Red Rex Pills Review
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-30-2020

For the last month or so, I’ve been getting inundated with requests to review a product called Red Rex.
Up until this point, I actually had never heard of it before.
With 100’s of new male sexual enhancement supplements being released every year, it can be nearly impossible to keep up with all of the requests.
When I saw that Red Rex had a free sample available, however, I knew I had to look into it more deeply.
What is Red Rex?
From the official website, these are pills marketed as sex enhancement supplements for men over the age of 50 years.

It claims to give you a reliable, rock hard erection that lasts.
The manufacturer claims that this product is made from natural herbal extracts, and has no side effects such as headaches.
The manufacturer is very creative in their marketing; when you open the homepage of the Red Rex website, you will see that they have tagged Men’s Health, Natural Health, and WebMD.
To me, this is just a way of instilling confidence to the visitors that this product is approved by these three major brands.
I mean, that would be enough for me to take a closer look and want to buy a product, that is if my eyes were not trained and calloused by scam upon scam similar to this uninspired business practice.
However, if you click on any of the three tagged brands, you will realize that it simply takes you to the the buy now page.
Additionally, you’ll see the following quote right above those logos:
Possibly the best men’s sexual health formulation available.
The positioning of this implies that one of the 3 (IE Men’s Health, Natural Health, or WebMD) stated this.
Yet, when you run a search for this exact statement, there are no results found.

They have not mentioned that their product is endorsed by the three brands, but it’s pretty clear that’s what they’re implying.
This is not only unethical, but actually illegal in many cases. (Source)
This is the same mind game Red Rex manufacturer is playing with innocent folks here.
They are not only disregarding their customers and user, they are actively treating them like prey, deceiving them and withholding information from people that are simply looking for some relief.
Another way Red Rex manufacturers are persuading visitors to their site is by using reviews that appear real.
We’ll get back to that shortly, in the meantime…
Why Is Red Rex Specifically For Men 50 And Over?
Throughout the entire site, there’s mentions that Red Rex was specifically formulated for men 50 and older.
But why?
What is it exactly about this supplement that makes it more effective for older guys vs. younger guys.
Unfortunately, they left us with more questions than answers.
They attempt to explain it on their “Specifically made for men over 50”, listing 14 reasons.
However, it’s rather unconvincing.
One thing they mention is that Arginine HCL does not seem reliable for men over 50.
But what are they basing that on? Where’s the proof?
I like the fact that they say they apparently tested their product for 2 years, but where’s the proof?
How many guys did they test it on? 100? 1000?
Was it an official study where participants were given a questionnaire to rate their sexual experiences?
In addition, does any of this mean that guys under 50 can’t use Red Rex pills?
I mean, I’m 37 years old. Can I use it? Will it not work for me?
What about even younger guys (I’m talking guys in their 20’s) looking to just last longer or impress a new girlfriend.
Can they use it?
Again, none of these questions were answered (at least not from what I can tell).
What Are The Ingredients?
Red Rex manufacturer has listed three ingredients which they claim make up their unique product.

The ingredients include:
- Epimedium Brevicornum Maxim Extract from seeds
- Cnidium Monnieri Extract from fruits
- L-Arginine Ethyl Ester
Unfortunately, they don’t spend a significant amount of time explaining exactly how these ingredients work.
Here’s what we found out:
Epimedium Brevicornum Maxim (EBM) Extract from Seeds

A quick search online revealed that EBM is proven to have sexual stimulation effects on male animals.
Extracts from this plant are known to relax the corpus cavernosum muscle by increasing the amount of nitric oxide, which causes more blood to flow to the penile area.

