Vitacore CBD Gummies Review (2023): Male Enhancement SCAM

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 6-19-2023

Home » Male Enhancement » Vitacore CBD Gummies Review (2023): Male Enhancement SCAM

Vitacore CBD Gummies pretend to care about your sexual issues and frustrations.

Unfortunately, it’s simply a ploy as the product is nothing more than a scam.

Vitacore CBD Gummies makes all the promises in the world yet fails to deliver on any of them.

The CBD gummies are not only unsafe and unpredictable, but a complete waste of money.

Find out why in our complete review of Vitacore CBD Gummies.


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What are Vitacore CBD Gummies?

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Vitacore CBD Gummies pretends to care about low libido and sexual dysfunction.

The supplier makes an assortment of absurd claims most of which are inaccurate or completely misleading.

In fact, Vitacore claims that it only takes 30 days of use to increase your penis size by 5 inches

The supplier goes as far as to suggest that it only takes 30 days to increase your penis size by 5 inches, an outrageous accusation.

Furthermore, Vitacore CBD Gummies fools men into believing these CBD gummies completely transform your sex life.

The company suggests that these gummies make you a legend in the bedroom, contributing to rock-hard erections and multiple orgasms.

Even worse, Vitacore falsely asserts that its CBD gummies are medically proven and guaranteed to deliver results.

The opposite is actually true as these gummies are endorsed by a fake doctor and artificial customer reviews (more details, below).

Vitacore CBD Gummies pretend to function as a lifesaver for sexual dysfunction while refusing to release the actual ingredients in its formula (see, below).

It’s one of the many cheap marketing tricks designed to mislead customers, including an “official website” designed to look like a standard Reddit post.

How Does It Work?

Vitacore CBD Gummies are advertised to immediately produce results.

In fact, here is a direct quote from the supplier’s website that is designed to appear as if the product is mentioned on Reddit:

The tests confirm that the first results appear just in a few instants, in less time than it took you to read this text. But I’m 100% sure that your penis won’t grow if you don’t start RIGHT NOW.

These statements are reportedly made by a man named Professor Thomas Weaver, a so-called “scientist”.

The problem is “Professor Weaver” lacks any background information or verifiable credentials.

Nonetheless, the entire scam revolves around this fake doctor who makes countless false assertions deliberately designed to mislead customers.

Professor Weaver is “the only person who can free you from these embarrassing sexual issues” yet doesn’t even have the confidence to release what’s actually in the formula.

What’s worse, is this scam artist actually has the gall to claim that Vitacore CBD Gummies are based on a “scientific method” and “medically proven.”

It actually couldn’t be further from the actual truth which indicates that these gummies do not accomplish what they claim.

There is zero clinical support that these gummies are a male enhancement supplement that will improve penis size and erection hardness.

Additionally, nothing supports the claims that Vitacore CBD Gummies equal better sex and more satisfying, rewarding orgasms.

Thus, the assertions Professor Weaver makes about the gummies (improve penis size, erection quality, etc.) are simply untrue.

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Vitacore CBD Gummies Benefits

Vitacore CBD Gummies makes every big promise in the world.

First, it seeks to improve low libido and sex drive, leading to more satisfying and rewarding sex.

Secondly, the product alleges to transform the sex life of your partner as she enjoys your hard erections and impressive stamina.

These are among the more outrageous claims made by Vitacore about its product:

  • Improves penis size by 5 inches in 30 days of use.
  • Improves erection size, hardness, and stamina.
  • Radically alters sex drive and improves libido.
  • Loud, multiple orgasms for you and your partner.
  • Improved blood flow and testosterone production.

Unfortunately, none of this is the reality considering that Vitacore cannot even keep its information consistent.

For example, one section of the website insists the results are near-instant.

Then, another section claims these results only occur after 4 weeks of regular, consistent use.

Which one is it?

Vitacore cannot even get it right which is evident by how often the scam artist seeks to confuse readers, like altering the design of its website (including attempting to resemble Reddit).

Vitacore CBD Gummies Ingredients

In the past, there have been more than a few scammers that have sought to capitalize off one of the latest health trends – CBD.1

There is no question that cannabidiols offer a ton of promise for a variety of health issues.

Nevertheless, questions remain as to what effect THC and CBD have on sexual issues like erectile dysfunction (ED).2

Previously, limited clinical studies have indicated that cannabis is more detrimental to sexual function than beneficial.

However, some believe that sentiment could change in the near future with recent indications suggesting the opposite.3

Still, the problem with CBD is many products advertise online to contain cannabidiols when, in reality, they do not.

Unfortunately, there is much indication to suggest Vitacore is one of these products that falsely claim to have real CBD.

The problem is Vitacore has never actually released the contents of its formula.

For this reason, it’s unclear what ingredients are actually in the gummies and if they even contain real CBD.

