Addium Review – Smart Drug or Dud?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 1-29-2018

Everyone can use a kick to get them going in the morning…
Some drink coffee or tea, some exercise, and some take supplements to get them through the day. Alternatives to prescription medications like Adderall and Vyvanse are quickly taking over college campuses and boardrooms across the US, and there’s no signs of a slowdown.
Recently we’ve been reviewing more and more of these nootropic supplements, mainly because we get so many guys asking about them.
One recent supplement I got a question about is called Addium, which is apparently a smart drug that is sending shock waves through the medical community. But does it really work as good as they say it does?
Well, throughout this review you’ll learn about the formula behind this supplement, what customers are saying about, the marketing, and more.
The truth may end up shocking you…
What Is Addium?Where To Buy It
Our Main Problem With Addium – The Claims
Customer Reviews
My Personal Test Results
Frequently Asked Questions
Watch My Review Or Read More Below
What is Addium?
According to the products own website, Addium is a cerebral enhancement complex that is intended to help increase your energy, maintain focus, and boost your brain performance.
According to the marketing I am reading behind this pill, it seems to be much more then that.
More on that later…
So what’s in Addium that apparently makes it so effective?
Well, for starters the ingredients listed include Vitamin B3 Niacin, Vitamin B6, Caffeine, L-Theanine, Vinpocetine, Alpha GPC, Tyrosine, Gaba, and Bacopa Monnieri.
But the primary ingredient that stood out to me was Huperzine A. Huperzine A has been clinically studied and proven effective at helping patients with Alzheimer’s disease, memory and learning enhancement, and age-related memory impairment. (Source: 1)
However, these studies involved a very small number of participants and the data was not found to be conclusive.
From my experience (which you can read about below) Addium contains a TON of caffeine, although the label doesn’t tell you exactly how much.
The strong effects from the Caffeine seemed to be offset by the amino acid L-Theanine, which reportedly produces feelings of calm and relaxation. (Source: 2)
GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) is a well-known amino acid that plays a role in reducing neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system. (Source: 3) However, GABA has a very hard time crossing the blood brain barrier in significant quantities, so its effects are limited.
There also appears to be another product with a similar sounding name called Adderin that just popped up on my radar. My suspicion is that this supplement is the same as Addium, but I can’t say for sure. The bottle / label closely resembles that of Addium, with a few small changes.
I actually had a chance to try it out, click here to see my review.
Where To Buy Addium
The product itself is not that expensive, with a one month supply running at $40 a bottle. They also offer discounts for larger orders, as well as offer a 30 day money back guarantee, which is not uncommon in the industry.
I checked around on a few other sites, and other then Amazon, it doesn’t appear to be sold at any retail stores like GNC, Walgreens, CVS, or Walmart.
Our Main Problem With Addium – The Claims
So originally when I started doing the research for Addium, I came across an ad on Yahoo that had an intriguing headline that read “Controversial ‘Limitless Pill” Used By The 1%.Does taking this pill give you an unfair advantage in life?”
I clicked on the ad and it took me to a page that, at first, looked like an independent article printed in a scholarly magazine.
Through this article there’s mention that their supplement was featured on the hit daytime TV show “The Doctors” (and Dr OZ) and that it was also the inspiration for the movie “Limitless” starring Bradley Cooper.
However, this is completely and utterly false…
As you’ll see here, this is the tweet THEY show from the official Limitless movie twitter page in the article:
And here’s the REAL tweet from the official Limitless Twitter Page:
You can see the real tweet here if you like as well.
They also claim that it’s been seen in a Forbes article titled “Addium: Viagra For The Brain”, as you’ll see in this photo:
But if you check out the REAL Forbes article, you’ll see there is no mention of Addium whatsoever. Just like the Limitless Tweet, it’s false and misleading advertising that leads you to believe it has some real credibility.
While were not sure if the actual company is behind it, or it’s just an internet marketer who’s making these claims, but there’s no denying their existence.
I’ve written about many other supposed brain boosting supplements that use the EXACT same marketing for their products, including this one, Neuro 3X, Intellux, and Synagen IQ.
Sometimes they even make claims that celebrities like Will Smith and Leonardo Dicaprio are using them, and I prove it wrong each and EVERY time.
Finally, the makers (or marketers) of Addium state that their supplement was involved in a clinical study by the Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit, or NCTU for short. However, upon investigating their website I couldn’t find any published information concerning Addium.
If a supplement like this had ACTUALLY been clinically studied, don’t you think they would be highlighting it more on their website?
Reviews and Testimonials
As far as finding Addium reviews, there was actually a decent amount of them on a few online site like Yahoo answers and Amazon.
However, the legitimacy of these reviews can definitely be called into question.
For one, I read through a ton of the reviews on Amazon, and almost EVERY SINGLE reviewer literally had only left a review of Addium, and not ONE other product.
This is a classic sign of a fake amazon review, which is very prevalent.
Basically, what companies will do is hire people to create a fake Amazon account and “review” their product.
You’ll see the classic signs of this when you click on the “See all my reviews” and notice that they haven’t reviewed anything else.
(Related: How To Spot A Fake Supplement Review On Amazon)
In fact, the majority of the negative reviews you’ll find on Amazon all point out the very same thing.
The same thing go’s for the reviews I found on Yahoo.
There’s about 18 answers on there, all speaking very highly of their results with Addium.
However, if you click on the name of the person leaving the review you’ll see time and time again that it is LITERALLY the ONLY answer they have ever left on Yahoo Answers.
Again, this is pointed out by the people who had a “negative” effect with the product.
The only “credible” review I could find was on Youtube, where a man describes his experiences with Addium. If you can get through the first 8 minutes or so of him badly pronouncing practically every ingredient on the label, and then giving a description of each, as well as saying the word “beast” close to 20 times, he finally gets to his personal results.
Check it out below:
He uses the example that he could remember someones last name that he couldn’t remember for months, which is actually quite comical. All in all he says his results were pretty good, describing it as a very positive experience.
