Zanifil Review – A Male Enhancement Revolution?
By: Rob Miller
Zanifil Overview
Zanifil is an exciting new male enhancement product made by Futura Medical. It’s so new, in fact, that it’s not even available on the market yet. It’s a male enhancement product that works to achieve the same goal as prescription erectile dysfunction drugs, but it’s not a pill and it doesn’t require a prescription. It’s a topical gel that will be available over the counter, no prescription necessary.
Futura Medical has taken Zanifil(which they are currently calling MED2002) through several stages of the research and testing process of bringing a new product to market. We’re not sure when it will be available and what form exactly it will take. But we’ll fill you in on what we do know.
How Zanifil Works
The beauty of Zanifil is that it acts as a vasodilator so it facilitates better erections, but it solves some of the problems associated with Viagra and the like.
First of all, Zanifil won’t require a prescription.
Secondly, it can be applied immediately before sexual activity so it doesn’t destroy the spontaneity.
Thirdly, the fact that it’s applied topically means that you don’t have to take pills, and there won’t be systemic side effects.
It’s thought that Zanifil will be available in a tube dispenser as well as in a condom. In fact, Zanifil is sometimes referred to as “the Viagra Condom.”
Zanifil Ingredients
The active ingredient in Zanifil is called Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN). It’s a powerful vasodilator used for decades by patients with cardio-vascular defects. The GTN gets absorbed through the skin into the penile blood system, increases nitric oxide, relaxes the muscles of the corpus cavernosa, and allows blood to rush in forming a hard erection.
Zanifil Pros and Cons
We always like to compare the good and back aspects of the products we review.
Advantages of Zanifil
- It doesn’t require taking a pill.
- Topical application means no systemic side effects.
- It doesn’t interfere with spontaneity.
Disadvantages of Zanifil
- It’s not available yet.
- There are still uncertainties about when and how it will come to market.
Where to Buy
Zanifil is not available yet, but keep your eyes on Futura Medical for developments.
We’re definitely looking forward to learning more about Zanifil as it gets closer to becoming available. We’re especially looking forward to trying it out.
Have You Heard About Zanifil? Leave Your Comment Below!
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Is there any type of miracle pill that you could possibly know of that works great. Sometimes my mind feels like I’m in the mood but when I’m engaging in activity my penis doesn’t want to seem to get hard, not sure if it’s more of a libido thing or performance anxiety issue because I’m always thinking about it..
Would be nice if there was a pill that just got you hard regardless. Hell I’ve even had some failed attempts when I’ve popped a viagra..
Any possible recommendations?
To me, it sounds like performance anxiety is the issue here. I would recommend you stack a supplement called Extenze along with a substance called Phenibut. The Extenze works GREAT to help boost your overall libido, sex drive, etc., and the Phenibut will COMPLETELY eliminate any performance anxiety.
I talk about it pretty extensively in my review, check it out here:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.