Rail Male Enhancement Review
By: Rob Miller
What is Rail Male Enhancement
Who makes it
Does it really work
Are there any side effects
How do I take it
Where can I buy it
How do I cancel my free trial
My Personal Results
The latest male enhancement supplement that I’ve come across is called Rail. Labeled as a “breakthrough” in enhancement science, it’s made by the folks over at Edge Bioactives.
I’ve tried several other products made by this company, including the Peruvian Brew and Spartagen XT.
For me, it’s a mixed bag.
The Peruvian brew REALLY did seem to work for me.
The Spartagen XT, not so much.
So where will Rail male enhancement fall into?
Well, I’m planning on testing it out shortly, but in the meantime let’s talk a bit about what it’s all about.
Update (9/10):Click Here
to read my personal review of Rail Male Enhancement
Watch My Video Review Or Scroll Down To Learn More
What is Rail Male Enhancement?
According to them, this supplement is designed to:
- Naturally restore lost testosterone function
- Increase penile sensation
- Increase size
- Increase the hardness of your erections
- Give you longer lasting stamina
As always, these benefits are accomplished using their unique, proprietary formula.
The ingredients list in Rail Male Enhancement includes the following:
- Ginkgo Biloba: An all natural herb that’s been used in Chinese medicine for THOUSANDS of years to help promote increased blood flow. With increased blood flow comes increased erection size, at least that’s the theory anyway. (Source)
- L-Arginine: Which is an amino acid that causes vasodilation of the blood arteries and vessels. L-Arginine is considered by some as nature’s all natural Viagra alternative. (Source)
- L-Citrulline: Which converts to L-Arginine once it passes through the kidneys, further enhancing the effectiveness of the original L-Arginine dose. (Source)
- Epimedium extract: Another natural herbal compound that works to relax the smooth muscle tissue surrounding the penis, allowing for increased blood flow. Because it contains Icariin, albeit in low quantities, it acts as a weak PDE-5 inhibitor. (Source)
Here’s a snapshot of the Rail male enhancement ingredient label:
They briefly mention that one of their ingredients, specifically Epimedium extract, has been shown to “promote peripheral nerve regeneration and improved function in damaged nerves”.
That study, which was conducted in rats, revealed that consuming Epimedium showed a gradual recovery in sciatic function.
I’m not sure how this relates to increase boner potential, but they cite it nonetheless.
Who makes it?
According to several sources, Rail male enhancement is a product made by a company called Edge Bioactives, located in Edgewater, NJ.
As I mentioned earlier, they make several other supplements, and have been in business for
The Better Business Bureau reports that Edge Bioactives is out of business, but this is not the case.
The only reason they reported that is because a letter that was sent to them was not responded to.
Does it really work?
At this point that’s unknown. There are virtually no customer reviews of Rail male enhancement, apart from a few hand selected ones on their official website (www.TryRailFree.com).
Most of the ingredients used in their formula are used in COUNTLESS other male enhancement pills, but we’re unsure of the quantity of each ingredient because they do not provide it.
Are there any side effects?
Like most other products in this category, adverse effects are always possible.
Some of the more common side effects you may experience with Rail male enhancement include:
- Lowered blood pressure, which would be a result of consuming L-Arginine. The only time this would really be an issue was if you’re already on medications that lower your blood pressure. Consuming L-Arginine along with a blood pressure pill may cause it to drop to unsafe levels. (Source)
- Alternatively, consuming sufficient quantities of Ginkgo Biloba, another ingredient listed in Rail, may cause INCREASED blood pressure. (Source)
Do I personally think that you’ll experience ANY of these side effects from this supplement?
Probably not.
Usually these potential problems arise from ingesting large quantities of the extract, and no necessarily standard size doses.
But I figured I’d give you a heads up anyway.
How do I take it?
According to one source, the recommended Rail dose is 2 capsules one hour before sexual activity.
You should also not exceed 4 capsules in a 24-hour period.
My guess is the best results are seen after a period of use, typically around 2 – 3 weeks.
Where can I buy it?
As of this review, the only place you can buy Rail male enhancement is on their official website, www.TryRailFree.com.
Just like with other Edge Bioactives products, it’s only available as a free trial.
You pay $4.95 for shipping, and in turn they send you a 30 day supply.
You have 14 days to use the supplement, and if you do nothing they will bill the same credit card you used to pay for the shipping in the amount of $49.
Additionally, they will enroll you into their auto-ship program.
