USP Labs Test Powder Review – Does It Work?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 9-13-2013

USP Labs Test Powder Overview
I gotta say, I love the tag line for this product. “Ooze Testosterone. Unlock your true potential and become the leader of the pack.” It’s simple, direct, and powerful. Of course all that really matters is whether or not it’s true. So we’ll help you decide.
The product is USP Labs Test Powder. It’s USP Labs’ testosterone boosting supplement. They say it comes in the form of a powder because it’s so loaded that you would have to take 20 pills to get all that you get from one serving. And as for results, you can expect to feel like the alpha dog you’ve always wanted to be. Translation – you’ll be energized and pumped up, stronger and leaner, and sharper and in control.
USP Labs Test Powder Ingredients and How They Work
So just what goes into this powerful powder?
The main testosterone boosting component of USP Labs Test Powder is D-Aspartic Acid. DAA is known to increase the body’s natural testosterone presence through a number of pathways. It’s the latest thing in testosterone boosting supplements and there is talk that it may replace Tribulus as the most popular natural booster.
Beyond the DAA there are amino acids for muscle building and recovery as well as Mucuna Pruriens which increases your sex drive as a bonus.
The recommended dose is 2 scoops mixed with water once a day, and you should cycle off after taking USP Labs Test Powder for 4 weeks (one container’s worth). It comes in Blue Raspberry and Fruit Punch flavors.
USP Labs Test Powder Pros and Cons
There is good and bad in everything. Comparing the two sides is an effective way to come to a reasonably well-thought-out conclusion.
Advantages of USP Labs Test Powder
- It contains DAA, cutting edge testosterone boosting ingredient.
- One container lasts through an entire cycle.
- There are USP Labs Test Powderreviews from happy customers saying they had great workouts and no crash due to the fact that there are no stimulants in it.
Disadvantages of USP Labs Test Powder
- There are lots of complaints that it doesn’t taste very good or dissolve very well.
- An overwhelming number of reviewers comment that it gave them diarrhea.
- Unless there is an anti-aromatase component, the extra testosterone may be likely to turn into estrogen, which you don’t want.
Where to Buy
There are plenty of ways to purchase USP Labs Test Powder. It’s available online at the USP Labs website. You can also get it in stores like GNC and CVS. The 4 week cycle right now costs about $65 at the website. But you can find for a little over half that at GNC.
Once you hear that a product seems to cause diarrhea for so many guys, your mind is pretty much made up. At least mine is. Despite whatever benefits you might get, I don’t think it’s worth the side effect you could potentially get.
Have You Used USP Labs Test Powder? Leave Your Review Below!
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Peter kistemaker's Review
For the last two years or so when I go to the toilet I only produce something like hard golfballs. Sometimes quite painfull.After the first dose of USP Testpowder it is like old times .
I can go like it should be.
I am very sorry for the diarrhea guys and girls,
but for me it is a bonusgift.
Bought today one extra . Thank you USP......
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