does not endorse them.
With that said, Anabolic Rx24 deserves to be looked at on the merits (maybe), so we’ll consider the false advertising one bigstrike while we continue to assess its pros and cons.
Finding legit Anabolic RX24 reviews, as you can imagine, was pretty difficult. The only one that seemed remotely real was this Youtube video I came across:
Unfortunately I don’t speak spanish, so I have no clue as to what his particular results were.
However, I do have a spanish translator that translates content for me every once in awhile, and this is basically what he has to say:
“Basically he rambles for 2 minutes “thanking” all the people, then he talks about Anabolic Rx24 and Nitric Max 100% and how there’s a lot of clones of the bottles which are not the original product, and that they should buy them from him and his sister since they’re the only two legal sellers of the product in all of Colombia because his sister has been working at Biotrim for over 7 years now, and that makes it possible for him to import the product.
He mentions the price in Colombia with free shipping.
He spends 15 minutes on something that could have been said in 2 at most.”
So pretty much no clue as to the kind of results you can expect from taking Anabolic RX24.
Similarly throughout Youtube you’ll find plenty of other useless ‘reviews’ of Anabolic RX24, including the following:
The real shame is REAL review sites like mine (ya know, like the ones that ACTUALLY test out products and give their unbiased opinion) are basically censored from Youtube for giving their honest feedback on supplements.
So instead of going to youtube and finding REAL reviews from guys who have used Anabolic RX24, you get this crap:
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Anabolic RX24 Legal?
Surprisingly I get this question a lot. It seems that guys think this is some sort of steroid or something, while nothing could be further from the truth.
There is nothing in Anabolic RX24 that is illegal, or would flag a blood test.
Is it safe to take?
Generally speaking, Anabolic RX24 is safe to take. While there may be some risk of side effects, because it’s basically an all natural formula, you don’t have to worry about adverse effects.
The advertising is deceptive and over-the-top while not provided information that’s actually needed.
In addition to claiming and affiliation with or endorsement by Men’s Health Magazine, they also they also claim that the product is “sold out in stores”, but the truth is it was never sold in store in the first place.
There’s effectively no money back guarantee.
There are no independent Anabolic Rx24 reviews from customers who’ve used it.
Where and how to purchase Anabolic Rx24 is actually a little confusing.
The article would have you believe that you can click through to their official website and place your order for a discounted bottle, but clicking the link doesn’t actually get you anywhere.
There is an official Anabolic Rx24 website, but you have to look pretty hard for it.
When you find it, you’ll see that a single bottle is priced at about $40, but you can save quite a bit if you buy in several bottles at once.
On top of that, the particular website I’m looking at (www.anabolicrx24.com) makes it look like it’s not available to purchase in the United States.
I’m not sure if there’s a particular site I would have to go to to order it, but this doesn’t appear to be the right one. You’ll see it’s for sale in countries like Australia, Venezuela, the UK, and even Malaysia.
However, you won’t find it in countries like Argentina, China, or the US.
If you’re looking for a store that sells Anabolic RX24, you’ll be disappointed.
I checked with all of the major stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens, and CVS, and none of them carry it.
Similarly you won’t find Anabolic RX24 for sale on sites like Amazon or eBay.
This really comes as no surprise though, as supplements that are sold in stores like this tend to be marked up in price by as much as 50%.
Anabolic Rx24 looks like another quick to market supplement designed more to line the pockets of the manufacturer than anything else.We’re not sure of the ingredient list we found, but assuming that it’s correct, Some may be beneficial, but we don’t know how much they use of each, and there are plenty of good ones that are just plain missing.
On top of all that, there’s no way I can recommend any product that uses this worn out fake article to sell itself.
If they don’t care enough to even build a marketing campaign based around what they’re actually selling, clearly they don’t deserve your hard earned time or money.
It does not do much except for make me question whether or not taking something that was cooked up by a company with shady practices is such a good idea or not.
Please only post a review if you have tried the supplement. If you are just writing a complaint your review will be deleted.
You need to actually talk about your results with the supplement, and not just complain that you were scammed by their free trial.
If you would like to complain about billing procedures or feel you’ve been scammed by this company, please click “Leave A Comment” below and post a comment.”
Anabolic Rx24 is it a supplement for getting a big and long dick -onyebuchi
A pill can't make your penis bigger. It's a testosterone booster, which can improve sexual and athletic performance. But it won't make your penis bigger.- Rob
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They don't provide an official ingredients list, but as far as I can tell, it contains: Horny Goat Weed, Tongkat Ali, Saw Palmetto , Wild Yam, Sarsaparilla Root, and Nettle Root.- Rob
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Well, they say it helps boost testosterone levels, which in turn should help with sexual performance. However, there aren't a ton of reviews to go by, so we're unsure if it actually works for this.- Rob
Was this question helpful to you? 86 out of 101 people found this question helpful.
Hey dr ali ashraf, SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.
I also thought they have conned me and i asked for my money and within 7 working days my money was back in account n i still received my order after 2 months.so this guys are real
Hey Buddy,
Highly unlikely it will do that. Check out a supplement called Prosolution Plus. It’s specifically formulated for this, and actually had a clinical study conducted proving it helps with PE issues. Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/prosolution-plus-review/
Hey Alvin, SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.
Any time you have a medical condition and/or take medications you’ll have to check with your doctor about what supplements are okay for you to take. In the case of Anabolic Rx24, we’re not even sure what’s in it, so it would be tough for even your doctor to tell you whether it’s okay.
Hey Joseph,
You can only order it through their official webiste at https://anabolicrx24.com They do ship to Malaysia, but you would have to discuss billing options with them directly.
I have only stamina of 1 min whenwI’m in bed n I’m so a shame of my self my wife always not happy with me sometime it take few seconds and I’m only 28 yrs old tell me what to do
At absolutely no expense to you, if you make a purchase, we may receive commissions from some links on this page. That is how our community supports itself. I don't recommend anything that I have not used personally or believe in. Click Her to learn more, thanks!
All Supplement Critique content is medically reviewed or fact checked by a licensed medical doctor to ensure as much factual information as possible.
We have strict guidelines when it comes to sources, and only link to credible and reputable media outlets, academic research institutions, and medically peer reviewed studies, whenever possible.
If you feel that any of our content is out-of-date and/or factually inaccurate, please send us an email through our contact form here.
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Thanks in advance
That’s a very difficult thing to do, but it is achievable. Check out a supplement called the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s perfect for a lean muscle cut cycle, here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/crazy-mass-cutting-stack-review/
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.
I’m in South Africa where can I get here.
Highly unlikely it will do that. Check out a supplement called Prosolution Plus. It’s specifically formulated for this, and actually had a clinical study conducted proving it helps with PE issues. Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/prosolution-plus-review/
You’ll have to contact Anabolic Rx24 directly for this information. Their email is support@biotrimlabs.com.
We don’t sell this supplement, we just reviewed it. Here’s their customer service email: support@biotrimlabs.com
SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.
The best supplement I’ve used for this is Vigrx Plus, check out my review here:
Any time you have a medical condition and/or take medications you’ll have to check with your doctor about what supplements are okay for you to take. In the case of Anabolic Rx24, we’re not even sure what’s in it, so it would be tough for even your doctor to tell you whether it’s okay.
You can only order it through their official webiste at https://anabolicrx24.com They do ship to Malaysia, but you would have to discuss billing options with them directly.
Check out ProSolution Plus. It’s been clinically tested and proven to improve symptoms of premature ejaculation. Here’s our full review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/prosolution-plus-review/
My top pick for sexual enhancement supplement is VigRx Plus