Adderin Review – Limitless Pill or Scam?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-27-2020

For anyone who has every taken Adderall, you know it’s a powerful drug that works great for focus and concentration.
In an attempt to mimic the effects of prescription drugs like Adderall, there’s been a surge of all natural supplements coming to the market.
Many of them claim that they work just as effectively as ADHD medications, but one recent one I came across says it’s actually 11X more potent then Adderall.
On top of this, they also claim that it produces NO side effects, and is completely legal, and you can now buy it relatively cheap online.
Of course, it should be noted that there are no medications or supplements that are entirely without side effects as that is just not possible, but hey, maybe Adderin is the first supplement to achieve such a feat.
The name of this supposed miracle supplement is none other then Adderin, which sounds remarkably similar to a product we’ve tested called Addium.
So is it really all it’s cracked up to be? Likely not, and you’ll find out why in this review.
What is Adderin?False and Deceptive Marketing
Adderin Vs. Addium
My Personal Review
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it FDA approved?
How do I take it?
How long until it works?
Is this really the “Limitless Pill”
Was it really seen on CNN, Forbes, etc.?
Does it work like adderall?
What are the side effects?
Where can I buy it?
What is Adderin
(watch my vid or scroll below it for more info)
Adderin is apparently an all natural supplement designed to promote mental alertness, reduce stress, increase focus and productivity, and significantly reduce physical and mental fatigue.
Instead of just accessing 10% of your brain, Adderin is literally supposed to allow you to access the other 90%, making you nearly superhuman.
If that is true as they claim, that would make Adderin the very first supplement of its kind to ever produce such effects.
So what’s in it that makes Adderin so effective?
As is usual with many of these supplements, the list of ingredients is not given on the sales page I am looking at.
However, I did get a chance to look at the official Adderin site and they list the ingredients as Alpha GPC, Tyrosine, Bacopa Monnier, GABA, Vinpocetine, and Huperzine A.
Unsurprisingly, all of these same ingredients are found in a totally different product with a very similar name called Addium.
We’ll talk more about this below, but now that we know what the ingredients are, can they really make a difference?
Well, yes and no…
For example, Alpha GPC is a natural choline chemical found in the brain that has shown evidence of helping men and women suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
However, there is no evidence suggesting it may help increase cognitive ability in healthy, normal folks.
Gamma-Aminobutyric-Acid (GABA) has been anecdotally shown to help relieve anxiety, improve mood, and is actually a chemical that is produced in the brain. However, as far as helping to treat symptoms associated with ADHD, there is insufficient evidence showing it can really make a difference.
False and Deceptive Marketing
The first time I learned about Adderin I was flipping through my Facebook page while waiting to get a root canal done at my dentists office.
The suggested news post featured a photo of an attractive news anchor from MSNBC, and the headline screamed:
“FDA Approved: Breakthrough new “Limitless Pill” that men 26 – 50 are using to get ahead of the competition finally hits the US market.” and then a subheading that read: “11X stronger than Adderall and 100% safe”…
See a screenshot below:
Knowing it was likely bulls%$t, I immediately thought to dismiss it.
But, in the interest of helping out the readers on my blog, I decided to check it out anyway.
Well, when I clicked on the ad it took me to a page that looked like the NBC news website, complete with “breaking news” sections and links to other pages.
According to the article, a Dr. Raqif spilled the beans on Adderin on the TV show “The Doctors”, calling it ‘viagra for the brain’ and a revolutionary breakthrough in science.
Never mind the fact that Dr. Raqif has NEVER appeared on the Dr. Oz Show, much less stated the above.
However, the thing that struck me immediately was their reference to the movie “Limitless”, starring Bradley Cooper.
If you haven’t seen it yet, basically Bradley Cooper is given a pill that gives him “Limitless” capabilities with his brain.
Instead of just using 10% of his brain, he is able to access 100% of it, and as a result he becomes super smart and rich in the process. Within the news article, they say that the inspiration behind the movie was actually due in part to the creators of Addium.
Here’s a snapshot of the tweet they referenced:
The problem with this is…it’s complete and utter bullshit. How do I know this? Well, I just so happened to visit the REAL twitter page for the Limitless movie and here’s what it REALLY says.
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this…the makers of Addium did the same thing, as well as a couple of others.