What this means is they will send you a fresh box of Rail male enhancement every 30 days until you cancel.
How do I cancel my free trial?
In order to cancel, you need to call the Edge Bioactives customer service phone number at 1-800-458-4634 within 14 days of ordering.
My Personal Results
So as far as MY personal results, I actually ordered a free trial box off their site about 2 weeks ago, and I’ve been taking it for the last 5 days or so.
One thing I wanted to note real quick upfront is that I’m not affiliated with this company in any way, I wasn’t paid to do this review, or anything like that.
So, the directions on the label state that you should take 2 capsules one hour prior to sexual activity
The free trial box only contains 10 servings, and it’s not really clear if it’s the kind of pill that takes time to build up in your system or what, but so far I’ve defintely felt a little bit improved, so to speak, in the erection department.
Its kind of hard to explain, but it’s almost like I feel a bit meatier and heavier down there, and I could sense an improvement in my ability to last longer.
For me, it actually seems to hit me a bit quicker then 1 hour.If I had to say without actually using a stopwatch, it seems like it starts kicking in around 30 minutes or so.
My guess is that they tell you one hour so that it fully kicks in.
Of course a lot of times this depends on the individual, how much food you have in your stomach, your metabolism, and stuff like that.
- Contains all natural ingredients, all of which I’ve personally used.
- 90-Day Money Back guarantee, maybe? (more on this below)
- Made in the USA
- Rail male enhancement is not sold in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS
- I’m not a fan of free trials
- No customer testimonials posted on 3rd party sites
What’s the deal with the Money Back Guarantee?
When I originally came across Rail male enhancement, it was on their free trial site, TryRailFree.com.
The terms and conditions on this site state that, since it’s a free offer, there is a NO refund policy.
However, if you look at the Edge Bioactives website, all of their products are good for a 90 day money back guarantee.
Confusing to say the least.
Too much is unknown about Rail male enhancement at this time to draw a conclusion. The ingredients list is pretty comprehensive, but missing a few crucial ingredients in my opinion, including:
- Yohimbe: Even though I’m not a huge fan of the side effects from yohimbe, when it’s combined with ingredients like L-Arginine and L-Citrulline, the effects are enormous.
- Tribulus: One of the claims that Rail makes is that it will naturally boost your testosterone, but I none of the ingredients in their formula really does that. By adding Tribulus Terrestris, that claim could be supported.
If it’s anything like the Peruvian brew system, than I think they might have a winner on their hands.
If it’s like Spartagen XT, then it may fall short.
If you’ve read any of my other reviews of supplements that sell via a free trial, including Nugenix, Hypertone Force, or Zyalix, you know that I’m not a fan.
The vast majority of guys who end u[ buying it think they’re getting a free SAMPLE, and don’t realize that they will be billed the full price of the product 2 weeks later.
Unfair? Maybe.
However, it’s totally legal, and companies have been doing it for decades.
That’s why it’s always prudent that you read the terms and conditions so you KNOW what you’re getting yourself into.
In any event, I’ll be testing it out shortly so be sure to check back in a few weeks for my full test results.
Have You Used Rail Male Enhancement? Leave Your Review Below!
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User Questions and Answers
what price this pills -sarwar
A single bottle of 20 pills costs $48.50.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
I'm looking to cancel my order please -John
In order to cancel, you need to call the Edge Bioactives customer service phone number at 1-800-458-4634 within 14 days of ordering.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
How can I consume it .
Suppose if don't have sex for 1 , 2 weeks
Can I have it everyday as a dietary supplement.
Thanks -Gill
This one is really meant to take just when you need it, just when you plan to have sex. The recommended dose is 2 capsules about an hour before sex. It's not the kind of pill you need to take every day.- Rob
2 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
To make sure you get the real thing, you should order through their official website. They ship to Namibia. Here’s a link: https://www.supplementcritique.com/Vigrx-Plus
and how much is it sold for
I’m not sure if they ship to Nigeria. You can email them directly at support@edgebioactives.com and they should be able to tell you.
Is it possible to order it over the phone. Do you have your info in a PDF format?
Thank you.
Yeah apart from the Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba, Rail Male enhancement doesn’t really contain any harsh stimulants like yohimbe that would cause blood pressure issues. If anything, because it contains L-Arginine and L-Citrulline, it may actually cause your BP to drop.
If BP is an issue for you, I would definitely run it past your doctor before taking this, or really any supplement for that matter.