Xanogen and HGH Factor Review – Does It Really Work?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-27-2020

What is Xanogen
What is HGH Factor
My Results From Taking Xanogen and HGH Factor Combined
The Truth About These 2 Supplements
Xanogen and HGH Factor – The Bottom Line
Warning: Some of this content is Not Suitable For Work. Viewer discretion is advised!
Xanogen and HGH Factor – My Story
We have been personally trying out alot of supplements these days, specifically male enhancement pills.
I have had a chance to try out Xanogen and HGH Factor to see if it can really help to grow the size of your penis 4 inches in 4 weeks.
Want To REALLY Get Bigger?Click Here to sign up for my free "Enlargement Exercises" eBook. |
First off, we found this supposed miracle combination while browsing through an adult site which had an advertisement on it hawking this stuff.

They even have “before and after” photos, essentially proving that it works.
Apparently some guy had a friend or a roommate that was an adult film star, and he had some huge results with taking these two product combined.
Well, we wanted to put this claim to the test.
I ordered the “free trial” of both Xanogen and HGH factor and got them in the mail the next day.
Instead of jumping in to the products or my personal results, I want to show you guys what kind of scam this really is.
The Truth About Xanogen And HGH Factor
You no doubt probably came across a supposed “blog” that was posted by some guy that said he took both of these products and gained massive size from it.
If you run a search for Xanogen and HGH Factor on google, you’ll see what I’m talking about.
It’s a website that’s literally called 3inches-3weeks dot com, and frankly it’s almost comical to read.
The guy in this “blog” chronicles his size increase on a weekly basis, and to the untrained eye it actually looks pretty legit.
He’s got a Xanogen before and after photo featured prominently at the top of the page:
Videos showing his surprising gains from using it for 3 months:
and even tells you where you can get them for FREE!
What a nice guy he is! Oh, and apparently the combination of Xanogen and HGH Factor is also some “hidden secret” that porn stars have been using for decades to help them grow a massive penis.
Gee, that all makes sense, the whole reason why porn stars are hung like horses is because of some new supplement combination that you have never even heard of, right.
Problem is, it’s ALL B.S.
The truth of the matter is this…this blog is what’s known in the industry as a “Flog”, or a fake blog.
After a little bit of research, companies like Xanogen and HGH Factor hire internet marketers to put up phony “testimonials” about how effective their products are.
How does it work?
It’s a cleverly crafted scheme, and they hire actors to play the role of the desperate guy who is frustrated with a small penis.
In fact, if you look at the very bottom of the 3 inches in 3 weeks dot com website, it makes it CRYSTAL CLEAR that it’s an advertisement.
What’s even more interesting is, ever since they launched this site, they’ve actually changed up the products they’re promoting.
Now, instead of Xanogen and HGH Factor, they’re peddling Endowmax and Ultra Edge XL.
This Xanogen Blog Looks Familiar
Really this whole story sounds identical to one I read a long time ago.
A guy who needed “something” to get him bigger and help him regain his confidence.
I’ve even seen one of these flogs with a girl named Jenny who supposedly started a blog talking about how he boyfriend grew his penis 2.7 inches in 3 weeks. Yeah, right….here’s a couple examples below
and the supposed boyfriend blog…
On either one of these blogs, you can also find several comments where apparently other guys have been using xanogen and HGH factor, and they are even posting before and after pictures showing their success. But the funny thing is, when you try to post a comment yourself, it never get’s approved. I’ve tried commenting several times and it never shows up, EVER.
And what’s more, If you look at some of these supposed before and after photo’s, really the only difference I see is that the before photo is zoomed out, and the after picture is zoomed in. I could take a picture of my junk when it is soft, and then take another picture when it was erect and it would appear that I “gained” 4 inches. Yeah, of course. I gained 4 inches in 2 minutes, because that’s what happens when you go from being soft to hard, right?
Xanogen Free Trial Scam
This flog also acts as a clever way to suck you into what’s known in the industry as an “auto-rebill, auto-shipment” program.
The allure of a free sample where you only have to pay $4.95 for shipping leads most guys to believe they’re getting something for free, when the reality is they are going to bill that very same credit card 15 days later for a VERY expensive amount.
As a matter of fact, if you don’t call to cancel, Xanogen will end up billing your credit card $89.95.
and HGH Factor will charge you the “super low price” of $79.88.