Keep in mind that this is a study done on animals, rabbits to be specific, and thus, the effects are not proven to be the same for a human.
Another study concluded that EBM extract might cause an erection in rats due to penile erection-inducing effect.
Again, no mention of its study on men. Therefore, I cannot conclusively term it safe and effective for human consumption.
Cnidium Monnieri Extract from fruits

This is a pro-erectile herb native to China, and its main bioactive appear to have similar effects to Viagra in penile tissue.
However, according to WebMD, there is insufficient evidence regarding whether or not this herb increases sexual performance and sex drive.
They claim that more research is needed to prove Cnidium Monnieri extract helps to increase sexual drive in men.
L-Arginine Ethyl Ester
L-Arginine Ethyl Ester is a different compound from L-Arginine as it is modified to have Ethyl Ester molecule that gets absorbed better.
L-arginine act as a versatile amino acid that helps in not only the synthesis of different proteins but also the production of nitric oxide and growth hormone.
By increasing the production of growth hormone and nitric oxide, your body will feel more energetic.
Nitric oxide makes blood vessels that are carrying blood to the penile area dilate, thereby causing harder and long-lasting erections.
For growth hormone, it is quite straightforward; it increases libido and sexual performance.
This is a plus for Red Rex.
Despite them mentioning several times, we are not sure if the ingredients are well-balanced.
Sometimes, ingredients can be under-dosed or over-dosed, often leading to side effects you were not expecting.
Speaking of side effects…
What Are The Side Effects?
Just like any other supplements, regardless of whether it is natural or chemical-based, there will always be the potential for side effects. (this even includes the products I recommend)
Supplements can cause allergies, sensitivities, and other issues.
That’s why it’s essential to consult with your doctor to find out if this is the right supplement for you based on your health background and condition.
Potential L-Arginine Side Effects
Some of the potential side effects that are possible with L-ARginine consumption include:
- Bloating
- Abdominal Pain
- Diarrhea
- Low blood pressure
- Gout
Potential Epimedium Side Effects
Epimedium, which is sometimes referred to as Horny Goat Weed, has the following potential side effects:
- Dizziness
- Vomiting
- Dry mouth
- Irregular heartbeats
Does any of this mean that you’ll experience the above side effects by taking Red Rex pills?
Not by a long shot…
But it’s something to consider.
What Do The Reviews Have To Say?
On the official website, there are more than 10 reviews posted of people who have found Red Rex supplement effective.
However, a quick overview of these reviews will reveal to you one thing- none of them speak negatively about the product.
The lack of negative reviews raises a few eyebrows.
It’s true that there will never be a perfect product for everyone, at least that’s been my experience.
With that said, there should be someone who points out something negative about a product.
In addition, when I checked reviews or testimonials on forums or discussion boards, I hit a dead end.
Similarly, there are no YouTube video reviews on this supplement.
However, if you carry out a quick search on Google, you will notice plenty of sites with names linked to Red Rex talking positively about this supplement.
Also, another thing that’s been happening ever since August of 2018 is stuff like this:
And this:
Most of these sites have cooked information about this supplement with some posting contradicting the information on official site.
Another pointer, the site has very poor grammar with some sentences looking like robot-generated.
Of course, these sites are set up to make this supplement seem legit.
Don’t fall for this trap.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get the free Red Rex sample?
To get Red Rex, you need to share your email so they can send the link to where you order your pills.
It is in the email you will be told how much this supplement cost.
You will also receive educational emails.
How long does it take to start working?
If you go to their official website, they say that you will begin to get results almost instantly after taking the first pill.
As mentioned earlier, this product is marketed as an over the counter alternative to Viagra, which means it works immediately after taking it.
From what I saw, you only need to take these pills when you want to have sexual intercourse.
However, these claims are yet to be proven.
Will it make me bigger?
I highly doubt it will.
It is marketed as a supplement for enhancing your sexual performance; not to make a penis bigger.
Besides, there isn’t a supplement on the market that will do that.
Related Article:Why There Is No Such Thing As A Permanent Enlargement Pill
Is it FDA approved?
No, and it cannot be approved by FDA. Why?
Because it is a supplement and not a pharmaceutical drug.
Red Rex is not under the realm of FDA testing and compliance, and thus cannot be tested by FDA for safety.
Is it safe to use?
This is something I cannot straightforwardly say yes or no.
For one, there are no safety tests or studies to show whether this product is safe for human consumption or not.
Where to buy?
