Ropex Review

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 3-24-2020

Ropex Review Contents

What is Ropex?
Ingredients in Ropex
Potential Side Effects
Ropex User Reviews
Ropex Vs. Volume Pills
Frequently Asked Questions
Pros and Cons

What’s better than an orgasm? A very loooong and super-intense orgasm. Like a full-on fireworks finale. Explosions and oohs and ahs. All of it. But is it possible that popping a pill will deliver that kind of bang in the bedroom?

Here’s the thing. There are few people, men or women, who don’t find the idea of a prolonged and intensified orgasm appealing. And lately a TON of products have hit the sex market promising just that.

Call it a trend or fad or just another cycle in the world of male enhancement products, but these products addressing that very issue are ultimately there to fill a need.

This is the function of the Ropex product – to provide an intense and prolonged male orgasm. It doesn’t stop there. It is also described by the manufacturer as a product that will increase semen volume, allow faster recovery times between orgasms, and improve general sexual vitality.

Sound too good to be true?

Is Ropex volume enhancer too good to be true?

Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is. I mean, there are VERY few sexual enhancers for men that live up to the hype. However, sometimes I’m made to eat my words after finding a diamond in the rough.

Where does Ropex sit on the spectrum of orgasm and volume pills? Is it even worth your time? Let’s dig in and learn about Ropex, what ingredients it contains, its side effects, user reviews, the whole 9-yards. Let’s find out if it’s right for you.

What is Ropex?

Ropex is a semen and orgasm enhancer for men

According to the makers of the product, Ropex is the original ‘Swedish Ropes’ formula.

Hold it now. What in the world is Swedish Ropes? Sounds like a type of candy if you ask me.

A quick trip to the Urban Dictionary revealed this…

Ropex is the original Swedish Ropes formula

Yup. That’s a far cry from candy. “Semen tumbling in a violent spinning motion through the air?” Sounds like a mashup between The Godfather and Debbie Does Dallas.

Anyhow, I suppose it makes sense. And I guess Ropex has a strong foothold in the Swedish market.

Ropex review

According to their website, “ROPEX® is the choice of discerning men looking to enhance their sexual performance while supporting prostate health and urinary function.”

So it’s not just about semen and out-of-this-world orgasms? There’s a health benefit too?

They go on…

“Additionally, ROPEX® contains a myriad of micronutrients. This extensive micronutrient profile has lead researchers to classify ROPEX® a “supernutrient” which should be taken daily for the maintenance of good health, vitality and a strong reproductive system.”

Well, let’s just see about that.

RELATED: Semenax Review – Best for a Bigger Load?

Ingredients in Ropex

Ropex supposedly contains a proprietary formula called Prollixol

Ropex claims it will deliver these results via the company’s (New Generation Labs) proprietary formula called Pollixol.

The ingredients in Pollixol include: organically grown Secale cereale Phleum pratence, and Zeamays pollen grains. But unfortunately, their actual functions are not described.

Ropex contains very few ingredients

That’s weird, the website says, and I quote, “The principal ingredient Pollixol™ has been extensively researched for its health benefits including those of the reproductive system.”

Extensively researched? By whom?

Well, by these guys…

Fake Ropex study 1


And these guys…

Fake Ropex study 2


And for good measure… these guys too…

Fake Ropex study 3


While these studies are found on the official Ropex website, they don’t give links to the actual, real-life studies. So I had to dredge them up myself. And sure enough the studies are real, but the verbiage is so scientific that it’s nearly unintelligible for the layperson. Also, none of the studies contain the word “Pollixol.”

As for the individual ingredients contained in this Pollixol formula, you won’t find much on the web about what they are or how they work. The little info I was able to find wasn’t very insightful.

Secale cereale Phleum pratence, according to, is simply rye grass pollen extract, and is mainly used in alergenic testing. (Source).

As for the Zea mays (maize) pollen grains, it’s just a type of ancient corn. (Source)

Ropex is not clear about what's in the formula and they claim it is thoroughly studied but the studies cannot be found online

And how can these obscure organic ingredients possibly help you in the bedroom?

In my humble opinion… they probably can’t.

RELATED: Ogomax Review – Should You Try It?

Ropex side effects

Typically, when a male enhancement supplement or semen pill like Ropex makes big bold promises, it usually comes with at least some side effects to consider.

I mean, no product is perfect.

No good side effects with Ropex

But not surprisingly, the makers of the product don’t mention a thing about potential side effects on their website. And the listed ingredients are so incredibly strange, that there’s no telling what they’ll do to you.