What’s worse is they end up continually sending you the product and continually billing your credit card until you cancel.
For someone that doesn’t check their bank or credit card statements regularly, this can turn into a DISASTER. I’ve heard of some guys literally getting charged $500 before they realized what was going on.
This makes sense, as we live in a world of automated payments and that is essentially what these scammers are counting on; that you are trusting and won’t notice that they are up to no good.
I’ve seen this happen with ton’s of other “free trials” including this supplement which refers to the auto-shipment as a ‘replenishment program’. After getting scammed by this one, I now make sure I read the fine print VERY carefully before ordering any supplements.
What is Xanogen?
Xanogen labels itself as a “penis enlargement medicine” on their official website that leads you to believe you can gain as much as 2 inches in length. They also mention that it is a permanent increase, and that once you reach the desired size you can stop taking it and you’ll keep the size you got. Claims like this really don’t hold any merit to them, and I have personally tested hundreds of male enhancement supplements that say they will do this, with no permanent results.
Supplements like Rock Hard and Blackcore Edge use deceptive marketing techniques that involve “Fake Articles” claiming that their supplements will give you some sort of ENORMOUS gain in size (more on this below).
Xanogen contains all the usual ingredients you’ll find in alot of competing supplements, with horny goat weed, maca root extract, tribulus Terrestris, and my personal favorite, Yohimbe bark. I have sort of a love/hate relationship with Yohimbe…on the one hand it produces raging erections that last for hours. On the other, the side effects are terrible! Nausea, stomach discomfort, fever like symptoms, and headaches all top the list of reasons why I don’t like using it, not to mention some guys have even DIED from taking it.
You can find Xanogen for sale on their official site (www.orderxanogen.com) for the low price of $89.95, but unfortunately it’s not for sale in any retail stores like GNC, Vitamin shoppe, walgreens, walmart, or CVS. No surprise there, considering it’s a pill claiming to increase your size.
What is HGH Factor?
HGH Factor claims to be an all natural HGH releaser, which uses ingredients to help stimulate your bodies natural production of growth hormone. Growth hormone is responsible for bone density, lean muscle mass, and energy levels, and typically you can get it via a prescription from a doctor. It is often injected to help people suffering from a wide variety of issues including growth deficiency issues, and even in the treatment of AIDS patients.
HGH Factor attempts to simulated the effects of real HGH by using ingredients like L-Glutamine, L-lysine, L-Arginine, and L-Glycine, even though these amino acids haven’t been clinically proven to have any effect on enhanced HGH levels. A principle ingredient in HGH factor is Astragin, which claims to increase the absorption rates of L-arginine and Citrulline, and is similar to another compound called Bioperine.
By taking HGH Factor, the claim is that it will work to enhance energy levels, promote weight loss and increase muscle strength and definition. In the case of Xanogen and HGH factor though, they are claiming that it will increase your penis size.Just like Xanogen, HGH factor is not for sale in GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, CVS, or Walmart, and can only be found on their official website www.buyhghfactor.com.
So does it really work? Well, I had a chance to personally test out this supposed “secret trick porn stars use”, check out my review below.
My Results From Taking Xanogen and HGH Factor Combined
I got both supplements in the mail a few days after ordering them, and as promised it was shipped discreetly. The directions said to take 1 pill of each in the morning, and 1 of each before bed. After the first few days, I did notice a small increase in my size down there, but nowhere near a couple of inches, it was probably more like 1/4 inch.
Continuing on, I noticed from the hgh factor that I was lifting bit heavier in the gym, but not by much. Luckily, I didn’t notice any side effects, but of course I can’t speak for everyone.
A couple of weeks went by, and would you know it? I didn’t have any REAL increase in size, especially not 4 inches. I was pretty disappointed, but not surprised. I mean really, what supplement is going to grow you 4 inches in 4 weeks. Disgusted with a lack of results, I tossed the bottles in the trash. Then it hit me….I actually DID gain something…a LARGER credit card balance!! I logged in to my online bank account and saw 2 charges…one from Xanogen and one from HGH Factor.
The Xanogen one was for $79.95 and the HGH Factor one was $79.88. Furious, I called up the customer service numbers listed on their website, and after holding for almost 30 min. I finally got through to a rep. When I asked them about the charges she (forgot her name) said that I agreed to the terms and conditions, which said that I had 15 days to “try” the product out, then I would be billed the full amount.
