Xtra Man Review (Updated 2022)
By: Rob Miller
What is Xtra Man?So what’s in Xtra Man cream that makes it work?
How To Use Xtra Man Cream?
What is The Price In India?
Are There Any Side Effects?
What About Reviews?
My Personal Results
How Does Xtra Man Cream Compare To Other Products?
Will I Get Bigger Using Xtra Man Cream?
Do Enlargement Creams Work?
Recommendation / Conclusion
I’ve come across a lot of male enhancement products over the years, and I’ve seen a bunch of claims.
Most of those claims are unsubstantiated, but at least there’s a little bit of evidence and marketing to back it up.
This is not the case with Xtra Man.
This penis enlargement cream popped up on my radar after I saw a bunch of people getting to my blog by searching for it in Google, and I figured I’d give it a look to see what it’s all about.
Well, it turns out there’s not a whole lot to report.
Read more below…
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What is Xtra Man?
At first I wasn’t sure exactly what it was. Some of the marketing and ads I see claim things like “enlarge in a month – enjoy for the rest of your life”., which of course leads me to believe it’s an enlargement cream.
Then, I visited a completely different site that says Xtra Man is a cream that reportedly helps to seal erections as well as increase sensations during sexual activity.
The directions state that you should massage a quarter size tab of the cream onto your penis until it’s fully absorbed.
One thing is for sure, there’s VERY limited information online, and there also doesn’t seem to be any website. I tried a lot of different variations, including xtra man.com and xtra-man.com and neither worked.
From my research, it looks like Xtra Man is pretty popular overseas in countries like India and Pakistan.
So what’s in Xtra Man cream that makes it work?
Well, that’s the million dollar question. I searched far and wide and couldn’t find any pricing info on it.
Luckily I bought a bottle just a few weeks ago and here are the ingredients in Xtra Man:
- Celastrus Paniculatus: 100 mg
- Cinnamomum Zeylanicum: 100 mg
- Vitex Negundo: 100 mg
- Zingiber officianale: 50 mg
- Myristica Fragrans: 50 mg
- Syzgium aromaticum: 10 mg
- Anacyclus purethrum: 30 mg
- Tribulus Terrestris: 200 mg
- Piper Nigrum: 20 mg
Here’s a snapshot of the label:
Most of these ingredients I’ve actually never even hear of, but some of them like Tribulus and Ginger are actually very common in all natural herbal enhancement remedies.
I did a little research on each of these individual ingredients, and I’m a bit perplexed as to why some of them were added.
For example, Celastrus Paniculatus (they spelled it Celatrus, but google auto-corrected it for me) is a plant used to help cognition. (Source)
How it plays a role as a penis enlargement cream I have no idea, though.
The same goes for Cinnamomum zeylanicum. It’s been studied for it’s use in blood sugar control and diabetes management, but it’s role as an enlargement cream is unknown.
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Yet another ingredient, Vitex Negundo, is used for treating stored garlic against pests like rats, mice, and other vermin.
How does it work for erectile dysfunction issues? No clue.
How To Use Xtra Man Cream?
Since it’s a cream (or possibly even an oil or gel), you would generally want to apply it as follows:
- Open the tube on the appropriate end.
- Dispense a small amount of the cream, about the size of a dime, into your hand.
- Rub on to your member, moving in an up and down motion.
- Repeat steps 1 – 3 as directed.
What is The Price ofXtra man In India?
Since Xtra Man only appears to be sold in India, you can only buy it using the Indian form of currency, the Rupee.
According to a website I found that “looks” like it might be the official site (as of 2017), the cost is 1500 rupees for a one month supply. You can pay cash on delivery should you choose.
You can also buy it on Amazon, where the price hovers around 3,300 Rupees.
Are There Any Side Effects of Using Xtra Man?
According to their website, there aren’t. However, some of the most common side effects you could potentially see with creams like Xtra Man include:
- Allergic reactions
- Redness
- Itching
- Dry skin
- Rash
- Skin stinging or burning
What About Reviews – Xtra Man ?
Unfortunately, as of this writing I have not seen any credible Extra Men cream reviews posted online.
