No, Shark Tank Did NOT Feature Some Weight Loss Pill
Fact Checked On: 3-20-2020 By: Rob MillerIt can sometimes feel like we’re swimming in a sea of scammers. Uphill, both ways.
People selling bogus supplements using fake advertisements to shamelessly swindle you out of your hard-earned money.
This makes it not only hard to trust actually reputable products that come along, but it also builds up a thick skin in the consumer and hopefully serves as a time for us to learn the difference between the real and the fake.
And they’re absolutely relentless… even to the point of using the hit TV show Shark Tank as the platform to sell their pills.
Well, not the real Shark Tank, as we’ll soon find out.
If these guys would harness that tenacity and entrepreneurial drive for the betterment of society, imagine the world we could live in! *sigh*
But alas, I’ve got yet another BS product to put on blast today.
It’s for a weight-loss supplement called Slimfit 180. And while the advertisement promises results like “lose 21 pounds in 1-month and keep it off!” it’s all smoke and mirrors.
But… I can see why it works on some people.
What I found was shocking, to say the least.
So today, I’m going to methodically show you exactly why (and how) Slimfit 180 is a big fat FRAUD.
First, we’re gonna look at Slimfit 180’s super-sneaky ‘Shark Tank’ advertisement, and call out the common tactics so you never fall into one of these scams while buying online.
Then I’m going to show you proof that this product is totally bogus.
The Hook
Here’s how they get ya.
You’re minding your business, surfing the internet.
All of a sudden you scroll across a ‘news story’ for a ‘miracle supplement’ that catches your eye.
These fake news stories are crawling everywhere on the web.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, your Google feed, and even your email.
It’s gotten to the point where the bogus news stories on the web touting fake products are just as common as the real deal, and it is frustrating.
Nothing is sacred.
So… you’ve been on the market for a fat burner, and this one seems to work FAR better than anything you’ve researched.
“Lose 97 pounds in two months!” Right.
Of course, the less gullible among us turn and run, knowing it’s too good to be true.
But others want a solution SO bad that they take the bait and click in.
And here’s what they find…
I’ll get back to this.
But first, meet the Williams sisters, Anna and Samantha.
(Or is it Anna And Samantha Martin??)
Apparently, this revolutionary weight loss supplement called Slimfit 180 took the Shark Tank panel by storm, causing each investor to back it… to the tune of $1.3 million each!
In fact, when Slimfit 180 came on the scene, it made for “the most-watched episode in Shark Tank history.”
Yup.It would be funny if it weren’t for all the innocent people getting scammed left and right.
OK — let’s look past the bogus ad for just a minute, and let’s turn our attention to the product itself.
Or should I say the ‘products’ themselves.
Have a look…
Slimfit 180 and friends
And friends?
Yup… let me explain.
So these scams are nothing more than a revolving door of shit products being sold the same way, over and over.
One day the link will take you to Slimfit 180, and the next it’s for a product called Turmeric Diet Forskolin.
A few days later you’ll get Thermo Burn, and on and on.
And they each pretend to be published on some reputable blog or website.
Take Slimfit 180 for instance…
And next we have Thermo Burn.
Similar product, same scam…
And finally we have Turmeric Diet Forskolin…
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what they’re up to. Also, did you notice those URL’s?
They’re all fakes too, as they don’t link to the real publications.
Alright, in the interest of time, I’m going to expose just ONE of these scam products today.
Let’s stick with Slimfit 180so you can see how this whole thing works.
The Big Claims of Slimfit 180
According to the ‘news story’, the Shark Tank judges were amazed at how Slimfit 180 does all of the following:
- Helps Stop Fat Product (Ummm, that’s not even English)
- Get Rid of Cravings
- Speeds Up Metabolism
- Increases Serotonin Levels For Emotional Eaters
- Increases Energy Levels
- Improves Sleep
- Made From 100% Garcinia Cambogia
But how does the product work?
Like a dream of course…
Look, there’s no pill on Earth that can give you those results if you don’t make major changes to your lifestyle and eating habits.
“The pair are the first contestants in the show’s long duration to ever receive a standing ovation and offers of investment from all five panel members.
The sisters said they celebrated the success with champagne and cake when the episode wrapped.”
They say it’s 100%Garcinia Cambogia, which is just lazy.
