Xtreme Testosterone (Testrone) Review – Is It Worth It?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 11-1-2016

Pros and Cons
Where to Buy
What’s The Difference
User Reviews
Xtreme Testosterone Overview
Feel like a superhero, no matter who you are. So says Xtreme Testosterone.
Lots of testosterone boosting supplements are aimed primarily at older men who are starting to feel that inevitable decrease in levels that occurs as you age.
That’s not the case with Xtreme Testosterone.
This one is all about bringing out the best in every man. You can be anything you want to be.
You can be lean, you can be energetic, you can lose fat, you can pack on huge muscles, you can be less tired, and you can rule in the bedroom.
But you can’t do any of that unless you have more testosterone.
And Xtreme Testosterone claims it can give you that.
Note:If you’re looking for our review of Xtreme Testrone, this is NOT it. Click Here to read our special report on that one.
Xtreme Testosterone Ingredients
Xtreme Testosterone is only sold online and only through affiliate websites with free trial offers (that I’ll explain in more detail later).
In a lot of cases, products like these don’t disclose their ingredients.
Thankfully, that’s not the case with Xtreme Testosterone.
The formula includes:
- L-Arginine AKG which increases nitric oxide levels so you get better muscle pumps and more blood delivering more nutrients and oxygen to your muscles when they need them.
- L- Ornithine which speeds muscle recovery and improves protein synthesis.
- L-Glutamine which helps you wokrout longer and harder.
- Vitamin D for overall health and strength.
- Vitamin B6 and B12 for energy.
- Siberian Ginseng for better blood flow to your muscles.
- Codyceps Sinensis as an herbal aphrodisiac.
- Tribulus Terrestris which signals to the pituitary gland to release more luteinizing hormone which then signals to the testes to produce more testosterone.
Xtreme Testosterone Pros and Cons
Advantages of Xtreme Testosterone
- The ingredients are all natural.
Disadvantages of Xtreme Testosterone
- The ingredient profile may help with pumps (l-arginine), but there isn’t much there for increasing testosterone levels.
- You can only buy Xtreme Testosterone using the free trial offer.
- It’s xtremely xpensive.
Where to Buy Xtreme Testosterone (The Free Trial Offer)
The only place you can purchase Xtreme Testosteroneis through their free trial offer available at several different affiliate websites.
Here’s how it works: You pay only for shipping and they send you a full size bottle.
Once you place your order, you have 10 days to try Xtreme Testosterone.
Delivery time is included in those 10 days, so you really only have maybe 5. If you don’t call and cancel, on the 10th day, you’ll be charge $148 for your FREE bottle.Unlike most of these free trial products, Xtreme Testosterone will NOT enroll you in a monthly autoship program so that’s a good thing.
But $148 for this product is pretty extreme.
What’s The Difference Between Xtreme Testosterone and Xtreme Testrone?
So I’ve noticed a bunch of guys coming to this review that are searching for a totally different product called Xtreme Testrone.
Obviously the products sound VERY similar in name, but they couldn’t be more different.
Literally the only ingredient that they have in common is Tribulus Terrestris, which you will find in HUNDREDS of other t boosting supplements.
The Xtreme Testrone formula is primarily made up of the following: L-Arginine, L-Orthinine, L-Glutamin, Vitamins D, B6, and B12, as well as ginseng and cordyceps sinensis.
One thing they do share in common is they both have a free trial. I already talked about the free trial of Xtreme Testosterone above, but I will touch on that of Xtreme Testrone here.
If you sign up for the trial of Xtreme Testrone, here’s what you can expect:
- You have 14 days from you original order date to try the product.
- If you’re unhappy with the supplement for any reason, you NEED to contact them anytime within that trial period.
- If you don’t, they will charge you the LOW price of $89.95
- Also, they will enroll you in their auto-shipment, auto-rebill program and send you a new bottle every 30 days and charge you until you cancel.
Alternatively, you can order it on Amazon DIRT cheap compared to their trial. As of this review, it was selling at a VERY low price of $19, plus the cost of shipping.
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I’m not really sure why they call Xtreme Testosterone a testosterone booster at all.It’s more of a sexual enhancement pill than anything else. And an expensive one at that.