With that said, I poured through the user reviews of Ropex, and so I’ll go ahead and list the side effects that real users are experiencing.

These include:

  • Pressure below testicles
  • Stomach ache
  • Bad gas
  • Constipation
  • Wasted money

But let’s dig into these reviews and see if Ropex delivers any results at all.

Ropex User Reviews

Lucky for us, there are LOTS of reviews for Ropex online. The biggest source of these comes from, where 137 men have used the product and have given it 3.1 out of 5 stars.

Ropex volume enhancer gets 3.1 stars on Amazon

From the looks of it, you either love the product, or you hate it.

The 1-star reviews are highly-dissatisfied customers who mainly complained about the product just not working… having no effect and giving them no ‘ropes’ to speak of. 🙁

Negative Ropex user reviews say that the product does not work for them

Other guys who had high hopes for explosive ropes found it too expensive for too little of an improvement.

One fellow experienced a “noticeable effect,” but it’s just too pricey for him and maybe not as effective as the original formula. This user also echoes a frequent Ropex complaint — that you have to take the product consistently for it to work.

Ropex user reviews from Amazon

And these guys below are seeing small but insignificant improvements in semen volume.

Some users say Ropex works a little, but it's too expensive for what you get

Finally, for some men the Ropex semen pills really seem to work well. We’ll give these reviewers the benefit of the doubt and say they’re real.

This next one is quite the story. He says after taking the pill, his erection was massive and at “maximum boner veins and all.” His orgasm lasted 5 seconds longer than normal (dang!), and supposedly he had a 100% increase in total semen volume.

Fortunately, he didn’t drown his wife, but he shot further and fuller and couldn’t be happier about the awful mess he made…

A positive Ropex user review on

Other happy customers say that it works just like the movies, thickens the batter, and makes for “big strong healthy loads!”

More Ropex happy customers with increased semen loads

RELATED: Folsac Review

Ropex vs. Volume Pills

volume pills review

Alright, increasing ejaculate 100% is one thing. But 500%?!

We’re gonna need a bigger boat.

That’s pretty much what the makers of Volume Pills say can be your new reality with their product at your bedside.

Tasteful marketing from
Tasteful marketing from

So a lot of men are wondering about the difference between these two products. And there’s gotta be an obvious winner. So which one is it?

Let’s start with the ingredients… the ONE thing that can’t possibly be hyped up.

Volume pills contain… actual ingredients!

The full ingredient profile includes:

  • Drilizen
  • Soldilin
  • Zinc
  • Ling Zhi fruit
  • Emblica Officinalis berry
  • And other hard-to-pronounce ingredients
Volume Pills ingredients
Volume Pills ingredients

The two main ingredients in Volume Pills are Drilizen and Soldilin. I go into depth about this dynamic duo in my Volume Pills Review, but let’s briefly touch on the power of these guys right here.

The researchers at Volume Pills say: “The basic function of Drilizen is to increase the release of nitric oxide, which promotes the dilation of blood vessels.” More blood flow means bigger erections. And in the meantime, the Solidilin is shown to help the psychological aspect of sex, increasing sexual desire. (Source)

Do I make you horny for Volume Pills vs. Ropex? Do I? Austin Powers says yes.

Unfortunately, there weren’t a whole lot of Volume Pills user reviews online, so I decided to take the pills for a test drive.

And after patiently waiting for a few weeks for the formula to settle in my system, I began to experience ropes like you wouldn’t believe. And along with an increase in semen load, I also noticed I was having longer-lasting and more intense orgasms.

Now, in full transparency, I was taking Volume Pills in conjunction with another male enhancer called VigrX, so the results I experienced might’ve been a factor of these supplements working together. I can’t know for sure.

vigrx plus

But I do know that I’ve tried MANY of these pills in the past, and Volume Pills was by far the most impressive at giving me the increased loads that I knew I had in me.

As far as price goes, Volume Pills are slightly cheaper than Ropex. You can score a bottle of the stuff for about $32, and you’ll spend $40 for Ropex.

Volume Pills Review

Volume Pills offers a solid 67-day money-back guarantee. And Ropex offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Ropex offers a 30-day money back guarantee, while Volume Pills has a 67-day guarantee

The obvious choice, my friends, is Volume Pills.

RELATED: What Causes Premature Ejaculation?

Ropex FAQ’s

Who makes it?