At least throw a couple more ingredients in there to make it believable.
Weight loss supplements almost always have this one ingredient. Nothing fancy, nothing groundbreaking.
Tell us more about your miracle weight loss pill that got backed $5+ million by the sharks on shark tank!
They even include fake ‘Before & After’ photos and testimonials.
Like this one…
And this one…
And for good measure, this one too..
How to KNOW it’s Complete B.S.
Red Flag #1– The Shark Tank episode doesn’t exist
First off, in all of my searching, I couldn’t find this Shark Tank episode anywhere online.
I Googled Shark Tank + Slimfit 180 and got nothing…
I also searched for Williams sisters + Shark Tank and came up dry…
Hmmm… something smells a little fishy.
So I did some more investigative work and found the REAL ‘Williams sisters’.Here’s a video of the actual Shark Tank episode.
Their names are actually Shelly Hyde and Kara Haught, and coincidentally, they are sisters.
I even found their Instagram account! (That’s not weird, right?
Hey, don’t judge me, someone’s gotta do it.)

They run a company called Raising Wild, and they sell swimsuits, NOT Slimfit 180 weight loss supplements.

Red Flag #2– Fake Before & After photos
Remember those Before and After photos that I shared above?
Well, I ran a quick ‘Reverse Image Search’ on Google and here’s what I found…
No, not Slimfit 180.
How about this one…
Nope, that one seems to be for a product called 1-month weight loss.
Well, maybe this one?
Trim Biofit is definitely NOT Slimfit 180.
Anyhow, I’m sure you get the picture (no pun intended).
Unfortunately, this is a common tactic of supplement scammers.
They take any ol’ before & after photo found online, and they play it off as if their customers got those results.
When in reality, their ‘customers’ are sitting at home, as overweight as ever, wondering how they got stuck in this vicious cycle of recurring payments for a product that doesn’t even exist!
Can you tell I’m upset?
Red Flag #3– Fake Facebook comments
Now, what ‘news story’ would be complete without absolutely glowing social media comments?
Well, glowing, but bogus.
To add a little ‘street cred’ to their offer, the Slimfit 180 advertisement includes a big fat list of Facebook comments.
Check it out…
Fake-tastic. How do I know?
Well, these are the same exact comments listed on SO many supplement scams.
Also, don’t they just sound fake?
I mean, c’mon… “Thank you for sharing this tip!
I just ordered Slimfit 180.” Barf.
But more to the point, if you try to add a comment of your own, it doesn’t let you.
That’s because it’s not a live-feed of comments. Nope.
It’s just an image of a bunch of fake posts.
The best (worst?) scams play to this desire… that is, the desire we have for our decisions to be validated by others. If so-and-so got results, dang right I can get results too! This is a common tactic to look out for.
Red Flag #4– Never pay for a ‘free trial’!
So you’re scrolling down through the ‘news story’, and at the bottom of the page there’s the Call-to-Action to buy the product.
Wait a minute. Red flag city, right?
I mean, why would a ‘news story’ try to sell you anything?
It wouldn’t.But in the alternate universe that is Slimfit 180… it does.
So here you are, chomping at the bit to buy this miracle pill that will melt away your body fat quick.
And heck, it’s a ‘free trial’ so what could go wrong?
All you have to do is pay a measly $4.95 for shipping and handling.
It’s a good deal all right… but I can assure you, it’s a deal with the devil.And you know what mama says about making deals with the devil.
Anytime a company/product asks you to pay S&H for a ‘free trial’, just don’t.
If you do, you’ve not only taken the bait, you’re now reeled in and flopping around on the scammer’s boat.
Here’s what I mean.
Somewhere in the super-fine print, probably hidden on another page, they’ve written that your credit card will be charged each month for another bottle at full price.
Month after month after month.
Of course it might say you can cancel at anytime. But good luck with that one.
Like everything else, the customer service number is fake.
And even if you do get someone on the phone, I can guarantee they’ll give you the runaround all day long, and you will likely never see your money again.
Long story short, whenever you’re tempted to pull out your credit card for a fat burner pill that promises the world (for $4.95!), just remember it’s probably a S.C.A.M. which stands for ‘Shit, Can I have My Money Back?’ Well, not really, but you get my point.