However, if you take a look at some of the testimonials we’ve received from guys who have used similar products like X cream and Man1 Man Oil, you may draw some comparisons.
These include the following:
“I’ve been using this for about 4 weeks now, and I haven’t seen any changes whatsoever.”
“I like to use this as a lube, but as far as any size gains, so far I’m not noticing them.”
“I feel like I’m seeing a difference, but it’s still a little bit too early to tell.”
My Personal Results of UsingXtra Man
So anyways, as far as my personal results, I’ve used probably close to a dozen of these so called male enhancement creams over the years, and the vast majority of them really hadn’t done much.
They seem to work really well as a lubricant for sex, but I never really noticed any increase in size or sexual performance from taking them.
My original plan was to use this for a couple of weeks so I could really get a sense as to whether or not it actually works.
However, I had some problems literally the first time I used it.
The directions on the label state that you should take a quarter sized tab and massage the penis skin gently in an outward direction until the cream is fully absorbed.
Rather than take my own advice and just use a small amount at first, I did exactly what they said and used a full quarter sized amount.
Well, this turned out to be a bad move on my part….
Within about 5 – 10 minutes of me rubbing this Xtra Man cream in, I started to get like a real itchy and burning sensation “down there”.
I kind of shrugged it off for the first 15 minutes or so and figured that maybe this is just a sign that it’s doing its job.
Well, within about 20 minutes my dick literally felt like it was about to burn off haha.
I basically said to myself “screw this” and hopped in the shower to wash as much off as a could.
The itching burning sensation seemed to linger for a couple of hours, but to me was bearable for the time being.
This scared the hell out of me enough to the point where I don’t think I’m going to try it again, but I want to stress a point, and that is that this doesn’t necessarily mean that this will happen to you.
As I mentioned earlier, I’ve sort of had hit or miss results with creams and gels like this.
Some of them seem to work fairly well, and some of them don’t seem to do anything.
It’s really a matter of how your individual body responds to the stuff.
How Does Xtra Man Cream Compare To Other Products?
Since we don’t really know what’s in it, it’s hard to draw a comparison. I can tell you from experience that the vast majority of creams I’ve used in the past usually don’t do what they say they’re going to do.
For example, one cream I’ve tried in the past called Himcolin labels itself as an “erectile dysfunction” corrector.
However, from my personal testing, it didn’t do much.
Another completely different product called Procomil spray, promises to help end premature ejaculation.
Just like with Himcolin, it doesn’t seem to do much.
Will I Get Bigger Using Xtra Man Cream?
If I had to guess, the answer is it’s very unlikely.
They do list “Help for penis enlargement” as one of the primary benefits, but they also say it helps with harder erections, improved premature ejaculation, as well as an improved penis muscle.
There’s just one problem…the penis is NOT a muscle.
You can’t work it out like you can your biceps, triceps, or back muscles.
However, you CAN work it out by stretching it.
I talk about this in more detail below.
Do Enlargement Creams Work?
In my experience, yes and no.
In some cases, they work GREAT as a lubricant while performing enlargement exercises like jelqing and wet / dry milking.
But just rubbing a cream on your d$%k isn’t going to give you any magic gains in enlargement.
Some creams, such as Vigrx Delay spray and Enlast, contain ingredients in it that help with premature ejaculation issues, but won’t do anything to help with size.
Personally speaking, I prefer to use pills over creams, simply because they work WAY better and are less messy.
If you are REALLY looking to gain size, then I would suggest you check out a supplement called Vigrx Plus.
It’s the most effective supplement I’ve ever tested, and when used in conjunction with an extender device called Phallosan Forte, or a water based pump called the Bathmate, you CAN see gains of as much as 2 inches in length and 1.5 inches in girth.
You can see my reviews of each of these below:
Vigrx Plus – https://www.supplementcritique.com/vigrx-plus-review
Phallosan Forte – https://www.supplementcritique.com/phallosan-forte-review-does-it-really-work/
Bathmate – https://www.supplementcritique.com/bathmate-hydromax-xtreme-review/
After finally testing out Xtra Man cream, I’m still a bit torn on recommending whether or not you should take it.