My Personal Test Results
The makers of addium were kind enough to send us a bottle of their supplement to test out and I finally got around to trying it. If you’ve read some of the reviews at the bottom of the page, you can see that I could / would be a little apprehensive about taking it.
Comments like “it felt like a cocaine comedown” and “I felt like I had 10 mugs of strong coffee” can definitely scare the bajeezsus out of anyone considering taking it.
However, in the interest of keeping a fair and honest review blog, I decided to “take the plunge” and give it a go for a couple of days at least.
The first thing I noted was how huge the capsules were…
I would honestly say they were some of the biggest I have ever seen in a supplement, and I’ve tested HUNDREDS of supplements over the years. The directions on the label state that you should take 1 capsule daily, though it doesn’t clarify whether or not you should take it on an empty stomach.
I’m a bit sensitive to caffeine and other stimulants, so I decided to take 1 capsule with breakfast.
It took about an hour to kick in, but man when it did, I felt the same as one of the other reviewers did. It felt like I had drank 5 cups of coffee in 5 minutes.
Jittery hands, a shaky voice, and an incessant nervous twitch in my eyelid.
Definitely not a comfortable feeling.
I ate a late breakfast and the feelings seemed to subside.
Click Here to see how Addium compares to my top choice for focus and concentration issues, Optimind.
As the hours passed I have to admit I did feel a bit more “motivated” to get some work done.
I wasn’t setting any records as far as getting tasks done, but I was working on tasks I would normally put off for a later date.
I also felt less distracted, and even a bit more sociable than usual.
I also noticed I felt a it more “calm” then usual, which I would attribute to the L-Theanine in Addium.
By the end of the day I definitely started feeling a pretty big crash, which based on the way I felt earlier I wasn’t totally surprised.The most noticeable effect was a headache….a splitting headache.
Fortunately, I popped a couple of advil and it seemed to alleviate it pretty well.
I also felt a bit lethargic, kind of like the feeling you get after a REALLY long day.The kind where you just want to sit around in a dark room and watch reruns of Breaking Bad.
I decided to take it over the course of about 4 days to see its “longer term” potential, and I did feel a bit more focused and concentrated on tasks.
It wasn’t anything “ground breaking”, but the cognitive effect was definitely there.
For me, the effects seemed to kind of wear off over the weekend.
I thought about upping the dose to 2 capsules, but they caution against that so I decided not to.
Frequently Asked Questions We Get About Addium
How do I take it?
As a dietary supplement, the label says you should take 1 capsule daily. I’m not sure if you’re supposed to take it on an empty stomach or not, but I would suggest you do so on your first dosage to assess your tolerance.
How long does it take to kick in?
According to what I’m seeing, you generally start to see results in the first 30 minutes, with the biggest effects seen after about 2 hours.
Users report the effects wearing off about 6 hours after the first dose.
Will It Cause Any Side Effects?
That’s tough to say, because really ANY supplement can cause one side effect or another, and Addium is no exception.
For example, it does contain caffeine, which has the obvious side effects like increased blood pressure, anxiety, and a jittery feeling. It must be noted that the quantity of caffeine is not indicated on the label, so there’s no way to compare it to say, a cup of coffee.
When I originally wrote this review there weren’t too many people complaining of side effects. HOWEVER, in the past few months I’ve gotten ton’s of feedback on Addium and the #1 complaint seems to be that it’s causing a rash to develop on the face, neck, and several parts of the body.
For example, check out this youtube video below:
Pretty scary stuff, and it turns out that it’s likely the heavy Vitamin B3 (Niacin) content, which is 30 mg. The makers of Addium actually responded to this guy on his Google + page, and said that they were planning on completely removing Niacin from their product.
Was Addium Really Featured on CNN / The Doctors TV Show / Etc.?
Likely not. There is an article about Addium on the CNN website, but that’s on the iReport section, which is not vetted by professional journalists or documented / researched properly concerning its claims.
Basically what that means is anyone can post practically anything and pass it off as a journalistic piece.
Within the article they also mention the Limitless Movie reference on Twitter, which as you’ve already seen above has been proven false.
Is this the same as Adderin?
In my personal opinion, yes. I wrote my Adderin review back in August of this year, and as I noted there the first thing I noticed was the striking similarities between Addium and Adderin.
The most obvious similarity was the formula. It was nearly IDENTICAL to that of Addium, minus about 10 mg of Niacin.
My thought is that because Addium is getting a lot of negative publicity, the makers decided to just create a totally new brand and market it under a different name.
5 BIG Reasons You Shouldn’t Buy It
- Most of the “real” reviews are not very positive.
- They use deceptive marketing to promote their product.
- There seem to be plenty of people experiencing side effects from it.
- My personal results were not very favorable.
- There are much better / proven supplements on the market.
I’m a bit torn on Addium…it’s definitely not some “limitless” pill that’s for sure.
I didn’t feel as though I could make millions on the stock market overnight, or solve complicated mathematical formulas at the drop of a hat.
I’ve taken prescription medications like Adderal and Vyvans before, and Addium felt nothing like them.
Apart from the Addium side effects that I feel came from the niacin content, I did feel a bit more motivated to get things done, but nothing truly revolutionary.
Perhaps if one was to take this on a consistent basis it might have a more profound effect.
I’ll continue taking it over the course of a week to see if there’s any difference, so check back for further updates.
Have You Used Addium?
Leave Your Review Below!
1.) Huperzine A: Can it treat Alzheimer’s? –
2.) Theanine benefits –
3.) gamma-Aminobutyric Acid –
Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure
Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.
The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.
The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.
5 Star User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
I have struggled with ADHD my whole life, it was easy to deal with in high school because there was always so much going on. In recent years I’ve had to start taking Adderall in order to help me stay on task and keep everything organized at work.. I’ve been looking for a solution to avoid having to take Adderall the rest of my life when I came across Addium.. I’ve been taking this for a few weeks now and I’ve been able wean myself almost completely off the Adderall.. I’m focused, Alert, and have more energy than every! I’m sure it’s not for everyone, but since the price is reasonable per bottle, I would recommend to everyone to at least try it and keep an opened mind.