Another Common Scam Tactic
At this point, we’ve seen Slimfit 180 try just about everything in the book to bilk you of your hard-earned money.Surprisingly though, they didn’t do a whole lot of this next tactic.
Fake celebrity endorsements.
And I’m not talking about washed up celebrities like that one guy from ‘Who’s the Boss’.
I’m talking A-list celebs like Oprah Winfrey.
Oprah. Freeking.
While this celebrity endorsement is for Turmeric Diet Forskolin, remember it’s all the same thing. See the URL?
Just another fake Shark Tank story.
Not into Oprah?
How about Melissa McCarthy of ‘Brides Maids’ fame?
The once super-sized superhero dropped a ton of weight… all thanks to Slimfit 180! 😉
OK — while she did lose a bunch of weight, it was probably because she started exercising and eating healthy. So good on you, Melissa.
Lookin’ great.
And last but not least… they did the unthinkable… they even put words in Sandra Bullock’s mouth.
Of course, this HAS to be fake.
Since when did Sandra Bullock ever need to lose weight? Pshhh. She’s always had the perfect body.
And that’s just the fact of the matter.
The lesson here is that supplement scammers will go to ANY length to earn your trust.
In fact, I recently exposed a product that used a dead guy (who happened to be a Nobel-prize winner) to push their products.
How low can you go?
Here’s the truth
It’s a scam, we’ve established that.
But it’s important to know your fate if you ever fall victim.
Here’s what people are saying about these fake Shark Tank scams
Sandra below is red in the ears, and she already has her pitchfork in hand!
She says we should take it up to the Attorney General.
Good idea, but the problem is these scam artists really know how to cover their tracks.
One guy was so pissed that he got scammed that he vowed to never watch Shark Tank again.
Little did he realize, Shark Tank has almost nothing to do with these scams.
This goes to show just how confusing it all can be, and the toll it takes psychologically.
Here’s another one for you. Different product, same scam. Notice a theme?
Everyone is absolutely shocked and aghast at the deplorable ‘techniques’ of the scammers.
But wait… is their day of reckoning coming???
That would be Shark Tank investors Barbara Corcoran and Mark Cuban he’s referring to.
And perhaps it’s true, as Mr. Cuban has said in the past that he would ‘crush’ scam artists. Source
It’s probably VERY obvious by now how I feel about these fake products taking people’s money.
Slimfit 180 is most certainly a bonafide scam.
There is no such thing as the Williams sisters Shark Tank episode, it never happened.
In fact, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen the Shark Tank name being used to deceptively promote products.
I’ve seen testosterone boosters like Test X Core being pitched the EXACT same way.
Slimfit 180 weight loss supplement is pulling no punches when it comes to skeevy ways of scamming innocent people.
They use fake headlines and bogus news stories, fraudulent celebrity endorsements, fake before & after photos, and even made-up Facebook comments/testimonials.
It’s really pretty scary, so I hope this article really educated you on what to look out for so that you don’t get shark bit!

If you want to save others from falling for this scam, I IMPLORE you to PLEASE:
Share / Like this page on Facebook. Tweet it to your friends.
And email it to everyone you know.
Resources To Use if you’ve been scammed by the shark tank weight loss pills scheme:
Report them to the FTC – If you want to file a complaint, simply visit the FTCs’ website and let them here your story.
Report them to the FDA here – While they won’t be able to do much to help you get your money back, they CAN get the pills pulled off the market so that they can’t get anyone else sucked in.
Get in touch with your states attorney general – You may be able to get the guys responsible for putting up these fake ads about shark tank weight loss pills.
Leave a comment below – The more people that know about this scam the better!
Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure
Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.
HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested.
Read our review here.
Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs.
Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.
I would be interested to hear your thoughts
I think you meant Keto Burn 1250. And yeah, it’s also likely a scam.
They literally just keep changing the name up, adding some variation of “keto” and “whatever”.
Same picture, says article is from June 4th, 2019. Article is just like the others.
Is this also fake?
Yeah unfortunately that’s another fake.
And thank you so much for your research, and input.
You definitely saved me from a mistake. Good thing I googled if it was real or not, and ran across this article before I gave out my credit card info.
I do have another question though… I’m a Medical Assistant and I used to work with a Chiropractor /natural pathic doctor in Green Bay Wisconsin.