They go on to say that the FDA banned the use of Adderin, but after 3 years of litigation and clinical studies proving it is safe, the FDA decided to lift the ban. This…is also bullshit.
First off, it’s an herbal supplement, which doesn’t require any approval / disapproval by the FDA.
I can make a pill, call it something like Adderiumum, inject the pills with a couple of vitamins, slap a fancy label on it, and sell it.
All without any approval from the FDA.
The third piece of bullshit from all of this was the ad where you saw all of this. What actually looks like the MSBNC website is indeed, not the REAL NBC website.
It’s a fake article, or Farticle for short. It’s designed to give you the impression that you’re on the real website, when indeed it’s a complete fake.
How do I know this? Well, I just so happen to have the website featuring Adderin open, let’s take a quick look and see what we can find out.
1.) Look at the address in the url bar, it says balletjewelworld dot com. If you were on the real MSNBC website, don’t you think it would say something like or
2.) When I try to click on anything else on the page, it doesn’t do anything. I doubt this is a problem with my computer, so what’s the issue? Well, my guess is they don’t want you leaving the page, so essentially force you to stay on it.
Here’s a quick video screen cast I made up below:
[vimeo 137195390 w=500 h=375]
Other Products That Use The Same FALSE Marketing…
There’s literally dozens of other supplements out there that use this “fake” marketing strategy, including Addium (which I mentioned above), Alpha ZXT, Brainfire, Intellux and Geniux, and many more.
I am in the process of writing a big post about it which will include all of the supplements that employ this type of false marketing, so check back again soon.
Adderin Vs. Addium
So I touched on this earlier in the review, but I wanted to expand on it here to clue you into to potentially another scam going on. To me, it appears that the makers of Addium have marketed and developed Adderin as a replacement to their original formula.
I suspect this for a few reasons…
Reason #1: The labels for each are practically identical. As you’ll see in the photo below, apart from a few small changes to the text, they essentially look the same.
Instead of Addiums tagline “For Increased Brain Power”, you have Adderins tagline “For a More Powerful Brain”.
Instead of the Title “Cerebral Enhancement Complex” found at the top of Addium, it says “Brain Enhancement Complex” at the top of Adderin.
Reason #2: The ingredients for each are essentially the same. As you’ll see in the photo below, they appear to both have nearly the same identical formula, with only 2 small changes.
It looks like they reduced the amount of Niacin by about 10 mg, and reduced their proprietary blend by 45 mg, although we don’t know exactly which one(s) were reduced.
Now this could simply be just a blatant copycat, someone who is deliberately piggybacking off the Addium brand. I did a little bit of research on the companies behind these supplements, and found that the makers of Adderin share the same address with a completely different supplement called Ketone Thin.
After a quick glance of the property on Google earth, it looks like it’s simply a distribution center that distributes a wide variety of supplements. However, this same address is not shared by the same one as Addium.
My Results With Adderin
I finally got a bottle of Adderin and the first thing I noticed was my suspicions were confirmed…
The ingredients on the label were nearly IDENTICAL to those of Addium, with the only change being a 10 mg reduction in the Niacin content (I mentioned this above if you haven’t seen it already). So, unsurprisingly, my results with Adderin were essentially IDENTICAL to those of my experiment with Addium.
I took one capsule first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and to be honest, I felt no effects whatsoever. At first I thought I felt a bit of an increase in motivation / focus, but I attribute it to a placebo effect.
I didn’t have any mind blowing sense of clarity or creativity, nor did it help to calm me down or reduce anxiety.
The only thing I noticed was a bit of facial flushing and a sense of feeling “hot”. The likely reason behind this is the fact that it contains Niacin, as this is a very common side effect from using the extract.
I tried it out for a few more days, hoping to eventually see some sort of positive effects from Adderin, but was left disappointed.
I called them up to cancel my free trial, and after them trying to get me to keep it for a reduced price, was able to fully cancel. This was in August of 2015.
Plot Twist! (5/2/2017)
So I go to pick up my mail about 2 months ago and I look in the box and there’s this envelope with some supplements in it. I get supplements sent to me all the time, and in some cases I won’t open the package until like a week or two later.
I finally opened it up, and wouldn’t you know it?
It was a bottle of Adderin.
