Termite Male Enhancement Review – Should You Use It?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 4-18-2014

Home » Male Enhancement » Termite Male Enhancement Review – Should You Use It?

Termite Male Enhancement Overview

Lots of guys start their search for a male enhancement supplement on Amazon. It’s a good idea actually. There are tons of options, almost endless really. And it’s a private search. You don’t have to stand in the aisle in the store, wondering who’s looking at you looking at the penis pills. By checking out Amazon, you get to see what’s out there without having to leave the house. And you can use it as a springboard to find other products, put in your research, and narrow it down to the one sexual performance supplement that you’ll end up choosing.

Termite Male Enhancement is a supplement I found at Amazon. But when I started looking for more information, it turned out to be very scarce. It was kind of like a wild goose chase, but I did eventually find all the information you’ll need to make an informed decision.

Termite Male Enhancement is made in Thailand, and it can be taken by both men and women. For men, the promise is improved drive, harder erections, increased semen, and an explosive finish. For women, the promise is increased desire, greater sensitivity to touch, and greatly improved sexual satisfaction.

Termite Male Enhancement ReviewTermite Male Enhancement Ingredients and How They Work

The ingredient list is pretty long, so we’ll just make sure we hit the highlights. There’s:

  • L-Argnine for increased blood flow due to the fact that it’s a precursor to nitric oxide, which widens blood vessels, allowing more blood to enter the penis for better erections.
  • Ginkgo Biloba which also improves circulation throughout the entire body.
  • Panax Gisneng which is an aphrodisiac that also boosts blood flow.
  • Zinc which is very important for several bodily functions, including the production of testosterone.
  • Oyster Extract which is an aphrodisiac that also increases natural testosterone.
  • Selenium which increases semen production.

Termite Male Enhancement is a fast acting supplement, which means you don’t need to take it every day. You just take it before shortly before you expect to engage in sexual activity. There is no dosing information online. The assumption is that you take 1 or 2 capsules about 45 minutes to an hour before your planned event.

Termite Male Enhancement Pros and Cons

Advantages of Termite Male Enhancement

  • There’s no commitment involved. You simply take it when you need it.
  • It’s affordable to try.
  • The ingredients are all natural, listed, and explained.

Disadvantages of Termite Male Enhancement

  • There are no Termite Male Enhancement reviews available to help us determine how well it should work.
  • It’s made in Thailand which means the manufacturing facility is not FDA inspected or approved.
  • There’s no indication of a money back guarantee.

Where to Buy

You can order Termite Male Enhancement through Amazon. A 10 capsule box sells for $10 plus shipping. You can save buy buying in bulk. There’s a 6 package deal for $50 plus shipping, and the shipping cost is the same for 6 boxes as it is for 1.


I wish there were some customer feedback we could look to for guidance, but taking together the price, the ingredient list, and the convenience, I would say Termite Male Enhancement is worth giving a try.

Have You Used Termite Male Enhancement? Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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