Trenbalone (T-Bal 75) Real Review And Results
By: Rob Miller
Note: This is only a review. Click Here To Visit The Official Trenbalone Website
With no shortage of guys out there looking for steroids and other substances to build enormous muscle growth overnight, it’s no surprise that there are supplements popping up all over the place promising to mimic the effects of steroids.
Up until this point, we really hadn’t found an all natural substance that can enhance muscle growth as effectively as steroids, but with our recent Trenbalone review, we think we might have stumbled upon something very effective.
There are number of things about it that make Trenbalone seem even more promising than other similar products, and I am excited to get into what it is, how it works and what it is made out of down below.
What is Trenbalone (T-Bal 75)?
Let’s start with a little background here.
Trenbolone, not to be confused with the product we are reviewing here, is actually a steroid used by veterinarians on livestock to increase muscle growth and appetite.
Not surprisingly, it has been used by bodybuilders and athletes alike for its growth enhancing capabilities, and its use in this regard is illegal.
Trenbalone was developed as a healthy, and legal, alternative to Trenbolone, by a company called Crazy Mass which has been in business since 2006. It contains a number of ingredients that, when used in conjunction, provide significant results for those looking to build lean muscle mass and improve performance.
The primary ingredients include Nettle, DHEA, and colostrum.
Let’s take a closer look at those ingredients to see how they work:
- Nettle – Studies have suggested that, because certain extracts of nettle contain the effectively “occupy” the production of estrogen, therby increasing the amount of free testosterone produced in the body.
- DHEA – This controversial substance has been shown in small studies to effectively increase free testosterone levels in men. It is actually legal for sale in the US, but is not in several countries.
- Colostrum – Colostrum has been shown to increase lean body mass in both men and women, and is actually a form of milk that is produced in mammals.
My Results With Trenbalone
I have been an athlete pretty much my whole life, but thanks to genetics, was never blessed with a high vertical jump or speed and agility.
This doesn’t help when you play sports like Basketball and Volleyball, both of which require alot of quickness and the ability to sky through the air.
I decided to test out a one month supply of Trenbalone by combining it with a rigorous plyometric regiment and saw some pretty impressive results.
A bottle of Trenbalone contains 90 capsules, which are designed to be take 1 tablet, 2 – 3 times daily.
Like all other supplement tests I’ve done before, I started off with the lowest possible dosage and worked my way up from there.
I complimented this with plyo training involving a weight vest 2 – 3 times a week and my vertical went from a lousy 32 inches to 34 inches by the end of my test.
Now mind you I have used a weight vest before, for a period of 3 – 5 weeks and saw some modest results in the past.
But I think the key difference here was the Trenbalone.
I think it definitely helped me as far as workout recovery times, as well as the ability to “push” through my workouts harder and faster.
As we all know, you don’t get great increases in strength or performance without pushing yourself a bit further every time.
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Pro’s of Trenbalone
- Safe, all natural formula
- I didn’t experience any side effects
- Saw a 2 inch increase in my vertical in one month
- Rave reviews online
- Ships Quick
- Made In The USA
- Free Shipping in the US
- Stacks great with other products like Dianobal and Decka.
Con’s of Trenbalone
- A bit on the expensive side
- Not available in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, etc.
- Doesn’t ship to all countries
FAQ’s About Trenbalone (T-Bal 75)
Does It Produce Any Unwanted Side Effects?
Not that we’re aware of, but it is always best to consult with your physician before starting any supplementation regiment.
How Much Does It Cost?
A one month supply of Trenbalone will run you $59.99. They do provide bulk discount for orders of 3 bottles or more, click here for details on that.
Where Can I Buy Trenbalone?
The only place we could find it for sale was on their official Crazy Mass Website.There is talk of it being released in several local stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, and others, but at this time it is not available via retail.
How Long Until I can Expect Results?
Trenbalone, like most other bodybuilding supplements, is designed to be used in conjunction with a strenuous workout routine.
Sign up for our Free “Get Ripped” ebook to get great ideas for workouts to help you bulk up and lean out.
While I only used it for one month, I think the best Trenbalone (T-Bal 75) results would be achieved with a 3 month supply.
It really depends on your individual goals, but I would say that Trenbalone can be used by any athlete looking to further him/herself on, and even off the field.
Be sure to stack it with other supplements like Dianobal and Decka for the best results.
If stacking Trenbalone to get maximum results does not sound appealing to you and you would rather go with a supplement that would do well on its own, I totally understand, however I will say that I think Trenbalone has a good chance of producing much needed and wanted results.
Have You Used Trenbalone?
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Click Here To Visit The Official Crazy Mass Website
Nope. Its formula contains only natural ingredients put together to give you steroid-like results.
None of the ingredients will show up on a blood test.
Definitely Crazy Mass. In fact, Crazy Bulk is just a copycat company who basically just imitated everything Crazy Mass was doing, trying to take it over completely. Go with Crazy Mass for sure.