*side note: If you’re taking Adderall, cut your daily intake of it in half. The first day I got the Addium I took my 20mg of Adderall and then took 1 Addium an hour later… I felt like I was ‘geeked up’, for lack of better words, about 30 mins later.
12 out of 14 people found this review helpful.
Extremely high boost in motivation
So based on my experience these last two days I would say this supplement is like 4 energy drinks minus the hyper activity. I drink caffeine all the time and it has stopped having an effect on me, however after taking addium I suddenly felt extremely motivated to do all sorts of things I've been putting off.
9 out of 10 people found this review helpful.
Psh. Haters.
I have read all these reviews. I'm just gonna say everyone is different and I don't know why you people would waste time putting a bad review. 'Oh, I got a headache' 'it didn't do anything for me'... Sounds like a bunch of complaining to me. I'm not an expert on these types of supplements at all, so I am really comparing this to nothing. These pills are fun. I love caffeine. A lot. I drink it all day. Maybe that's why I like these. They pack a punch and keep going all day for me. I enjoy them very much. I don't get jitters, just extreme focus and energy. I will buy another bottle, and I will enjoy that one too. I would recommend them to anyone. They are like taking 5 or 10 milligrams of adderal without the narcotic side effects. I like em!
Rob Miller: I'm glad you're having a good experience with Addium, but no need to "bash" others opinions about it. I'm pretty sure statements like "I got a headache" and "it didn't do anything for me" are legit complaints for a supplement promising to make a world of a difference 🙂
And you can't really say "I am really comparing this to nothing" and then close with "they are like taking 5 or 10 mg of adderal without the narcotic side effects" haha.
Just pointing this out, but I'm glad it's working for someone!
Hello all,
I have been using Addium based on a friends great review on it. I will say I was hesitant at first but I trusted his opinion so I gave it a try. I have had good results thus far, being more productive, and even more focused at the gym compared to normal. I also take daily vitamins and Amino acids. I would recommend to anyone having issues with their results to be sure to have a solid well rounded diet, and also get plenty of water in your system.
I approve of Addium and will be repurchasing!
One- you're one sexy man, message me. Two- addium makes me the BOSS at everything I do! Though I'm already bombsquad at everything I put my mind to, addium gives that perfect touch of ecasty.
I took it and it ended with tears don't waste your time you will have a heart attack.
I personally love Addium thus this far!!!
I was obviously sceptical at 1st, but then I decided to experience FOR MYSELF what it would do for me. The first day, it was about 30 minutes before it started working. I started to feel a sense of calmness come over me, followed by my eyes feeling like they were starting to open wider, but without the jittery feeling! I was truly AWAKE, but not really hyper, (and FYI, I only drink water - no soda ever, nor energy drinks, ever), so it must not have been the effects of caffeine I was only feeling... After a few hours of feeling wide awake, and also calm, I noticed while driving home from grocery shopping that my visual perception had started to widen quite considerably, and then it was as if I could notice, and actually SEE everything all around me going on all at once! It's difficult to explain, but it was something I had never experienced such a thing happening ever before!!! Today is day two for me, and everything has happened, (thus this far), the same way as it had yesterday after consuming a dose, (1pill). Oh, I almost forgot to mention that before trying Addium, I could sleep for hours & hours, and not feel rested... But after one night, after taking just one dose, I woke up this morning after sleeping only six hours feeling the most refreshed that I have ever felt since I'd say, childhood! So, to all y'all Nay Sayers' out there, my comment to leave you with is this: "Possibly you aren't heightened enough, or aware enough, consciously to begin with, for this new pill to have 'worked' for you?... Food for thought...". Take care all ya fellow travelers - testers out there! 🙂
Joey's Review
I ordered Addium to help me get through my work day. I start my day at 3:45 A.M. every day and I end it at around 10:00 P.M. By mid afternoon, I'm typically ready for a nap but by Friday, I'm completely exhausted. I've only been on this regiment for about a week but I'm noticing a difference. I wake up tired but by the time I get to work (5:00 A.M.), I'm ready to start my day. I'm focused all day and I'm alert through the day without the jitters or a big crash at the end. By Friday, I was still tired but not nearly as exhausted as I was before the pills. The pills are easy to take and have no taste. I hope they continue to work this well for me. I'd give 5 stars.
Lori's Review
I absolutely love love love Addium! It is equivalent to one and a half cups of coffee. So if taken in the morning,I am sure it will not keep you from sleeping at night. I do not have any of those"crashing" side effects. I feel calm, no jitters, but a sense of natural energy, more focus, it has helped me increase my work production. I feel it has definitely played a positive on my feeling of self confidence with my verbal skills. I think the affects of this drug can only improve the longer I take it. I was also caught off guard on the website as others have discussed, with the buy three get two free, 28$ deal, and felt it was misleading. I was shocked to see my bill when I was expected to have a bill of around 90$. I called the company right away and my money was credited. Which this was also a positive! I'm in for the long haul in this one!!
Matt's Review
I just wanna say i was having rough days at work trying to focus and then i saw addium website and figured o would try it yes it is a little pricy but if it work great. I have been on it for 3 weeks now and iam awake and aware in 30 min before work and i can focus and get through my day happier and i dont have a crash and the ammount your suppose to take is 2 capsules daily and make sure to eat food before and drink water to stop the jitters because the cafeine content but i would gobe this 5 stars because it works great and they must have change the ingredient because there isnt niacin in my bottle . Works great!
Summerlion's Review
This is my second day taking addium. I am currently in the middle of striving to do a successful dissertation that is really kicking my butt. Since taking the pills I have noticed that my motivation is off the chain. I feel great and ready to take on the world. I have been cleaning and just happy. I will continue taking it to see what the conclusion will indicate. Thank you for your honest review. It was very helpful and informative.
