Prostate 5LX
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-27-2013

Men suffering from prostate problems have probably heard about prostate 5lx before. It is one of the most popular supplements on Amazon and many other stores regarding issues with the prostate, and can even be found on many corner store shelves. But what is it that makes this particular product so popular? We decided to look into this supplement further, and review the results gained from users, study the ingredients, and give our own unbiased opinion of the effectiveness of this pill.
Product Facts
This non-prescription supplement is designed to help rid men of their embarrassing enlarged prostate issues. Manufactured and marketed by a company called New Chapter, it promises to help promote healthy prostate function and urine flow, and produce normal cell growth in vitro. New Chapter also sells a wide variety of other products in the health niche, including all natural herbs such as ginseng, garlic, and ginger supplements.
The ingredients in prostate 5LX include: saw palmetto, selenium, green tea extract, organic pumpkin seed, Ginseng, Stinging Nettle, and Rosemary. As a dietary supplement, you are supposed to take 2 capsules daily with 8 oz of water with food.
User Reviews
There are dozens of positive reviews from satisfied customers both on Amazon, as well as other independent sites. While we try to evaluate the accuracy of these reviews, it is not always possible to verify these claims. We do our best to weed out the ones we deem to be fakes, by studying the reliability and reputation of the reviewer. Here are what some men are saying about prostate 5xl:
“I have been using this pill for about 2 months now, and I have been seeing some noticeable effects from it. I’ve been suffering from moderate BPH issues for quite sometime now, and my doctor had recommended a few pharmaceutical drugs to help treat it. I tried a couple, but used to get bad side effects from them. I made the switch to prostate 5xl last year, and things are going great. I even have better sexual function now, and believe I can directly attribute it to this pill”
Paul, Florida
“I think this product works so well because of the high quality ingredients they pump into it. I have tried alot of over the counter pills to help with my prostate function, but this one seems to give me the best results. I have only been using it for a couple of weeks now, but am thoroughly impressed by the results thus far.”
Ted, Wisconsin
Where To Buy Prostate 5LX
As mentioned above, this product can be found in a wide variety of stores locally, as well as on the internet. Their official site has a store locator’s function which will help you to find the availability and pricing of prostate 5lx in nearby retailers. The best price we could find online was through Ebay for $15, with about $5 for shipping. Overall, not a bad price considering other stores, like Vitamin Shoppe, sell it for as much as $37.
– Low End Price Range
– Seems to be effective according to various sources
– Claims Supported By Clinical Data
– Some men suggested it does not work for them
– Best results may take as long as 6 months
The Bottom Line
We come across alot of prostate products, and many of them do not compare to the effectiveness and quality as prostate 5LX. Some of the research we came across suggested that 5-lipoxygenase, an enzyme created during cell digestion, can actually help to reduce prostate problems (see: human prostate cell function article). User feedback for this supplement was very positive, so we recommend it to anyone thinking of trying it out, but we also suggest you speak with your physician before taking it.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Hi Rob, FYI: I am 64 years old and in excellent health. I mountain bike, run and workout 5 days a week. I tried the Prostate 5xl while visiting my dad in calif. I had gone on some runs the first few days and then bought this product, a few days later i went for a run and was tired after a block. I was dizzy after bending over to pick up something. When I got home to Sun Valley Idaho (elev 6000 ft) I went on a mt bike ride and noticed my heart rate was 130 resting. It did the same the the next 2 days and after riding a lillte way up a hill I was out of breath. My doctor has taken me off of Prostate 5XL.
5 out of 7 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
Haw to use? -nertila
The recommended dose is 2 capsules taken daily with water and food.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Took anti-acids during the day. Took two more Friday evening with meal and woke up at 4 AM with cramping.
I take no prescription drugs.
Could this be a side effect of 5LX or just a coincidence?
I can’t be sure, but two nights in a row could definitely point toward Prostate 5LX as the culprit. Have you tried going a night without it to see if your symptoms disappear?