Vikonon Review – Is Vikonon Effective?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-27-2020

Vikonon Overview
Vikonon is a daily male enhancement supplement made in the UK by a company called Savoy Laboratories, under the umbrella of another company called Alinter Marketing Group.
The Savoy branch of the company makes several formulations treating several ailments, including acne and burns.
Vikonon tablets are designed to help men who are having difficulty attaining and sustaining good erections, whether the cause be physical or more psychosomatic.
A look at the formula will help us determine whether or not Vikonon tablets come through on their claims.
Vikonon Ingredients and How They Work
While there isn’t a whole lot of detailed information on Vikonon to be found, the product page does offer a list of ingredients:
- Calcium
- Vitamin D
- Thiamine
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin E
- Caffeine
- Yohimbine
- Vitamin B12
Our first impression when we saw the Vikonon ingredient list was that this looks more like a multivitamin than a male enhancement pill.
There’s only one ingredient on the list that has a specific link to erectile dysfunction, and that’s Yohimbine.
Some of the others may play very minor supporting roles, but they don’t, by themselves, constitute a male enhancement formula.
Also, that one ingredient, Yohimbine, while effective, is also potentially problematic.
The FDA recommends against the use of Yohimbine, especially daily use, because it can cause serious side effects, especially in anyone with diabetes or heart issues.
And there’s more.
Yohimbine is a stimulant and so is caffeine, and to some extent Vitamin B12. The combination is likely to be too much for many to safely and comfortable handle.
Vikonon Pros and Cons
Advantages of Vikonon
- Vikonon contains multiple vitamins.
Disadvantages of Vikonon
- It doesn’t contain libido enhancers or testosterone boosters which are normally expected in male enhancement formulas.
- It contains too many stimulants to be well-received by many.
- Vikonon does not appear to be available for sale in the US.
Where to Buy
UK customers can purchase Vikonon tablets through the Alinter website by visiting the Vikononproduct page.
This option is currently not available for US customers.
With so many male enhancement options, it doesn’t make sense to focus on this one.
It has very little in the formula that’ll improve your sex life, and what it does have is potentially dangerous.
Add the fact that it’s not available in the states, and the choice is pretty clear.
Forget about Vikonon.
I would also like to mention that more and more nowadays you are hearing about hot Yohimbe might be more trouble than it is worth as far as some pretty nasty and even possibly fatal side effects that can come of taking it and avoiding it all together might be the best bet.
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User Reviews
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Nana's Review
Hello Chiefs,
I had ever used Vikonon before, some months ago. My reaction is that the drug actually turned me on for quiet too long a period. More also I started experiencing some sharp pains behind my head in the course of having sex ( exactly at the point of orgasm) which (pain) continued for some days before subsiding.
I am as a result scared of it. Thank you.
Nana, Ghana.
6 out of 10 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
What does the Vikonon tablet do for a man? -Peter
It's supposed to improve your sexual performance, but there are much better products. Check out VigRx Plus instead.- Rob
5 out of 7 people found this question helpful.
how quickly does vikonon work -eb
It's meant to be a daily supplement with benefits building up over time, but I don't think it's particularly effective in any time frame.- Rob
5 out of 9 people found this question helpful.