You May Have Low Testosterone Levels!
Fact Checked On: 11-10-2018 By: Rob MillerThanks for participating in our Low Testosterone Quiz. Based on your answers, you may be suffering from low testosterone levels. The most prudent thing for you to do is visit your doctor and get a blood test. You can also visit this recent article we posted about the causes of low testosterone, so you can help pinpoint exactly where you “might” be going wrong.
Generally speaking, most men start experiencing a decline in their testosterone levels at a rate of 1% per year, beginning at age 30. You usually start noticing a decline in your sexual performance, energy levels, and some men even start getting depressed as well. No need to worry, as there are many options for men you age.
#1 – Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Testosterone replacement therapy is typically what your doctor will recommend if your showing low testosterone levels.
This involves replacing your bodies testosterone with actual testosterone, typically in the form of gels, creams, oitments, and sometimes even injections.
The problem with TRT is that, while it solves the problem in the short term, it may involve long term consequences. One of those consequences is that your body will shut down its own production of testosterone if it senses too much of it, which is usually a good thing.
However, when you stop taking TRT products, you may send your body out of whack as it tries to re-adjust to the sudden lack of testosterone.
TRT can also be costly and might not be covered under certain insurance plans. It’s also not really suitable for guys in their 20’s and 30’s, as testosterone production has typically not dropped to levels requiring synthetic testosterone.
#2 – Natural Ways To Boost Testosterone
Often the best way to boost testosterone levels is simply through a healthy diet and exercise, and lots of sex of course 😉
When you work out, especially lifting weights and high intensity interval training, your body develops into a testosterone producing machine, and you WILL see the benefits accordingly.
We have a free “How To Boost Your Testosterone Naturally” ebook that shows you exactly the types of workouts you should be doing to boost your T levels, check it out here.
In addition, taking in regular quantities of certain foods have been shown effective at increasing all natural testosterone levels. Among others, Salmon, Pomegranate, Oysters, and almonds have all been shown to increase free testosterone.
Click Here for a printable list of 63 Testosterone Boosting Superfoods, which is also included as a free bonus when you sign up for the ebook I mentioned above.
However, it’s not always practical to eat all of these things everyday, but there are several vitamins and minerals that have shown to increase testosterone as well. A healthy combination of zinc, magnesium, vitamin b6, and ginseng all work in combination to help increase your bodies natural production of testosterone, which leads us to our third recommendation:
#3 – All Natural Supplements – Testofuel
Testofuel is an all natural supplement I came across while researching various types of products that combine all of the necessary ingredients to help boost T-levels. Testofuel uses all of the ingredients I touched on earlier, but in addition, uses Fenugreek extract, which plays a crucial role in testosterone production.
Fenugreek seeds are said to boost a male’s free testosterone levels.
Since testosterone plays a major role in muscle development, many individuals use products containing Fenugreek to increase muscle mass. The rise in free testosterone production is also said to bolster a male’s libido improving erectile function in the process.
I recently had a chance to test out a 6 months supply of Testofuel, check out my official review here.
There are actually a few other testosterone boosters that are very comparable in both price and effectiveness to Testofuel, click here to see a comparison of the top ones we’ve tested.
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User Questions and Answers
How long can you take Nugenix? -Tony
Ideally you should cycle it. So by that I mean take it for 4 - 6 weeks, then take a 1 - 2 week break and repeat. This way you keep tolerance at bay / to a minimum.- Rob
15 out of 15 people found this question helpful.
I am a 61 year old male, 62 in Oct. have low energy, slightly overweight(about 15lbs.) looking for a testosterone booster. have considered Nugenix, but see some negative reviews. not looking to really get ripped at the gym, but want to increase energy and assist with weight loss. which booster would you suggest? Testofuel or nugenix. Thanks. have downloaded your book. -Gary
In your case, check out Prime Male. Here's my full review:Â Rob
7 out of 9 people found this question helpful.
I have hypothyroid and wanted to know if any of these products will interfere with my medication and my tsh levels. I know that my t levels are low and I need something to help me get over the hump and help me get out of bed and get moving. -John
Any time you take prescription medications, you'll need to check with your doctor about how any particular supplement might interact with them.- Rob
7 out of 10 people found this question helpful.
I have HB would it be safe for me to use -Eddie benson
I'm not sure which product you're looking at, but in any case, you would want to check with your doctor to see if it's okay to take with your medical condition.- Rob
6 out of 8 people found this question helpful.
I had prostate cancer and im 3 years with it in remision i've heard any type of testosterone booster could stear up the cancer again will this product cause this problem I'm 54 years old and will be 55 in november -jonathan
Talk to your doctor about using a testosterone booster called Testofuel. It shouldn't affect your prostate, but it's best to talk to your doctor before using it.- Rob
5 out of 7 people found this question helpful.
Any time you have a medical condition, it’s best to discuss with your doctor whether or not you should start a new supplement.
It claims
• An INSTANT erection
• Huge SIZE
• Awesome STAMINA
• Powerful ORGASMS
Yeah I’ve used Vigrx Oil ( in the past, but never got a chance to post a written review of it. It’s a decent product as far as oil’s go, but if you’re REALLY looking to get bigger I would recommend either an extender device called the Phallosan Forte, or a water-based pump called the Bathmate.
Check out my reviews of each below:
Phallosan Forte –
Bathmate –
I haven’t had a chance yet. I’ll put it on my list and let you know when we get a review posted.
Does it matter if you take HGH vs Testostorne Booster? Is one supplement better than the other?
Or do you need to take both? I don’t know enough about these supplements and I am nervous and skeptical about trying them.
Any long term side effects, etc.
Most people choose to go with a testosterone booster like Testofuel if they’re looking for a libido boost or muscle gain. HGH, like HyperGH 14X, is more about better mood, better sleep, weight loss, and some lean muscle gain. Neither has side effects, either short or long term, so nothing to worry about there.
I went to my doctor and he prescribed me Viagra.
I took 1 pill and nothing happened..
The Following Day I said Screw it.. I took 2 pills, and still nothing.
I believe these were the 50 mgs. At $30.00 a pop, I thought.. “What a Waste of Money”
I will be going to Pick some up this week.
And, I will use them Religiously for a good 3 months!
I just Hope and Pray these do work, or I might have to become a Monk
Just taken your low T quiz & the results seem to suggest I may have low T which is not too surprising as I’ve turned 50. I’m considering investing in the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack that you have favourably reviewed.
I have a ? for you Sir, CMCS already has a test booster, so would I need to further supplement with a product such as Testofuel.
Thanking you in advance.
Great questions. Nope. The CrazyMass Cutting Stack is the complete package, and the included testosterone booster is very good. You may want to add a post workout protein shake, but that’s about it.
Ultimate Nutrition…they produce it.
The Tribulus from China and Germany are full of fillers.
Bulgarian Tribulus is dark brown / with a Pungent smell.
…AND!!…it Really works!
Check out Testofuel. It’s a natural testosterone booster which it sounds like might help you out.
I recently put up a review. You can check it out here:
Have not had any sex for 3 years. Do not date because I am afraid the lady would want sex and I can’t.
You men with problems know how that is. Is there any help for me????
Absolutely there’s help. VigRx Plus is what you’re looking for. It’s the most effective performance enhancer I’ve found.
Viagra and cialis doesn’t work.