I was like “bs, I didn’t see anything about getting charged for this s$%t”, but she said there was nothing she could do about it.
Xanogen and HGH Factor – The Bottom Line
I actually took this post down about 6 months ago after receiving what’s called a DMCA request. After consulting with my (and several other) highly qualified attorneys, I am 100% within my legal rights to keep this post live as I am not violating any laws.
It’s a little thing called “Freedom of Speech”, and if they try to fight me on this they will be in for a rude awakening. I have several HUNDREDS of emails from angry former customers that were duped by their claims, all of which can be easily contacted as part of a class-action lawsuit against their company.
The simple (and refuted) fact is they are DELIBERATELY misleading consumersinto thinking that their products will grow your penis, which I pretty much have proven that this is FALSE.
I DID NOT see a gain of 4 inches in 4 weeks from taking Xanogen and HGH Factor, although I did notice a slight increase in my size and girth, as well as my stamina. I really don’t think you can gain that kind of size in such a short amount of time, and even if you did, I don’t think the results would be permanent. The fact that they use lies and deceit as a way of selling their product leads me to believe that it won’t work for anyone.
These blogs you are looking at are created by internet marketers who prey on men who are looking to get a bigger penis, because they know that most guys would do just about anything to get bigger. My best suggestion would be that you don’t even bother ordering these 2 supplements, as they likely won’t do much for you and will probably end up costing you ALOT of money.
Besides, there REALLY are products out there that can help you get bigger.
Have You Used Xanogen and HGH Factor? Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure
Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.
The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.
Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.
Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings
Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.
Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
I have been using these 2 products for about 3 weeks now. I have not gained the promised 4 inches but have increased size and girth. I have been lucky enough not to have any side effects. I not compleatly happy being I did not get the increase promised but it is more than I had and my wife is happy. Not everything works for everybody and everybodys body is diferent.
114 out of 132 people found this review helpful.
It’s a scam they are owned by the same company read this review and canceled my trial thanks rob
74 out of 85 people found this review helpful.
Yup. So I took these supplements and I was a guy that suferd from side effects 30 minutes after takeing the supplement. I had a hard time breathing and I could not concentrate my heart was beating fast and I was getting dizzy. So after a few days pass I survived and I started noticing these scenes where I would loose breath and get dizzy and chest pains and just feel weird. That was 3 months ago and to this day because it happens today that's the reason I looked this stuff up I was in a store and my chest got tight and I started getting dizzy and couldenr breath iv went to the hospital and they tell me I'm fine but I argue with them. I would not recommend this to anybody. And Yess they charge the craps out of you. And I'm only 19
58 out of 65 people found this review helpful.
Rob Miller: Hey Jason,
I would get checked out by a doctor. I'm not sure if the supplements are what caused it, but for it to be happening 3 months later would suggest some underlying condition you may be suffering from.
It honestly sounds like you're having an anxiety / panic attack, but again I'm no doctor.
B... Sh..
Crap! I tried both and used them till I had no more. I got nice erections but I never had a problem with getting an erection. I wanted to get bigger as this product suggests. NOTHING HAPPED, just a waiste of time popping pills morning and night, no results!!
52 out of 57 people found this review helpful.
Xanogen and hgh
Just ordered this shit, doubt it works, have a good sized penis anyways:) but I like to check this free shit out, and when I say free, I mean I only pay the shipping, because after ordering free offers like these I immediately cancel my credit card and therefore they can't get any more of my money!! If it works, I might get more because I like to work out and it might help me have gains in strength and endurance
48 out of 57 people found this review helpful.
Want To REALLY Get Bigger? Click Here To See Products That WORK!
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
How do I cancel my trail? -Vell
Give them a call within 14 days of the day you placed your order to cancel your trial. The number for Xanogen is 1-800-528-6565. The number for HGH Factor is 1-800-587-0888.- Rob
37 out of 41 people found this question helpful.
Is it safe for teenagers to use -lisa
I wouldn't recommend any supplements for teenagers other than protein and creatine. The ingredients in these supplements just haven't been tested on kids.- Rob
16 out of 19 people found this question helpful.
what is. best time to take 2 pills -cristobal
The recommended dose is 1 pill of each in the morning and one pill of each in the evening before bed.- Rob
13 out of 15 people found this question helpful.