Want To See What SupplementsWork Like Adderall? Click Here To Find Out!
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
Is it true addium is FDA approved and it is made in an FDA approved laboratory ? Is it an all natural product? -Diana
It is natural, and it may be made in an FDA approved facility, but Addium itself is not FDA approved.- Rob
9 out of 9 people found this question helpful.
Has anyone took 2 at once? -Tate
I haven't, and they caution against it. It would probably lead to overstimulation.- Rob
9 out of 11 people found this question helpful.
I'm 15 years old, I have attention and direction following problems, and my grades are dropping. Should I take addium and do you recommend it? -Ray
I don't recommend any supplements beyond basically vitamins and protein for someone your age. Most of these supplements aren't even clinically tested on adults, much less growing teens.- Rob
8 out of 9 people found this question helpful.
My son just had a positive for cocain on a urine test could addium cause this?
Lenn -Lenn P
I don't think there's anything in Addium that would cause that.- Rob
7 out of 9 people found this question helpful.
Is it for adhd -Ashley
It claims to work like an alternative to Adderall, but I would go with Optimind instead.- Rob
3 out of 4 people found this question helpful.
While no supplement can promise to be free of all potential side effects, Synagen IQ is a natural and considered to be safe.
Ok… I HAD read the bottle, and it said… 2 capsules daily.
So, I downed 2 capsules. Oh, before I ate 3 eggs, so maybe that will have some relaxant to the supplement… But, yes… it’s been about 20-25 minutes and already I am feeling like I’ve been running a half hour up a 5* hill.
But, to be honest with you… I’ve had days like this without this addium. I had taken the supplements and then drank coffee… I’m not too sure I should have done that.
I’ll keep you up to date on the outcome.
It was actually an old batch the company sold in bulk to get rid of to a store “For the Love of Game”. Bought 8/2016 expires 10/2016.
The batch # 420576 contains Niacin. The company does not list it as an ingredient on Amazon.
For the past few days I have taken the new batch and have broken out in a severe rash. My body felt as if it was burning from the inside out.
The newer batch (recipe) I took for a year was fine and I stopped taking Aderall for my ADD. I called the company and they claimed not to be liable for 3rd party sales even though they sold the old product in bulk to the 3rd party.
They are liable and I have reported this to the FDA. I never write reviews but I feel that this is so painful I want to make people aware.
First off, I used to drinks lots of coffee to make it thru a very busy and demanding job, but since I’m older, 45, I can’t any more. My hands shake on one cup of regular coffee.
But not on addium! Why would that be?
Also, I have been prone to sooo tired all the time, RA zapps all my energy and leaves me larthargic and in pain. But addium has given me energy for more than 8hr work day. so I know I need to take early in morng, or else it will keep me awake at nite.
About the rash… yes I got the rash twice and I know for me, when I don’t take it with food, I get a rash. So, when I have a busy day ahead of me, I take addium after a good, full breakfast as a early as possible and I have energy, and good focus during day.
I don’t take it everyday… for me I only take when my RA is dragging me down and I can’t push thru. This is my experience and will be reordering as I am on my last bottle. It’s truly help me .
I’m glad you’ve found something that works. My guess about the reason you don’t get jitters with Addium over coffee is that the source of caffeine agrees with your system better.
Upon my return 10/5 the product was in my “held mail” but only today 10/8 did I open it and for unknown reasons decided to do a bit more research which brought me to your page. Upon reading the reviews I decided not to take it based on the info or how much caffeine is in it.
I called 1 844 747 8532 to get an address to return the product and was told that I was outside the 30 days window.
I explained that the 30 days should be effective upon receipt of product and if I’d received it by 9/15 I’d still be within the 30 days windows. The person on the phone responded that the 30 days window became effective upon order 9/2.
Therefore he would not give me the address for return and doesn’t care what I did with the product as that was not his concern as to how I should dispose of my personal property. Needless to say I was astounded and immediately called my cc company who gave me a credit and blocked them from my account.
So, be careful how you order from these supplement companies.
In addition to their products not being effective they have to cheat to hold on to your money when the customer do not want their products. Thanks for your enlightening us and potential customers Beware!
Thank You,
Actually I have tried Adderin. Check out our full review here:
So I chose that deal… I was charges $144. Definitely was charged for those 2 extra bottles! New supply shipped from Butner, NC and took 5 days.
My first 3 month supply arrived in 2 days. Completely different site and received COMPLETELY different supplement facts on the bottle.
Now says to take 2 capsules and I feel ABSOLUTELY no different. I feel nothing that I felt before from my original 3 month supply.
The “buy 3 get 2 free” is not on the desktop version of I’m thinking about buying another 3 month supply from the desktop version of their website to see if I get the original supplement.
Yeah from what I understand, Addium completely removed Niacin from their formula because there were a lot of people complaining of the side effects. I haven’t tested the new niacin free formula myself, but it sounds like it’s not working out for you. You might want to check out Optimind as an alternative.
The capsules are slightly bigger than the original Tylenol capsules from years ago and there are 60 in a bottle.
Also, the prices listed by several of your reviewers are high.
I paid $90 for 5 bottles.
Started to take 1 a day beginning yesterday, (I tend to take less rather than more of anything except Vitamin C) to start; I’ll let you know what I find if I get an answer.
Yeah, I don’t know what to tell you about the dosage. You can see a picture of the label on my review.
My bottle had 30 pills and the recommended dose is 1 per day. Does the rest of the label look the same?
Same ingredients? You got 5 bottles for $90 total?
Are you sure you got Addium? Where did you buy it?
Let me know for sure that it’s Addium, and let me know how it works out for you.
Now i have to fight to get 1/2 of my money back
This is a scam. not order from Addium..unless you like having your money stolen
Its clear to me now that this company is a fraud also other ingredients are yellow#5 and red#3,these colorings are known cancer causes agents. So people wake up and smell the deceivers smell like a rat to me.
