Thrive Weight Loss Patch Review – Is It Worth It?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-6-2020

Home » Weight Loss Supplements » Thrive Weight Loss Patch Review – Is It Worth It?
Thrive Weight Loss Patch Overview
The market for weight loss supplements and aids is huge.
Almost everyone goes through at least a time in their life when they want to lose weight and/or get in shape.
Our cultural focus on body image certainly goes a long way toward causing this phenomena.
We can talk about that subject all day, but the fact remains, people want to lose weight, and companies want to capitalize on their desire.
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Thrive Weight Loss Patch is a product that comes from a company called Le-Vel.
They make several health and lifestyle products which they sell through a network of distributors.
The use a multi-level marketing program where they enlist distributors to collect a network of distributors with the idea that eventually everyone is making money hand over fist.
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You may have your opinion about these kinds of products and selling schemes, but
the main thing I’ve noticed over the years is that it makes it difficult to distinguish
between selling the product and selling the money making program.
But we’re here to look into the product, so we’ll get back to that.
Thrive Weight Loss Patch Ingredients and How They Work
Thrive Weight Loss Patchuses what they call DFT, or Derma Fusion Technology, to deliver the fat fighting ingredients directly to your blood stream through your skin.
Apply the patch like a band aid to an areal of clean and dry skin on your upper arm, shoulder, lower back or chest and leave it on for 24 hours.
The DFT technology time release the
ingredients to keep your weight loss program in check.
The ingredients include:
- ForsLean which may have benefits for weight loss though studies are inconclusive.
- Green Coffee Bean Extract which contains components that increase metabolism.
- Garcinia Cambogia which may shrink fat cells and help fat migrate for use as energy.
- CoQ10 which is an antioxidant to protect cells against oxidative damage.
- White Willow Bark which can help burn fat and increase metabolism.
- Cosmoperine which increases the absorption rate of the other ingredients.
Where to Buy
As we stated earlier, Thrive Weight Loss Patch is available with other Thrive products through a network of distributors that you can find online and elsewhere.
In order to purchase it, you’ll need to get in touch with a distributor.
They’ll start by telling you the price, but they’ll move on pretty quickly to telling you why you should buy an entire program, and heck, start selling the stuff too.
That’s because if you sign up through them to sell Thrive products, they’ll get a commission off everything you sell and everything everyone you sign up sells too.
These distributors stand to make a lot of money by signing you up to sell products.
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Thrive Weight Loss Patch Pros and Cons
Advantages of Thrive Weight Loss Patch
- A patch may be more convenient for some people than taking pills.
- It’s got several of the same ingredients as many successful weight loss products.
Disadvantages of Thrive Weight Loss Patch
- There are tons of negative Thrive Weight Loss Patch reviews on Amazon.
They say it’s way
too expensive, it doesn’t work, and it contains lots of hidden caffeine, possible to a
dangerous level, but it’s tough to say because it’s hidden in other ingredients. - You can’t buy it or try it without getting a whole hard-sell pitch about how you should
sell it.
The idea of a patch to deliver herbal ingredients is a solid one, but Thrive Weight Loss Patch isn’t where you should start.
It opens a whole can of worms that, unless you’re looking for a new career using high pressure sales tactics, you don’t want to open.
They are a little bit too pushy for my taste in regard to really trying to get you on board to sell their product for them, and in such cases, my gut usually winds up telling me to consider going with something else.
Have You Used Thrive Weight Loss Patch? Leave Your Review Below!
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Connie whitted's Review
I used the patches for 2 weeks. It was a total waste of my money and time. I could tell no difference!
23 out of 29 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
I've noticed the Thrive patches comes in different colors. Is that an indicator of how much strength it contains? -Cee-Cee
Each of the colors have a different focus and ingredient list. Check out their website for details.- Rob
7 out of 8 people found this question helpful.
Can you wear the Thrive patch in the tanning bed? -tammy
I don't know for sure. Nicotine patches are okay to wear in a tanning bed, but you may want to check with Thrive about this one.- Rob
1 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Is there a package deal for husband and wife of the Thrive Patch? -Catherine
I'm not aware of a package deal, but you'll have to check with Thrive to know for sure.- Rob
0 out of 1 people found this question helpful.