Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Cream Review – Does it Work?
By: Rob Miller
Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Cream Overview
Who doesn’t want a bigger penis?
Well we should be specific when we talk about bigger.
After all, there’s length and then there’s girth.
While most of the time, we talk about length, the real issue when it comes to satisfying a woman is girth.
And girth is what Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Creamaffects.
As you probably know, creams and supplements simply can increase penis length whatsoever, but what about increasing girth?
Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Cream is a topical formula that enhances the width of your penis while it improves your sexual performance.
You’ll grow in size and satisfaction at the same time.
You can use it any time in conjunction with sexual contact or penis enlargement exercises.
It’ll get your penis engorged with blood flow, so it’ll be thicker and more satisfying for your partner.
Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Cream Ingredients
The proprietary blend includes: Alanine, Arginine, Aspartate, Cystine, Glutamic Acid, Histidine, Isoleucine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine Salt, Acesulfame, Potassium, Sucralose, Calcium, Iron, Protein, and Sodium.
The idea being that it stimulates better circulation.
When more blood enters the penile chambers, they expand to be able to accommodate.
This, over time, stimulates the penis to grow more tissue.
How to Use Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Cream
You can apply Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Cream as often as you like.
It absorbs easily and starts to work instantly to increase sensitivity as it stimulates circulation.
Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Cream Pros and Cons
As with all things, there are good and bad aspects involved with Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Cream.
It’s a good idea to consider them both when making your decision whether or not to buy.
Advantages of Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Cream
- There are no pills to take.
- The tingling sensation enhances sexual pleasure.
- There are no side effects.
- It can increase erection hardness.
Disadvantages of Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Cream
- There is no indication of whether or not it’s edible.
- Judging from the ingredients, it probably does not have a pleasant taste.
- We found no independent Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Creamreviews from customers.
- There is no official website from which to get specific and complete information.
Where to Buy
There are a few online sources for Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Cream, including Amazon.
We saw the pump available for $19.99 or the pump and a jar of enlargement cream together for $39.99.
Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Cream is marketing as a topical lotion that can increase the size of your penis.While we may wish it were so, this is just not possible. I’ve seen several other creams make these claims, including Xtra Man and X Cream, with no evidence to back it up.
It is possible that Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Cream can increase blood flow for a harder erection, but there are lots of enhancement supplements that can do that as well.
We recommend that you try one of those instead.
Because of the fact that they promise that you’ll get increases in penis girth, they set themselves up for failure because that is impossible every time.
Have You Used Target Lotion Penis Enlargement Cream?
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User Questions and Answers
Is it sold in stores? -Peter
As far as I know, it's only sold online. You can find it at Rob
You should be able to feel an improvement in erections almost right away, but you won’t see a size increase, no matter how long you use it.
You can’t enlarge your penis with a cream. For enlargement, your best bet is an extender device like the Phallosan Forte. Here’s my full review: and here’s a link to their website:
You can find it for sale at
Last I checked, it’s available on