Vigorexin Review – Does It Work?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-30-2020

Vigorexin Overview
Vigorexin is a male enhancement supplement that promises to take you from average to well-endowed.
The official website also mentions the increased libido, the improved performance, the stamina and endurance boost, and the stronger, harder erections, but the primary focus is the penis enlargement.
They say that by taking Vigorexin, you’ll start to notice size gains in just a few days.
Vigorexin Ingredients and how They Work
The idea behind how Vigorexin works is that it increases the capacity of the corpus cavernosa.
These are the 2 chambers in the penis that hold blood during erections.
The more blood these chambers can hold, the bigger your erection.
As you have bigger and bigger erections, the tissue grows to accommodate even more.
Each time you get that bigger, more satisfying erection, you’re growing your penis bigger and bigger.
The ingredients in the Vigorexin formula are:
- Tribulus Terrestris which contains saponins that boost your body’s natural production of the male hormone testosterone.
Increased testosterone levels boost both libido and performance. - Eurycoma Longifolia which also increases testosterone levels by lessening the amount of SHBG, a molecule that binds to testosterone, making it ineffective.
- Maca Root which is an herbal aphrodisiac from Peru.
- L-Citrulline which is a precursor to nitric oxide.
NO is the chemical released during erection that opens up blood vessels, allowing blood to flow into the penile chambers.
The more NO, the better the erection. - Arginine AKG and L-Arginine HCL which are also precursors to nitric oxide for better blood flow.
- Avena Sativa which works like Eurycoma Longifolia to increase free testosterone.
The recommended dose is 2 Vigorexin capsules about 30 minutes prior to sexual activity. Click Here to see a picture of the label.
My Personal Results
Well, I have to say, I didn’t expect much going into my experiment with Vigorexin. For a supplement that bills itself as the “#1 male enhancer”, you would think that it would produce “some” sort of result.
I purchased a bottle on Amazon for the surprisingly cheap price of $18, and started taking the recommended dose of 2 capsules 30 min. before physical activity right away.
Apart from maybe a bit of a boost in libido, I didn’t feel much else.
I didn’t get any bigger, and I was measuring.
I didn’t seem like I lasted any longer than I usually did, which I guess is sort of a vague thing to measure anyways.
It can be pretty difficult to get that effect from a supplement for me in most cases anyway, so I was not necessarily too shocked in that department.
Luckily I didn’t seem to experience any side effects from taking Vigorexin, but that’s not to say that will be the same case for everyone.
I took it for about 2 weeks and after not really noticing anything decided to discontinue use.
Which leads me to another topic…
The Reviews on Amazon
If you look at some of the reviews of Vigorexin on Amazon, you may be a bit confused.
Some people were extremely happy with their results, as noted in the below screenshots:
But the vast majority were not:
Vigorexin Pros and Cons
Advantages of Vigorexin
- It’s very affordable.
- The ingredients and all natural.
- You only take it when needed, not every day.
- There’s a money back guarantee.
- There are discounts and bonuses available with purchases of multiple bottles.
Disadvantages of Vigorexin
- The reviews on Amazon don’t paint a very pretty picture.
- There are a few holes in their story about making your penis First of all, no pill can do that.
Second of all, you don’t take it every day, so the idea that it builds tissue over time doesn’t make sense. - I personally did not get great results from it.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Vigorexin through the official website,
The single bottle of 60 capsules costs $19.95. If you buy two, you get a bonus bottle of Vigorexin serum.If you buy 3, you get 3 bottles of serum and free shipping.
There’s a 90 day money back guarantee that applies to one used bottle and all unopened bottles returned within the 90 days.
From my personal experience, I don’t think Vigorexin is the “#1 male enhancement product”. In fact, I wouldn’t even put it in my Top 10 to be honest.
Does it help with libido / stamina issues? Maybe a little bit.
But will it give you some sort of massive gain in size? Very unlikely.
Not only is it unlikely that this product will be able to do that for you, but it is highly unlikely that any male enhancement supplement is going to be able to produce size gains at all let alone long lasting and that is little more than a common advertisement tool.
At $18 a bottle it might be worth a shot, but if you ask me I would say take a pass on this one.
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
I must say I was a little reluctant to try anything that didn't require a prescription.the normal dose is two pills before sexual activy so I took one and like forty minutes later I was hard as a rock and im 60years old and have type two diabeties. so I would recommend it. cant afford Viagra plus it makes you feel weird.i had no side effects with vigorexin
4 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
Vigorexin taking and not doing sex , is it good or bad. -Lovepreet
That's not a problem at all. It doesn't cause anything to happen unless you're stimulated.- Rob
4 out of 5 people found this question helpful.
Do you take 2 every day or just take 2 every time b4 sex? -Angelico
You just take 2 when you need it. No need to take it every day.- Rob
3 out of 4 people found this question helpful.
What does the vigorex serum do for your genitals -Ronnie
It may help you get a better erection, but it won't increase your actual size.- Rob
2 out of 3 people found this question helpful.