Testogen XR Review – Should You Use It?
By: Rob Miller
Testogen XR Overview
Ronnie Coleman is an 8 time Mr. Olympia winner, and now he’s got a line of bodybuilding supplements called Ronnie Coleman Signature Series.
One of the most popular products in the bunch is their Testogen XR.
It’s a hybrid testosterone booster/pre workout, so its goal is to help you get both big and ripped, while providing pump and vascularity at the gym.
When we looked around for word of mouth on Testogen XR, we found some interesting feedback.
We’ll get more into that a little later.
But first, let’s start with the Testogen XR formula.
Testogen XR Ingredients and How They Work
As a testosterone booster, Testogen XR relies on D-Aspartic Acid as its primary component.
DAA has been proven to increase free testosterone by over 40% in just 12 days.
It may also support healthy cognitive functioning by preventing the breakdown of the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine.
This will help with clarity, focus, and mood.
The supporting cast of ingredients includes:
- Agmatine which increases nitric oxide. This is where you get your pump.
NO increases vascuarity so blood flows freely to your muscles delivering much needed oxygen and nutrients. - Horny Goat Weed which is an aphrodisiac that also improves blood flow.
- Astragin which is a combination of Astragalus and Panax Ginseng.
It helps with the absorption of the other ingredients, making them more effective. - Nettles Root which supports a healthy balance between testosterone and estrogen by helping prevent the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.
- L-Carnitine Tartrate which supports healthy metabolism and fat burning.
The recommended dose is 1 scoop mixed with water before either your first meal of the day or on workout days, before your workout.
They also recommend that you mix in half a scoop of their MyoBlitz product before workouts.
Testogen XR Pros and Cons
Advantages of Testogen XR
- There are plenty of Testogen XR reviews from customers who are happy with how it works.
- The ingredients are all natural and listed.
- It covers two birds with one stone by increasing testosterone and providing a nitric oxide boost.
Disadvantages of Testogen XR
- There’s a disturbing trend in several Testogen XR reviews.
A significant number of users say it gave them diarrhea.
It’s by no means everyone, but it’s lots. - Several reviewers complain about the taste being bad and the consistency not blending well.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Testogen XRthrough the Ronnie Coleman website as well as other online retailers.
The 30 serving tub sells for $59.99 on the website, but we’ve seen it as low as $39.99 so you would want to shop around.
The idea is good and the formula seems decent.But it’s hard to get past the fact that Testogen XR might just do more for you in the bathroom than it will in the gym.
As we always say, you have so many choices when it comes to both pre workouts and testosterone boosters.
Why settle on something that may not work, or even worse may cause problems all on its own.
Have You Used Testogen XR?
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With regards to your product Testogen XR, I have the following question
– Should this product be cycled? If so what is recommended cycle and dosage?
– Can I stack this with PCT product ?
– As my goal is to increase my natural T from baseline of 475 ng and lose bodyfat, is there a better product you can recommend ?