In fact, the only ingredients that Vitacore actually states are in the formula are:

  • Guarana
  • Peppermint Extract
  • Arctium Extract
  • Ginseng Extract

Vitacore CBD Gummies promises customers that it delivers immediate results leading to sex that can last 30 minutes or more.

And, while there is clinical support for certain ingredients (like Ginseng and Guarana), we also don’t know what else is in the formula.4 5

Consequently, it’s safe to suggest that Vitacore CBD Gummies are not all-natural, and also feature artificial or potentially dangerous ingredients.

Vitacore CBD Gummies Side Effects

There is evidence that Vitacore CBD Gummies feature harmful or dangerous ingredients.

The supplier mentions certain ingredients yet also fails to account for how and where they process the CBD which is apparently in the gummies.

Moreover, Vitacore CBD Gummies are promoted by a fake doctor and feature testimonies from satisfied albeit not real people.

Vitacore fails to inform customers what makes their product the “scientific solution to your problems.”

What’s worse, Professor Weaver guarantees that these CBD gummies work and are supported by a money-back guarantee (they are not!).

Does It Really Work?

No, Vitacore CBD Gummies are not dependable, reliable, or safe for consumption.

Men should never trust any male enhancement supplement that hides behind its formula and makes false claims from bulls**t doctors.

Vitacore attempts to capitalize on the numerous sexual problems affecting men, including low libido and ED.

However, instead of becoming part of the solution the supplier is, rather, part of the problem.

It’s basically impossible to grow your penis 5 inches in less than a month.

The before/after photos featured in the fake customer reviews (more information, below) are borrowed from porn stars.

The reality is that most men do not have gigantic cocks, and 8 inches is NOT the norm for penis size (it’s actually much closer to 5 inches).6

For this reason, men really shouldn’t take anything Vitacore claims at face value.

There is no hidden science or scientific method to the CBD gummies.

Rather, the gummies are simply an unreliable supplement that may or may not have actual cannabidiols in the formula.

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Vitacore Fake Customer Reviews

Vitacore CBD Gummies marketing is largely dependent on before/after photos that demonstrate the penis size improvements of some of its “customers.”

While the before/after results are astonishing it’s impossible to believe that any of these customer reviews are actually authentic.

For example, “William Hurst”, claims that he put on 8 inches to his penis size in his late-30s.

Then, there is another “customer” who insists he added 4 inches to an already massive cock, and can satisfy his woman 5x in less than 30 minutes.

These customer reviews sound like they are borrowed from a cheap erotic novel which is on par with the poor graphic design needed to fabricate the images.

Fake Scientific Facts, Fake Results

The trend continues when readers examine the “results” from a scientific study (which, of course, isn’t cited).

Notwithstanding, according to these impressive results, men that used Vitacore witnessed:

  • Thickens penis girth by 65%
  • Improves penis length by 84%
  • Frequency of partner orgasms by 89%

Vitacore misleads customers into thinking a refund policy exists and that it’s available “risk-free”.

Sadly, there is no such guarantee and those that are tricked into buying Vitacore CBD Gummies have to deal with the money down the drain.


It doesn’t take long for men to recognize that Vitacore CBD Gummies look fishy.

Once directed to its website (that looks like a cheap Reddit knockoff), users are quickly inundated by a pop-up ad offering some type of incredible, limited guarantee.

However, these 50% promotions are just cheap attempts to get customers to act immediately, and not actually look into what they are buying.

The benefits of Vitacore CBD Gummies are well-documented yet do not exist in reality as evidenced by poor marketing and low-quality graphic design of the website.

Customers should avoid this scam at all costs!


  1. VanDolah HJ, Bauer BA, Mauck KF. Clinicians’ Guide to Cannabidiol and Hemp Oils. Mayo Clin Proc. 2019;94(9):1840-1851. doi:10.1016/j.mayocp.2019.01.003 (source)
  2. Pizzol D, Demurtas J, Stubbs B, et al. Relationship Between Cannabis Use and Erectile Dysfunction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Am J Mens Health. 2019;13(6):1557988319892464. doi:10.1177/1557988319892464 (source)
  3. Wiebe E, Just A. How Cannabis Alters Sexual Experience: A Survey of Men and Women. J Sex Med. 2019;16(11):1758-1762. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2019.07.023 (source)
  4. Lee HW, Lee MS, Kim TH, et al. Ginseng for erectile dysfunction. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017;2017(5):CD012654. Published 2017 May 9. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD012654 (source)
  5. Smith N, Atroch AL. Guaraná’s Journey from Regional Tonic to Aphrodisiac and Global Energy Drink. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2010;7(3):279-282. doi:10.1093/ecam/nem162 (source)
  6. King BM. Average-Size Erect Penis: Fiction, Fact, and the Need for Counseling. J Sex Marital Ther. 2021;47(1):80-89. doi:10.1080/0092623X.2020.1787279 (source)

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.