Do u have to take both ? -Shan
That's what they recommend, but I wouldn't recommend that you take either. Let me know what your goals are, and I'll recommend something for you.- Rob
16 out of 21 people found this question helpful.
Hi. I live in turkie can I have xanogen -Amin
It looks like Xanogen is only available in the US. Check out VigRx Plus instead. They ship to Turkey.- Rob
7 out of 8 people found this question helpful.
Yeah I’ll send the ebook over shortly. As far as supplementation, I always recommend you use a supplement called Vigrx Plus along with either the Phallosan Forte or Bathmate. It can help pretty dramatically with improved blood flow, and will also increase you erection quality and control.
Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/vigrx-plus-review
First off, I would recommend you pick up either a water based pump called the Bathmate, or an extender device called Phallosan Forte. Personally speaking, I prefer the Bathmate. It’s easier to use, you only need to use it for 10 – 15 min. a day (as opposed to 4 – 6 HOURS a day with the extender), and it’s cheaper.
Here’s my reviews of each:
Bathmate – https://www.supplementcritique.com/bathmate-hydromax-xtreme-review/
Phallosan Forte – https://www.supplementcritique.com/phallosan-forte-review-does-it-really-work/
Combine it with a high quality supplement like Vigrx Plus for improved blood flow and libido, and you’ll start seeing results in no time.
Here’s my review of Vigrx Plus: https://www.supplementcritique.com/vigrx-plus-review
As of the moment and to date, nothing happened meaning no results. Can you explain, why?
Thank you very much….
Let me know what benefits you’re looking for and I’ll make a great recommendation for you.
Im 22 if that helps narrow some supplements
However, no pill (including Vigrx Plus) will give you any sort of permanent enlargement gains without either using an extender or pump.
I would recommend you pick up either a water based pump called the Bathmate, or an extender device called Phallosan Forte. Personally speaking, I prefer the Bathmate. It’s easier to use, you only need to use it for 10 – 15 min. a day (as opposed to 4 – 6 HOURS a day with the extender), and it’s cheaper.
Here’s my reviews of each:
Bathmate – https://www.supplementcritique.com/bathmate-hydromax-xtreme-review/
Phallosan Forte – http://www.supplementcritique.com/phallosan-forte-review-does-it-really-work/
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
There are plenty of pictures online. You’ll find them with a Google image search.
I bought both of xanogen and hgh factor. I am smoker and heavy drink nescafe, do these effect on tow products work?
SupplementCritique.com is a review website – we don’t sell or distribute supplements. Xanogen and HGH Factor are available through a free trial offer, but make sure you understand the terms of the deal because they will charge you after 14 days if you don’t take action to cancel.
For size gains, check out this post: https://www.supplementcritique.com/male-enhancement-products-to-help-gain-size/ For help with libido, lasting longer, check out a supplement called Vigrx Plus.
It’s the best product I’ve used to date, and I’ve used DOZENS of these products. Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/vigrx-plus-review/
Let me know what your goals are and I’ll recommend the best product or stack for you.
First off, I would recommend you pick up either a water based pump called the Bathmate, or an extender device called Phallosan Forte. Personally speaking, I prefer the Bathmate. It’s easier to use, you only need to use it for 10 – 15 min. a day (as opposed to 4 – 6 HOURS a day with the extender), and it’s cheaper.
Here’s my reviews of each:
Bathmate – https://www.supplementcritique.com/bathmate-hydromax-xtreme-review/
Phallosan Forte – https://www.supplementcritique.com/phallosan-forte-review-does-it-really-work/
Combine it with a high quality supplement like Vigrx Plus for improved blood flow and libido, and you’ll start seeing results in no time.
Here’s my review of Vigrx Plus: https://www.supplementcritique.com/vigrx-plus-review
SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t sell Xanogen or HGH Factor.
They do both have free trials through their websites, but be careful and make sure you read the terms and conditions because 14 days after you order, they will charge you full price. Read the review above for more information about that.
They’re xanogen.com and hghfactor.com
Unfortunately, no. No pill will do that. Check out my full review on BlackCore Edge here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/blackcore-edge-review/ I’m not a big fan, to put it mildly.
I just sent a copy to your email. Let me know if you have any more questions.
Now I’m trying to see what to get…I never got an complaint bout my size but I know I need to get bigger in size and length
Check out either an extender device like the Phallosan Forte, or a water based vacuum pump called the Bathmate Hydromax.
