USP Labs Anabolic Pump Reviews
By: Rob Miller
The science of muscle building is incredibly complex. In fact, it is much more complex than you really think about when you first start looking to gain mass.
I mean, you think, well, everyone out there just gets in the right diet and does the right exercises and the mass just starts adding up, right? Wrong. The simple fact is that some people have natural boosts to their workouts, natural abilities and traits that make them predisposed to a faster rate of mass building. But most people are not built like this, so when we saw a product called USP Labs Anabolic Pump, we decided that some research was in order.
How It Works and Ingredients
According to the people at USP Labs, and according to medical science as a whole, for that matter, some people simply have a better ability to process nutrients than others. These people’s bodies naturally send nutrients to where they are needed and away from fat cells regardless of what they eat, drink or do. These people possess the perfect ability to create and process insulin and to synthesize proteins, while most of us have to actually work to achieve this balance. But a simple hormone called GLUT4 that is found in all muscle and fat cells can, when activated, help ensure that your muscles get the most glucose possible, massively increasing your body building abilities.
When looking at USP Labs Anabolic Pump, we couldn’t help but notice how short the list of ingredients was. Two active ingredients, Phellodendron and Crape Mertle, were all that was listed, and the inactive ingredients simply included the gelatin that surrounded the capsule, cellulose, and magnesium stearate. Having done our research, we already knew that these two plant extracts were necessary to activate GLUT4 hormones, and the short list of inactive ingredients let us know that this product isn’t made of useless fillers.
User Reviews
What do users think of this product, though? Available right from USP Labs, it didn’t take us long to find a string of great reviews for the product, both from relatively new builders and hardgainers alike. Users overwhelmingly recommend the product, and many say that it is “great for adding endurance” and that “it does what it says it will do and more”.
Would we recommend USP Labs Anabolic Pump?
Certainly! This supplement has sound science backing up its claims that it offers what you need to help keep glucose efficiently pumping to every muscle cell in your body to keep you energized, building mass, and protected against fatigue and energy. It isn’t packed with chemicals and unnecessary ingredients, and users seem to love it. With so few unneeded ingredients, it seems a great fit for maximizing a workout for those not genetically designed to build mass naturally.
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