As per the information provided in the official site, you need to provide your email address where a link will be sent.
This link will direct you to the page where you can order this supplement.
You tend to wonder why they are making the process of buying and ordering this supplement complicated. What might they be hiding?
Time and real reviews will tell!
You are 50 or older; your body is not as strong as that of a teenager or a 20 something year-old guy.
That’s why you should be very cautious about what you are putting into your body.
As for me, this is not a product I can recommend, and I have given my reasons throughout this Red Rex review.
I can’t term it as a scam; all I’m saying, let’s wait for actual feedback from real users of Red Rex.
That way, we will know whether it is effective or not.
Also, I’m not sure about their 30-day money back guarantee.
This is a new product, and its manufacturer is also a new player in this field.
Therefore, I cannot say much about their reputation, but from the look of things, especially on their BOLD, FAKE claim of “instant effect,” they seem just like the usual scammers around who deceive people with hyped pills or supplements only to find out they are crap.
So my take, stay away from this supplement until we see real reviews from real users.
Have You Used Red Rex?
Leave Your Review Below!
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
I tried to get the "free sample" but the website said they were out of it but I could buy 16 pills which was $109.98. They said there was a 30 day guarantee for full refund. One week later the pills arrived. I tried it and nothing happened. I contacted them and they said I needed to drink more water when I took it as it works for 95% of men. I tried it 2 more times and nothing happened. I contacted them and said I wanted to initiate a return. She said I was one day past the 30 day return period which according to them starts the day you order and not the day you receive them. Don't waste your money. I would choose zero stars if possible.
4 out of 4 people found this review helpful.
He generally states in the review that he is waiting on other reviews, but doesn’t have a lot of confidence in the effectiveness of Red Rex. He questions the “over 50” advice & I think legitimately so.
PDE 5 inhibitors are indeed effective in increasing a man’s ability to attain a full erection. If Red Red has this it should be much more easily effective for men under 50 than those over 50.
I’m in the latter category so if this stuff is only marginally effective or is an out and out scam me and the rest of you in the over 50 crowd should be more upset than others at being the target of a scam or worthless product. In another review on this website, don’t recall which, I stated a young friend of mine in his thirties can take a single 20 mg sildenafil tablet and be ready to take on a stadium full of cheerleaders.
I need five pills for a total of 100 mg just to keep my one woman happy. That’s only one example, yet there are many many of the same.
Any number of younger male friends, and those who have participated in other pharmaceutical tests say the same thing. All have taken the big three, Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra; the younger you are, the smaller dosage you need.
My own testing protocol can be read on my reviews of Cialis, Kamagra, Magnum Sexual Peak Performance, and others elsewhere on this website.
Specifically with Red Rex the first problem I have is that they say they get their epimedium from an extract of epimedium brevicornum seed. Traditional Chinese medicine and many other sources state the leaf is the plant part used, not the seed.
Technically Horny Goat Weed is epimedium sagittatum, not brevicornum or grandiflorum, but we’ll let that slip on by for now. Wikipedia lists 64 kinds of epimedium, but one is listed twice.
As a source for icariin, the ingredient mostly present in the leaf, not seed, is likely present in most epimedium plants. For the record the stuff is pretty, makes a great ground cover for shady areas, and you can grow your own organically if you like.
The trouble with icariin is that according to Healthline it takes eighty times the amount of icariin to be as effective as Viagra, brand name sildenafil. That means a man must take eighty milligrams of icariin to do what a single milligram of sildenafil does.
In my review of Horny Goat Weed I stated Horny Goat Weed works for me, but I have to take six grams, that’s six THOUSAND milligrams for it to work and the nauseous side effects are not worth it. Sildenafil is both less expensive and more effective for me.
Yet Rob makes a point, if it really is effective, why shouldn’t men under 50 who need it take it? Red Rex has a ways to go for me to try it. Can’t do that now because I’m testing another supplement.
From what I can observe now Red Rex isn’t worth my time or trouble. There’s way too much more effective and more available.
To the guys over 50 like myself, don’t be afraid to go to the doctor about erection problems, don’t be embarrassed, trust me, you’re not alone. Would there be so much interest in erection medicine or supplements if you were alone?
Even eliminating Big Pharma, the erection supplement business is an annual mega million dollar enterprise. If you live long enough you will likely have to find a good urologist for prostate problems anyway.
What have you got to loose besides a good erection? I know you want one of those!!!