Personally speaking, I would go with the Bathmate…it's easier to use, you only need to use it for 10 – 15 min. a day (as opposed to 4 – 6 hours with the extender), and it's cheaper.
Check out my reviews below:
Phallosan Forte – https://www.supplementcritique.com/phallosan-forte-review-does-it-really-work/
Bathmate Hydromax – https://www.supplementcritique.com/bathmate-hydromax-xtreme-review/
Rob SupplementCritique.com
Sure thing. I just sent it over to your email address. Anyone else looking for the ebook just visit this page and sign up: https://www.supplementcritique.com/free-enhancement-ebook/
Give them a call before your trial period is up and let them know you want to cancel. If you can’t get in touch with them, you can call your bank or credit card and tell them you don’t want to accept any more charges.
But try with the company first.
Sure thing. I just sent it over to you email address. Here’s the link to sign up for it for anyone else that’s interested: https://www.supplementcritique.com/free-enhancement-ebook/
I called the company and they told me that my credit card declined the purchase because they thought that they are a bogus company. I thanked the credit card company for their diligence and called HGH aka perfect skin aka something else and told them off.
They should be put out of business. They said nothing and hung up!
Don’t be fooled. Buy your stuff from legitimate sites and companies.
Sounds like you signed up for the free trials, and now they keep sending you the products. Give the two companies a call and tell them you want to cancel.
The number for Xanogen is 1-800-528-6565. The number for HGH Factor is 1-800-587-0888.
Personally speaking I don’t think it really matters, as taking these supplements will likely not result in any significant changes in size.
Sure thing. I just sent it over to your email address. Here’s a link to sign up for it: https://www.supplementcritique.com/free-enhancement-ebook/
You would have to check on the website to see where they deliver. If you’re looking for something that delivers to the Philippines, try VigRx Plus.
No, VigRx Plus is a performance enhancer. For enlargement, you'll need to use a device like the Phallosan Forte or a pump like Hydromax Xtreme from Bathmate, or you can use the exercise program in my Penis Enhancement ebook.
Taking VigRx Plus assures optimal performance while you're doing the exercises or using the devices. It may also help speed up the process.
Rob SupplementCritique.com
Sure thing. You can sign up for it here.
Give them a call and tell them you want to cancel your subscription. The number should be on your credit card statement.
If you’re not able to get in touch with them, call your credit card company and tell them you no longer want to accept charges from them.
You won’t be able to return to puberty. In fact, there are no supplements that can make your penis grow. Increased testosterone will improve your libido and your performance, but it won’t increase your penis size. I recommend using VigRx Plus along with your exercise program. What it does is increase the flow of blood to your penis, and when there’s more blood, you get bigger erections.
i am working in bahrain
I don’t know what countries they ship to. They have a contact form on their website.
I’d contact them and see what they can do for you. Make sure you understand the terms of their “free” trial offer before you order.
Sure thing. I just sent a copy over to your email address.
I just sent it over to your email. Let me know if you have any questions.
Sure thing. Sign up for it here.
I have a free “Enlargement Exercises” ebook, it’s packed with tons of info on methods of gaining length and girth naturally, as well as helping improve sexual performance and libido. Check it out here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/free-enhancement-ebook/
Sure, you can sign up for it here, and I’ll send it right out.
No problem. I just sent it over to your email address.
I’m glad I read your reviews on these products before I bought them.
No problem. I just sent it over in an email.
To me
Sure thing. Check your email.
I just sent over the ebook. Let me know if you have any questions.
Sure thing. Check your email.
I just sent it over.
Sure thing. Check your email.
I just sent it over.
Sure thing. Check your email.
I just sent it over.
Sure thing. Check your email.
I just sent it over.
Sure thing. I just sent it over to your email address.
We’re a review site. We don’t sell or distribute products.
If you want to order the free trials, you’ll have to visit the product websites. Just make sure you know the terms and dates you have to cancel before you’ll be charged.
I cant afford to pay for that book
Yep, it’s free. Check your email.
I just sent it over.
And to give me lots of energy when I work out ,
Please sent me a copy of your book , I’m canceling my card tomorrow I’m not taking any chances thanks for your help I don’t know how I found you but I’m sure glad.
