Virility Intense Review
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-24-2020

So many male enhancement supplements to write about, so little time.
I recently had someone ask me if I have ever heard of a supplement called Virility Intense.
I get these types of requests all the time, and usually I do a quick google search to see if anyone has ever written about it.
What struck me about Virility Intense was the fact that, when I ran a google search, there was almost NOONE that has written a review on it.
In fact, nearly every result that came back was for a completely different product called Virility Ex.
Nonetheless, I wanted to learn more about it, so I started digging.
1. What is Virility Intense?
Usually when I research a supplement or pill out, there’s no shortage of information available on it.
Everything from who makes it, to what ingredients it has, to how much it costs, is readily available.
This was not the case with the Virility Intense male enhancement formula…
There’s literally NO official website for them, no listing on Amazon, and no one talking about them.
So where am I getting all of these requests to review it?
What’s drumming up all of the interest?
My first thought is that they are sending out a bunch of mailers.
There’s a bunch of other companies I’ve seen doing this in the past.
Supplements like Eroxin send out these REALLY lewd mailers, complete with pictures of big d$%ks, women longing after them, etc.
Evoxa was another one, as well as All Weekend pill.
If you try searching for either one of those pills in google, you’re likely not going to find much about it.
2. What are the ingredients in Virility Intense?
Luckily, and after a whole lot of digging, I came across this eBay listing.
All of the info on it is in what looks to be Spanish, but the label itself is in English.
Here’s a snapshot of the label:
It’s kind of hard to see, so here’s the full list of ingredients in Virility Intense:
- Niacin
- Zinc oxide
- Muira Puama
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Kola Nut
- Maca
- Eleuthero Extract
- Catuaba bark extract
- Avena Sativa
- Nettle Root
- Pumpkin seed
- Ginger
- Sarsaparilla
- L-arginine
- Barren Wort
- Korean Ginseng
- American Ginseng
- L-Citrulline
- Orchic Substance
- Boron Citrate
3. Are there any side effects?
Side effects are always possible with ANY supplement, including the ones I personally recommend.
On the side of the product label, they do mention that you should discontinue using if you experience any adverse reactions.
They also mention that you should not exceed the stated dose, which is 2 capsules daily with an 8 oz glass of water.
From the formula, some of the more common side effects you may experience with Virility Intense include:
- Flushing of the skin, caused by the Niacin content. (Source)
- Lowered blood pressure, caused by the L-Arginine. (Source)
- Cramping, diarrhea, and nausea, all caused by Tribulus Terrestris. (Source)
Clearly the formula may cause some issues, but the bottom line is this: does it REALLY work?
Well, that’s a bit unknown. Here’s why…
4. Virility Intense Reviews
As I mentioned prior, finding reviews for this male enhancement supplement was nearly impossible.
If you run a search on google for the term “Virility Intense reviews”, this is what you see:
All of the results listed are talking about Virility Ex, NOT Virility Intense.
There could be one of 2 things going on here:
- Since no one has written anything about Virility Intense, googles algorithm is just using the term that’s most closely related to it.
- Google REALLY wants you to buy Virility Ex 🙂
I can’t imagine the second part would be true, but I guess stranger things have happened.
So who the hell makes it?
This is where things start to get a bit interesting.
When I was looking at the label of Virility Intense, I noticed a little thing about the bottom about the distributor.
It says the following…
Distributed by: Probiotic Force
Capital Plaza Tower, Floor 19, Office 19A, Costa del este, Panana City 0808, Panama.
When I googled the address, this Trip Advisor post was the first thing to come up.
As you can see, there are a TON of complaints about these guys ripping off unsuspecting customers.
Their modus operandi is not much different than many other similar scams, let’s say, and it seems as though Virility Intense fits the same bill.
I suspect the case is the same for this pill.
5. Will Virility Intense increase my penis size?
I’m not even sure if they are claiming this, but the simple answer is NO.
There is NO pill that will do this, despite the dozens claiming to do so.
Click Here to read why permanent enlargement is just not possible with pills alone.
6. Where can I buy Virility Intense?
The only place I saw Virility Intense for sale was the eBay listing I mentioned earlier.
At the time of this review, it was selling for $13.95.
Keep in mind, however, that once this listing expires, there will be virtually no other places to buy it.
If it ends up on shelves of CVS, Walmart, or even Amazon, I’ll be sure to update this review.
7. How can I cancel their free trial?
I’m guessing that these guys are running some sort of free trial of Virility Intense, mainly because I’m seeing a lot of guys searching for things like “virility intense customer service” and ” virility intense phone number”.
Unfortunately at the moment I don’t have any of those details, but I hope to find out soon.
If that is concerning to you and raises a red flag, well, it should; if you sign up for a “free trial” or need to contact a business, it should be nothing but easy to do so if you need anything cleared up or to cancel services.
If you or someone you know has used Virility Intense pills, please have them contact me here.
8. Recommendation
Like a lot of other supplements we’ve reviewed in the past, there’s just WAY too little to go on to make a recommendation here.
Sure, the ingredients list is pretty good.
But there are too many questions that are left unanswered, like:
Where is their website?
Where can I buy it?
Why can’t I find any reviews on it?
The fact that the name of the company that distributes it is returning negative feedback about their business should definitely raise a few red flags.
I suspect that they are scamming people with a free trial, and I’ll continue digging to see if I can find out anything else about them.
Have you used Virility Intense? Leave your review below!
Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure
Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.
The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.
Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.
Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings
Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.
Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
James price's Review
I tried the free trial. The company stated my order was going to renew after 15 days. Thirteen days had passed and no pills in the mail. I had screen shot my order from so I had the company info. I called and cancelled my auto monthly renewal due to the fact I had not even tried them yet. After about 3 weeks the pills artived. I started taking them the next day. After 2-3 days my results were definitely noticable to me and my girl. I was bigger in every way, fuller and harder longer. Sex was more intense as well as the orgasms. The only reason I am commenting here is I was trying to order more and saw this post. I would and did recommend this product to every guy I know. It works and I was very impressed. My testosterone levels were increased as well with this worked great for me.
8 out of 9 people found this review helpful.
They don't work!
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
There's no way to return these useless pills. I wanted them to work. They just don't. But to be fair I tried others that didn't work either. Save your money and buy a magazine. This review probably will fall on deaf ears as they most likely will change the label and start a new marketing campaign. Surely they will sucker others in who won't know it's the same company with a different name for the same junk!
3 out of 3 people found this review helpful.
Virility intense review
In Short: I would recommend this to a friend.
First off the cons took like four and a half weeks to get. It was supposed to be 7-10 business days I believe. On to the good, I am on testosterone shots with regular blood work. My testosterone went from 230 to over 800 while it has dropped off to 400 since I ran out of pills. Also I can physically tell the difference.
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
I wanted to make sure they haven’t put me on a monthly delivery and a big chunk out of our credit card before we have a chance to see if the stuff they were sending us makes any kind of difference. I’m 87 and have never needed the other stuff I am seeing here, but am glad someone else is looking for these people.
We’re not very computer savvy but will try to keep tabs on this site.
The bottle you sent me in September Has been returned by the USPS, delivered to your location, 2 October 2018. The submittal received today, 20 October, 2012, will be forwarded to your office Monday 22 October 2018, via the USPS.
Please refrain from sending any more product to my residence.
Thank you; R Muller
I can’t seem to find their customer service phone number, but you should be able to get in touch with your bank and they’ll have it.