On the one had, I had HORRIBLE side effects from it.
To many people, and possibly even myself at times, this totally negates the product entirely and makes it not worth.
On the other hand, that doesn’t mean everyone else will respond the same way.
There’s really just WAY too little information about Xtra Man online to come to any conclusions.
I can’t seem to find a legit website, and there are no credible 3rd party reviews posted.
In my opinion, this all adds up to red flag after red flag and you could honestly do much better going with any number of alternatives and male enhancement supplements available online.
I ended up buying Xtra Man cream on Amazon for about $32.30 USD, which translates to 2059 Rupees.
I’m not sure if that’s considered expensive over in India, but here in the US that would be considered moderately priced.
In any event, if I were you I would take a pass on Xtra Man and stick with PROVEN products that really will give you gains in size.
Have You Used Xtra Man? Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure
Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.
The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.
Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.
Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings
Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.
Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Boyet's Review
Wow amazing product it really works. I like this product it is easy to use, very safe and no side effects at all. Thanks for this product Xtraman.
1 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
What is the price of one xtra man cream. -shriprakash
I haven't been able to locate a seller or a price.- Rob
73 out of 84 people found this question helpful.
How to use this creams. And what is the price? -Rohan patel
Information on this product is scarce. I have not been able to find either instructions or a seller.- Rob
46 out of 54 people found this question helpful.
Mujhe order karna haI kaise milenga Mujhe -Khan Aasif
mujhe nahin lagata ki ve ise ya phir ise bechate hain.- Rob
37 out of 42 people found this question helpful.
Side efffect or not -zenbung kamei
It's tough to tell with so little information available.- Rob
14 out of 17 people found this question helpful.
What is price one exra man cream ? -Dileep
I haven't been able to find a retailer, so I don't know.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
I have been lubricating my penis with this gel for a month, and it has increased by three centimeters. Also, there are some changes in girth.
No allergies, nothing itches or hurts! I hope my penis will increase as much in a month.
I`ll keep on lubricating.
Thanks for this discovery.
After 1 month of using this product i’ve seen visible results although it takes time but still effective.
Good for penis enlargement.
I have no reason to believe it’s not safe. If you’re worried, start off slow, with a small amount.
I haven’t found a retailer for Xtra Man Cream, so I can’t help you out with the price.
That’s a good question. I have not been able to find a retailer in quite some time.
Check out a supplement called Vigrx Plus. It’s WAY better than Xtraman, and is actually the best supplement I’ve ever used. Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/vigrx-plus-review
First off, I would recommend you pick up either a water based pump called the Bathmate, or an extender device called Phallosan Forte. Personally speaking, I prefer the Bathmate. It’s easier to use, you only need to use it for 10 – 15 min. a day (as opposed to 4 – 6 HOURS a day with the extender), and it’s cheaper.
Here’s my reviews of each:
Bathmate – https://www.supplementcritique.com/bathmate-hydromax-xtreme-review/
Phallosan Forte – https://www.supplementcritique.com/phallosan-forte-review-does-it-really-work/
Combine it with a high quality supplement like Vigrx Plus for improved blood flow and libido, and you’ll start seeing results in no time.
Here’s my review of Vigrx Plus: https://www.supplementcritique.com/vigrx-plus-review
I don’t think it’s for sale anymore. If it is, I don’t know where.
I haven’t been able to find a seller. My guess is it’s no longer available.
Let me know what you’re looking for results-wise, and I’ll recommend something great for you.
I was wondering what your take was on it
I haven’t heard of this one, and it’s a bit out of our scope.
I wrote you earlier about a testosterone supplement that says that if your supplement doesn’t have 4000IUs of vitamin D, and mushroom extract, and two other ingredients, I can’t remember. Then your supplement is fake!
The name of the product is called Test-Reload. I wanted to know if you heard of this product, and what was your thoughts.
Yeah, I’ve tried Test Reload and posted my results in our review. Here’s a link: https://www.supplementcritique.com/test-reload-review/ Let’s just say I wasn’t impressed.