They use Standard Process (SP)Cleanse, SP Green Food, and SP Protein shake mix as a 30 day detox. For what I know, It works great.
Do you know of it, or have any advice or input on it? Maybe even where I can buy it at a good price?
Yeah you can most certainly share the url, just please do not copy and paste the story. As for the Standard Process products, I’ve never heard of them unfortunately.
I am looking for something to help me lose weight. I’ve gained about 70lbs in the last few years due to my disability.
I have Meniere’s Disease which causes balance issues, hearing loss and vertigo. Vertigo is my personal hell.
I get it at least 5 days a weak and vertigo causes it’s own symptoms: nausea, vomiting, sweating, diarrhea. Fun stuff, I know.
I cannot sweep, the motion sets the vertigo off. Also, looking up, sudden loud noises, any sweeping, raking, vacuuming, trying to clean the countertop and looking at my hand moving, strobe lights, headlights at night, LED lights, looking at most anything while in a car, even the sunlight flashing between the trees.
So I live in the dark, blackout curtains and no one can spray perfume or anything with a scent, can’t sit on the bed (movement makes it worse), no lights even on phones, mine is at the lowest setting and I can’t handle it sometimes. Too much noise going on before an attack and god help me if it’s during an attack.
I can’t think, it’s like even the easiest questions I can’t answer because there’s too much input and I can hear and smell everything and I shut down.
So that said, on good days I try to walk, clean, do laundry or maybe even go outside. I try crunches, dumbbells.
I truly need to lose weight, it’s horrible for me going up and down stairs, just carrying myself. If you have any idea on anything that could help me, I’m all ears, at least one still works, and I will be forever grateful.
I’m so desperate that I’ve looked into finding tapeworms, disgusting I know.
Thank you!
Glad to help save you from those jerks! Your case is obviously a very unique one. You might want to check out a fat burner called Lean Bean. It’s primarily used to help increase metabolism, and can also be a very effective appetite suppressant. My wife tried it out about 6 months ago and got great results, check out our full review here:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
I use to, but now I am just gaining
weight. this weight adds to the pain in my legs and back, I have gained 45 pounds since all this happened to me. I am wondering what you would suggest for weight loss pill or/and exercise I could do. also the pill alli? does this really help with weight loss?
Thank you what a great site
Glad to help! Indirectly, yes, creatine can help with weight loss by allowing you to retain active lean muscle tissue. However, I think you would be better off with a supplement like Lean Bean. Creatine would only help if you can workout, which it sounds like is not possible in your case.
Lean Bean will help to reduce your appetite dramatically, allowing you to take in fewer calories. Fewer calories, of course, will result in natural weight loss. You can read my full review here:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
My son has gained so much weight he needs to lose at least 100 pounds
it isn’t because he doesn’t move enough, he has more energy then anyone I know and is always working ,which is moving furniture and other things and loads and unloads his own work. I know he is eating on the go all the time because of his work .
He wanted me to see if you had any suggestions on what could he take to help with his weight. he does exercise at the gym but not much is happening . Now he is frustrated and getting depressed . so I’m asking you if you can tell me what diet pill you would suggest?
Please help, I promise I won’t be a pest after this.
Her name was “Brittany”. Thanks for posting this or else I wouldn’t have caught it!
Have to wait for the transaction to go through now I hope they wont try to take any more money.. The name they used was Keto Infinite Accel
Found some useful medical info, but searching that topic produced a flood of links to “magic” pills (Shark Tank). Couldn’t find anything legitimate.
See also HVMN.
Nice work!!
Worth the effort!!
Thanks again, David.
I did and you have saved me 70.00, and only GOD knows how much total.
I am a single disabled mom of 3 and with my disability I have gained several pounds and with not being able to excercise due to my disease I have been desperate to find help in losing my weight! Well they helped themselves to my bank account and I will notify the FDA & any other company I can to get these people shutdown!!
Thank God, my bank caught it as scam and denied. They said I was paying 29.99 plus shipping, they charged 700.00 on my account.
I told bank to deny all charges and they cleared out. I am tryint to call pch to tell them, which I think they know, that they have a scam they are advertising on their games.
DO NOT ORDER FROM THEM. It was on the charge.
I was dumb.