Universal Nutrion Animal Pak Reviews
By: Rob Miller
Most bodybuilders have discovered the benefits of boosting their nitric oxide levels.
This is because this all natural substance promotes the movement of blood into the muscles through a widening of blood vessels.
Nitric oxide moves vital nutrients into the muscles as well and this allows for longer lifting of heavier weights, but with a much shorter recovery time.
A lot of bodybuilders are now looking for supplements that help to naturally boost their NO levels.
The Universal Nutrition Animal Pak is one that has been recognized as a reliable NO booster due to its high Arginine and Beta Alanine contents.
We chose to review this product even though it has been recognized as an industry standard for nearly 30 years because it tends to be considered as the optimal supplement for any bodybuilder or dieter to use when “cutting their teeth”.
How It Works and Ingredients
The Universal Nutrition Animal Pak reputation is solid, and the company’s history with nutritional and sports supplements is substantial.
They are known for an array of NO supplements as well as diet and energy products too.
The contents of the Universal Nutrition Animal Pak, however, are expansive and this tends to make it a good all around product for anyone involved in intense workouts of any kind.
As a complete multivitamin it is tough to beat, particularly because the bodybuilding ingredients are known to cause no side effects.
This holds true even though most of the daily vitamin values are met or exceeded by hundreds of percentage points.
As an NO booster, it provides a whopping 1200mg of Arginine and combines this with propriety “complexes” such as the Amino Acid, Performance, Antioxidant, and Digestive Enzyme complexes.
User Reviews and Side Effects
When the product is reviewed by those putting to use in their dieting and workout efforts, there are far fewer “cons” than “pros”.
For example, some of the only actual or valid complaints about the Universal Nutrition Animal Pak are the ones stating that some of the pills are a bit large.
This is not a significant issue, and is pretty relative.
After all, most bodybuilders do get used to the enormous size of some vitamin and mineral supplements, so this product really is no different.
In fact, most of the reviews available about the product indicated that people are delighted by the nutrient and vitamin contents, as well as the general ingredient profile and organ support.
Where To Buy
Pricing on the Universal Nutrition Animal Pak is usually based on a fifteen day supply.
The top vendors include AllStarHealth.com, Muscle & Strength, BodyBuilding.com, and MASS Nutrition.
All of the vendors’ prices hold steady at $12 per box, with some beneficial shipping rates making some of the vendors a better deal.For instance Muscle & Strength offers free shipping on orders over $99 while AllStarHealth.com provides a handy flat rate of $5.95 on all orders.Generally, it is the online shoppers who will get the best prices and terms.
The Universal Nutrition Animal Pak has been the recipient of positive feedback and widespread use since it was introduced in 1983. This long term success is not a fluke, and the ingredients have demonstrated their value to those on diets and those dedicated to serious muscle building and development.
It is currently a preferred product of competitive bodybuilders and is a favorite of people serving in the military (so much so that the manufacturer partnered with a military support project!).
It has been proven to be remarkably effective in many different ways without receiving any real complaints or negative reviews, and this means that almost anyone can turn to it as a good solution for their nutritional needs.
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The best part about animal pak is that it was made not for gaining muscle mass but for cardio workout and that’s the reason i use it for to give me that extra energy and take my workout to the next level.