New Generation Labs makes the volume enhancer Ropex, and apparently they operate out of Miami, FL. However, you won’t find much of anything about the company online. As far as I know, they don’t even have a website.

Somaderm HGH is very expensive and does not offer a guarantee

How do I take it?

The website doesn’t say how to take Ropex. But I’m assuming you take one serving, which is 3 pills, once per day with a meal and a full glass of water. Continue to drink water throughout the day.

How long does it take to work?

If Ropex is anything like Volume Pills, patience is the name of the game. It could take 2-3 weeks for it to really kick in and deliver results.

Ropex may take a while to start working, so just be patient

But according to the makers of the product…

“Although some men report seeing dramatic results within 3 days, results should normally be noticed within a 7 – 10 day period. Some men may experience consistent results over periods of months when used as a daily supplement.*”

Is it safe?

The manufacturer goes to great lengths to highlight the safety of Ropex, and puts great emphasis on it being a scientifically-based formulation. But again, we couldn’t substantiate these claims. Not even close.

I cannot say if Ropex is safe to use

With that said, the product is most likely safe to use, especially after reading the user reviews on Also, the side effects seem to be minimal.

Can I take it with alcohol?

The Ropex website doesn’t say one way or the other. If you do decide to drink while taking the pills, I would recommend going easy and adjusting accordingly.

Since we don’t know what the formula actually contains, we can’t know for sure if there will be an alcohol interaction.

So maybe no full-on ragers. Better safe than semen… I mean sorry.

You probably should not drink while taking Ropex semen volume enhancer

But don’t worry, I’ve got your back. If you’re adamant about getting your buzz on, have a look at my review of Male Enhancement Pills that Work Immediately and You Can Take with Alcohol.

Will it help me get my wife pregnant?

No, Ropex will not help you get your wife pregnant.

Ropex will not help you to get your wife pregnant

This product is a volume pill, not a fertility drug. It will only (potentially) help you increase the amount of your semen, but unfortunately not the quality of your semen.

Where to Buy Ropex

It is available directly from the manufacturer’s site, which is the best way to get the full details about the formula and cash in on the multiple-bottle discounts. You can also buy the product on,, and select other online retailers.

You can buy Ropex from online retailers and straight from the manufacturer

How much is it?

Ropex costs $39.95 for a one-month supply (90-count bottle). This isn’t an exorbitant price by any means, especially if the stuff works. But unfortunately, I wasn’t impressed with the product, and that 40 bucks might be better spent elsewhere… but we’ll get to that.

Is there a guarantee?

Provestra pills come with a 60-day money back guarantee

Ropex does offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. But you have to send back the unused portion of the supplement, and don’t expect to be reimbursed for shipping and handling.

Pros and Cons

Disadvantages of Ropex

  • Very limited information about the actual ingredients used in the formula
  • No samples or trial sizes available
  • There are no scientific or clinical studies that indicate how this particular product works to enhance male sexual performance.
Ropex pros and cons

Advantages of Ropex

  • There is a money back guarantee
  • The website gives information about male sexual issues and the way that Ropex is designed to address them
  • There are some consumer opinions and testimonials
  • The product is said to work “cumulatively” which means you may not have to maintain a high level of consumption over the long term
Is Ropex recommended?

Best Price

For those interested in purchasing the product, we found that the manufacturer of Ropex offers the best pricing. They have a “buy two get one free” offer and also an automatic delivery rate that saves ten percent on all purchases.


With a 30-day money back guarantee and a reasonable single bottle price, there might not be much harm in trying Ropex, at least for the basic 30-day period to test its effectiveness.

You could try Ropex, but I don't highly recommend it.

Because again, if you recall the user reviews, you’ll either love it or hate it. But either way, you’ll know where you stand.

Always listen to your own body and if it is not agreeing with you or you are feeling uncomfortable, pay close attention and monitor it to make sure you aren’t experiencing any severe side effects.

A few things to keep in mind though…

We discussed the ingredients, or lack thereof. Since you don’t really know what’s in the formula, you don’t know how your body will react to it. It might work swimmingly, or it might totally fall flat. And it’s not out of the question that you could experience some super-strange side effects from taking Ropex. Who knows?!

Ropex may or may not work for you

Now, if you want to try a semen volume enhancer that really works, and that you likely won’t experience any funky side effects from, I would consider giving Volume Pills a try. They worked wonders for me, so they might be just the solution for your volume needs.

Have You Used Ropex? Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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