Check your email. I just sent over the ebook. As for supplements, I’m sure it’s safe to take the pills you have. I just wouldn’t expect much in terms of results. Instead, try VigRx Plus. It’s the best when it comes to sexual performance enhancement.
I just read your blog in hope to help my man a bit. If you could send me a copy of your ebook I’d be mucho greatful.
Sure thing. Check your email.
I’ll send it right over.
Can I get your ebook?
No problem, I just sent it over to your email address.
Just make sure you call to cancel before the 14 day trial period is up.
I am also curious about this exercise ebook of yours. Do you mind emailing it?
Check your email. I just send it over!
by the way can i also have a copy of your ebook? cause i believe natural way is much effective than to try these pills.. thank in advance..
Check your email. I just sent over a copy.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
If you get any results at all, yes, they will reverse shortly after you stop taking them. That’s pretty much the case with any supplement. But to be clear, your penis won’t grow from taking these pills. Sign up for my free enlargement exercises ebook if you’re interested in size gains.
I want to know what your book is all about. thank you sir..
Check your email. I just sent it over for you.
Yup, you can post a comment here and we’ll approve it. We’ll even respond to your questions too 🙂
And I never even got the product
Hard to believe, I know, but it’s true. If you don’t want to be billed, make sure you call them and cancel before your 14 day trial period expires, and remember, the 14 days starts from the day you placed your order, not the day you received the products.
Check your email. I just sent it over.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks! Has anyone listed any results on the exercises?
I just sent a copy over to your email address, and yes, I’ve had lots of guys get back to me letting me know that they’ve seen significant results using VigRx Plus and the exercises. One thing is for sure though… it takes dedication!
I just sent it over to your email address. If you have any troubles or don’t see it, you can sign up for the ebook here.
Sure thing. You can sign up for the ebook of exercises here.
Just got to America and I almost got duked into buying “hgh factor” and “xanogen”. I don’t know how I stumbled onto your review but I’m glad I did.
Is there a chance I can get a copy of this book everybody’s raging about?
Also there’s this thing called the “PE Bible”.
I was wondering if you knew anything about it.
Thanks again for the save man.
Check your email. I just sent over the book.
I hadn’t heard of the PE Bible, but I took a quick look, and my guess is that it’s pretty much just a program of exercises. I suggest you give our free ebook a try before you pay $50 for this program.
I just sent it over to your email address. You can also sign up for it at this link.
I just sent the ebook to your email address. But if you prefer, you can also download it at https://www.supplementcritique.com/free-enhancement-ebook/.
Can u please send me the PE ebook with and info on vigrxplus.
Thank you
Here’s the link where you can download the PE book, and here’s my VigRx Plus review. Let me know if you have any more questions.
Can u please send me the ebook with the excersizes and info on vigrxplus.
Thank you
Check your email. I just sent over the ebook and the link to my VigRx Plus review.
Check your email.
I just sent over the ebook.
Can u please send me the PE ebook with and info on vigrxplus.
Thank you
Check your email. I just sent over the ebook and the link to my VigRx Plus review. Let me know if you have any more questions.
Check your email, I just sent it over. Let me know if you have any questions.
No. They don’t work. Your best bet my free natural enlargement exercises book that I just sent to your email address, along with a supplement called VigRx Plus.
Check your email. I just sent it over.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Check your email. I just sent over the book. As for pills, check out VigRx Plus.
Check your email. I sent over the ebook.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Check your email. I just sent over the book.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
No, it doesn’t. My recommendation would be my penis enhancement exercises ebook and VigRx Plus pills. Let me know if you’re interested in the book, and I’ll send it over.
Check your email. I just sent it over.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
Check your email. I just sent over the ebook.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
Can I get your ebook on the PE? How can I be assured you’re not also doing the bidding for VirgRx plus?
Check your email, I just sent over the ebook. I do have an affiliate relationship with VigRx Plus which means that when a reader I recommend places an order, I get a commission. But VigRx Plus has been clinically tested and proven to work, they never use autobilling or autoshipping tactics, and I’ve tried it myself and found it to be the best by far.
Just wondering what this book is that everyone in the comments is wanting! What kind of info does it contain?
It’s a book of penis enhancement exercise. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll send one over.
Check your email. I just sent over a copy.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
Check your email. I just sent over the book.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
Thank you.