Truthfully, if it weren’t for the price, I might say Xtreme Testosterone was worth giving a go, but for $148, leave it on the proverbial shelf.
Have You Used Xtreme Testosterone?Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure
Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.
Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.
Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
This product is a joke. I read reviews all around before purchasing for husband and it did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! Not a damn thing. You think I'm paying ANYTHING for it, your out of your mind!!
135 out of 153 people found this review helpful.
we tried extreme testrone and then went to do blood work to see if the results had changed and it didnt, i will not buy again. i had 33 pills left and no point in taking them.
41 out of 42 people found this review helpful.
Check Out My Top Choice For T Boosters - Testofuel Click Here To Read My Review
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User Questions and Answers
does extreme testosterone make your dick bigger? -jerome
Unfortunately, no pill can do that. It will probably help you get strong, harder, and even bigger erections, but it won't give you any kind of permanent size increase.- Rob
51 out of 56 people found this question helpful.
The contact number on their website is 1-866-520-0522.- Rob
31 out of 34 people found this question helpful.
How long must you take it? -deshawn
As with any supplement, you'll only experience the effects for as long as you're taking it.- Rob
26 out of 28 people found this question helpful.
Will the supplement I'd you take it an hour before or do you gave to take it everyday and if so how long will it take to see results -steve
It doesn't say, but given that the bottle contains 60 pills and is meant to be a one month supply, my guess is you take 2 tablets once a day.- Rob
25 out of 27 people found this question helpful.
What are some side effects -steve
I haven't found anything specific about specific side effects, but there's always a chance you may react to one of the ingredients with a headache or nausea.- Rob
21 out of 24 people found this question helpful.
SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.
When you sign up for the free trial, you won’t need to reorder. They’ll send you a new full price bottle each month.
Please email me back ASAP y’all phones are not working!!!!!
SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.
I see after your extensive review (which was very detailed) that you all place Testo Fuel as the top pick for a testosterone suplement. Is 100% of the ingredients that this product comprised of all natural?
Also have there been any side effects or withdraws associated with long/short term use with this product? I am a bit intimidated to start a long term regement with any suement for fear that if I were to discontinue use for whatever reason that these seemingly non harmful products my in fact be harmful.
Also how do the products really differ fro “steroids”? Thanks for your time and response.
Testofuel is all natural, and there are no commonly reported side effects. Of course, no supplement, natural or otherwise, can claim to be completely side effect free since everybody has the potential to react differently. There’s no actual testosterone in Testofuel. Instead, it encourages your body to produce more testosterone naturally. So when you stop taking it, there’s no adverse effect. You just go back to the same baseline level you started with. Hope this helps.
You have obviously studied these products in great detail, but you yourself are an in shape “gym junky” as you put it. I understand all about getting into a correct diet and work out regimens before starting use of these supplements, so what product would you recommend for someone to get into these types of habits?
It’s very difficult to find the motivation and energy levels with such a demanding work/ home parenting life. Any advice would be great.
You don’t have to wait to start taking Testofuel. You can start before you get into the workout routine, at the same time, or after. But if you want something for some pre workout energy, try Instant Knockout. It’s technically a fat burner, but the caffeine helps a ton with energy and motivation. For a great meal and workout plan, sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook.
They’re all three testosterone boosters. There are much better stacks that cover a wider range of benefits.
If you let me know a little about yourself and your goals, I’ll suggest a good stack for you.
Along with it came this extreme testrone, now I find out you want to charge me another $100+bucks for that. I own and operate a 40 year business and is still going strong and it wasn’t because of doing what I would call sleezy advertising.
If it was in the ad. I didn’t see it.I didn’t intentionally order it and will protest the credit card charge.
SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We have no affiliation with Rock Hard.
We simply reviewed it, and gave it a negative review at that. You’ll have to contact Rock Hard directly with your complaints.
The customer service number I found on their website is 1-888-900-8828.
Go with Testofuel. Here’s my full review.
We don’t sell this stuff, you’ll have to contact them regarding your order. Unfortunately I can’t seem to find a contact #.
Check with your bank, they should have that info for you.