Symbiotropin Pro Hgh Reviews
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 1-17-2014

Out of the more popular hgh releaser products on the market, symbiotropin has positioned itself as a leading performance enhancer for serious bodybuilders. In direct competition with some of the bigger brand names such as secratatropin, somatropin, and growth rx, this pillfaces some stiff competition in the dietary supplement market. So does this product actually work the way it is intended to? We researched a number of credible websites to help answer this question, and sought out as much information concerning the ingredients, customer testimonials, and potential side effects. What follows in this review is a detailed analysis of this product, as well as links to resources.
What Exactly is Symbiotropin Pro?
Formerly known as Pro Hgh, Sybiotropin is a tablet that promises to help repair and grow muscle using a complex blend of all natural ingredients. It is manufactured and distributed by a company called Nutraceutics, which produces a wide array of bodybuilding supplements.
The current retail price is $74 for a 3/4 month supply, which contains 40 tablets, or about 20 servings per package. It can be found on several retail sites, such as and Amazon, and from what we can tell, is not sold in stores.
Ingredients and Side Effects of Symbiotropin
This supplement is made up of a particular blend of amino acids and peptides, including L-Lysine Hydrochloride, Antior Pituitary powder, L-Arginine, L-glutamine, Glycine, and Stevia Extract. L-Arginine is of particular importance because it has been identified as a major precursor to the production of growth hormone.
Since all of these ingredients are naturally occurring, there have been no reported side effects associated with taking symbiotropin.
Symbiotropin Pro Reviews
There have been numerous benefits posted by reviewers on several major sites, including amazon and nearly every review gives it a five star rating. A sample review below:
“I have been taking symbiotropin for about 4 weeks now, and I gotta say it works great. Not only am I sleeping better, but my overall mood has improved dramatically. I also have noticed a couple of side benefits, including a finer appearance in my face and less pronounced wrinkles. The only downside is the price, which is about $85 a box. Other than that, highly recommended to anyone.”
R.Kline, FL
“The first night on Symbiotropin, I slept about six hours — with decent sleep quality.
My sleep remained about like that until week four, when it suddenly went to 8 hours, a few nights in a row, not great sleep quality yet good sleep quality.”
Ali, NY
Overall Conclusion
This hgh releaser is one of the finest we have come across, as apparent by the number of positive reviews and feedback others have posted. However, like most other effective anti-aging formulas, symbiotropin does come at a steep price. Most users reported effective results after using the supplement for a minimum of 3 months, and then took a month off before starting a new cycle. It is also recommended that you follow a healthy diet and exercise while taking symbiotropin.
Top 3 Hgh SupplementsAffiliate Disclosure
HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works to help with recovery.
Read more in our review.
HGH Elite series is another one of the best HGH supplements we’ve ever tested.
While it is very expensive, Growth Factor 9 has proven that it indeed does WORK.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Not worth the postage. I had my T levels checked a month before Symbio and they were 540, two months after this product....433. IGH levels should have increased free testsoterone. I cant say the product diminished my T levels, but they didnt help
8 out of 9 people found this review helpful.
I have been using it for the past 2 months and I cant even write down every good thing that it has done in my life. First off is awesome sleep and alertness, then is the happy mood that comes along with it.
All in all I highly recommend it.