Sytropin And Hard Knight Review – Are You Serious?
By: Rob Miller
So I’m browsing through my Facebook news feed out of sheer boredom a few days ago when I stumble across an ad with a ridiculously hot girl in a picture and a title that reads “Grow 3″ Longer For Free” At first I was thinking they were implying grow your height 3″ in a month, which kind of intrigued me. So I decided to click on the ad and then BOOM….2 pictures of male genitalia flood my computer screen. Luckily I was at home when this happened, but I can’t imagine the amount of guys at work or in school that may have clicked on it, only to find out the hard way…for lack of a better word.
Anyway, I decided to read through this supposed blog post and find out what it was all about. Apparently, by combining free trials of a HGH supplement such as Sytropin and a male enhancement supplement called Hard Knight, guys were seeing ridiculous increases in the length of their male member. Always a skeptic, I decided to read on and here is what I found out.
What is Sytropin?
Apparently, Sytropin was developed for athletes looking to boost their recovery times, as well as optimize blood flow throughout the body. As you may or may not already know, blood flow is what is responsible for an erection, and with inadequate blood flow you’ll have inadequate erections. Sytropin is designed to be taken every day, and is actually administered as an oral spray.
The official website for Sytropin states that their product can help you gain lean muscle mass, reduce body fat percentage, cut recovery time in half, and much more. While this product is not clinically proven, HGH has been shown to be effective at reducing body fat and increasing lean muscle when administered via injection. While the official site doesn’t list the ingredients, after some research we determined it contains a number of amino acids including l-tyrosine, l-glutamine, l-dopamine extract, and l-valine.
What is Hard Knight?
Hard Knight is a male enhancement supplement that is reportedly designed to help by increasing blood flow during erection, which in turn helps with low libido, and increases power, stamina, and muscularity. Finding the ingredient list for Hardknight was a bit of a challenge as well, but I am willing to bet that it contains all of the usual suspects; ginseng, ginkgo biloba, possibly yohimbe, and a host of others.
Finding credible reviews of the product was also a challenge, as it appears to be relatively new to the market.
So Why Doesn’t Sytropin and HardKnight Work?![hardknight supplement review]()
Well, lets take a look at the claims here. This blog post is telling you that you’ll gain 3 inches in a month when combining these products. The first issue we have is this claim. I have personally tested dozens of male enhancement supplements, and none of them have given me gains like that in such a short amount of time. Have they stumbled across some miracle formula? Doubtful, at best.
The second issue is the fact that they claim the penis is a muscle, and can be grown accordingly. It is a scientifically proven fact that the penis is not a muscle. Lastly, both Sytropin and Hardknightare promoted as free, but the reality is that they are not. You sign up for the products, and pay a simple charge (usually around $4 – $5) and they send the product out. What they also tell you (in very, very fine print I might add) is that you will be charged through the roof once these “trials” are over. On top of that, they will continually send you the product and also keep rebilling your credit card over and over every month! I’m willing to bet you didn’t expect that…
There are plenty of legit products on the market that will help to give you a size increase, and not suck money out of your wallet. It’s likely that sytropin and hardknight will indeed give you a temporary boost in libido, but the claim that it will grow your size as much as 4 inches is rediculous and wrong.
Have You Used Sytropin and Hard Knight? Leave Your Review Below!
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