The person I spoke to said they can’t just take money out of my account but I know what credits and debits are and I know how to add ands subtract. I can literally see on my transactions everything that happened.
Other reviews said they were charged for two or three bottles. Other reviews were not good either.
My bank disputed it for me but I never got my money back or my bottle that they charged to me. Scam all the way.
If I knew who these people were that did this I’d smack the shit out of them.
I have started taking Niagen because of a friend’s recommendation. Do you happen to have a review on Niagen?
I would be very interested in your opinion. You seem to be so thorough and so unbiased.
Thank you.
I haven’t yet, but if you give me a few weeks, I’ll do some research and let you know when the review is posted to the website.
I’ll get it fixed, thanks for the heads up.
Not yet, but I’m thinking that we will at some time.
I am contemplating between Addium and (Optimind+Phenibut). I am 35 years old and I am trying this for the first time. Do suggest me a best one.
Also wanted to know what happens if we miss the dosage ? What happens if we stop taking altogether?
I would definitely not recommend Addium. Optimind is my top pick for a nootropic. Adding Phenibut takes it to a whole other level, but make sure you only use the Phenibut no more than twice a week.
Not very incouraging for people who are suppsed to have a pill that makes you smarter. Maybe it only works if you have an IQ less than 75.
I agree to a certain extent, but this statement “The drugs that are being referenced are costing us billions of dollars and if someone that is critiquing a supplement that didn’t provide a revolutionary experience but didn’t disclaim the difference between a sup and rx says something. I’m just saying sounds like it might make since to give a natural supplement a try vs chemicals!" is we start to have a difference of opinion.
If you read the review above, you’ll note that whoever is marketing this supplement explicitly states that it is “600% more powerful then Adderal, but without the side effects”. I’ve taken Adderall and I’ve taken Addium, and as noted in your quote, they weren’t EVEN CLOSE in terms of effectiveness.
The motivation of this article is to point out the deceptive marketing they’re using, and to provide my users with an honest assessment of a product that calls itself the “REAL limitless pill”.
They’re saying their product is revolutionary, and I’m saying no….it isn’t.
But email me with options. Thank you
We’re just a review website. We don’t sell or distribute Addium (or any other product).
You’ll have to get in touch with them through their website.
It’s true that there are stimulants in Addium (caffeine) and it does have a “up” effect. But its components are not chemically similar to methamphetamines, and according to them it produces a calm, yet focused feeling, unlike methamphetamine would.
I didn’t get the same experience, but that’s what they claim.
I came across Adium in an ad and thought “it can’t hurt any worse than doing nothing!" So today I’ll try it and will keep you all posted
Looking forward to hearing how it works out for you!
I was actually curious if you have tried rhodiola101. It is manufactured by Nutrilite. I am not a promoter by any means, just an average Joe, however i will swear by this product to be my miracle pill for mental sharpness and havent found any thing to compare. with its effectiveness.
Give it a shot and get back to me. If u cant get ahold of it , contact me by email.
Thanks for the heads up. I’ll check it out and let you know when we post the review.
Ive read many reviews on many similar products for the past half hour or so and like scientists say everything is a drug affecting you and effects everyone differentlyso im going to try one of these probably addium even though it looks the most like a scam with all the false advertisement it has the most immediate positive effects and I am lazy so I’ll probably ise that one.
Funny how I am being lazy researching a drug that is supposed to give me motivation. Either way I gotta money back guarantee why not give it a week or two. However the price for one bottle is 48bucks so ill try to find it cheaper somewhere else. Ill hit yall back and let you know how it goes if I have any other reccomendations of a good product especially for a female and male to use would you email me rob? Thanks, cheers.
Yeah as you can tell from my review, I don’t think Addium is legit. However, like you said everyone is different so it might be worth a shot. You might want to check out Optimind, I got great results from it and they have a free trial right now so you can test it out for yourself and see if it works. Just be sure to cancel the trial before the cancellation period is up to avoid any further charges.
Best of luck and keep me updated on your Addium results!
I would listen to my doctor if I were you. However, from what I understand, caffeine in moderate doses can actually mimic the effects of ADD/ADHD medications. Too much caffeine can often be counterproductive, but moderate amounts my actually be helpful. Here’s one of many links to support it. But definitely consult with your doctor.
So yeah just wanted to add my personal opinion Of the affect of caffeine on add/add. Also the only drug I have ever found to work for me personally for my add Is adderal but that’s me personally.
I know Ritalin worked great for my brother though, do u know anything about st johns wart though people keep telling me I should stop my Adderall and try st johns? Any inside on this?
I haven’t done research on St John’s Wort, but it looks like it could be helpful. My best recommendation in your case is a combination of Optimind and Phenibut. Here’s an article I wrote on my results with the stack. Make sure you only take Phenibut twice a week so you don’t build up a tolerance.
I am a mother of a three year old and a five year old, and they have found a “mass” of 5cm. on my cervix. I am exausted and depressed a lot and was almost desperate enough to scraoe together the money to buy this so that I could make it to my doctors appointments and take care of my girls.
Now I don’t have to make that bad choice. You saved me a lot of grief.
God bless you all…
Only on Maui there is a holistic store called Alive and Well and soon many supplements that have changed my post cancer life. Good luck and God Bless!
That being said, Addium sounds like Vyvance, which is identical to adderall,
Which is legal Meth. It seems to me, that the legal version (there’s at least one for all the major, illegal drugs) the legal versions always seem to be more harmful than the original.
Combine that with the fact that photoshopping tweets and creating false news pieces, as a form of advertisement, are the epitome, of a red flag and it leaves me with only one conclusion…
I’ll stick with Meth.
Neurontin gave me energy and clarity without a crash. The only bad side effect was that I did totally crash for days if I ran out.
I had more pain than normal when I didn’t have any medicine, but none as long as it was in my system. I’ll get back with my results.
I wouldn’t expect it to work as well as that, but it should help some. Best of luck, and looking forward to hearing how it goes.