I did a quick search through my bank account and didn’t see any charges, so I just dismissed it and figured it was just as mistake on their end.
Fast forward one month later, and all of a sudden another bottle shows up in my mailbox.
Ok, now I’m going to get to the bottomof this.
I logged into my bank account and started searching through my transactions when I came across this:
That’s right, they magically restarted my auto rebill.
What’s even weirder is I KNOW for for a fact that I cancelled my trial about 14 months ago.
So why all of a sudden are they sending more Adderin bottles to me and charging me?
I called their customer service number at 727-498-4811 and spoke with “Mario”.
He said the reason i was being charged was that I was on a rebill arrangement with them!
I told him more than once that I cancelled it well over a year ago, but that’s not what his records apparently say.
In either case, he agreed to cancel my auto shipments and said I wouldn’t be getting any further bottles sent to me.
I even got an email confirming this:
Since I don’t plan on taking any more of this stuff, I’ve decided I’m going to give away 2 bottles to 2 different visitors to this page.
If you’re interested, do me a favor and Share this page on Facebook here:
Winners will be chosen on May 10th, good luck!
Want To REALLY Get Smarter?Click Here to download my FREE "Complete Guide To Nootropics" eBook!! |
Update (10/1/2015)Frequently Asked Questions
Is it approved by the FDA
There’s a lot of rumors circulating that Adderin was recently approved by the FDA, but that is completely and utterly FALSE. The fact is, no supplement has to be approved by the FDA.
They only regulate the approval of pharmaceutical drugs, NOT supplements.
How do I take it
The directions on the label state that you should take 1 capsule daily.
How long does it take to work
They say the effects should be felt after just one dose, but as I noted in my personal review, I didn’t feel anything. Others have noted that they have felt the effects kick in after about 30 – 45 minutes.
Is this the real “limitless pill”
Based on my particular results, I can say with a resounding NO that this supplement does not work like some limitless pill. As a matter of fact, most of the supplements I’ve tested that have called themselves a “limitless pill” turned out to be complete duds.
Was it really seen on CNN, MSNBC, The Doctors, and Forbes magazine
No. They just try to make you think it was by making fake pages that mimic the layout and look of those websites. You can see for yourself by simply typing the name of the supplement in to google and then whatever media publication you like (i.e. adderin cnn).
Does it work like Adderall
Not even close. Because Adderall is basically legal speed, there is practically no herbal extract that can completely mimic its effects. The upside is that drugs like Adderall tend to produce a wide range of negative side effects, while the makers of Adderin say their supplement is completely side effect free.
But is this statement really true?
Are there any side effects
Yes. The most common side effect that seems to be reported is hot flashes, rashes, and a feeling of burning / itching skin. This is no doubt attributed to the niacin content, which is about 20 mg per serving.
Additionally, one of its other primary ingredients called Huperzine A has been known to cause blurred vision, slurred speech, restlessness, twitching, and high blood pressure.
The simple fact is that it’s possible to get side effects from almost ANYTHINGyou’re ingesting, including Adderin.
Where can I buy it
If you’re that hell bent on giving it a shot, you can pick up a bottle on their official website One bottle retails for $49.85 each, plus shipping.
You can buy larger quantities and get discounts, with a buy 3 bottles get 2 free deal that lowers the per bottle cost to $29.99 a piece.
As far as I can tell, it’s not available in stores like GNC, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, and others. Amazon used to carry it, but it is no longer available for sale.
It’s also not available for sale in the UK, Canada, and Australia.
- We know the formula is all natural, so they have that going for them.
- You can buy it conveniently online.
- It probably won’t kill you if you take it.
- Personally speaking, I saw practically no resultsfrom it.
- Most of the reviews I’ve read are terrible.
- Many users have reported dreadful side effects.
- They use false and deceptive marketing to sell their product.
- It’s suspiciously similar in ingredients profile and pricing to a supplement called Addium.
- Not available in stores.
All in all, I would say that the people responsible for this new supplement called Adderin are directly related to another supplement called Addium.
What happens is, when thousands of people start ordering a supplement like this one, try it, and find out that it doesn’t work at all, it starts to get a bunch of negative publicity online.
So, in an effort to keep scamming people out of their hard earned money, they simply slap a new label on the product, keep the same ingredients, change up the marketing a little bit, and rinse and repeat the process.
