XploZion Review – Should You Use It?
By: Rob Miller
XploZion Overview
XploZion, made by BeaMonstar, is an herbal male enhancement supplement made for men with ejaculation dysfunction, which it turns out is the third most common sexual dysfunction in men, after erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. What that is basically is a delay in ejaculation beyond what you want, or a complete inability to ejaculate during sexual activity. There are both physiological and psychological causes for ejaculation dysfunction, and XploZion claims to be the remedy for either.
Of course, XploZion is also for anyone who just wants to shoot a bigger load to impress the ladies. By increasing the amount of ejaculate your body produces, your orgasms will be longer, more intense, and ultimately more satisfying for both yourself and your partner.
XploZion Ingredients and How They Work
The full ingredient list is displayed on the BeaMonstar website XploZion product page, along with a brief explanation of how XploZion as a whole combats ejaculation dysfunction. According to the website, one of the primary focuses of the formula is on relieving anxiety, so you can relax and enjoy sex all the way to its natural conclusion. To that end, it contains Vitamin C and Zinc to boost the immune and endocrine systems, Vitamin B-12 to lift mood and increase energy, and Maca Root as an aphrodisiac and pleasure center enhancement so you are more receptive to sexual stimulation.
Rounding out the formula are ingredients such as Vitamin E, Niacin, Swedish Flower Pollen, Pine Bark Extract, and Pygeum Africanum Bark.
XploZion is meant to be taken daily (2 capsules per dose) so the components build up in your system over time. This way, your system is ready whenever you are.
XploZion Pros and Cons
Advantages of XploZion
- The ingredients are all natural.
- There are several XploZion reviews from users who’ve had success using it.
- It’s relatively affordable
- The manufacturer offers a money back guarantee.
Disadvantages of XploZion
- It requires daily commitment to taking the pills.
- Some reviewers say they noticed no improvement.
- XploZiondoesn’t do much for other sexual dysfunctions, like erectile problems.
Where to Buy
You can purchase XploZion through the BeaMonstar website or any of several other online retailers. The most common price we’ve seen is about $36.99, though we’ve also come across Buy 2 Get 1 Free deals, so you’ll want to shop around.
If your only sexual dysfunction is ejaculatory, or if you don’t really have problems, but just want to increase your load, XploZion is a good product to try.But if you have multiple issues or are looking for something primarily for erectile dysfunction, I’d say go with something else.
It definitely puts its money where its mouth is when it comes to producing very significant loads that make it worth trying out, even if just out of curiosity.
I don’t see why it would be bad to pair with other male enhancement supplements to get the best possible overall effects either, so long as there is no interaction of course.
Have You Used XploZion?Leave Your Review Below!
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User Questions and Answers
How long does it take to work? -Adrian
You take two pills per day and you should start to feel the full effects around 3-4 weeks.- Rob
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