Rinoceronte Review – Should You Use It?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 2-4-2015

Rinoceronte Overview
Seems like everyone is looking for an herbal replacement for the little blue pill.
There are plenty of good daily male enhancement supplements, but what about something that you only have to take when you need it, something that works fast, puts you in the mood, and helps you get your best possible erection?
Rinoceronte is product you can find online, and it claims to be just what you’re looking for.
We found Rinoceronte while looking for that elusive fast acting pill.
There are a lot of contenders, and we try to seek out each one, give it a thorough looking over, and hand you in the end our honest assessment.
Unfortunately, Rinoceronte didn’t fare very well.
The promise of Rinoceronte is that it will increase the size of your erection, it will enable your best performance, and it will give you the stamina you need to last as long as you want.
The volume of semen you ejaculate will increase for more explosive orgasms.
You’ll be confident beyond measure, and you won’t have to worry about premature ejaculation.
But in order to know whether or not these promises are delivered on, the first thing we need to do is take a look at the formula.
Rinoceronte Ingredients and How They Work
And here’s where things start falling apart. Rinoceronteis available through a few different online retailers, but none of them indicate what the ingredients actually are.
The only information we get is that Rinoceronte is all natural, all herbal, and that it causes no headaches.
Instructions are included however.
You are to take 1 Rinoceronte capsule about 60 minutes prior to your sexual encounter.
And the effects are said to last up to 7 days.
Rinoceronte Pros and Cons
To be fair, we always list both sides of the issue.
We want you to know all the positive sides we found as well as those things that might make Rinoceronte less than your perfect choice.
Advantages of Rinoceronte
- You don’t have to take it every day.
- You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to buy it.
- The ingredients are all natural.
Disadvantages of Rinoceronte
- We don’t know what’s in the formula.
- We were unable to find a single Rinoceronte review from a customer who’s used it.
- It looks to be only available through eBay at this time.
- The warnings say not to take it with alcohol.
Where to Buy
At this time, I could only find Rinoceronte available on eBay.
The single count blister pack sells for $9.99.
You have so many different options when it comes to taking care of your male enhancement needs.With no ingredient information and no customer feedback, Rinoceronte is not your best choice.
Go with something more trustworthy and proven.
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User Reviews
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Rinoceronte 5800
Rinoceronte 5800 dont work at all so dont waste your money its all a lie
4 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
Inconsistent; possibly tainted
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
This is another I'd give negative stars if I could. Can't recommend it. Its availability on the net is still somewhat infrequent, but for whatever reason it is popping up in every third independent gas station across the southwestern U.S. Prices range from six to twelve bucks a pill. Experience has taught me to test first, use later. Unlike some seller's websites that promise everything from a gallon size ejaculation to an erection you could use to pole vault over the Brooklyn bridge, the package just says, "time, size, stamina," also says no headache. Surprisingly that turned out to be true. The expiration date is 12/2019; ingredients listed are: maca root, 120 mg; horny goat weed, 120 mg; gaurana seed, 80 mg; ginkgo leaf, 60 mg; saw palmetto, 100 mg; damiana leaf, 100 mg; ginseng root, 80 mg; tribulus terrestris, 90 mg; tongkat ali, 100 mg; rhodiola rosea, 60 mg; L-argenine, 90 mg, for a total of 1000 mg; for once they didn't hide behind a "proprietary blend.". Directions say take one capsule an hour before sex; not for use within 8 hours of another medication, not for use by those under 18, do not use if you have heart attack symptoms or high blood pressure, consult physician. The usual "not evaluated by the FDA. Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." Packaging has clearly been redesigned to create a better escape route from the general wording of FDA warning letters or recall notices. After thirty years of using and testing both non-prescription and prescription penis pills I was very cautious. No man wants to have fail, or have it work but feel like puking in mid thrust, or among the worst scenarios, be in the emergency room with a shunt in his penis. Of the three pills I bought I opened the first capsule and tasted it. The soft light brown powder tasted something like cow cake, the feed, not the BS, with a slight sweetness, and a bitter after taste. The after taste wasn't nearly as the incredibly bitter taste of sildenafil, so if there is sildenafil in it, there isn't much. The listed ingredients are not nearly enough to give me a throbbing whonking, ready to bang erection, but half a pill did give me an erection. The kind of erection I usually get with tadalafil, firm, but not as firm as a Viagra/sildenafil erection. I suspect with my limited, but generally accurate prognostication from experience, Rinoceronte probably has a mix of PDE5 inhibitors, but not much if any sildenafil. Tadalafil is more likely. I'm leaning toward tadalafil or mostly tadalafil in a mix of other PDE5 inhibitors because when I took half a capsule the effect was very much more in my head than my penis. That is exactly how troches of tadalafil affect me. When I took the half capsule I did feel an effect in my penis and I have to say Rinoceronte is of more than marginal erectile benefit. This however is NOT true of each and every capsule. Following a week of no sex or sex enhancers, and purging myself of all sex meds and supplements, I took a third pill. Nothing, outside of a little nausea, nothing, not even close to a solid erection. I didn't get really sick so I don't think it could have yohimbe; despite ginseng in the ingredients list, I don't think that's there either because my faucet didn't drip. These things can be ordered from overseas or compounded here from foreign ingredients; sildenafil and tadalafil can be bought in powder form for one to three hundred bucks a pound or kilo. Given those variables, capsules can vary even within the same batch or lot number. There's really no way to know what's in it. It either works or it doesn't. This doesn't.
rinoceronte 5800
i got a major headache the day after taking this twice. The first time i had a hard on but the second pill a week later didn't work just gave a huge headache.
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User Questions and Answers
I took a rinoceronte 5800 with a little bit of beer ??will I be alright ? -Gabriel
A little beer shouldn't cause a problem.- Rob
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