Prostavar RX Review
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-5-2018

We came across Prostavar Rx while researching several different types of effective prostate products online. Originally, we found out about this one after visiting a site that was a so-called “independent authority” on mens prostate pills and supplements. Prostavar, according to various research, this supposed award winning supplement is designed to help solve your prostate problems once a for all with a unique blend of ingredients. We set out to research as much about this product as possible, and what follows is a detailed review of our findings.
What is Prostavar RX?
Developed and Distributed by a company called Superbalife International LLC, this product is available as an over the counter supplement that is only sold online. According to their official site, it is supposed to help relieve the prostate enlargement through the use of a blend of natural ingredients. Prostate problems are usually caused by high levels of the rogue testosterone, Dihydrotestosterone, which grows with age.
The label of this supplement actually proclaims that it is a Dihydrotestosteron (DHT) Reduction Modulating Agent, which means that it shrinks the prostate after just a few short months of using it. This, of course, is supposed to help end frequent trips to the bathroom, boost your sex life, and allows you to sleep a full night without having to go to the bathroom over and over again.
The ingredients in Prostavar RX are a blend of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and all natural extracts that work in combination to provide results. The full list of ingredients includes: Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Zinc, Saw Palmetto, Muira Puama, Epimedium extract, Nettles, L-Alanine, L-Glycine, Glycopene, Green Tea Extract, and Ginger.
We decided to look up these ingredients to see if they have been proven in any clinical settings to help regulate urinary tract problems, or help to solve prostate related diseases. The use of zinc as a dietary supplement is important for prostate gland function because of the amount found in semen. Without normal levels of zinc, and therefore semen levels, prostate function is disrupted.
What Users Had To Say About Prostavar Rx
Generally speaking, most of the reviews of Prostavar Rx we came across did not pose any positive light on the product. The mean average for these men taking the pills was about 2 months, with many of them only using it for 1 month. All in all, very few men provided a positive experience with it, as demonstrated from this testimonial we picked up:
“I took prostavar rx for about a month and saw no results whatsoever. This product was actually kind of expensive compared to the others, and when I read about it they said to use it for 6 months to get the best results. Maybe if I was to order more of it and take it longer I would have seen better results, but all in all, it didn’t work for me.”
George, Ohio
“This supplement didn’t do anything for me, and I only have minor prostate problems.”
Where Can You Buy Prostavar Rx?
This supplement is available on several major retail sites like Amazon for an average price of $43. The cheapest price we found was for $23, which was the price per bottle when ordering a 4 months supply from their official website. This product is not sold in stores.
– Backed By 60 day Guarantee
– Doctor Testimonials on Site
– Positive Reviews From Customers on Site
– No known side effects
– All natural supplement
– Good Customer Support Program
– Says It Has Won Awards, But We Could Not Find Details of This
– Upper Price Range
– Independent Reviews were negative
The Bottom Line
It’s a mixed review for prostavar rx, based on what we read from third party sites. While the consensus is that these all natural supplements can work for some, others said it was completely ineffective at solving their prostate problems. We know from independent testing that all natural herbal prostate supplements do work, however they do need to contain certain ingredients in them.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
I went for the buy two get one free. I've been using Prostavar Rx almost two months. After three weeks, saw some improvement, but if I miss a dose or two, I'm back to square one. Retention is better, urgency is not, to the point of incontinence. Looking for something better;
Concerned about accidents, need protection on road trips etc.
4 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
Have been using Prostavar RX for two months without any positive results.
0 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
Check for diabetes.
Hi, I also went for the 2 for 1 deal in November of 2013. I had high hopes that it would work. After about a month I went to get tested at Idaho Urological institute. I had all of the symptoms of BPH, and have had for years. The urologist told me that the PrstavarRx wouldn't hurt me, but likely would not work either. I was put on a version of flowmax. A week later I discovered that I was diabetic, at almost 400. or 12.5 A1C. Since being treated for my diabetes, the urinary problems have totally ceased, even without the Flowmax. I hope this helps; I was one of the estimated 25% of us Americans that did not know they are diabetic. Thanks
0 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
I tried so many supplements, they work for a while. They revert back to original problem. Is PROSTATE RX any better? Thank you. -MARIO
I haven't tried it myself, but from the reviews I've seen, I wouldn't expect it to be any better than the rest.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
What is the best natural product foe BPH? -Jim
Check out Prostacet.- Rob
Is the green tea in prostavar rx caffeine free -Mike
Generally, green tea extract does contain caffeine, but it's the second to last ingredient in a 505mg proprietary blend, so there shouldn't be very much.- Rob
We don’s sell Prostavar RX, you’ll have to contact them regarding your order. Here’s their info:
Phone: 1-800-301-3257
Need more proof that their product really works instead of those phony reviews..