TestosteroneMax XXL Review – Big Muscle Gains?
By: Rob Miller
TestosteroneMax XXL Overview
TestosteroneMax XXL positions itself as a testosterone booster with mass appeal. It’s got something for everyone. If you want more muscle mass, take TestosteroneMax XXL. If you want to lose fat, take TestosteroneMax XXL. If you want to be more effective in the gym, take TestosteroneMax XXL. If you want to perform better in the bedroom, take TestosteroneMax XXL. That covers just about every guy, right?
Well those are the promises. Testimonials on the website show a degree of success. And while we generally take website testimonials with a grain of salt, TestosteroneMax XXLsays they’ll provide proof of authenticity upon request.
TestosteroneMax XXL Ingredients and How They Work
The TestosteroneMax XXL website provides a list of ingredients that make up the proprietary formula.
They are:
- Maca Root which is an Peruvian aphrodisiac that is known to increase energy levels.
The ingredient specifically has the capability of supporting, regulating and balancing the hormonal system of both men and women. Hence, boosting hormone capability of the ingredient helps to increase energy levels, self-confidence and sexual drive. What’s more?
It is an adaptogen, which by definition, is a substance that increases your body’s resistance to diseases through emotional and psychological health improvements.
- Tongkat Ali which increases free testosterone levels and stimulates your libido.
The ingredient has been used in Malaysia for several years by men to increase sexual performance, sexual desire, libido and treatment for erectile dysfunction.
The ingredient increases testosterone levels that are responsible for high energy and mood enhancement.
Normal testosterone levels increase your sexual desire and your ability to perform better with confidence.
- Panax Ginseng which enhances erections.
The ingredient is commonly used in herbal medicine and has been practiced in traditional Chinese medicine.
Panax Ginseng is responsible for improving cognitive performance, diabetes and erectile dysfunction.
- Horny Goat Weed Extract which improves blood flow to the penis for better, longer-lasting erections.This is typically an herb, the leaves of which are used for medicinal purpose.
Horny Goat Weed Extract is generally used for knee pain, physical and mental fatigue, blood pressure and sexual performance problems.
It has ‘phytoestrogens,’ which works like female hormone estrogen and enhances sexual drive.
- Fenugreek Seeds which increase strength and power.
Fenugreek has always been an herbal medicine favorite and is used for several problems including loss of appetite, diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart problem.
The ingredient is actively used for treating several sexual problems including erectile dysfunction.
The ingredient is used as a part of spice blend in most Asian dishes.
- Zinc which is crucial to the body’s testosterone producing mechanism.
Zinc has always been known as the essential trace element because it is found in small amounts in the human body.
It is used for boosting your immune system, treatment and prevention from several infections and diseases like malaria.
Zinc is highly recommended for athletes for increasing their strength and performance level.
Low levels of zinc can be highly associated with male infertility, type II diabetes and major depression.
The daily dose is one capsule taken twice per day with meals. You can expect to feel something in terms of results within the first couple of days, but the full effects may take a month or two to experience.
TestosteroneMax XXL Pros and Cons
Advantages of TestosteroneMax XXL
- The ingredients are all natural.
- There is 120 day money back guarantee.
- There are several verifiable testimonials on the TestosteroneMax XXL website showing satisfied customers.
Disadvantages of TestosteroneMax XXL
- While marketed as a testosterone booster, the ingredients are primarily the same as we find in most male enhancement supplements.
Where to Buy
If you’re interested, you can purchase TestosteroneMax XXL through their website. They have a number of packages that can save you money, depending on how many bottles you buy. A 3 month supply sells for $109.20, while a 6 month supply will run you $187.20. There’s a 120 day guarantee so you can take advantage of the volume discounts and still be eligible for the guarantee.
TestosteroneMax XXL appears to be an effective male enhancement supplement that would provide you with increased libido, better erections, and more sexual stamina. The problem is that it markets itself as a testosterone booster that will give you powerful muscular gains in the gym. This just isn’t the case judging by the formula.While TestosteroneMax XXL may be useful to some guys, it’s not going to do much for your testosterone levels.
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User Questions and Answers
can a 74 years old male take them -robert
Yes. There is no upper age limit. In fact, you may notice a bigger change than a guy much younger than yourself.- Rob
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