Check your email. I just sent over the book.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
The way these products “trick” you into ongoing shipping and billing by hiding it in the fine print is a fact, and if a product stoops to that level to get you to buy it, it must not be a very good product. VigRx Plus has been clinically tested and proven to work, I’ve used it myself, and there are hundreds of positive reviews from customers. Ultimately, I guess you won’t know until you try it, but luckily, there’s a money back guarantee.
Check your email, I just sent over the ebook. Let me know if you have any more questions.
Check your email. I just sent you a copy.
Thanks for the review. Your e book helps with size gain?
Please send me a copy. Thank you!
You’ll get some size help from the exercises. Check your email, I just sent it over.
Thanks for the information on these pills, just like i thought they would not work. Can you send me the E-book..maybe something will help.
Sorry to here, but not surprised. Check your email.
I just sent over the ebook.
I feel like gaining size is semi hopeless i havent tried anything yet in fear of being let down and obviously wasted money. You seem legit i was hoping you could help me out with this book everyones raging about.
Thank you
Yeah, you certainly won’t gain inches and inches, but there’s some help to be had. Check your email, I’ll send the ebook right over.
Glad you found us in time. Check your email, I just sent over the ebook and a recommendation for a much better supplement.
Glad you found us in time. Check your email, I just sent over the ebook. You may also want to check out an extender device called Phallosan Forte, a water pump called Bathmate, and the VigRx Plus supplement.
Rob SupplementCritique.com
No problem. Check your email, I just sent it over.
Check your email. I just sent it over.
Check your email. I just sent over the book.
Check your email. I just sent over the ebook.
Let me know if you need anything else.
Can u send me info on VigRx Plus along with a program of PE exercises ebook.
Check your email. I just sent over the PE exercises book. I included the link to the Vigrx Plus info as well.
Check your email. I just sent it over.
Let me know if you have any questions.
GREAT review. I was wondering if you could send me a copy of your ebook.
Check your email. I just sent you a copy
No, I do not recommend these products. If you ordered the free trial, make sure you call and cancel within the designated time frame. Otherwise, you’ll be billed and signed up for automatic monthly shipping and payments, and they’re actually pretty expensive. You can read about these kinds of “free trial” scams in my article here.
I have similar experience with other product (hyper9x)…luckily i can cancel them before it got too far.
I am interested in ur ebook.
Can you share with me?
Thanks and keep up the great work with ur blog!!
Yeah, these “scams” are everywhere. Check your email, I just sent over a copy.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
Send me a copy of your book please.
Glad to hear it. Check your email, I just sent over a copy.
I’m glad i saw this review! I ordered from Xanogen and HGH Factor about four days ago still haven’t got in mail yet.
Thanks for letting me know! I will cancel my trial as soon as i get it!
Also can you send me a copy of your ebook thanks!
Check your email. I’ll send it right over.
Check your email. I just sent you over a copy of the book along with a recommendation for VigRx Plus. Make sure you call Xanogen and HGH Factor to cancel the trials as soon as you get the products. They may give you some pushback, but stand firm. Let me know if you have any more questions.
Check your email. I just sent over the ebook.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Glad you found us in time. Check your email.
I just sent over the ebook. Let me know if you have any more questions.
When the product arrives, call the company and tell them you want to cancel your free trial. They will try to convince you to stick with it, and they may try to get you to extend the trial or give you a discount, but unless you want monthly charges, don’t give in.
But yes, they will charge your debit card if you don’t cancel.
As soon as you get the products, give them a call and tell them you don’t want any further charges and you want to cancel any autoshipping plan they may have set up. The Xanogen number is 1-800-528-6565. The HGH Factor number is 1-800-587-0888. They may give you some pushback.
Just stay firm.
I like your blog thank u
Check your email, I sent you a copy of the ebook. Let me know if you have any questions.
Sincerely, Alex
Thank You
Glad you found us! Sure, check your email.
I’ll send it right over.
I cant believe how much of it is bullcrap. You seem credible can you please just tell me exactly which pills you think i should order for gains? vigrx? im mainly looking for girth and am desparate.
No pill is gonna give you size on its own. The exercises will help. Check your email, I'll send over a copy asap.
You're better off combining the exercises with VigRx Plus, and if you want more significant gains, check into an extender device like the Phallosan Forte or a pump like Bathmate combined with the VigRx Plus.
Whatever you choose, remember to keep your expectations reasonable.
