Shengjingpian Review – Is It Any Good?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 1-4-2022

Shengjingpian Overview
Shengjingpian is a male enhancement supplement that has been around since 2003 when it was researched and developed by a Professor Frese at the Biological Center of the Los Angeles Health Bureau.
The information about this product is very spotty, but I’ll share with you everything we could find.
Related Article: 7 BEST Over The Counter Viagra Alternatives
According to the promotional information we saw, Shengjingpianis the most popular mens health product in the market.
Of course, that is essentially impossible to verify.
Given the scarcity of information and the fact that I’d never heard of it, I highly doubt that it’s true.
But that doesn’t mean it can’t be of benefit it you, so we soldier on.
Update! 1-3-2022
If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

It’s an effective male enhancement supplement that is by FAR the best over the counter ED remedy on the market.
Click Here to read my full review.
Shengjingpian Ingredients and How They Work
Unfortunately, no ingredient list is provided with any of the information we could find about Shengjingpian.
The purported benefits are that it improves erections, builds stamina and control, increases libido, and helps you maintain your erections.
And that it does all this without side effects or negative consequences of any kind.
The only thing we were able to uncover about how Shengjingpian works is that it “activates the growth factor of the PDA, dilutes and replenishes semen, and thereby brings about multiple ejaculations an climaxes.” Now, unfortunately again, this isn’t explained by any Shengjingpian literature so that’s about as far as the explanation goes.
And if this product worked like any of the hundreds of others I’ve studies and used, I’d be able to explain it to you.
But apparently, Shengjingpian is something completely different.
I have read, however, that Shengjingpian improves blood circulation, expands the corpus cavernosa, and increases testosterone levels, so at least there’s something familiar to grab onto.
While that is all good in theory and is how many male enhancement supplements do work, there is no way to know if their claims are to be trusted without a full ingredients list available.
The only concrete information really is that the recommended dose is 1 capsule about 10-15 minutes before sexual activity, and that you shouldn’t take more than 1 capsule in a 24 hour period.
Shengjingpian Pros and Cons
Advantages of Shengjingpian
- There’s no daily commitment.
You simply take it when needed. - It’s cheap.
Disadvantages of Shengjingpian
- There’s no information available concerning the ingredients and/or how they work.
- Several Shengjingpian reviews on Amazon talk about how different batches work better or worse than others, so it appears there’s inconsistency as well as secrecy surrounding this product’s formula.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Shengjingpian online through Amazon and at least one other retailer.
A 12-pack at Amazon costs $7.81. That’s less than $1 a pill.
Without knowing what goes into it, for all I know, Shengjingpianis junk.And for all I know it’s the greatest thing there ever was. My money is on junk, though.
Otherwise, they’d be shouting about it from the rooftops.
And they’re not.
Have You Used Shengjingpian?
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Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure
Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.
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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings
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Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Storm's Review
I use one half a pill; it works better any prescription enhancement drug that I have taken (Viagra, stendra, cialis); stays in my system for up to 3 days. Compared to $20 a pill for prescriptions and the results, I have to recommend this product (beware if you are taking nitrates. I am not, so no effect on me). They say that it contains an ingredient found in Viagra. I cannot take Viagra due to the headaches and backaches that it causes. This product does not have these side effects.
31 out of 33 people found this review helpful.
Works better than blue pill.
I have been using the pill for more then 4 years, yes some batches vary. Been to doctor's for prescription and works just the same for me. No side effects as of yet. 5 star rating for my experience.
20 out of 21 people found this review helpful.
Short review. Shengjingpian really, really works! I take about 15 minutes before sexual activity and notice an increase and size and hardness. I'm able to last longer. After the climax, recovery is quick and I'm ready to go again. The effects last for a few days for me. It's like the thought of sex gets me aroused with this stuff. I definitely recommend it. I've also been using this for years off and on because I don't want to become feeling like I'm dependent on it. But there is a noticeable difference when I use it and when I don't use it.
18 out of 18 people found this review helpful.
Ty f's Review
I'm in my late 40's and my best friend one night started talking about these pills he and another friend had been using and he gave me to black packages and said take one 15-30 minutes before you get your groove on lol.. Well I always have been sceptical of taking pills for any reason but lately my erections haven't been rock hard like they use to be so I said what the hell 1 pill should be ok, and fellas let me tell you these pills work I feel like I was 18 again my erection was rock solid and it felt bigger than before, I felt like I could go 3 or 4 rounds and it lasted for a couple of day,my shit was ready on command but i had a tingle through out the whole damn weekend, I had more sex that weekend than the last 3 weeks, I was reading people can't find it on amazon anymore, we have a local chinese store that sells them and several other brands that I haven't tried, but find your local chinese store that sells all natural supplements.. I hope my review helps I still have one pill left so this weekend it will be on again..
12 out of 13 people found this review helpful.
A. hall's Review
I have taken Xilishi on the recommendation of a friend, who even gave me one to try. My personal conclusion is that this stuff really does work. Not only did I get results with in 15min as advertised, but if I hadn’t seen it for my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it. I did gain a little more than an itch with girth. I had no side effects whatsoever. The only con I found is it doesn't last the 180 hrs.
6 out of 6 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
how long do I should talk it b4 I goto bed ? -Ahmed
The recommendation is 1 pill 10-15 minutes before sex.- Rob
9 out of 9 people found this question helpful.
How long does it last -Donte
They don't say what the ingredients are, so it's difficult to know. Chances are it lasts 4 to 6 hours or so.- Rob
6 out of 6 people found this question helpful.
Im a 18 year old male and I'm just hearing about this black pill called shenGjingpian it's in a black square plastic rapper but I can use all the advice right now so do it really work? -Mekhi
I haven't tried it personally, but I wouldn't think it's a very good option.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
how to order? -Jeff
It used to be sold on Amazon, but I don't see it there lately.- Rob
2 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
Yeah if the sperm gets in there, regardless of whether or not you feel the orgasm, there’s definitely a chance you can get a woman pregnant.
Either one will give you GREAT results, it’s just a matter of personal preference. Here’s my reviews of each:
Vigrx Plus –
Hardon Helper –
And I do sleep a lot I’m always tired
It is banned in the USA and Australia according to these websites
The name is different, but the packaging looks the same. It’s probably the same stuff.
Thanks for the heads up.
Whether its the same thing or not I dont know but clinical trials have proved this on rats and humans.
Thanks for the heads up.
I must say I was very pleased with the outcome. I’ve tried different methods in the past to prolong orgasm and this is by far the best.
I’ve even had times where I was asked to stop during sex because I was unable to climax.