I have taken it for neck nerve irritation and taken it after a motorcycle accident where when I crashed, I tried to catch myself with my hands and over-extended them to where my hands hurt with nerve pain all the time. After taking Lyrica, it quieted my prickly, hurting hands up to 90%.
I have also talked to many people including my pain management doctor about Lyrica and he said it really helps nerve damage and MS.
The fact is they are always advertising miracle drugs on CNN and the internet. People need to focus on their personal health history and other medications they are taking before messing around with this stuff.
Allergic reactions, and side effects can occur with devastating consequences. Every doctor I know absolutely said NO to this product.
It triggers severe migraines in headache patients, and can have adverse reactions. Sometimes will make a buck off this crap at the expense of others. More people should post adverse reactions to warn others. Thanks again for your honesty. 🙂
Just order 100 tabs Huperzine-A from Amazon for around $20 – that really works for memory and improved cognition (it’s been studied for Alheizmers and other memory-issues.)
But the “real” limitless drug is Modafinil. It’s not some caffeine-derived “proprietary” stimulant, but a real neural booster that’s branded as Provigil, among others and can be picked up in generic formulations from India.
However, I really didn’t experience any “mind-blowing’ clarity or anything. I guess it gave me a little bit of an edge, but as far as being the real “limitless pill’, it wasn’t for me.
Do not contact, even if you are doing it for “research." Bad people, bad thing
However, once in awhile when I take it I get a rash on my face and chest. It’s weird because it does not happen all the time. Maybe you might know why this would be Rob?
Because of this I have started to try other brain boosters. Alpha ZXT doesn’t do anything for me. I am going to try Optimind shortly though. I will report back with results.
It’s could possibly be the Niacin in Addium. It’s rare, but it can happen. It’s odd, though, that it only happens sometimes, so I wonder if maybe there’s something else going on, like an allergy to something.
Anyhow, looking forward to hearing how the Optimind goes.
Def worth cross-checking ingredients here.
Btw, my friends have continually Harper on me looking for magic pills, but not long ago I lost a bet with one of them and spent 30 days doing his recommendations. After 30 days, I think he did find a magic pill, as it were.
Less arthritis pain, much improved productivity, much happier!
The secret? 8 hours a day sleep, water consumption equal to 1oz for every 2 lbs body weight, an older man multivitamin, and eating more healthy.
Great, now I have to tell my friends they were right. Anyone that hasn’t tried that program, DO!
Rest, lots of water, healthy balanced diet, can’t go wrong trying!
It is also all supplements that can be bought on their own at a vitamin/mineral shop. Why would combining all of those make you a superhuman or do anything revolutionary?
Also, that can be factored into the Adderall/Vyvanse argument.
People think that it will make you smarter, when it just makes you focus due to the chemical interaction with the brain. At the end of the day, your intelligence is going to stay the same.
Maybe, 100 years in the future they will have something that will actually make you smarter, but that would be ridiculously expensive if not impossible. People still don’t fully understand how the brain works, and we only use a certain percentage of it (can’t remember off the top of my head).
Any drug that does something like this drug claims to do would be illegal or thousands of dollars.
DO NOT WASTE TIME AND MONEY ON A DRUG THAT WILL MAKE YOU “SMARTER” or “FUNCTION BETTER." I guarantee most of it is probably placebo effect anyways. You can buy supplements in a gas station that are more than likely the same ingredients.
Addium WOULD BE all over the news if it were actually something worth studying.
Look at the name, too…ADD-ium and everyone takes ADD-erall.
You think it was just a mere coincidence they have the same stem?
If you want to know what it feels like, look up all the supplements that are in it, go to GNC or wherever, buy them and take them. They are just doing all the mixing into one pill for you, and making money off of it.
Any drug that can be ordered off of a website is nothing that needs to be consumed.
All of this is just my opinion based on extensive use of the supplements that make up Addium as well as Adderall.
A month and a half later I felt side effects (hot hot red skin on back of thighs and butt, also back of arms). And a definite crash half way through the day.
But, too late for money back guarantee… sigh. Live and learn, I guess.
Take a look at Optimind. I think you’ll find it to be one of the best.
My doctor put me on a supplement of it and I had to go to the Emergency Room that evening because I had trouble breathing, was really red all over and my body felt like it was on fire. I was told by the ER doctor that I had an allergic reaction to Niacin.
I was given a shot to counter-act the Niacin and was told not to take it again.
I’m not bashing the drug or effects yet. If it works on me it will work on anyone.
I have a 3 moth supply. I took my first pill 30 minutes a go.
I fell a little anxiety right now, like a high of some sort. Ill let you know by tomorrow.
I hope your research pans out. Sounds great.
I work as a meat cutter in a grocery store.
My work requires moving fast, prioritizing, and multi tasking.
I drink a ton of energy drinks. the caffeine helps me concentrate so i can keep all my tasks prioritized in my head. My work requires me to think fast and on my feet.
Everything Im responsible for depends on what is selling and what customers ask for specifically. These are things out of my control and its difficult to keep up.
Im looking to stop the energy drinks and find something healthier for me.
Sometimes i find it hard to concentrate and can not get things done as quickly as i need to.
Is there any way you can recomend something that can help my situation?
Thank you so much,
It sounds like you’re looking to take something every day to keep you in top form. Check out MindBoost. It doesn’t come on like gangbusters, but it does improve your focus and concentration on a daily basis.
Where can i buy optimind?Are they safe to use. Any side effects?
You can buy it through their official website. They offer a free trial, but make sure you read the terms. It turns into a monthly subscription if you don’t cancel in time.
Happiness is a state of mind. I suggest a positive attitude, let go of the past, look for the future and, most importantly, live the present moment with no expectations or regrets.
My email address is
Send me an address and i will send you the unopened bottle of Addium. Your welcome to the stuff. My head is still hurting a few days later BUT i do need to state that I am not use to caffeine. I don’t drink coffee, tea and try to limit myself to caffeine sodas (root beer) when I do indulge.
I have the crazy schedule of three people. I have two toddlers as a single dad 3 days a week that I spend fully with them.
The other 4 days a week I run a construction business, and a film non profit. Plus I try have to find time to exercise, read and write as I’m a passionate writer.
I feel at times that I am trying to fit three lives into one persons schedule. When I saw the ad for Addium I thought I found gold.
However, in reading your review, among others, I kind of lost interest. My question is: through the years, have you found a legal substance that gave you great results in focus ability and energy as Addium advertised?
Thanks. Sincerely Don
You definitely sound busy, but hey you only live once. You may as well do it to the fullest. Check out Optimind. You only take it as needed, and I found great results with it. I think you’ll find the same with your hectic pace.
I lack both concentration and energy. These store bought energy pills do nothing for me, i work offshore as a crane operator so im limited because of drug testing but could use some help.
I don’t typically take a nootropic on a daily basis. A natural testosterone booster like Testofuel could help with energy, as could a pre workout like Nitrocut or a fat burner like Instant Knockout. If you give me a few more specifics about your situation, I can probably help you out a little more. But I don’t really get involved with straight up energy pills.
Thanks for sharing your experience with Addium. I have decided to give it a try.
I started this afternoon, so far not much to say. Will let you know in a few days what my results are.
I look forward to hearing how it goes.
Thanks for the update. Yeah, that seems to be a pretty common experience.
Just saying it might even help you look younger!!!
That doesn’t really make any sense. Some of the testimonials on their website are from women. It sounds like you spoke to someone new or something.
This site is great and THANK YOU so much for providing the information. On the basis of what you have seen come in on Addium would you purchase the product now or still think the trials are still too junior to provide any concrete results.
I look forward to your response.
Glad you like the site! Based on my own personal experience, and reading through the reviews, it’s a tough call.
On the one hand some people are saying they had good results with it, but on the other people are talking about REALLY bad side effects and it’s not working at all for them.
I think everyone will respond differently to Addium, so it might be worth a shot. On the flip side, I’ve tried lots of other nootropics and this wouldn’t even make my top 10.
When I tried to track that number I was told there was no such number. I fear this is a fraudulent product and people should not order it.
How long ago did you order it?
I just started taking it I will update when I have a better understanding of this supplement
However, for some reason there are a lot of studies about brain improving supplements seemingly more than ever now. I guess my question would be, since you have this site critiquing supplements, itd seem you would have experience or knowledge about them.
Are there any supplements on the market that you know of that do increase focus, awareness, and energy without side effects and are not crammed with caffeine? If so, please share.
Sure. The best one I know of is MindBoost. They have a day formula and a night formula. You can use either or both. Here’s my full review. Also, I’ve got a free Nootropics ebook you can sign up for as well.
I am hoping Addium will work for me and make me smarter so I dont pull out My credit card next time I see a miracle pill AD at the bottom of my browser.
Most of these reviews are after 1-2 days of Use & I personally dont feel that is enough time to providea credible review. That would be like asting the spaghetti sauce before putting the spices in…you cant give your opinion before its done cooking… at least a reliable one.
I am going to take full advantage of my 30 days (even though I have a 4 mo. supply & I will provide weekly updates.
I am a recovering addict, I suffer from ADHD , depression, PTSD, anxiety & hypothyroidism and I do not believe Addium is meant for people “in their right state Of mind” as someone mentioned because it is people like myself who would benefit most from noo tropics. And thesthese types of issues do not mean we aren’t in our right state of mind, we just need more medical attention to help keep us in our “right state Of mind”.
And for the people out there who consider themselves in a “right state of mind” meaning your perfectly healthy, whatever that means these days, then why do you feel you would need a supplement like this to begin with?
Sorry for the lengthy response…..I guess I just had a lot to say on the subject and I look forward to having even more to say once I get my supply.
I appreciate the reliable source of information you have provided. It’s refreshing to know that there still is “some” stuff you can believe that comes from the World Wide Web
I can appreciate your skepticism regarding reviews being posted after just one or two uses. However, the marketing behind Addium clearly indicates that by taking it you will see boost in IQ by like 600% after just one use.
If they would state that the effect was cumulative we might buy into it.
Keep us posted on your results though please. We would love to see its effects over time!
Glad we could help!
But a sharper more focused mind with “limitless” effect seemed awesome. Especially over the counter.
I have saved this page and will repost after I receive the supplement. I’m also not a coffee drinker, so we shall see what happens.
Thanks. We look forward to hearing how it goes.
So order 3 bottles. B/s.
Should use there system to sell something else. Lol
I researched this product in depth but only saw the sites that you have debunked. When I ordered the first bottle from the direct website it links you to a page that gives you the option of ordering a second bottle for 20% off.
If you choose to opt out there is a little tiny link right below the window. What a scam.
Thank you for the info. I am sending mine back immediately.
After about 4 hours howeve, I started to get extremely tired and I didn’t sleep great that night. The second day I woke up and took my daily dosage without eating anything besides having a cup of water.
About 20 minutes later I started getting extremely hot and when I looked I the mirror I was beet red all the way from my nose to down my neck. I finally grabbed a granola bar and tried to chill out.
My color faded and temperature decreased and I took a shower. I recommend eating before hand and stay hydrated.
Since I managed to reverse the negative effects and getting better now besides the jitters, I’m going to try go through this day and try again tomorrow eating something first. I’ll do another review tomorrow and see if anything changes.
I feel like a test subject. Maybe I am… lol thanks guys.
Let us know how it works out for you.
Needless to say when I saw the advertisements for Addium,I was curious. I am taking Nuvigil in the morning and a Vyvance in the late afternoon.
So then I thought, would Addium help, too? After reading your article and people’s responses, I certainly think I am fine without wasting money when I have medications that I know for sure work.
I completely agree!
Also, the only Professor Ron Gooding I’ve been able to find is at the University of Alberta.
Yeah, there are a lot of shady products out there. And we’re all just trust trying to get to the truth.
I didn’t think to look at there other reviews. Now it just seems like a pre-workout supplement.
But I will post the effects of Addium at a later date. Although they did let me cancel part of my shipment I double ordered by accident and the customer service rep was nice and attentive.
Probably for obvious reasons to not get me to cancel the other half. Although I did order full knowing it was no limitless pill.
Thanks for the info you posted Rob.
Glad you got to lower your cost. Looking forward to hearing how it works for you.
So let’s see some results
We’re still in the testing phase and should have our results posted within 1 – 2 weeks.
I’m already taking most of those I am just curious about the combination and being able to consolidate all those into one a day. On day one so I’ll give you my findings after a few weeks
Looking forward to hearing about your results!
Any updates with the testing? Are they living up to their claims?
I just posted some results. It’s no limitless pill, and I’m not sure the benefits are worth the way it makes you feel.
You can read the whole update above.
I don’t think there’s anything listed on the label that would pop on a test. But I’d check with your superiors to make sure.
Different agencies test for different things. It’s tough to keep up.
Nothing noted first day use? Nothing for 3rd day?
What’s up with that?
Yeah, I’ve noticed the same thing. I’ll reach out to some of the people who said they’d follow up, and see if we can find out how things are going.
It worked but the side effects and tolerance issues weren’t worth it.
Doc recommended I try Modafinil. I’ve been on 100 mg a day for about 6 months now.
No side effects for me and the focus I get is pretty amazing. The catch… it’s not over the counter.
Thanks for the suggestion. It’s more debilitating than people realize to be so overwhelmed by stimulus that nothing gets done
I’ll keep everyone posted throughout the week. I’m extremely disappointed, take about 2 and a half hours ago.
I feel a little buzz and slight height of awareness but nothing coffee wouldn’t do, there claims are outrageous this is definitely not anything of the equivalent of the Limitless “drug” which is why I wanted to buy it in the first place lol
But although I was skeptical I wanted to take it for myself before anything else. Very disappointed to say the least, but I’ll keep everyone posted with any “magical” effects or results lol I just wanted something as an alternative to Vyvanse and adderol.
Which truly helps me focus and Addium isn nothing compared to these to ADD drugs to help with extreme focus. Any recommendations for anything close to Vyvanse or Adderol where I can have the same intense and concentrated focus, that I don’t need a prescription for?
That has almost an Identical effect?
Thank you guys in advance and my apologies for my novel. I just actually was stupid enough to by Addium and Im taking it to test the results.
Stay tuned
There really isn’t anything I’ve personally tested that can really mimic the effects of adderol/vyvanse. Addieup was pretty close, but unfortunately they removed the primary ingredient 1,3 dimethylamylamine, making it much less effective.
You might want to check out either a nootropic supplement like Phenibut XT. It’s a VERY powerful Nootropic supplement that when combined with caffeine can give you GREAT results. The downside, however, is that tolerance seems to build quite quickly, so I recommend taking it NO MORE then once per week.
If you’re looking for something with an immediate effect check out a supplement called Optimind. Hope this helps and keep us posted on your results!
I would really like to know the results of your experiment since i am considering purchasing it if it is legit
What do you think?
I did a quick search of faculty at Yale and didn’t come up with a Ron Gooding, so I’m skeptical.
Plus, if it doesn’t work I’ll be able to let you’all know if their 30 day MBG works. 🙂
Peace, kids! BEAST!!HA
I take Buproprion or generic Welbutrin and but I’m still all over the place sometimes. I guess I’ll see if they stay true to their money back guarantee
I would run it by your doctor before you start taking it too, just to make sure there are no conflicts with what you’re taking.
How soon will we hear about any trials you do With Addium and thank you for posting the gentleman on youtube. Managed to suffer through the first two minutes and the last two.
Absolutely hilarious! Its very useful information coming from a professional couch surfer hawking supplements because “you gotta eat”.
Useful in the fact my best judgment tells me not to bother.
I know right? Looks like another couple of weeks for the update.
Keep checking in.
Ingredients on bottle:
Vit b3 30 mg
vit b6 5mg
then :proprietary blend of:
bacopa monnieri
alpha gpc with calcium phosphate
phosphatidlserine with silcon dioxide
Huperzine A
can you tell me about kratom? Low dose energy high dose opiate feel.
Is this for real?
Yeah I have heard of it, and tried several versions of it. The only one that I had a good response to was the Happy Hippo II, which gave an effect similar to an opioid medication without any nasty side effects.
I’m still on the fence as far as recommending Kratom…on the one hand, ALOT of guys say it’s a godsend. On the other, I’ve read TONS of stories about Kratom addiction and withdrawal, and I’m VERY hesitant to recommend anything that can lead to addiction / dependency issues.
So once received, I will take as directed and offer results on this page. If it doesn’t work, guess I will give Mind Boost a shot.
I am 42 years old and feel I’m losing my edge, I have been reading different articles about Addium and as you say (to good to be true). I actually had credit card in hand ready to order!
If I had tried this and found no results chance’s are I would have been very hesitant to do so again. Thank you for saving me money, time and most important hope that there maybe something out there that can help a old mans thinking process.
Check out Optimind. It’s not about bells and whistles or flashy marketing. It’s a good solid nootropic that works.
I was about to order it too but wanted to do a Google search on it, but oddly enough thru Google it won’t let u, it only takes u to the companies wonderful ur guna turn into Superman site, so I said hmmmm that’s very strange, so I found bing and batabing I found u. So sumthink is very untrue w this company and I’m OUT!
Glad you found us!
The claims they made with the Forbes website were false. I went to the website and it ms completely different and doesn’t mentions anything about addium.
Addiums website is pretty sketchy. They don’t have any information or facts at all about it.
I’m thinking that I want to order some and test it to see what it’s about. I’m curious.
I recommend you check out Mind Boost instead. The claims are much more realistic, and I had great results when I used it.
But the “To good to be true” voice that made me search further when I found your article.
Please send me an update of what you find out when you test it.