You are not going to gain 4 or 5 inches. If there were a way you could do that, believe me, we'd all know about it!
Rob SupplementCritique.com
By the way where can I order the Vigrx plus?
Check your email for a copy of the book. I just sent one over. You can order VigRx Plus through the link provided in my full VigRx Plus review. I also included the link with your email. I think you’ll be pleased with the results you’ll get from combining the exercises and the VigRx Plus.
Check your email. I just sent it over.
Check your email. I just sent it over.
I totally understand your skepticism, but I can personally vouch for VigRx Plus. They don’t do autoship. You only pay for what you order, and it works great. It’s the best I’ve tried and almost everyone I’ve recommended it to loves it. You can feel confident ordering it. (And make sure you remember to cancel the others in time).
Can u send it to me please?
I just sent it over to your email.
Great blog by the way
Check your email, I just sent it over. Let me know if you have any questions.
Check your email. I just sent the book over.
Yeah, you won't get real or permanent size increases by taking pills alone. For that, I recommend using VigRx Plus along with a device, like Phallosan Forte or Bathmate.
Rob SupplementCritique.com
Glad to hear it. Check your email.
I just sent over the book.
Can you send me your pe exersices ebook
Thank you.
Check your email. I just sent it over.
Let me know if you have any questions.
VigRx Plus is a great product. Check out my review here.
I have a PE exercises ebook that I offer. Check your email.
I just sent you a copy.
I just sent the exercise book to your email address. If you don’t see it, check the spam folder.
It may have ended up there.
Check your email. I sent you my pe exercises ebook.
As far as enlargement goes, I would recommend you order a supplement called Vigrx Plus, and combine it with either an extender device like Phallosan Forte, or a water based pump like the Bathmate.
Rob SupplementCritique.com
Sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got all the info on workouts and meal plans to get ripped.
My name is Crawford and I’m from Papua New Guinea.
I have been searching for a kind of product to grow my penis and have come across HGH factor and Xanogen but here in my country there is no such products.. Please help me on how to order or buy it online that will come directly to me
Thank you
So I’m a little lost?
If permanent gains are what you’re after, I recommend you use VigRx Plus along with a program of PE exercises. I’m going to email you my Penis Enlargement ebook so you have a guide to take you through the process. And just to clarify, the exercises are what will give you the permanent gains. The VigRx Plus will help you get there faster and make sure your performance continues to be where you want it to be.
Or what do I need exactly to get permanent result meaning which enchantment you recommend?
The results you get from PE exercises will be permanent as long as you “cement” them. This involves a program of weaning yourself off the exercises slowly, like a maintenance program, before eventually stopping. Taking VigRx Plus will help you make size gains faster, but it won’t improve the permanence. Another benefit of taking VigRx Plus while doing PE exercises is that it helps ensure that you maintain great erectile function throughout your program.
You would have to check with the companies you bought the supplements from to find out how long they’ll take to arrive. It sounds like you order the free trials.
Just make sure you read all the fine print and prepare to cancel your autoshipment plans before the deadline.
Yeah, I’m not surprised. Make sure you get in touch with the companies to cancel your automatic deliveries before your trial period is up so you don’t get caught up in a difficult, unwanted situation.
This is a review site. We do not represent or have any affiliation with these products.
If you want to order them, you’ll need to visit their product website.
After reading this i really dont know what to do with the product anymore, should i cancel the free trial and take the product anyway? I only have a 60 day supply of xanogen.
Call the company right away and tell them you do not wish to sign up for the auto-shipping program. I don’t know whether or not you’ll have to return the pills.
They can tell you that when you call.
The first thing you should do is try calling the company to cancel your trial. And you’ll want to do that right away – the sooner the better.
You may or may not have to return the product or the empty bottle when you get it. No need to panic though.
Sometimes, canceling is fairly simple. If you have trouble canceling with the product manufacturer, then yes, go to your credit card company and have them cancel the charge.
Best of luck to you.
Should I alert my cred. Card co.
Now about those charges or wait, and if xanogen isn’t the answer could you reccomend something else. I ‘ m fifty yrs old my wife is forty and I can’ t stay hard long enough for her and I would also like to be bigger, any help would be appreciated
Thank you
I would just call Xanogen to cancel your trial. Check out a product called Vigrx Plus, it is the best one we have tested. Here is our review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/vigrx-plus-review