I gave it a fair shot, and from my own personal point of view, I would say take a pass on this one.
Have You Used Adderin? Leave Your Review Below!
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User Questions and Answers
I wanted to know, when you purchased this did you experience any issues with billing? Compromised card, signed up for a subscription without your knowledge, that sort of thing? -Aaron
No. You can order it straight out on their website. Make sure you read the terms and conditions though, so you can be completely confident you know what you're getting into.- Rob
21 out of 23 people found this question helpful.
Whats a good supplement like the limitless pill -Dennis young
Nothing will work as well as the Limitless pill, but the closest I've found is Optimind.- Rob
12 out of 17 people found this question helpful.
How can this be legal? I started taking it a few days ago..nothing. One day I evened doubled the dose...nothing. I have time to return them but I am afraid they just won't credit my card back especially because of how shady this company is. Any suggestions on who I might file a complaint etc ? They should not be able to do this. I ordered 150.00 because it was cheaper. I am so mad at myself. -Kendall
Your best bet would be the Attorney General in your state and/or the Better Business Bureau.- Rob
6 out of 6 people found this question helpful.
Have you tried Opti- Mind? If yes do you have any feedbacks? -Shivam
I have, and it's great! In fact, it's my number one pick. Check out my full review here: Rob
9 out of 13 people found this question helpful.
Have you heard of IQ Genex? Any thoughts?
I believe it might also be the Adderin people becasue it is mentioned on the site….
Sorry for the late reply, your comment slipped through the cracks on us. Yeah, it looks like the same old B.S., is just like Adderin, Cogniflex, etc. Did you ever end up cancelling it?
The problem is most customers don’t know it’s a scam till it’s too late.
The web address looked real
but after a little reading it didn’t jive as it looked more like an ad than a real report from Forbes. I kept looking for the “advertisement” statement, but its not there.
Yeah, it’s definitely a scam. I clicked on the link and it doesn’t even work anymore.
They come and go so quickly, they never get caught.
I haven’t looked into that one yet, but it is on my list. Check back in a couple weeks for a review.
Also, how long should you take a nootropic before you can say it’s not working?
I haven’t done any reviews of CILTEP, and I’m a little swamped with upcoming supplements to test right now. Check back in a few months and I’ll see if I’ve got a little more free time.
You can feel most nootropics right away, at least to some degree. A few take longer.
If you’re not feeling any improvement at all within about 2 weeks, I’d say that’s long enough.
“These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease.
Neither the product or any of its ingredients have been approved or endorsed by the FDA or any other government agency. Please consult your physician before beginning any program.
Celebrities neither endorse nor sponsor any of the products and or services. Product is not affiliated in any way by any news source.
All trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the ‘Trademarks”) displayed are registered and or unregistered Trademarks of their respective owners."
I had to laugh and share. Especially amusing was “not approved by the FDA or any other government agency” and not endorsed by any celebrity” after faking a tweet supposedly by Bradley Cooper.
Seriously! Do not be taken in and robbed.
You are the only critique I have given credence to. I take Adderall but alas, myself and my kinfolk are desperate.
I’m closest to the edge than ever at 43 years of age.
If this is not helpful for focus, conentration and anxiety as the CNN Guinea Pig stated worked well in his report, what would you suggest.
We all want to be healthy and are in desperate need of advice. Thank you for taking the time to.enlighten. All viewpoints are key.
All Love Always in All Ways!
Peter Lemos
Check out my article about the closest over-the-counter alternative. It’s a stack of Optimind with Phenibut. Read the full article here: Make sure you read the whole article, especially taking note of the dosing instructions. You need to make sure you take Phenibut at most 2 times a week with a several day break in between.
It’s unbelievable, I know.
I have taken Adderin and have not experienced the “clarity” you would expect. I did get the niacin flush in the face that lasts for 5-10 minutes, but not every time.
That is weird.
I had better results with Neuroflexyn (Perform Vita), but that dose is three pills daily and no niacin. Have you reviewed it?
I haven’t used it myself, but we don have a review posted. Check it out here:
I had an older copy of their Adderim website that linked to their new Geniux website.
Thanks for the heads up. I have to tell you though, I’m not surprised, it happens all the time.
