Tropinol Review – Getting Big Gains?
By: Rob Miller
Tropinol Overview
Tropinol is a natural testosterone booster that claims it can give you the kind of results you used to get with pro-hormones before they were banned in 2009. While most natural T-boosting supplements use Tribulus Terrestris or D-Aspartic-Acid as their primary active ingredient, iForce, the makers of Tropinol, relies on something completely different. While most supplements promise you’ll see about a 40% increase in testosterone levels, Tropinol puts itself in a whole other league with its promise of increases upwards of 300%.
If you can raise testosterone levels this much, you can make some real gains in strength, endurance, stamina, and performance both in and out of the gym.
Tropinol Ingredients and How They Work
There are four main active ingredients in Tropinol:
- The first is Bulbine Natalensis. It’s all natural, plant-derived, and has been used for centuries to help men with impotence problems. Studies on rats have shown impressive testosterone increases – as much as 350%.
- Next is Basella Alba, which has been gaining popularity in the bodybuilding supplement universe. It is related to spinach and animal research has shown that it contributes to an 80% increase in testosterone.
- Third is Vitamin D which has been found to have a strong correlation with testosterone levels.
- Finally, there’s Methyltheobromine which is essentially caffeine. The idea is that it’ll give you energy and vitality to start and move through your days and workouts.
The label claims that a serving size is 1 capsule, but it doesn’t specify how many servings you should take in a day.
Guys taking part in bodybuilding forum discussions about Tropinol generally talk about taking 2 to 4 capsules a day.
What Are Guys Saying About Tropinol?
If you lurk or participate on bodybuilding forums, you’ll see plenty of real Tropinolreviews from guys wanting to share their experience. Some of them just chronicle what they felt. Others actually tested their T levels before and after. We’re sorry to say, most of the guys found it didn’t work. Sometimes testosterone levels even went down. Some guys did actually report positive results, which just goes to show, supplements tend to work differently for different people.
Tropinol Pros and Cons
Advantages of Tropinol
- Its ingredients have tested successfully on animals.
Disadvantages of Tropinol
- There is no money-back guarantee.
- We found lots of personal stories from guys who’ve tried Tropinol, and most of them were unsuccessful.
- Dosing information is not clear.
Where to Buy
You can buy Tropinol online at the iForce website or other retailers. A bottle from the website contains 84 capsules and costs $50. Other online retailers sell the same size bottle for $32. There is no satisfaction guarantee so we don’t see an advantage to buying directly from iForce.
If you look at the website claims and compare them to the personal testimony from real guys who’ve used the product, you can’t help but notice a discrepancy. Maybe the ingredients in Tropinol have some potential, but we’d recommend that you wait to see if that potential turns into real testosterone benefits for real guys.
Have You Used Tropinol? Leave Your Review Below!
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