Thanks again. I will continue to checking back with you as I take many supplements.
Have you ever reviewed Glutenza?
Glad you found us. No, Glutenza doesn’t really fall inside the bounds of the kinds of supplements we look at.
Notice how the drug says Addium? Thats because it was banned. By the FDA. They re-released it as Adderin here×250&cost=0.15&tag=OTg4NjIyfHNvbGFybW92aWUuaXN8VVNBfHwxMTY3NTUwOHx8fDkwMjIyOHwyMDguMTAyLjE1OS4zMXw0NzJ8N3x8NDF8MnwzfDB8MHx8MzAweDI1MHwxfDF8MTM2MHg3Njh8NTYwYTdlZGQ5MmJhZTUuOTQ5MTMwMDIyMzI3MzU3MzQ5fDkwMHxkOWUzMzU5YzZjZmUzYWFjYjFjN2FjMGRlYTM5MzM4MXwxfDB8c29sYXJtb3ZpZS5pc3w0YjZhZTdkYmE3MGI2M2RmNzFlNjI4MGI4ZjM5ODM1Mw==
Notice how both are from the Actual NBCNews website? Thats because I went to their home page after watching the news and hearing them talk about this on my T.V. So Either you are paid by companies to lie to people about other supplements and support the companies who pay you. Or you just had a very bad day at investigating and missed every sign you are supposed to.. as a critic.. see.
As for the photo shopped tweet that has been going around for awhile and was created by a distributor not the makers. Obviously the news reporter needs to do some more research as well.
Or at least her editors and staff. but that doesn’t excuse you for your mistake now I don’t know if you were paid to give false input or did you genuinely make a mistake? Did you even bother to actually try the drug? I see you promoting one just like it in the comments, did they pay you to do this?
I expected better from you, as a reader of your site I come here to find the truth and so do many others. But after this? To say it wasn’t the real nbc website.. well that is hard to pull off when msnbc is a major network how many people read your site and watch the news? Do you expect no one to watch it? Did you expect no one else to look at the search bar.. When you just told them too? what will you say when everyone else sees the real nbc website and not the one in your video? I expect a reply from you to tell me why this happened, why you either failed to investigate properly or why you tried to tarnish the name of a drug using false reports and fabricated evidence. I took a video to make a review of your site using this blog entry, doing everything you said in this video except correctly. About the site you went too.. then I went to the real NBC website with the real article and showed it was there and what they had to say. Depending on your reply and how you respond and your intentions will decide on what I do with this video review of your site. Lets see if you fix your mistake.
How do I know this??
Simple, look at the url:
That first part where it says nbcnews….that’s a subdomain. The real name of the site you mentioned is simply, which just so happened to be registered on July 18, 2015.
But, let’s imagine for a moment that I am wrong, and this really was the REAL site.
A couple of problems here:
1. I just visited the page you referenced and the date the article was written is today’s date (July 30, 2015)
The date listed here should reflect the date that the article was written, NOT the current date.
2. I just spent more time than I wanted to searching through Maggie Fox’s articles and didn’t find one mention of Addium.
Can you find it??
3. If you search the website, there is no mention of addium (
If this was such a big story, how come I can’t find it??
FDA Approval
The FDA doesn’t approve supplements. They don’t have to…they are only responsible for approving drugs / medicines.
Read this if you don’t believe me:
Even if it was, if it was such big news than how come there is no mention of it in a simple Google search:
or in a search on the FDA website:*
I could go on and on with this, but if you haven’t gotten the picture then I’m not sure you can be helped much further.
Glad I was not ripped off. Many negative reviews and yours was definitely the the most informative, appreciated the video.
Thanks for saving me 150.00! Any advice on what to take for energy, focus and clarity besides tons of coffee and vitamin B12?
Check out Optimind. It’s my top choice for energy and focus.
Glad we could help!
I also contacted them via their customer support phone number but after 10 minutes of music I was disconnected. (Now I am Concerned). Followed up with customer support to report being disconnected but that I wished to cancel the order all within the same hour of ordering.
My Visa has been contacted and I will advise if I am credited or not.
It sounds like you probably covered all your bases, and I don’t blame you. Some of these companies will stop at nothing to get your money.
It’s complete garbage, see my review here: